On the third day, just after Lin Wen hammered the ground, he received a letter from the Supreme Council asking him to accept the questioning.

Lin Wen didn't think too much, and went directly.


Imperial Conference Room.

The four Great Elders sat high on the stage.

Two rows of imperial guards stood on both sides, and Lin Wen glanced at them, wanting to see how they were different from the modified body encountered at the council base.

But unfortunately, no success.

"Lin Wen, do you know that your time of death is coming?" Great Elder Ping Yuan said.

Lin Wen sensed it, but [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] didn't respond, apparently just to scare him casually.

"I have no idea."

"Yu Zhongxian came to us yesterday and gave us a video of the base's special forces combat, with your face on it."

"Oh, that's fake, with special effects added."

"According to Article 137 of the Regulations of the Empire's Special Combat Units on Rebuilding Humanoid Transformation, any dispatch of special combat units that have reached the fourth level or above should be reported to the Imperial Guardian Department."

Great Elder Pingyuan looked at Lin Wen.

"Offenders will be punished according to the size of the consequences. Those who lose more than one billion yuan will be sentenced to death."

"Yu Zhongxian reported losses as high as two billion."

"Oh, I don't know, those who don't know are innocent."

Great Elder Ping Yuan said coldly: "Do you think we dare not kill you?"

The words were full of murderous intent, but 【Body Without Colorful Phoenix】would not lie to him, the other three were dealing with business, and they didn't even raise their heads to look at him.

Lin Wen categorically denied: "Of course I'm afraid."

"Okay, let's forget about the capital crime, and you will be fined 1.5 billion, which will be handed over when you repay the loan next month."

Lin Wen's eyes widened, and he used [Luan Zhaoshui] to test the consequences of not paying back the money.



Lin Wen became anxious for a moment, "Is there any mistake? I am developing and building a lot. I only eat one steamed bun for each meal in order to save one yuan to build the empire as soon as possible. I'm a fart if you deduct 1.5 billion steamed buns from me."

Great Elder: "You got more than this little money from Yu Zhongxian."

Lin Wen denied it categorically: "You are wronging good people, I didn't go there at all."

The Great Elder took out two photos and placed them in front of him. One photo showed Lin Wen in a helicopter flying from Tianzhou to Changshan County.

From the point of view, it should be a sneak shot by an observer somewhere. The focus is accurate and the picture is clear, showing Lin Wen's heroic posture of flying the helicopter with one hand.

The other photo was obviously taken by a satellite, with a resolution of about ten meters, but it was still possible to barely see that the helicopter was parked in the open space of the Changshan County Biochemical Base, and countless black spots like ants were carrying supplies.

If it is in the trial court, this cannot be used as ironclad evidence.

But in the eyes of superiors, it is enough.

The Great Elder said flatly: "Go back, Chief Lin, just pay the fine on time."

Lin Wen was in a hurry, "Don't, Changshan County's vigorous development is at a critical juncture, you can't put a burden on our heads! Otherwise, it will cause the so-called rice card effect, the empire's 190 billion investment, and Changshan County's 110 billion investment will be in vain!"

"Aren't you good at making money? How many people have you killed in Changshan County? My black material about you can fit a container."

"That's slander! I didn't kill anyone at all. Changshan County's money only came from donations from well-meaning businessmen."

"Did they commit suicide after donating all their property?"

"That's because I influenced them with love. They realized their conscience and felt guilty, so they donated all their property to atone for their crimes and committed suicide to apologize. My files clearly explain their crimes."

The Great Elder said coldly: "Lin Wen, it's an extraordinary time, an extraordinary means. When you first arrived in Changshan County, you had no capital, and there is nothing wrong with using bloody methods to do primitive accumulation. You want Changshan County to completely turn around, conquer east and west, and repeatedly provoke the bottom line of the empire. We can forgive you. What is truly unforgivable is incompetence."

"I hope you will always remember that."

"Okay, okay, I remember, can you exempt 1.5 billion? The finances of Changshan County have been exhausted."

Great Elder: "Changshan County has just established a pharmaceutical company. Judging by your posture, the plan is probably not small. Your finances are very healthy."

Lin Wen said angrily: "My new drug empire won't approve it!"

"What new medicine?"

"cure cancer."

"How many phases of clinical trials have you done?"

"Phase five."

"Where did you do it?"

"Computer simulation."

The Great Elder looked at him, wondering what he was thinking about, and said after a while: "Okay, I'll give you a special approval, and you don't want to make trouble about the money."

Lin Wenxi raised his eyebrows, and quickly put on a sad face: "Great...it's okay."

"Go back, remember not to violate the special warfare regulations again."

Lin Wen asked curiously: "Why didn't I see this in the imperial law?"

"When Li Longxing gave you the super special combat body, didn't he tell you?"


Lin Wen suddenly came to his senses, and quickly changed his words: "Uh, no, maybe I said it, but I didn't pay attention to it."

"This is a regulation signed by a group with a super special combat body, and it is the empire's restriction on them."

Ping Yuan explained a sentence in a rare way.

"Empire Guardian, send him a copy later."

Lin Wen suddenly remembered one more thing, and said, "I met an enemy in the council's base that was similar to the imperial guardian, but without a stun gun."

The four raised their heads together.

That aura made Lin Wen feel a little guilty: "Uh, this...I mean my super special combat body is at the council's base..."

"Lin Wen, you don't have to tell us about this."

Lin Wen scratched the back of his head and said, "Well... I'm afraid that you will overturn your car."

Up to now, the Supreme Council is still beneficial to him, and allies are naturally far from being mentioned, but there is mutual benefit and mutual assistance.

If the overconfident Supreme will accidentally turn over and the villain Yu Zhongxian gets his ambition, then Changshan County will be in great trouble. Although he can die generously, even if he dies like this in a perfect reincarnation, it will be too embarrassing, and there may be side effects.

At least Qin Luoshuang had to take the position and stay in Changshan County for a year before he could get rid of possible bad relationships.

The Great Elder understood the rollover as a loss of interests.

From the perspective of the structure of the conversation, this is obviously not the beginning of an exchange of interests.

They were a little surprised that someone in the empire really considered the interests of the Supreme Council.

"Boy, you have revealed your bottom line." The elder said coldly, "It seems that you don't know much about the special warfare field of the empire."

"The modified body of the colony is a half-human, half-mechanical transformation body that is loaded into the original body of the colony."

"The original body is the core, and the manufacturing technology has been lost. If there are guards who die outside, we have to recover it."

"But over the years, there have always been some accidents, and some other reasons, the colonizers have spread."

It was the first time for Lin Wen to hear this kind of inside story, and he finally solved some of his doubts about this wonderful empire, but more questions arose, and he asked curiously, "Why don't you take it back?"

"It involves a lot of historical issues."

"Why don't you crack the Primarch?"

"Where do you think the empire's advanced biotechnology came from?"

Lin Wen was suddenly stunned, "Seeing that there is no hope of cracking it, Yu Zhongxian found another way and went on the wrong path, didn't he?"

The Great Elder didn't answer his obviously biased and childish question.

"Before the biochemical transformation body appeared in the special warfare field of the empire, there were only reproductive transformation bodies, but the biochemical transformation body is currently extremely immature, and its power is not as good as the reproduction transformation body. It has extremely low intelligence and is uncontrollable."

"You're right." Lin Wen hurriedly said, "Biochemical monsters are rubbish. I don't know when they will come up with the T-virus and the G-virus. Sooner or later, they will destroy the whole world. Hurry up and execute Yu Zhongxian Lingchi."

Great Elder Ping Yuan said flatly: "Let's talk about this matter later."

Another great elder asked: "Are you from the Weapon Victory School?"

"Weapons of destruction may emerge, and the biochemical route is not necessarily fruitless."

Lin Wen tried his best to persuade: "Destructive weapons will inevitably appear. Biochemical monsters are against human beings. Human beings will perish if they are not careful. The empire can use physical weapons..."

Great Elder Ping Yuan shook his head lightly.

"You have to think from the perspective of the empire. Having one hole card is better than none, and having two hole cards is better than one."

Lin Wen wanted to say more, but the conversation was over.

"That's it, you go back and build Changshan County as soon as possible, and open up the east-west passages earlier."

Two imperial guards came up.

"Sheriff Lin, please."

Lin Wen sighed softly, knowing that he couldn't be persuaded, so he could only go back with the imperial guardian.

After a while.

Li Huideng, the chief financial officer of the empire, trotted in respectfully.

"Your Majesty Pingyuan, do you need me?"

"A fine was imposed on Yu Zhongxian. He violated a regulation on reproductive transformation and a regulation on biochemical transformation."

Li Huideng was taken aback for a moment, his face seemed uneasy, but then he bowed deeply: "Yes!"

"Has the relevant areas of Changshan County improved?"

"Slight improvement."


"The local construction in Changshan County is doing so-so. A total of only five million people are engaged in related work. There has been no confusion for the time being. The progress of the project is only 20 times faster than we expected. The activity of Laka has slightly increased by 129%, and the relevant market circulation has increased by 617%."

"Okay, let's go down."


After Li Huideng left.

The elders were silent for a long time before speaking.

"The situation is bad, we are running out of money."

"War bonds?"

"It was only sold for less than 30 billion yuan, and the major groups hardly bought it."

"We can only wait for Li Longxing's victory."

"Send him a telegram."

"A urge to attack?"

"No, tell him that everything is safe in the empire."


To the Winter Palace.

Yu Zhongxian issued the latest instructions.

"The main target is Li Longxing. The day of the emperor's triumphant return is the time of our demise. In comparison, Changshan County is just a dog jumping up and down."

Wang Xinwei gritted his teeth and said, "One day, we will cut up this dog and eat it."

Another speaker said: "This day is not far away, as long as we destroy their economy, he will die without a place to bury him."

Dean De Luo said in a low voice: "Our loss this time is huge, and the foundation has been shaken. Enzyme No. 281 is our old base that we have stored for two years. Now it is difficult to experiment with the undead."

Yu Zhongxian said coldly: "Suspend other projects, and fully supply the undead project."

A chairman of the council said: "Elder Mo delivered another batch of worms. He urged us to find more and better raw materials as soon as possible."

Yu Zhongxian ordered: "Deluo, I will leave this matter to you."

Dro took the order and left.

Chief Medical Officer Taura said: "My lord, the counterfeit medical products have caused great dissatisfaction and caused more than 5,000 deaths and injuries. Our reputation has been affected..."

Yu Zhongxian asked indifferently: "How much money did you earn?"

"The net profit is less than one billion."

"Let my company file a counterfeit and shoddy product lawsuit against those leather bag companies and demand sky-high compensation."

"Master Chief, if we lose money, we will share some of it with those unlucky ones."

"Just close down."

Yu Zhongxian said coldly: "Let a few go to prison for the dead ghosts, and let our media publicize this matter."

"This... Mr. President, the leather bag company we opened with great difficulty was abandoned like this... We didn't make much money."

"Repeat it a few more times. Now that the control is strict, it can only be a little troublesome."


Tian Pu, chief medical officer, took the order and left.

"Wang Xinwei." Yu Zhongxian ordered: "I will give you the worms, half of the giant troops, and all the gray men's troops. You are responsible for destroying the economy of Changshan County."

"Yes." Wang Xinwei smiled heavily, "That bastard will regret it."


early morning.

While Lin Wen was waiting for a good fate this week, he received the good news from Anmosi.

"The mass production of the new drug has been completed, and the first batch of 100,000 tubes has been delivered to Changshan County Pharmaceutical Company."

Lin Wen smiled, this is double happiness.

"Notify the various departments of Changshan County, Xia Xiaoxiang, a marketing genius, to promote the product with all his strength."

"I want the whole empire to know that cancer is no longer an incurable disease for the poor, and it is no longer the source of nightmares and tragedies. The treatment can be so cheap, and the medical treatment can have a little conscience."

"I'm going to squeeze the council to death, so none of its products can be sold."

"Dried to death by an old dog."

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