Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 452 Where's My Money?

On the same day that the imperial emperor Li Longxing set out for the war, Mo Zhai, the chief priest of the Papal State and the de facto absolute leader, gave a grand speech across the country, announcing that the Papal State would surely win.

A large number of cannon fodders who have only been trained for a few months are heading to the battlefield. Just looking at the number of people, it is absolutely unique in human history.

The overwhelming sea of ​​people stretches to the end of the world.

Mo Zhai has also gambled everything, not seeking victory, as long as he is undefeated, his prestige will reach its peak, he will be able to realize his dream of the Grand Pope Federation, break through the canon rule that the chief priest of the Papal State can only serve for twelve years, and become the first lifelong high priest in history.

In order to achieve his goal, even if the last pariah died, he didn't care.

The speech was a sensational success, domestic public opinion was high, and there were countless temporary military service members. All countries in the world sent congratulatory telegrams to him, and the assistance from various sources increased again, and the previously promised assistance also arrived in succession.

At this moment, Mo Zhai's glory is boundless, he has reached the peak of his life in the past fifty years, and he has become the vanguard of the anti-imperialist and anti-hegemony wave in the world.

The leaders of the major countries have offered him olive branches one after another. No matter in the Western Continent or the Eastern Continent, he has both sides, and everyone is waiting for him to defeat the evil empire.

Even within the empire, there are many forces dealing with him.

Mo Zhai has never believed at that moment that he is the chosen one, the savior chosen by God.

"The religion of the gods will rule the world!"

Mo Zhai yelled wildly in front of the camera, abandoning his usual gentle pretense.

"Long live the divine religion!"

"Long live the divine religion!"

A roaring echo hovered over the Papal State.


Not only the empire, but the situation in the world has become tense like never before.

Only Changshan County remains the same and is developing vigorously.

After learning that Changshan County had received a 300 billion investment project, engineering teams from half of the empire came.

Huai Town, which had been somewhat deserted since the food war, became lively again.

Zhao Minggong held a meeting every day, and nearly a thousand contractors sat together, listening to the harsh conditions set by Changshan County.

Quality supervision and inspection, progress tracking, and obeying the dispatch of the county hall, that's all.

What's even more bizarre is that they require contractors' employees to receive their wages independently, and deduct them from the project funds they deserve.

Contractors feel that Changshan County is too lenient.

I am in arrears of wages, the hard-earned money of my black migrant workers, that is my ability, why do you take care of it?

Migrant workers come to me to settle accounts, I have my own way to deal with it, and I don't want you, Changshan County, to intervene, so why do you make a mess?

The Federal Reserve Bank has set up an office in Changshan County to pay for the project, and all contractors for the second batch of projects need to receive the money there.

However, this is just an institution responsible for giving money.

How to give and how much to give are determined by Changshan County.

Some contractors thought that Changshan County deliberately made things difficult, and some thought that the old man was asking for bribes.

They tried their best to search up and down, but they encountered an iron wall.

After finally opening a hole in Changshan County, the person in charge of the office was taken away by the spies in gray clothes and hats the next day, and he never appeared again.

The contractors felt the creeps and quit.

But in the empire, there is no other place with such a large investment.

Leaving Changshan County, let alone eating meat, there is no need to drink soup.

Follow Changshan County, you can still earn some money, so you won't starve to death.

The contractors really had no choice but to sigh and accept the harsh conditions of Changshan County.

Finally, there is another advantage, the money is directly distributed by the Federal Reserve Bank, so it is not impossible to get money.

In this way, a thousand contractors quickly negotiated, and the unprecedented large-scale development of Changshan County, the epic project of building a city on the flat land, was about to begin.

Lin Wen also felt tremendous financial pressure.

Changshan County is now a giant, with more than six million direct and indirect employees, five million of whom are producers in the new factory area.

Under Lin Wen's order, there is no such thing as labor or dispatch workers in Changshan County. Everyone is a regular worker of the Changshan County Government Office and enjoys the same standard of benefits under this responsibility.

Changshan County pays more than 8 billion wages and benefits every month.

Looking at the entire empire, or even the whole world, no regional government dared to do this like Changshan County.

Whoever does it will go bankrupt.

But Lin Wen dared.

And not bankrupt.

This is also the reason why Lin Wen has a huge reputation in Changshan County.

This is not some utopian society that cannot function without external input.

The profits earned by the industry in Changshan County are enough to support all wages and consumption, and there is a total surplus of seven billion yuan every month.

Among them, the cannonball factory with 5 million workers provided a net profit of 4 billion.

The profits of Changshan County are terrifying!

This is where all sociologists and economists in the empire cannot explain, and cannot understand the reasons for the Changshan County model.

They don't understand how much profit can be brought by liberating productivity, and the little money earned by exploiting employees is not even a drizzle.

But now, Changshan County has to hand over 6.3 billion to the Federal Reserve Bank every month, and the surplus is only 700 million.

The monthly tax revenue is no more than 200-300 million yuan, and the total surplus does not exceed one billion yuan.

There are so many departments in Changshan County asking for money. Although there is no need to worry about wages and benefits, various projects cannot be stopped.

For example, the project of Painful Baba, the project of biochemical base, the project of food base, the project of urban construction project except the new town, the project of transportation, highway, hydropower project in various places, and military expenditure.

This cannot be stopped.

Changshan County is no longer the poor area where only pants are left.

Its expenses and income are no longer measurable by normal funds.

The operation of a huge group, how many affairs there are, and how many people are involved, I am afraid that only a very few people in this world know.

From this point of view, how many affairs are there in an empire that is countless times larger than Changshan County?

I am afraid that only the Great Elder knows this.

The lack of funds caused Lin Wen to suffer a lot, and he broke his bone before he could make a big move.

Just as he was restless, Lin Wen suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He remembered that he still had a large sum of money that could solve all the problems he hadn't claimed yet!

He even forgot the huge assets of more than one trillion yuan!

Lin Wen was extremely remorseful and excited at the same time.

With one trillion yuan, why worry about the failure of Changshan County? Why can't my kindness take off?

Taoist Ancestor is already waving to me, and it is only a trillion yuan away from crushing the Immortal World!

Lin Wen flew to the finance office and shouted, "Old Xie! Hurry up, go get the money!"

Old Xie was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Money? Where is the money?"

Lin Wen laughed and said, "A few months ago, I didn't ask you to bet with a gambling company. In the handicap between Changshan County and Shizhou, betting that Changshan County would win. The odds at that time were 1:16,500. I told you to bet 100 million!"

Lao Xie immediately remembered.

"Yes, there is such a thing."

Lin Wen laughed loudly and said, "Now that we have won, won't the gambling company pay me 1650 billion?"

Old Xie looked distressed, and mumbled, "Well, I don't think I can pay that much."

Lin Wen sneered.

"Dare to lose a penny, and I'll blow that gambling company to pieces! Call me!"

Lao Xie had no choice but to dial the number of the gambling company.

"Hello," said a rough male voice.

Lao Xie simply repeated the situation. His idea was that the gambling company should pay three to five billion yuan.

Unexpectedly, the phone said: "Is this the case? Did you make a mistake?"

As soon as Lao Xie heard it, he knew that it was the rhythm of reneging on the debt, and said with a sneer, "This is the money from Changshan County, you should think about it."

"Oh, Changshan County, it's amazing, what should I do, I'm so scared."

Lin Wen snatched the phone.

"If you don't call over one trillion yuan today, you will die!"

"one trillion?"

The voice on the phone was super exaggerated, as if hearing some big joke.

"Look, come and see, there is a fool here who told us to spend one trillion yuan! He is so smart! He earned one trillion yuan at a time, and when he is rich, he will not be able to use it up in ten lifetimes."

There was a roar of laughter on the phone.

"Hey, big fool, call Grandpa to listen, maybe Grandpa will call you one trillion when he is in a good mood."

Lao Xie yelled: "It's fine if you don't admit it, just return the money to us!"

"Cough cough cough!"

He deliberately coughed a few times on the phone, and pretended to be serious and said: "You have violated the regulations and bought your own bets. You are suspected of cheating. According to Article 0 of the Shabi Regulations, the cheating funds will be confiscated."

A distant voice rang on the phone: "You said it was so formal, what should I do if the mentally handicapped person can't understand?"

"I come!"

A voice spat into the phone.

"No retreat!"

There was a lot of laughter on the phone.

"Hahahaha! Don't retreat!"

"No retreat!"

Lao Xie felt the air pressure drop wildly, and the sky seemed to be dark.

Sheriff Lin had no special expression on his face, and said calmly, "Where are you?"

"Hahaha, you still want to come and kill us?"

"We won't tell you."

"Don't don't."

A rough voice came.

"It made us feel like we were afraid of him, boy, I would like to give you a piece of advice, Empire Gambling Company, you should check our backer carefully. The address is No. 77, Changyang Mountain, Tiandu. You can decide for yourself whether you want to come or not."

Lin Wen hung up the phone and walked out without saying a word.

Suddenly, Lao Xie felt that it was dawn.

He turned his head and saw that it was always sunny outside.


After Lin Wen determined his position, he came outside the county government hall and used [Tengyun Riding Mist] to fly to Tiandu Yangshan No. 77.

It was a large manor built among mountains and rivers.

The scenery is beautiful and the luxury is extraordinary.

Lin Wen only opened one [Spirit of the Civet Cat] and walked towards the gate.

The gate guard stopped him: "Who are you?"

Lin Wen sneered and said, "Lin Wen, Chief of Changshan County, go and tell your bosses that if you don't immediately hand over the one trillion yuan owed to Changshan County, you will die."

"Fucking lunatic! Courting death!"

"Go away, be careful not to cause trouble!"

Lin Wen was too lazy to talk nonsense, took out a hammer from his arms, and knocked the two guards to the ground.

Kick open the gate and enter the manor.

The alarm sounded loudly in the manor, and a large number of guards and security rushed out.

Lin Wen turned a deaf ear to their yelling, accelerated his figure, and crashed into the crowd. In the blink of an eye, they all became gourds that fell to the ground.

Lin Wen continued to rush forward, the alarm sounded louder and louder, and a large group of bodyguards dressed in black and holding pistols also rushed out, shouting: "Who are you?"

"Put down the hammer!"

"Kneel down and hold your head!"

Lin Wen simply ignored them.

The bodyguard fired immediately after three warnings, but Lin Wen was like a fish swimming in his body and flying like a bird, he missed at all, and jumped into the crowd in an instant, knocking everyone to the ground like a mole.

Lin Wen pushed all the way across, knocking on anyone he saw.

The commotion finally alarmed the real owners of the manor. They called the housekeeper and asked, "What happened outside so noisy?"

The butler's forehead was full of sweat: "Master, a guy who claims to be the head of Changshan County has come to the door, and our guards and bodyguards have been knocked down!"

"What?" A bald man was taken aback. "How many of them? Have you called the police?"

The official muttered: "One person"

"A person?" Another burly man called out: "Is he a reformer or a martial arts master? Are you all useless?"

"Quick, call the senior guard!"

But the senior guards also fell to the ground like gophers.

When the news came, the bald head couldn't believe it, "Are the high-ranking guards a bunch of shit?"

"Quick, quick, go and call the Wutuan bodyguards!"

The Wutuan bodyguards also fell to the ground one after another.

"Quick, go and call Master Long."

Master Long was bleeding from the head and fell to the ground.

"This, this is not a normal person."

"He is a reformer!"

"Quick, run!"

However, Lin Wen had already blocked their way.

"Where's my money?"



A long metal rod was inserted precisely into the lock.

More than a dozen people went into battle together and couldn't get away.

Holding a big hammer, Lin Wen approached step by step.

"You are surrounded by me!"

"Repay the money quickly!"

With a whoosh, a pure black man who had been hiding for a long time rushed out from the shadows and stabbed at Lin Wen with a dagger in his hand.

Lin Wennu started from his heart, stopped holding back his hands, and knocked his head off with a hammer.

Eliminate rape and eliminate evil, good fate +3.

Blood flew, and the headless corpse fell at Lin Wen's feet, blood gurgling out.

The blood spattered Lin Wen's face radioactively.

But Lin Wen didn't realize it, staring at them with burning eyes, and asked word by word: "Where is my money?"

This scene was so shocking that a burly man collapsed and cried on the spot.

"Lin, Master Lin! We pay, we lose..."

"One trillion, not a penny less!"

A rough man howled: "Master Lin! Even if you dismantle our entire company, you won't have a trillion dollars!"


Lin Wen raised the hammer, and everyone hugged and cried together.

"Master Lin! I have a ninety-year-old mother and a one-year-old baby..."

"Forgive me! Forgive me!"

"We would do anything for you! Just beg for your life!"

Still a thin and shrewd man, he howled, "Sheriff Lin, if you kill us! You won't get any money!"

This sentence successfully stopped Lin Wen.

"Now, raise money for me immediately, as much as you can!"

However, they tried their best, but they only raised less than 60 million yuan.

"You only have this little money?" Lin Wen's anger was about to burn the sky, "Where's your manor? Where's your house?"

"Master Lin, we rented that!"

"Master Lin, our expenses are also very high!"

Lin Wen was so angry that he invested 100 million yuan, didn't make a penny, and lost 40 million yuan!

"From now on, you will work for Changshan County for free! If you don't pay off the one trillion yuan, you don't want to leave!"

The hammer falls from the hand.

Dang dang dang dang.

When they woke up again, they were already in a strange room.

Everyone had a splitting headache, their hands and feet were in cold shackles, and they were surrounded by a group of people in gray clothes and big hats.

They have been imprisoned by Changshan County.

"What should I do?" the thin man asked in a low voice.

"It's okay." The tattooed bald spoon said: "I took the opportunity to call the big backer before."

"here you go!"

"Changshan County will fall in a while!"

"I want that bastard to kneel and kowtow in front of me!"

A group of people got excited and didn't mind that they were taken to shave their heads, take a bath, take pictures, change clothes like prisoners, and then put them in separate small rooms.


Elder's compound.

While the Great Elder was dealing with busy official duties, a man who looked like a housekeeper was let in by the imperial guardian.

He cautiously bowed to the elder, and said softly, "Elder, Xu Zi and the others were taken away by people from Changshan County!"

Great Elder Ping Yuan didn't lift his eyes.


The housekeeper didn't dare to lie to the elder, and said in a low voice: "Changshan County made a big bet on himself at the Shizhou handicap opened by the Imperial Gambling Company. Xu Zi and the others couldn't afford it, so they reneged."

"Although they are wrong, but Xu Zi and the others refunded the principal, it's fine. Changshan County is blatantly arresting people, because they don't take you seriously."

Great Elder Ping Yuan slightly raised his eyebrows.

The guard came up and slapped him twice, his mouth was full of blood.

The butler fell to the ground, tears filled with pain, and cried, "Grand Elder! Spare me! Spare me!"

Great Elder Ping Yuan said coldly: "I told you, don't use your little tricks in front of me, you go tell those incompetent fools, you will pay back whatever you owe."

The steward said in shock: "Grand Elder, Changshan County wants them to pay back one trillion yuan!"

"Then work in Changshan County for the rest of your life."

Great Elder Ping Yuan lowered his brows, and the imperial guardian grabbed the butler's arm and threw him out.

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