Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 455 Reorganization (third update)

Due to the consumption of a large amount of primordial spirit, Lin Wen had to reduce the time of pounding the ground to two hours a day.

To drive a robot, you must activate [Nine Bulls and Two Tigers' Power] and [Qi Forbidden Divine Power] at the same time, and it is best to activate another [Spirit of the Civet].

The total consumption of Yuanshen is 15%+25%+10%=50%, and there will be 25% after halving.

Among them, [Qi forbidden divine power] can only last for one hour, and for every additional hour of work, the primordial spirit will consume an additional 12.5%.

However, Lin Wen only recovered 15% of his soul power every day.

All can only be done for two hours. If the time is too long, the primordial spirit will be exhausted soon.

This has also caused some dissatisfaction. Some contractors have been unable to start work for a long time, and the migrant workers he hired all need food, drink and wages.

Lin Wen can only promise that the Java engineering team will start working at full strength in three days. These days they occasionally feel cold and have fallen into a low ebb. Please forgive me.

So, all the pressure is on the next week's luck.

Lin Wen glanced at [Tao Ruo You Qing]


If the settlement good fortune next week can reach 16,000, then he can get two luck channels.

The probability of pits will be much reduced.


I have to hurry up!

Lin Wen suddenly became tense.

He immediately went to urge Yang Shaohu to quickly implement the simple houses in the first step of the resident resettlement plan to relieve the pressure on the refugee camp.

At the same time, I did not forget to tell him to want democracy.

Yang Shaohu's ability has made great progress during this period, and the stability of his career and family has given him a new brilliance.

Especially Lian Mei's pregnancy gave him a strange feeling, as if he had stepped into another stage of his life.

"Sheriff Lin." He asked calmly: "You have emphasized it many times, but I still haven't figured out the core of what you said."

Lin Wen explained: "It is the person who represents the most interests and puts forward the most beneficial suggestions."

"So, you have to discuss with others more and choose the most correct opinion correctly."

"What is the most correct opinion?" Yang Shaohu asked.

"The most scientific opinion, the most suitable for the situation at that time, the most suitable for the national conditions of Changshan County, the most efficient, and the most thoughtful opinion."

Lin Wen waved his hand.

"That's why I say science comes first. If you don't talk about science, don't recognize the truth, and just rely on your feelings, you are doomed to fail, and that kind of thing won't last long."

A mellow radiance appeared on Yang Shaohu's face: "I understand, County Chief Lin."

Lin Wen said: "You have to remember that our Changshan County Government Office has always been the most advanced force. We don't play tricks or engage in power struggles. We only talk about facts. Whether things are done well or not is the only criterion for political performance."

Yang Shaohu nodded slightly, and suddenly had a premonition——

They will create an unprecedented new world in Jangsan County.

"I remember, Sheriff Lin."

"Okay, let's go to work."

Lin Wenyi turned around and jumped from the third floor.

His civet has not been used up yet, he can fully control the power, the height of the third floor has no effect at all.

Time is urgent now, and one second that can be saved is one second.

Yang Shaohu watched Sheriff Lin from the window flying over the eaves and walls in the narrow alleyway, and his premonition became stronger.


Lin Wen successively approached several leaders of Changshan County to discuss matters of improving the happiness of the people.

I have been busy until the evening before I can take a break.

At this time, when the lights came on, the entire Huai Town was lit up, various night markets, large and small, were set up, and the professional urban management officers from Changshan County began to patrol.

Lin Wen inspected for a while, Xiao Xiao's work is still doing quite well, the city is well organized, there is no violent law enforcement, and small businesses and hawkers have a place to do business.


Lin Wen felt very satisfied, so he found a roadside stall and had a barbecue.

After chatting with the stall owner for a while, I learned that he was from Rongcheng, Luozhou, and he couldn't get along in Rongcheng. Their security guards ate nearly 3,000 yuan for nothing from him. When he asked for money, he was handcuffed in the detention center and beaten.

"Look, brother."

The boss pulled up the sweat towel wrapped around his head, revealing his white eyes.

"This eye was blinded at that time."

"After the war, the governor of Luozhou increased taxes. He increased the tax by one cent, and the taxes below increased by five cents. I refused to pay, and they got me into prison for half a year."

"After I came out, my wife also ran away, and the family fell apart. All savings were gone, and only four walls remained."

"Later, Mr. Xu wanted to expand the land, saying that it blocked his way, and the four walls also collapsed."

Seeing his calm and indifferent appearance, Lin Wen didn't seem to be immersed in the huge blow, and asked, "How did you persevere?"

The boss smiled lightly.

"Look ahead."

He said that every wrinkle on his face revealed the suffering it had suffered under the night lights.

"Look ahead."

He repeated, skillfully taking the leeks, chicken legs, and pancakes that Lin Wen had baked off the fire, put them on plates and handed them to Lin Wen.

The delicious aroma of the food lured Lin Wen, the chicken drumsticks were sizzling with oil, and the crispy skin exuded an irresistible force. The tender leeks and soft and fragrant pancakes even increased the appetite.

The enjoyment of a bite of chicken leg and a bite of soft pancake made him temporarily forget his troubles, coupled with the spice of leeks, it was simply a treat on earth.

Lin Wen finished eating three times, and praised: "The craftsmanship is really good, how much is it?"


"Is it convenient to ask about the cost?"

The boss replied readily, "Ten yuan."

"Can I have another ten yuan in my hand?"

"I can get there, at least nine yuan. Brother, you are a foreigner. Let me tell you, the location of Changshan County is very good. As long as you are willing to work, you can live well."

Lin Wen asked with a smile, "How?"

"Not to mention anything else, the most important thing is to be reasonable."

The boss cleared the table quickly.

"The position in Changshan County is reasonable. Don't think it's normal. When I was young, I went to many positions in the empire. None of them were reasonable, at least not with ordinary people."

"Only when their fists can't speak, they will be reasonable."

"It's more like that going west."

Lin Wen asked, "Why don't you go east?"

"No money. And they especially despise people from the countryside like me." The boss said calmly: "In the end I chose Luozhou. At that time, Luozhou was very good, at least not as bad as it was later."

"It wasn't until the new governor came into power that everything changed."

Lin Wen still wanted to ask when the county government office was off work, and a huge crowd poured out of the five-storey square building and scattered in all directions.

All the vendors and stall owners cheered up, this is the best opportunity of the day.

In order to avoid being recognized by others, Lin Wen slipped away first.

This time the harvest is not small.

The conversation with the boss proved that the current atmosphere in Changshan County is relatively good.

A place of stability, order, opportunity, and reason has indeed a strong appeal to oppressed civilians.

No wonder the floating population of Changshan County according to Huang Mingxiao's statistics is increasing sharply every month.

Most of these people came from the middle of the empire.

This also shows from the side that Changshan County is actually still relatively backward at present, and cannot attract people from the wealthy eastern areas.

If there is no one in the west, it means that the west of Changshan County is blocked, and the mountain blocks the road.


Changshan County must complete modernization as soon as possible.

The Changshan County Life Project, which runs from east to west, will also start as soon as possible.

Lin Wen sighed in his heart.


Good luck to you.


Lin Wen continued to walk around the market, to see if he could find something that could be improved.

Already seen the bustling places, Lin Wen specifically looked for a secluded place to go.

But after looking around for a long time, I found nothing.

There are no robbers and no ruffians.

All he found was a girl leaning against the door, waving to him.

"Little brother, come on."

It was only when Lin Wen walked over that she realized something was wrong. This girl had a long gown and a short skirt, she was wearing powder and red, she was wearing a golden hairpin, and her eyes were moving.

"Once a hundred times."

Lin Wen glanced at her, she was delicate and beautiful, seventeen or eighteen years old, and the breath on the top of her head was as white as jade.

Frowning slightly: "Do you have a boss?"

The little girl covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Little brother knows so well, is he a regular customer? I don't have a boss, but my sister does."

Afraid of being misunderstood, Lin Wen asked in detail, "What is a hundred times?"

The little girl blushed and patted him on the shoulder lightly: "You are so annoying, you look serious on the outside, but you are very bad on the inside."

Lin Wen said, "I don't understand, please tell me."

The little girl looked at him with big round eyes: "You really don't understand?"

"don't know."

She giggled and said, "Come with me to the back room and you'll understand."

Lin Wen asked, "Take off your pants?"

"Wow!" The little girl covered her mouth and rolled her eyes, "You are really bad!"

"Yes or no?"

The little girl's entire face was red, but she nodded very lightly.

"One hundred for this kind?"

The little girl smiled lightly and said, "Little brother, if you don't have money, just buy me a supper."

Lin Wen was very upset, "Why don't you find a serious job?"

The blood on the little girl's face faded away. She lowered her head and stepped back, trying to close the door.

But it was supported by Lin Wen.

"Why don't you find a decent job? Can't you find it? Or is someone bullying you?"

The little girl said in a low voice: "Master, if you think I'm dirty, just leave, and don't disturb my business."

Lin Wen took out 100 yuan and stuffed it into her hand, saying, "I'm actually a boss from out of town. I want to recruit female workers, but I can't find anyone anywhere. This 100 yuan is the consulting fee. Tell me about the situation in detail."

The little girl hesitated for a while, but still took the money and invited Lin Wen in.

Lin Wen sat in the yard outside.

The little girl poured him a glass of water.

"Boss, do you really want to recruit female workers?"


"You can't lie to me... I don't think you are a bad person, so let me tell you."

The little girl softly told Lin Wen about her experience.

She also came to Changshan County from other places to develop, and came to join a distant sister of hers, but she fell into the devil's den as soon as she came.

The boss forced her to sell, and her good sister was the bustard.

After three days of starvation and countless beatings, he finally fell into the fire pit.

The prostitute boss takes 50%, the procuress takes another 50%, and she gets only 1/4 of it.

Later, the boss was arrested, the compound was taken away, and she ran out.

She didn't dare to go out to make a living anymore, and she had to go back to her old job after starving for a few days.

"Actually, it's nothing." The little girl burst into tears, "I'm very good at soliciting customers. I don't pick up those bad guys. The people I meet later are all pretty good..."

After hearing this, Lin Wen no longer had any smile on his face: "Is there still such a bustard?"

The little girl nodded lightly: "I heard there are."

"If you were asked to work part-time, would you be willing?"


Lin Wen took out all the money on his body and handed it over.

"Go to the County Hall tomorrow, find a person named Bai Xiuyu, tell her that Lin Wen recommended you, and ask her to arrange you into the Women's Mutual Aid Association."

"It's a serious job and it's a county hall meal."

The little girl stared at him blankly, and suddenly felt that he looked familiar.

"You, you, could it be..."

Lin Wen got up quickly.

"Remember it."

Turn around and go out.

Back at the county government office, Lin Wen called Huang Mingxiao, who was in charge of civil affairs, and Tian Hu, the deputy chief of the security department, overnight.

"From now on, immediately launch a special governance action to crack down on organizational sales!"

"This..." Huang Ming Xiaochao said in a low voice: "County Lin, the number of men from outsiders in Changshan County far exceeds that of women. According to my 30 years of experience in civil affairs..."

Lin Wen looked at him coldly: "In Changshan County, this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to happen."

Tian Hu nodded silently, he always followed the lead of Sheriff Lin.


Lin Wen said: "Huang Mingxiao, you have to remember one thing, this is a crime and the destruction of life."

"My bottom line is, organizers are never allowed, and you must focus on cracking down on this kind of behavior."

"We can encourage normal dating behaviors between men and women, we can build blind date parks, dating squares, and we can provide convenience and ways for both men and women to communicate."

"But the yoke imposed by either side on the other is a crime."

"As for those who are forced, they are already criminals. They only deserve to be punished by Changshan County."

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