Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 508: The Battle of the Council (Part 1)

The next day, the Imperial newspaper published an obituary in a page the size of a tofu block: Marshal Fu Wenyu died of illness.

At the same time, Yu Zhongxian handed over the living Fu Wenyu to the Supreme Council and accused Fu Wenyu of ten crimes.

A total of: treason, collaborating with the enemy, supporting the enemy, treason, violation of regulations, corruption, immorality, slander, weaving lies, and illegality.

The indictment listed in detail everything that Rune Yu had done, including:

Deliberately betraying classified military information.

Deliberately mobilize troops to create defensive loopholes to facilitate the Papal State's surprise attack.

Raid on Imperial supplies and logistics.

Reselling arms supplies for huge profits.

Maliciously opposed the correct opinion of the great imperial emperor Li Yongxing, trying to lead the imperial army to failure.

Steal Imperial Biotech and give it to the Papal State, enabling the Papal State to produce giants and zombies.

There are other things such as low moral character, trying to molest the princess's personal maid, obstructing the construction of the imperial law, corrupting the pure and fair council, and so on.

The related files are more than 200 pages long, with clear facts, smooth logic, and detailed evidence, completely revealing how the imperial marshal who was once admired by thousands of people degenerated into a traitor step by step.

After a tripartite joint review, Fu Wenyu confessed to the crime he committed.

In the end, Fu Wenyu and his henchmen were secretly sentenced to death, all property was confiscated, and they were removed from the imperial army.

Of course, in order to maintain the image of the empire, it was announced that the old marshal died of illness.

After a simple funeral was hastily held, the once prominent, high-spirited, and ambitious Marshal of the Empire was silently buried in the ground without even a tombstone.


Yu Zhongxian's method is extremely sophisticated, without thirty years of experience in the industry, he really couldn't do such a process that meets the imperial standard.

Every detail is perfectly in line with the wishes of the Supreme Council.

Every measure is just right.

The reason why he dared to do this was because the rune jade had no effect in this battle. It did not play a role in checking and balancing Li Longxing, but instead held back the imperial army.

If he could lead the imperial army to even one victory, Yu Zhongxian would not dare to do it.

But he didn't.

All day long in the Marshal's Department pointing Jiang Shan, but did not put forward any meaningful suggestions other than opposition.

The generals in the army have long been tired of this old marshal who can only criticize. After Li Longxing's victory, his last remaining prestige disappeared.

The old Marshal is old.

This is what everyone thinks.

At this time, Fu Wenyu was already in an extremely dangerous state, and he had become a useless abandoned child in the eyes of the Supreme Council.

And he himself still has countless black materials and holds countless secrets.

At this moment, what Fu Wenyu should do most is to hide in the marshal's mansion and contemplate behind closed doors, or admit defeat to the Supreme Council, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

But he didn't.

He even went to the celebration banquet with a shy face, and after being rejected, he ran to the lair of the council, which had already been sharpened.

Fei Yang came to the door on his own initiative and threw himself into the trap. Yu Zhongxian laughed so hard that he almost recovered from a stroke.

The Huang faction was planning to do something, and just waited until the celebration banquet was over to liquidate this old bastard.

Unexpectedly, Yu Zhongxian took the lead.

He acted too quickly. On the day the Imperial Marshal returned from the front line, Yu Zhongxian disposed of Fu Wenyu, a key figure, and put all the blame on him.

The chain of evidence is so complete, it must have been prepared long ago.

Perhaps after the victory at the Battle of the Stan River, the council began to make preparations for this.

Seeing the old marshal who used to call the wind and rain in the trial court, dumbfounded and drooling, everyone in the Huangpai couldn't help but feel horrified.

They knew that the old marshal must have suffered inhuman torture from the council to become like this.

Li Longxing felt the pressure. The council responded so quickly, he had to hurry up and seize power.

The high tower of power in the empire, if traced to the bottom, is force.

This is the cornerstone of all power.

The internal political situation of the empire is unstable, turbulent, and private soldiers are rampant. Every governor has his own soldiers, and any group has a strong family background.

The Supreme Council can maintain its rule in this stormy empire, in addition to the perfect balance technique, it also relies on the elite and powerful central army.

The reason why Li Longxing was able to sit on this throne was also because he had complete control over the Royal Guards.

However, force is only the cornerstone and the background for establishing the rules of the game.

Those who rule only by force are Junzhengfu.

The military government is not a normal government, it can't handle too complicated things, and it can't go far.

If Li Longxing wants to get rid of the council, he must obtain more complete power.

After this expedition, the emperor of the empire gained a lot of prestige among the army, people, and officials.

These prestige are his intangible political assets.

But this is not enough, Li Longxing still needs the support of more people, he needs to prove his right, his ability, he can make the empire stronger and bring everyone a better future.

In this way, more people will support him and dare not oppose his reforms.

The disposal of the Papal State was his first test.

In the discussion meeting.

The first thing to be killed was the proposal to annex the Papal State.

There is no doubt that this is a huge burden. If swallowed, the empire will definitely grow a huge pustule, and it will not absorb much benefit.

What really entered the discussion were the three issues of colonies, dependent countries, and huge war reparations.

The final decision on them is in the hands of Li Longxing, and the winner has the power to deal with the loser, which is also the imperial practice.

At the same time, it is also pressure. If Li Longxing cannot make the most favorable choice, then the prestige he has accumulated so hard will be lost.

Regarding the choice of these three issues and the details of the implementation plan, the main members of the imperial faction, the main generals of the imperial army, and the main officials of the empire argued with each other and argued endlessly.

The meeting has been noisy all day, and still no one can come up with an overwhelming and feasible plan.

Li Longxing was also in a dilemma. He originally wanted to choose the plan of the dependent country.

However, his specific plan does not have much benefit to the empire. No one here cares about the civilians of the Papal State. They only want to grab more benefits from the Papal State.

Li Linyue sat at the bottom and was also very anxious. She noticed that the eight elders at the other end of the meeting were silent, waiting to see the emperor's joke.

The elders and the emperor are natural enemies, and their authority is separated from the imperial power. As long as the imperial power expands, the power of the elders will be damaged.

Therefore, when the imperial power expands, they will collectively oppose it.

This is a matter of position, not likes or dislikes.

Lin Wen on the side had already been asleep for a day, Li Linyue hesitated for a moment, remembering the last sentence conveyed by her sister, she poked him awake.

"Xiaowen, can you do anything?"

Lin Wen yawned big, "Are you guys done arguing? Let's go back to sleep."

Li Linyue pinched his thigh hard, "Keep your voice down."

With a slight flush on his face, he whispered, "Are you in such a hurry? Father got us engaged soon."


Lin Wen woke up suddenly.

What does it mean to be engaged?

Isn't the engagement broken?

He concentrated and took a look at the karmic connection between them.

It is very thick, with five words written in golden light on it.

"The perfect husband."


Lin Wen was in a hurry, don't make trouble for me during my last nine weeks in the physical world.

Didn't they say that if they didn't go to the banquet, they would get divorced... No, the engagement was terminated?

Qin Luoshuang is so cute, it would be too inhuman for me to find her a stepmother, right?


Lin Wen immediately coughed and began to use the driving skills he had studied for a while.

"Quickly, I want to use your legs to measure my waistline."

Li Linyue was taken aback for a moment, and then, her entire snow-white face turned red visibly with the naked eye, and the red glow extended to her neck.

Obviously, she didn't understand at all.

"You, what are you talking about? I can measure it with a ruler..."

She was a little incoherent, Lin Wen smiled slightly, and the effect was good, but when he was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue her, he was spotted by the sharp-eyed Li Longxing.

When Li Longxing saw his daughter's embarrassment, he knew that the boy was molesting her, and he immediately became angry, "Is it possible for you to moleste my precious daughter?"

Even if you can, you shouldn't be molesting in public, right?

Wouldn't it be good for you to go to bed and flirt?

And it's not yet the right time to go public, at least until the dust settles.

This has to be seen by others, so what's the matter?

Therefore, Li Longxing immediately said: "Lin Wen! Come and express your opinion! How is the Pope's state going to deal with it?"

"Finally it's my turn to speak."

Lin Wenchang laughed, stood up and stretched, which attracted many dissatisfied eyes, but he didn't care at all.

"I don't think any of you should talk, it's a waste of time."

Yu Zhongxian sneered: "Only you can talk?"

Lin Wen rubbed his sore shoulders, and said casually: "Only people with an IQ of 250 can speak. Talking with the mentally retarded is just a waste of time. If you don't have the intelligence, just do it obediently."

Yu Zhongxian was furious in his heart, his wheelchair was given by this little bastard, and when he remembered that he was fooled by him like a fool before, he couldn't suppress his anger.

"Do you dare to say that I am mentally retarded?"

Lin Wen yawned big, and adjusted his orientation to the direction of the group of councilors.

"No, no, don't get me wrong, I'm not targeting you."

"I mean everyone here is mentally retarded."


The members of the council at a table all stood up, shouting and cursing at Lin Wen.

Lin Wen was not afraid, sprayed with them, and with years of experience in spraying, sprayed them to the ground, unable to take care of himself.

The meeting suddenly became chaotic, and Li Longxing decisively called the imperial guardian envoy to suppress the disturbance.

Lin Wen laughed loudly, pointing at the people in the Council: "Who is the peak at the end of the spray?"

At this time, Yu Zhongxian calmed down instead, and said coldly: "Mr. Lin, what's the use of just playing lip service, let us see your brilliant ideas."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Listen up, my horror advice."

The venue fell silent, everyone held their breaths, Li Linyue's eyes lit up, she felt that Lin Wen was very handsome just now, and she was not angry at all.

Lin Wen announced his answer loudly.

"Of course it's a dependent country."

There were several cold snorts in the venue, but no one spoke, waiting for his next words.

Lin Wen didn't say anything special, nor did he spend a huge amount of money to use spells to get the answer.

He just recited the full text of the "Treaty of Security and Guarantees on Yueri", and then briefly recounted the control of Yuemu by Meilijian.

The summary is three.

First, how dogs are trained.

Second, how to use dogs to gain benefits.

Third, what should be done when the dog bites the owner back.

Lin Wen didn't have particularly fancy language, he just briefly recounted the facts that had happened.

However, in everyone's ears, this is an astonishing social science reasoning, a perfect interpretation of the interaction between humanities and interests, and its details are so real that they are monstrous.

This is a plan that is absolutely feasible, maximizes benefits, and minimizes backlash.

No one could speak, and everyone looked at Lin Wen, as if they were looking at an alien, a person who had passed through the world where this incident happened.

Li Linyue even had Xiafei's cheeks, thinking in her heart, if he wants it so much, just give it to him.

Li Longxing laughed until he couldn't see his eyes, and said loudly: "Does anyone have a better opinion?"

No one spoke. Although they still had some ideas, they all felt that they couldn't compare with this plan.

Li Longxing was very happy, it seemed that their engagement could be made public as soon as possible, the young man was full of anger, he could only watch while guarding a big beauty, he could hold back this kid.

Haha, hold back for a while, when you have a good time.

Yu Zhongxian's face was as dark as shit that had been released for a hundred years, and everyone in the council was also silent.

This time is the weakest period of the council, and no one dares to say too much, lest they be used as a punching bag.

The next part of the meeting is to deal with some details.

Basically, it is still in the usual way, buying high-level officials and indirectly controlling the Papal State to collect benefits.

However, Lin Wen objected to the handling of this detail.

"The people are all poor ghosts. How much money can those bitter people have? Ninety years have passed since the Papal Kingdom collected all the taxes in order to fight us."

Yan Gao, chief tax officer of the empire, asked doubtfully, "What ninety years? I didn't..."

Lin Wen interrupted him: "I said yes, so don't interrupt."

Yan Gao, the tax chief who was three ranks higher than him, kept his mouth shut.

Li Linyue squeezed her fist under the table, and said in her heart: "That's what you want, Xiaowen, you did a great job!"

"In short, the common people have become poor ghosts, and there is no oil and water to scrape... If you scrape again, they will turn against each other, which will damage the image of our master Wang and will not be conducive to the future rule."

Luo Nuo, the elder of the empire, asked coldly: "If we don't scrape the poor, whose oil are we scraping? Everyone has put in so much effort and spent so much money. Is there no return? I bought tens of billions of war bonds."

Lin Wen replied briefly: "Whoever has money will scratch."

Luo Nuo looked coldly: "What do you mean?"

Lin Wen sneered.

"An empire is an empire because it is composed of civilized people."

"Civilized people are reasonable, and they pay attention to those who have their faults and their debts."

"Who started the war? The upper echelon of the Papal State. Who led the war? The upper echelon of the Papal State. Who created the hatred? The upper echelon of the Papal State."

Lin Wen walked up to Luo Nuo, the elder of the empire, and pointed at his nose.

"And you, forgive the enemy, forgive the culprit, but cut the butcher's knife at the innocent."

The voice turned sharp:

"Are you still civilized? Are you still imperial?"

There were obviously blue veins on Luo Nuo's forehead, and his fists were clenched tightly.

It was this little beast... Not long ago, in the food war initiated and led by him, this little beast caused him and his group to suffer heavy losses. The huge loss forced him to mortgage the Mingguang Exchange to others.

Now, he dared to point at his nose and call him not a member of the empire?

If this is not Shenjing, he must tear this little beast into pieces.

Lin Wen ignored his eyes that wanted to eat him alive, turned around and returned to the midfield, and said loudly: "Therefore, the upper echelons of the Papal Kingdom are unforgivable. Kill all these guys who dare to provoke the empire! Confiscate all their property! The money of the poor is not wanted by the people of the empire."

"Whoever has money, we'll scrape whose money!"

Lin Wengao raised his right hand.

Everyone subconsciously shouted: "Long live the empire!"

The temperature in the room suddenly rose, and a frenzied atmosphere was circulating.

For a moment, they seemed to have become the passionate and impassioned imperial youth again.

At this time, Lin Yabo, the elder of the empire, said grimly: "Mr. Lin, if we kill all the upper echelons, how can we rule the Papal State?"

There are a lot of his partners in the upper echelon of the Papal State. If these people can regain the rulership of the Papal State, then he and Yu Zhongxian have countless means of manipulation.

Lin Wen sneered.

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