Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 454 Don't make money, research and develop some drugs (second update)

Although Anmosi wanted to serve Sheriff Lin very much, and contributed his strength to repay Sheriff Lin for saving his life.

But his expression completely gave him away.

"The concubine can't do it."

With such a classic expression, Lin Wen could understand it at a glance.

Isn't your biotechnology strong?

All kinds of mutants have been created, it's just a mere cancer, why can't it be cured?

Hearing this kind of question, Anmosi showed that understanding smile.

This is obviously another accident in which laymen commanded experts.

This is very common in scientific research.

The Qin Group has already respected science quite a lot, and this kind of thing still cannot be avoided.

In his view, the best leaders should let the researchers do it without asking the results, regardless of the investment, and without setting a deadline.

Subordinate leaders only ask about results.

Once again, the first-level leaders asked about the results, set deadlines, and returned cards for investment.

The worst leader is the one who directly intervenes in scientific research.

Although the chief of Changshan County is benevolent and kind, he obviously has the bad habits of those leaders, pretending to understand, and half-dipping.

"Sheriff Lin."

Amers said kindly.

"We are able to compile genes, and then create monsters that do not exist in nature, because the great mentor Li Man discovered the code of genes and the operation of protein life. We can make certain adjustments to life in this dimension."

"However, cancer is the original organism in the genes of life, and its greatest feature is that it can deceive the immune system. In this field, our research is not deep enough."

Lin Wendao: "If you don't let it deceive you, isn't it over?"

Amers patiently explained: "Sheriff Lin is talking about immunotherapy. Currently there are cancer vaccine therapy and monoclonal antibody therapy, but what you said is not letting cancer cells deceive you is very difficult to do."


Amers said: "Sheriff Lin, you should know that the human body's immune system is the root cause of curing most diseases, and drugs are just a means to control pathogens."

"Immune cells are like guards, patrolling our body at all times, killing invading enemies and keeping us safe."

"These immune guards recognize enemies primarily through proteins."

"If you want to use a metaphor, ordinary germs are like thugs, and cancer cells are top spies. They will release some special proteins, disguise themselves as normal cells, or reduce the ability of immune cells, or use a special protein called antigen differentiation cluster 271 to trigger the suicide of immune cells."

"Cancer cells use these means to protect themselves, absorb nutrients in the host, and proliferate wildly. When we can detect cancer, there are billions of cancer cells."

"At this time, the immune system has basically failed, and cancer cells can only be controlled by external means, such as surgical resection, laser, microwave, and targeted drugs."

"The targeted drugs of Johnson \u0026 Johnson are the best. They can cure even mid-stage cancers, but they are too expensive."

"At the advanced stage, cancer cells spread all over the body, mixing with normal cells, corroding the body, grabbing nutrients, disrupting order, killing guards, resulting in a decline in immune function, foreign enemies invade, death by medicine, and eventually die of organ failure and various complications."

Lin Wendao: "We release a protein that specifically marks cancer cells, so that they have nowhere to sneak and are chased by immune cells. Isn't that all right?"

An Mosi had a headache, he was most afraid of this kind of leader who only knew half a spoonful of water.

"Sheriff Lin, the human immune response mechanism is very complicated. The protein you mentioned is called pattern recognition receptor protein."

"They can recognize a lot of specific information, such as the structure of bacteria and viruses. These are not in the body itself. Once recognized, the receptor protein will mark it as an enemy and send a signal downstream, activate the immune response, and mobilize immune cells to destroy foreign invaders."

"At present, there is no receptor protein that specifically recognizes cancer cells. All receptors have very low recognition of cancer cells, so the efficiency of the immune system to eliminate cancer cells is very low. Once an immune storm is triggered, it will be more lethal to itself."

Lin Wen asked: "Can't you process protein?"

Amers replied cautiously: "To a certain extent."

"The receptor protein is equivalent to a radar. The characteristic of cancer cells is the lack of telomeres. Can you modify this radar to specifically recognize telomeres?"

Amers fell silent. This opinion was too professional to be expressed by a layman.

He thought for a moment, and said, "Sheriff Lin, even if this transformation is feasible, it is very difficult, and it cannot be done in a week."

"how long?"

"The shortest period is three to five years, and the longest period is more than ten years."

Lin Wen asked: "What is your method of modifying protein?"

Amers said: "Many, specifically in this respect, it is generally to use receptor proteins with similar functions, and then fine-tune the structure... This is a very huge project. It will take many years to find a suitable receptor protein, and it may fail."

Lin Wen closed his eyes for a while, and when he opened them again, his eyes were introverted and full of confidence, and he said, "Using the protein transformation of episodic differentiation cluster 911."


An Mosi was stunned for a while before remembering this strange protein.

"Isn't that a differentiation protein related to cardiac enzymes? Is it reasonable to use it to modify?"

Lin Wendao: "It is reasonable. Its subkibe helical structure is very suitable. With only a small amount of processing, it can be transformed into the protein receptor we need."

"But...but..." An Mosi choked for a while before asking, "How to mass produce?"

Lin Wen closed his eyes for a while, and said: "Use No. 281 Bealpha amino acid enzyme to cover the modified protein, put it in a sterile water-soluble environment at a constant temperature of 21.74 degrees, store it in a specific ratio of air for 30 hours, and then hydrolyze the enzyme to obtain a large number of active receptors of the protein."

An Mosi opened his mouth wide, his eyes bulged out, and the saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth directly into his neck, looking like a congenital brain-dead and acquired cerebral palsy.

"Hello." Lin Wen poked him, but there was no response, "What's wrong with you?"

Anmosi's whole body soared.

The field of biochemical research is like a boundless dark sea.

As far as the eye can see, it is all unknown, the waves are rough, and it is full of dangers.

The pitch-black sea is like a bottomless abyss, where terrible monsters lurk.

And they are driving a small boat, exploring in such an environment, without direction.

The appearance of Lin Wen was like a ray of light across the sky, splitting the darkness. Like a lighthouse on the coast, guiding their way forward.

"A leader who meddles in research is the worst kind of leader."


Ameth has now changed his mind.

That is divine leadership.

"Wow haha!"

An Mosi suddenly jumped up violently, which shocked Lin Wen.

"I understand."

"I see."

"Sheriff Lin, you are simply a genius, Lily in biology, Li Man in biochemistry, your being the sheriff is simply a loss for mankind..."

Lin Wen interrupted him: "Can you do it?"


"Is a week okay?"


"How much does the budget cost?"

"Ten million."

"Go ahead and do it."


An Mosi jumped up, took two steps, and suddenly turned around.

"Sheriff Lin, I have another question."

Lin Wen said impatiently: "Fix it yourself, the soul is almost gone."

"What is the primordial spirit?"

"A kind of wisdom."

Lin Wen replied casually, unwilling to spoil the scientific atmosphere.

"By the way, what is the mass production cost of this drug?"

Amers replied: "One gram is between 100,000 and 300,000, depending on the efficiency of hydrolysis."

"Is it useful for advanced cancer?"

"Yes, we can greatly strengthen the immune system and send patients to the intensive care unit to maintain their lives. With our current capabilities, even if the patients are dying, they can be rescued, and it is a radical cure. A large number of floating receptors will exist for a long time to prevent new cancers from recurring."

"Okay." Lin Wen nodded, and asked again: "How much is Yu Zhongxian's medicine?"

"A course of treatment is about 1.5 million, usually three courses are needed."

"What about ours?"

"One course of treatment is enough, and the cost is about 1 million. I suggest that we set a price of conscience, 10 million is enough. If the price is set too high, people may be accused of making money for the patient's life."

"Okay, the price is ten thousand."

Lin Wen turned and went out.


Ameth became demented again.

After a long time, he was woken up by an assistant.

"Dr. An, item No. 7 is about to expire!"

Amers didn't care about the No. 7 item at all, grabbed his assistant and asked him a question that he hadn't figured out the answer to after thinking about it for a long time.

"If you don't make money, what kind of medicine will you develop?"


After leaving the biochemical base, Lin Wen devoted himself to busy work again, but one call after another came from the top military department, all urging him to hold a military expo as soon as possible.

Lin Wen had no choice but to set the time in three days.

Three days later, this week's good fate will be settled.

Hope it brings him a good luck or two.

In addition, he will prepare to establish a Jangsan County Academy of Sciences.

Otherwise, where these technologies come from, it is hard to say clearly.

Moreover, it all depends on [Ask Yu Tian], this primordial spirit really can't stand it.

Lin Wen had already exhausted all his efforts in the drug research and development plan just now.

Understand all the information clearly, understand the most critical nodes of the problem, and ask very targeted questions.

Under such conditions, he still used up his primordial spirit.

Therefore, it is very necessary to establish a scientific research system.

Can't all problems depend on spells?

True immortals can't stand such consumption.

However, the establishment of the Academy of Sciences can only come in the back.

The first thing he has to do now is to beat the ground, then dig the mountain, and then dig the subway.

After these are completed, a life transportation line of Changshan County will be built that runs through the east and west.

Moreover, at the same time as the construction, it is necessary to find time to blow up Yu Zhongxian.

First of all, we must kill his economic lifeline, crush his industry, and strip his influence.

Then try to help Li Longxing win, gain enough capital, and take away Yu Zhongxian's fundamental power in one go.

Finally, comes the most exciting moment.

Yu Zhongxian was bound to refuse to accept discipline, jumped over the wall in a hurry, put all his eggs in one basket, and led the backbone to rebel and escape.

At that time, it was time for Lin Wen to make his debut.

He will fly over like a god descending, punch his stinky face, and crush the bug that has entangled him for a long time.

after that.

No one will interfere with the development of Changshan County anymore.

Lin Wen is very much looking forward to such a future.


To the Winter Palace.

A chairman of the council is reporting the industry income to Yu Zhongxian respectfully.

"My lord, the pharmaceutical group's revenue has reached 50 billion this quarter, exceeding our previous revenue."

"That's right," Wang Xinwei said with a flattering smile, "You raised the price of necessary medicines. This move is too wise. Although we have suffered a lot of criticism, it doesn't affect the overall situation. There is no one who is not afraid of death."

Delo smiled and said: "The dog will come back when it is hungry, and the person will bow his head when he is about to die."

"The fear of death will make them hand over all their money."

"Ha ha."

There was a sea of ​​joy in the hall.

Yu Zhongxian's complexion improved a little. The recent series of blows made the council's progress difficult.

Fortunately, Johnson \u0026 Johnson's R\u0026D base and pharmaceutical companies have recovered some of the situation.

"What about the new cancer drug discovery program?"

Deloitte replied: "The progress is going well. We will soon overcome brain cancer, and the last stronghold of cancer will be dismantled by us."

Wang Xinwei asked: "What is the appropriate price for new drugs?"

Yu Zhongxian said indifferently: "Three million, plus a contract, if you can't afford the money, you can sell yourself to the council to pay off the debt."

"Good!" Everyone cheered in unison: "This method is good!"

"Master Chief is truly benevolent and merciful, with immeasurable merit!"

Yu Zhongxian raised his hand to stop the flattery, and asked again: "What about the terminal cancer project?"

Wang Xinwei replied: "The progress is relatively slow, and we need a large amount of funds to achieve results."

Yu Zhongxian was silent for a moment.

"Then invest another 10 billion."

The third more is before 23:59:59

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