Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 451 Moment of Destiny (Second Change)

When he returned to Changshan County, Qin Luoshuang still hadn't calmed down and was unwilling to talk to Lin Wen.

But when Lin Wen got down to business, she called back.

"Investigate Yu Zhongxian's company? What do you want to do? Let me tell you, I am the commander of the Dragon Group. If you want to act without authorization, I, I will quit!"


Lin Wen compromised.

"You can do whatever you want. If you tell me to do it lying down, I will never do it standing up."

Qin Luoshuang looked at him suspiciously: "You won't be perfunctory to me again, will you?"

Lin Wen showed a harmless smile: "No, and you misunderstood me. I have always been a peace-loving person, and I never killed innocent people indiscriminately or disrupted order... Even those who have made small mistakes, I will not criticize them. I just help them change their ways."

Qin Luoshuang looked at him sideways.

"Lin Wen, I found out that you really know how to joke. I don't know what you think when you blow someone's head off with a punch?"

Lin Wen said with a smile: "This is called learning from the past and avoiding the future, curing the disease and saving the patient. Since he has already committed an irreparable crime, let him pay the price of death, and warn future generations not to repeat the same mistakes."

"I helped them atone for their sins in this way. Although they are dead, they must be very grateful to me in their hearts."

Qin Luoshuang looked at him speechlessly.

"I'm not going to talk to you anymore, what do you want to investigate Yu Zhongxian's company?"

"Let me tell you, if you violently destroy a legitimate business, the Great Elder will let you compensate according to the price..."

Lin Wen's eyes lit up, this is a good idea.

"What if they don't know?"

"The groups with super special warfare bodies in the entire empire can be counted on one hand, and the elders know it's you without checking."


Lin Wen was slightly disappointed: "Then let's carry out the original plan. I'm going to compete with their pharmaceutical companies and crush them."

He told Qin Luoshuang exactly what Li Longxing said.

Qin Luoshuang was silent for a long time after listening.

"Your Majesty didn't ask you to tell me this, did you?" She said softly.


"But that's what he meant." Qin Luoshuang said seriously.

"I didn't understand." Lin Wen said impatiently: "It's useless to say it, you are my spare tire, I will tell you everything."

Qin Luoshuang didn't know whether it was emotion or some other emotion. She had just returned to the pure white and clean world just as she was echoing in the cold conspiracy.

Thousands of words gathered in his chest, and only one sentence came out.


Lin Wen scratched his head, and suddenly touched her: "Okay, no thanks."

Qin Luoshuang felt that her glass heart was broken again.

"go to hell!"


When I came back from this trip to Shenjing, I filled a basket of troublesome things. What the Great Elder said, what the Emperor said, nothing is easy to fix.

Lin Wen's headache was so bad that he couldn't repair it even if he was immortal.

Go to Wolong at dawn to discuss.

"Expand the investment to 300 billion? This is a good thing."

Zhao Minggong was very happy.

"Then I can develop with all my strength, and plan directly with the blueprint of the final stage, which can save a lot of trouble."

He pulled out the largest blueprint from the pile of papers and unfolded it on his desk.

"County Chief Lin, look, this is my ultimate vision for the development of Changshan County. With the new town as the center, create a Changshan County that extends in all directions and prospers together."

"Ah?" Lin Wen looked at the plan that was densely packed like a spider web, and felt that his eyes were cracked.

The excited Zhao Minggong didn't notice Lin Wen's strangeness, and pointed to the center of countless lines.

"County Lin, the location of the new town you chose to establish is very good. For a long time, I have been thinking about how to develop Changshan County so as to achieve the fastest, largest and best results."

"Although Huai Town is prosperous, its entrance in Changshan County is far away from the entire Changshan County. It does not promote the development of the entire region. The construction of Changshan County around it will be fast in the early stage, but it will have a restrictive effect in the future."

"You know the siphon effect, right? The over-prosperity of Huai Town sucks in all the resources of the surrounding area. One family gets richer, but tens of millions of families get poorer. This is the case in the impoverished area around the imperial capital."

"But where is the center? I have been thinking about this question for 30 years without an answer."

Zhao Minggong showed an expression mixed with emotion and relief.

"Until I saw Newtown."

"This is the town you rebuilt for the disaster victims. It was very inconspicuous at first, but if you think about its development, you will know that it has all the right time and place..."

"It is in the very center of Changshan County, and it is the closest to all major areas of Changshan County. It has water sources and foundations. If a transportation line connecting east and west is built in the future, it will also be on the shortest line of transportation."

"It can't be a coincidence. You must have seen through this long ago and chose this position."

Zhao Minggong said with a smile.

"Sheriff Lin, you are really a grass snake and a gray line, you can travel thousands of miles, and you are unfathomable."

Lin Wen scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

"No way. Although I try my best to be an ordinary person, my IQ of 250 does not allow it. This is my instinctive reaction, and I am helpless."

Zhao Minggong said with a smile: "Sheriff Lin, I originally planned to use three to five years to transfer the center of Changshan County from Huai Town to New Town, but since the funds are sufficient, we can directly implement the final plan."

He moved out a lot of papers.

"It's the whole package plan."

"After completion, the new town will become a gigantic town of 5,000 square kilometers, accommodate tens of millions of people, and have countless job opportunities... This is a new round of land foundation work, and I have to trouble County Chief Lin to notify the Java engineering team."

Zhao Minggong added: "We also have money now, and the construction funds of the Java engineering team can be settled at any time."

Lin Wen hurriedly said: "No, no, no, the brothers of the Java engineering team said that the meat in Changshan County is delicious, and they agreed to pay after five years."

Zhao Minggong said with a smile: "In this case, our funds will be much more abundant, and there will be more things I can do."


Coming out of Mr. Zhao Minggong's office, Lin Wen felt pain and happiness.

It's about to hit the ground again.

And this time the work is even harder.

However, now I have experience, tools, and helpers.

The Java engineering team has also evolved.

Just wait for the next luck to come, and then you can start working.

Lin Wen thought to himself.

The 300 billion investment, if Changshan County can fully absorb it, how much development will it bring.

At that time, Huai Town will be the facade, New Town will be the center, and red flowers and green leaves will be perfect.

But soon Lin Wen became worried again, because a letter from the highest military department of the empire had been sent.

Ask him to provide the time and place of the Changshan County Military Expo, and specifically indicate that it is best not to exceed one week.

"What the hell, the Great Elders are a bunch of scammers."

Lin Wen felt very sad.

His Dongfeng-41 is actually a big fireball that can accelerate. How does he provide technology?

Could it be that you copied out the spell description of [Raging Flame]?

As for the real Dongfeng-41, of course it cannot be given.

The intercontinental ballistic missile is the ultimate killer. Its terminal penetration speed is as high as 20 times the speed of sound, and it can also change orbits and carry multiple warheads, making it impossible to defend.

Even if Lin Wen used [Ask Yu Tian], it would consume a huge amount of money.

Moreover, this world is about to have a nuclear bomb. Judging by the urine of the empire, it may be no different from the nuclear bomb madman Gandhi.

If the world is nuclear-balanced, Lin Wen, the inventor of the killer weapon, will never be able to cultivate immortality.

Is it necessary to use physical technology to reproduce the means of cultivating immortals?

Lin Wen thought to himself.

However, the two systems are different. Many things that are very simple in Xiuxian's view are very difficult with physical technology.

Before Lin Wen could figure out what to do, another bad news came.

People from the Imperial Finance Bureau and the Imperial Federal Reserve came and brought a 190 billion loan contract.

Lin Wen had to accompany the epileptic Lao Xie to the meeting.

A gorilla and a fat pig talked in their seats for a long time. Lin Wen was really impatient and took the agreement from his hand.

"Bring it to you."

After signing at the speed of light, throw the agreement back.

"Where's the money?"

"What money?" Fat Pig was taken aback.

Lin Wen's eyes suddenly became very dangerous: "Do you dare to blackmail my money?"

The gorilla keenly sensed something was wrong, and hurriedly explained: "Sheriff Lin, you may have missed it just now. In order to ensure the healthy development of Changshan County, the special construction funds of Changshan County will not be misappropriated, and they will be reliably invested in the construction of Changshan County instead of being used for personal enjoyment... We will directly communicate with the contractors who built Changshan County and pay their project costs."

Fat Pig said: "Sheriff Lin, this is actually very easy to understand. The process has not changed much from before. You choose, negotiate, cooperate, construct, and we pay. Only the last step has changed."

"However, County Chief Lin, let me remind you that every payment is strictly reviewed, and you don't want to engage in small tricks to corrupt the special funds."

Lin Wen was very unhappy after hearing this, the elder was too thug, he was so picky, he was not at all arrogant.

Although the impact is not significant, the use of funds is restricted, which is somewhat uncomfortable.

It's really hard to get the elder's money.

Lin Wenxin sighed.

However, having investment is a good thing. The faster Changshan County develops, the more good fortune he will have, the more luck he will have, and the stronger his strength will be.

The stronger he is, the faster Changshan County will develop in turn.

The effect of this 300 billion investment in Changshan County is dozens or even hundreds of times that of other regions.

This is a sure-fire business.

From now on, the real big development of Changshan County is coming, and it will be on the fast track of the times.

But from now on, Changshan County also bears a huge burden.

The repayment method of the Federal Reserve Bank loan is monthly repayment based on holographic amount. Changshan County has to repay 6.334 billion to the Federal Reserve Bank every month until five years later.

The total repayment is 380 billion.

The finances of Jangsan County are under enormous pressure.

Funds once again became the sword of Damocles hanging over Chang Shanjun's head.

For Lin Wen, this is both an opportunity and a challenge.

He will push forward the long-planned major reform plan.


Attacking the council was the last thing Li Yongxing did before he left for the expedition.

He went around in many ways and persuaded many frontier officials, and finally passed the "Treaty on the Prohibition of Dangerous Biological and Chemical Weapons and Inhuman Human Experiments" at the Imperial Assembly.

The Imperial Political Supervisory Council, which is the symbol of the new law of the imperial emperor, has also begun to formally perform the supervisory duties of this treaty.

Although there is no way to completely eradicate the council and the biochemical laboratories of the evolution sect for the time being, it can somewhat restrain them.

Moreover, it also provides a legal basis for dealing with them in the future.

After this matter was completed, Li Longxing devoted himself to the expedition.

He will take away all the Royal Guards, more than one-third of the Central Army Corps of the Imperial Army, and a total of more than 400,000 troops sent from various regions.

At the same time, he will also take away Li Linyue, Li Yuchen, Li Qingyue, his wife and all immediate family members.

The Royal Guard will also follow in full.

put all one's eggs in one basket.

Li Longxing bet all his wealth.

This was an opportunity he took with great difficulty.

Li Longxing knew that if it didn't work this time, there would never be a next time.

He must face the game in the best condition without any worries.

Life and death in one fell swoop.

If you don't succeed, then take the opportunity to leave this filthy world.

At this time, the empire has also entered the strictest state of alert.

After he left, the imperial capital will be unprecedentedly empty, and the imperial army has reached the weakest moment in history.

No one knows whether the major "vassal kings" in the empire will change or not.

The Supreme Council tightened its nerves, and its "big eyes" scanned the entire empire.

The four great elders sit in the center and control the overall situation.

The situation in the Empire is very delicate.

Everyone is careful and law-abiding to avoid unnecessary blows.

Any news media will no longer be a demon, whether it is official, group, or self-media, they are all very honest, and they will report all the events of the expedition in a safe and sound manner, and dare not do any more nonsense.

The originally scheduled grand expedition ceremony was cancelled, and everything was carried out in silence.

Numerous trains continuously transported soldiers and weapons to the front lines.

When the emperor left the imperial capital with his elite troops, the sky was gloomy and it was raining lightly.

There was no welcome ceremony, no flowers, cheers and applause. The soldiers walked out of the imperial capital silently, carrying their guns.

As the empire continued to increase its troops to the front, the atmosphere between the two countries became unprecedentedly tense.

Late winter is coming to an end.

Just waiting for the first ray of spring breeze to blow, this unprecedented battle is about to begin.

This is also a moment that determines the fate of countless people.

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