Lin Wen's standards are actually very low.

His bottom line is just never allow a playmaker.

As for self-employed.

The solution is to raise the level of civilization and culture of the whole society.

There must be both welfare protection and upward opportunities.

The social atmosphere should be positive.

Be open and inclusive, conservative and generous.

It is necessary to form an atmosphere that can meet personal needs, have legal restrictions, and have unfettered freedom.

It should be both reserved and romantic, romantic, elegant, graceful and generous, but also simple and industrious.

Only in this way can the civilization of Changshan County really rise significantly, not just the advancement of technology and technology.

"We still need to find talents in this area."

Lin Wen thought to himself.

The theoretical No. 2 position of the director of the county government office is still vacant, and there is currently no one in Changshan County who is in charge of this aspect.

"As soon as the situation stabilizes, I will start to do this."

the following few days.

Lin Wen is working hard, trying to get more than 16,000 good karma next week.

It was not until the last night of the busy day that Lin Wen slept soundly.

Before going to bed, he did some calculations for himself and summed up the results of the week.

Yang Shaohu built 200,000 simple box houses and accommodated 400,000 refugees. The refugee camp has improved somewhat, and the problem of overcrowding has been alleviated to a certain extent.

Changshan County is continuing to improve. The tolerant taxation, stable prices, good market order, and a large number of employees with stable wages have brought countless business opportunities to this area.

Changshan County has basically lifted all the blockades. Except for the military camp, even the county hall can be visited.

Fang Yaobo upholds the fairness of the laws of the empire. This guy has completely compiled a set of anti-humanity systems in Changshan County, which can be applied to any crime.

Under the leadership of Tian Hu, the public security guards in Changshan County made every effort to fight against bullies, cleaned up hidden dangers in Changshan County, further purified the environment in Changshan County, and reduced the occurrence of misfortunes.

And a certain project that Lin Wen put the most effort into also made a huge leap this week, producing terrifying changes across the century.

In short, if Shanyuan didn't explode on the spot this week, Lin Wen would just eat shit on the spot.

With beautiful dreams, Lin Wen fell asleep peacefully.

Get up on time at seven in the morning.

The golden light arrived as promised.

Live and work in peace +10011

Thrive +2410

Justice +165

Freedom +790

Happy +1810

Free people+0

Science and technology civilization +2050

Total: 17236


【Good fate: 368997】【Bad fate: 3892】【Primary spirit: 364.48%】

[Tao if there is love] 21101/10000

When he saw the big golden characters of 17236, Lin Wen became cheerful.

What could be better than working hard and getting more rewards than expected?

[Tao Ruoyouqing] also exceeded 20,000, and got two luck again.


There was one thing that made Lin Wen very unhappy.

Why is there another item that is zero?

Are you poisoned?

In fact, it was originally 10,000 this week, but you left out the one and it became zero.

Lin Wen hugged his head and shook it vigorously, but the numbers in front were not pulled out like a drawer.

I just wiped the dog.

Lin Wen felt that the good mood of the whole day was ruined.

never mind.

Lin Wen forcibly forgot about it.

Let's see luck first.

But just about to touch [Tao Ruo You Qing], I was a little hesitant.

What if I get caught again this time?

There are a lot of things on my head in Changshan County now.

This pit, the loss is not small.

what to do?

At this time, the sun had risen, and many people had gathered around the compound of the Java engineering team in the distance.

Although he didn't get close under the obstruction of the security guards, Lin Wen could feel the feeling of eagerly waiting for the dispatch of the legendary engineering team through the hole in the wall.

Taking a look at Yuanshen, it's only 16%.

Just restored.

Can't even drive a robot for a second.

If this is a trick, wouldn't it be over on the spot?

Lin Wen hesitated for a long time.

Suddenly thought, what will happen if I strengthen [Tao Ruoyouqing]?

Lin Wen entered the supernatural interface.

Set your sights on the fifth supernatural power.

[Tao Ruoyouqing] is a rare supernatural power of heaven, which needs to be strengthened by light gray destiny stars.

He turned his gaze to the third magical power [Body of Destiny].

Since Lin Wen was very busy during this period, he had much less time to meditate to obtain the Destiny Star.

Now there are less than seven destiny stars in the third supernatural power, and there are no light gray ones.


So what to do?

Lin Wen turned his gaze back to [Tao Ruo You Qing], there are more than ten water droplets hanging on it.

But the luck paths in each water drop are useless, and most of them are the fox fairy series that improve the luck of the peach blossoms.

Lin Wenyi looked at the past, and the more he looked, the more chilling he felt.

With so many rubbish channels, it's really hard to get a good one.

what to do?

While hesitating, Lin Wen suddenly noticed the luck drawn last week.

"Disintegration of demons": Disintegrate one of your supernatural powers, greatly strengthen the ability of a certain part, make other parts invalid, and produce negative effects, lasting for seven days.

This luck path Linwen has always been used to strengthen the [Empty of Fate], so that its ability to eliminate the good and evil karma is greatly enhanced, so as to quickly eliminate the bad karma.

What if it is used to strengthen [Tao Ruoyouqing]?

Will it greatly increase the chances of obtaining useful luck?

With a certain mind, Lin Wen never procrastinated, and acted immediately.

Click on "Tianmo Disintegration", a black light burst out, and Lin Wen's sight returned to [Tao Ruoyouqing].

A line of text appeared under the supernatural power:

1. Use less good karma to obtain luck.

2. Choose the type of luck path to obtain, which greatly increases the probability of obtaining this type of luck path.

3. Strengthen the strength of obtaining luck, and increase the probability of obtaining more powerful luck.

The first item is useless. The "disintegration of the demon" is accompanied by negative effects. Even if the good fortune of obtaining the luck path is reduced, but the luck path obtained is useless garbage, so what is the use?

The third item is the gambling super double, which is equivalent to five bullets on the big turntable.

This is not what Lin Wen wants now.

Can only choose the second.

Lin Wen's eyes moved, and the second item lit up, and countless types of luck appeared behind it.

Lin Wen saw the item ranked first at a glance.

[Categories of luck related to Yuanshen].

That's it!

Lin Wen focused his attention on the item [Tao Ruoyouqing], and black light invaded it.

Soon, this supernatural power became black and steaming, with black lightning densely covering it, which seemed out of place among the good fortune supernatural powers, like a bad fate supernatural power.

The description of the supernatural power has also changed.

[Tao Ruoyouqing] (Heavenly Demon State): After obtaining a certain amount of good fortune, one hundred percent will get a luck path related to the primordial spirit. The probability of obtaining powerful luck is reduced, and the calculated good fortune is halved.

This price is a bit high.

Lin Wen thought to himself.

Especially the item "Halve the calculation of good karma".

That is to say, he has obtained two points of good fortune, but it only counts as one point in [Tao Ruo You Qing].

It is equivalent to 20,000 good fortunes to have one lucky path.

There is also no chance of obtaining such a powerful luck as the "voice of the dragon's cry".

No way, it's better than getting some trash hauls.

Lin Wen glanced, and two drops of water appeared.

"Daughter Fruit": restore all souls.

Both fortunes are the same.

Very austere.


Lin Wen breathed a sigh of relief.


Although it is far inferior to the seven full refills of "Sound of Dragon Cry".

However, you can choose the timing of the two times when the soul is full, and you don't have to worry about using it up in a day.

Use sparingly, and maximize the effect of every cent of Yuanshen.

Proper use of Unit One, with the help of Giant Engineers, should be enough to complete most of the land work.


Lin Wenzhi became high-spirited, strode out of the room, and walked towards the compound of the Java engineering team.

The big development continues!

Jangsan-gun, take off!

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