Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 463 The only hope

Lin Wen really used [Flower in Mirror and Moon in Water].

In the next moment, the entire database exploded, and Lin Wen hurriedly bent down to protect the data in his arms.

With multiple damage reductions, especially the substantial damage reduction of [Mirror Flower and Water Moon], the impact of the explosion is like a young lady's touch, and the temperature of the explosion is like a big sister's embrace.

Before the end of the ten-second invisibility, [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] sounded the alarm again, and Lin Wen really opened another [Flower in the Mirror, Water Moon].

The second explosion came as promised. This time the impact was not strong, but it had a higher temperature. Lin Wen already felt his back was scalded, but he still curled up firmly, protecting the materials in his arms.

Ten seconds passed, and the aftermath of the explosion hadn't dissipated, Lin Wen opened the third [Flower in the Mirror and Moon in Water].

Five seconds later, the temperature had dropped to the level of a hug, and a person stepped into the flames that hadn't faded.

He looked no different from ordinary people, but there was a strange cold light all over his body, and there was a evaporating afterglow on his wrist.

Lin Wen frowned slightly. Isn't this kind of cold light unique to reformed people like royal guards or imperial guards? Why did it appear in Zhongxian's base?

Lin Wen always felt that the Empire's humanoid transformation was very unscientific. The Empire's technology seemed to have been changed by external forces, and the abnormal development of biotechnology was not quite right, although it could exist in theory.

Thoughts flashed by, Lin Wen rushed behind the reformed man while his invisibility was not over, and hit him in the back of the head with a powerful backstab.


Lin Wen felt a numbness in the bones of his hand, as if he had been hit on fine steel. Instead of being blown out of his head, the reformed man quickly stabilized his figure, turned around and raised his hand, aiming at Lin Wen who had just emerged from the air.

The cold light soared, and a strong sense of danger permeated the whole body. Lin Wen immediately opened the fourth [Flower in the Mirror and Moon in Water].

The silent cold light drowned everything, a strong heat flashed across his body, and there was an explosion sound in the distance, and Lin Wen came behind him again taking advantage of his invisibility.


The second backstab hit him in the back of the head.

Two punches with more than 50 tons of strength still did not blow his head, but made Lin Wen feel a little pain in his hand.

The reformed man hurriedly retreated, constantly changing directions, and punching the air continuously.

But Lin Wen's speed was faster than him, and his movements were extremely dexterous. At the last second before the spell ended, he shot a third backstab.

There was a crisp bang, and he received a third blow on the back of the head, but he still stood still, and even turned around to fight back against Lin Wen.

This guy's head is too iron.

Lin Wen was amazed.

Being hit on the back of the head with his iron fist, if not comparable to shelling, is at least as good as a battering ram.

This guy's defense is extremely high, not on the battlefield of modern warfare, it is very difficult to be destroyed.

However, after the fight, Lin Wen quickly discovered that although his speed was a bit faster than his own, his strength was only about a quarter of his own.

Moreover, the dexterity and mastery of force brought by the civet completely surpassed him.

In other words, in hand-to-hand combat, Lin Wen has the advantage.

In the short fight, the reformer was quickly suppressed by Lin Wen.

But it was difficult for Lin Wen to destroy him unless he used a powerful spell, and Lin Wen's defense was not as good as that of the Transformer, and an attack with a quarter of the strength of the Transformer could pose a threat to him, not to mention the cannonball he could trigger from his wrist.

But it doesn't have the stun gun that the royal guards have, and it seems to be a little different from them.

Twenty seconds passed in a blink of an eye. Before Lin Wen left, apart from seeing the astonished expression of the reformer, there was also a bigger bugman coming here in the distance.


Lin Wen fell from mid-air, and fell into a bathtub with a crash. Qin Luoshuang yelled outside, "Who is it?"

Lin Wen turned over and jumped out of the window. As soon as he landed, he happened to meet Yang Shaohu and Lian Mei taking a walk.

"Hey, Sheriff Lin, why did you jump off the stairs?"

Lin Wen smiled: "Exercise."

Lian Mei gently caressed her belly, her face was filled with happiness, she smiled and said, "Sheriff Lin is really amazing."

Yang Shaohu had sharp eyes and asked, "Sheriff Lin, why are you wet?"

Lin Wen replied, "Sweat profusely."

Lian Mei pushed him lightly, and said angrily, "You see how much Sheriff Lin takes care of his body, so he didn't see you exercising."

Yang Shaohu scratched the back of his head, and said with a smirk, "Definitely, I will exercise every day from now on."

Lin Wen bid them farewell quickly, ignored the needle-like gaze from upstairs, turned around and hid in a small forest, and flew to the cave at the exit of the tunnel.

Lin Wen saw from a distance that the entire base of the Council was filled with eruption, tracer bullets followed one after another, turning the night into day, and countless people rushed out like ants flooding an ant nest.

Lin Wen turned around and went into the cave. With a wave of his hand, hundreds of box spirits crawled over together.

As soon as I got out of the cave, I saw a helicopter flying towards here with its searchlights on.

Lin Wen ran up the mountainside, jumped onto the helicopter, and tore down the hatch, throwing the hapless pilot out of the cabin.

Amidst the long screams, Lin Wen turned off the helicopter, parked it in the open space with superb helicopter driving skills, opened the rear hatch, spread out the bridge deck, and shouted: "Little ones, get on the plane!"

It's a pity that the box spirits couldn't speak, so they could only rush towards the helicopter, answering Lin Wen's order with actions.

Lin Wen jumped off the plane and accelerated the process of carrying the boxes.

Fortunately, this helicopter is relatively large, and the box spirits can arrange themselves in the cabin, making use of every bit of space here.

Lin Wen returned to the helicopter, pulled the switch, lifted the helicopter skillfully, adjusted the helicopter's posture, quickly accelerated to supersonic speed, and flew towards Changshan County.

In this way, the entire warehouse of biochemical drugs worth countless and its production technology were transported back to Changshan County.

Amers almost fainted when he saw so many raw materials, and several other biochemical experts hurriedly ordered the staff to send them to the cold storage.

When a staff member was carrying the metal boxes, he found that each box had strange little hands and feet. He squeezed it, and it was soft. It seemed to be some kind of aluminum alloy, which was consistent with the material on the box.

He asked curiously, "What's the use of this?"

"I don't know." Another staff member said, "Maybe it is the structure necessary to store this enzyme."

A biochemical expert shouted: "Stop chatting, take it and refrigerate it, this is a raw material that is more expensive than gold!"

The staff did not dare to speak any more and accelerated the handling.

It was not until a long time later that An Mosi came back to his senses: "Sheriff Lin, there are so many raw materials, my God, this is probably more than a dozen tons... Where did this come from?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "It was donated to us by an unknown benefactor."

An Mosi was shocked and said, "This is too...too...too much, so many raw materials, according to the market price, I'm afraid it won't exceed trillions."

Lin Wen shook his head slightly, and took out the production materials from his pocket.

"Dr. An, this is an advanced production method. With this method, its cost can be reduced to one-twentieth."

Amers was too shocked to speak.

This kind of technology exists at the bottom of the box in any entity group.

How did Sheriff Lin get it?

He suddenly didn't dare to ask any more, and took the paper documents and hard disk tremblingly.

Lin Wen asked, "Dr. An, is there any problem with mass production?"

"No, no. Mass production only needs a clean aseptic environment and an incubator. The most difficult part is the preparation of raw materials. Now that the raw materials are ready, there is absolutely no problem with 2 million pieces a month."

Lin Wen said: "Then I will establish Changshan County Pharmaceutical Company."

"Also, you have to quickly understand the technology. We also need to produce No. 281 enzyme."

"Otherwise, it won't work if there are no more than two million pieces produced."

"I can't always ask good people to donate, can I?"

An Mosi nodded again and again: "Of course."

"That's it. You act quickly. There are still many poor people suffering from cancer who are struggling in despair because they have no money for treatment." Lin Wen urged: "Our medicine is their only hope."

Amers and many biochemical experts replied together: "Don't worry, Sheriff Lin, we will produce as quickly as possible."

Lin Wen nodded and said with a smile: "Come on, I hope there will be no more people in this world suffering from terminal illnesses."

Amers stood in awe.

This is the long-cherished wish of a real medical worker. He once had this ideal, but it was quickly obliterated by reality.

But now, it seems that there is a possibility that it may be realized.

The biochemical experts were even more touched. Scientists more or less have some obsessions and some grand dreams.

But now, there are fewer and fewer such people. Almost no one is serious about academics, and no one is working hard to realize their dreams. Most of them are immersed in academic fraud, plagiarism, and fraudulent activities for money.

A pure scientific research environment like Changshan County is really rare.

Looking at the back of Sheriff Lin leaving, the biochemical experts all thought in their hearts.

It turns out that this is our home.


Golb's Dead Sea base didn't find out that a helicopter was missing until dawn, but this little thing is ignored at all these days.

One of the veterans of the Council, the entire cold storage enzyme No. 281 was stolen, which is a big deal.

They took a lot of effort to open the door broken by Lin Wen, found the incredible tunnel, and found the cave along the tunnel.

But the cave was empty and there was nothing there.

Apparently, the goods had been diverted by the thieves.

Worse than that, the refining technology for Enzyme 281 may have been stolen as well.

The defender's reward is unbelievable, but it makes people have to believe——

The intruder disappeared before their noses.

The furious Yu Zhongxian used all his strength to investigate, but there were almost no useful clues left at the scene, except for a pile of corpses, a tunnel and a few blurred surveillance images.

The base estimates that the intruder is definitely a super special combat body above the fourth level. The defenders confirmed that he has the methods of invisibility, defense against shelling, and resistance to high temperature.

Yu Zhongxian smelled the smell of Changshan County from this familiar smell, only their super special combat body has so many unimaginable means.

"What should we do, Master Chief?" Wang Xinwei asked.

"We have lost a lot this time." Dean De Luo said: "Changshan County has crossed the line. He has become the vanguard of Li Longxing to attack us."

Yu Zhongxian was silent for a moment.

"Get the materials ready, I'll go to the Supreme Council."

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