"It's okay to change a group of people?"

Lin Yabo was overjoyed, thinking to himself that you finally showed your flaws, right? A guy with a hairless mouth is immature.

He stood up and said word by word: "The new ruler has no prestige, which is not conducive to our rule, and has no experience, which is not conducive to our manipulation."

"The old rulers know the pros and cons and know how to weigh the pros and cons. As agents, their power is attached to us, so they will serve us wholeheartedly."

Lin Wen laughed unceremoniously: "You are extremely stupid! You don't deserve the surname Lin, so take the surname Mu."

As soon as the voice fell, the entire venue was so quiet that a needle could be heard. Lin Yabo had never been insulted like this before, and his entire face was about to burst with anger. Li Longxing shouted: "Lin Wen, be polite!"

Lin Wen thought for a while, the emperor still had to give face, so he nodded: "Okay."

Turning around, he continued, "Elder Mu..."

The air in the whole venue froze, and Lin Yabo was furious, but he swallowed his breath, sat still in his position with a livid face, staring at Lin Wen like a cheetah, and would attack angrily whenever he showed his flaws.

Lin Wen didn't care about his gaze.

"I will teach you a method. First, select a group of people and let them serve as candidates for the people to vote."

"Then, a group of people with the highest number of votes will be selected, and after our official appointment, they will become the agents of the Empire to rule the Pope."

"There are several advantages to doing this."

"First, this is the local people. Second, this is chosen by the people themselves. Third, the final decision rests with the empire."

"People will thank us for giving them a choice, and those in power will thank us for empowering them."

"In the end, no one will hate the empire, we are still the master of the king."

"If those in power arouse public grievances, we will replace them and elect someone to come to power... High above and aloof, this is called Shangguo! Do you understand? Elder Mu."

Although Lin Yabo was furious in his heart, he couldn't find the flaws in this rhetoric for a while, and he couldn't attack it from the political point of view. This is the rule of the enemy country, how can it be compared with the empire?

The most important thing is that the upper class of the Papal State has a lot of wealth, especially their numerous temples, which contain a lot of gold.

If the upper echelon of the Papal State is completely wiped out, this large sum of money will be used as spoils of war, which is in the interests of most people.

Elder Luo Nuo of the empire suddenly found a flaw, stood up and said gloomyly: "Your indiscriminate killing behavior will arouse the anger of the people and cause civil turmoil in the Pope. If the empire sends troops to suppress it, it will be very easy to fall into a passive position, and even trigger a chain reaction, causing great turmoil in the entire Pope."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Where did you come to the conclusion that these upper-class nobles are very popular with the people?"

"Did these upper-level figures give them rich clothes and food, or did they bring them endless glory?"

"The king regards the people as worthless, and the people regard the king as an enemy. Since their behavior of turning civilians into zombies and sending them to the battlefield as cannon fodder was exposed, who still treats them as their own?"

"I assert that if you kill them, the people will only applaud!"

"You!" Luo Nuo was furious, but he couldn't say anything to refute.

There were bursts of buzzing in the hall.

Lin Wen's words moved them, and most of them believed that this was a feasible and good way. The empire didn't have to pay too much, but it could gain a lot of benefits.

Among the eight elders, Ye Nantian and Xu Chengguo had a relationship with Lin Wen. They were also well-known neutral factions, and because of Yao Jing, they had a close relationship with Lin Wen.

Wang Wengong is a reformist, and he is actually inclined to Li Longxing's reform in his heart, but he is also fiercely opposed to the expansion of imperial power, which seems a bit wavering.

The three agreed with Lin Wen's method.

Among the other five people, Lin Yabo, Moxili, Luo Nuo, and Cheng Wei have formed an offensive and defensive alliance. They are the big backers behind Yu Zhongxian and the biggest enemies of the Huang faction.

The last and most special one is Ren Zhengqing. He is the leader of the capitalist party and the banner bearer of ethnology. He pursues the concept of worker bees, advocates force and military expansion, and believes that aggression can solve all contradictions.

He is the most inconspicuous among the eight elders, but he is the most powerful one.

He agreed with Lin Wen's method.

Among the eight elders, four agreed and four opposed, and most of the other officials and generals voted for it.

Therefore, Li Longxing officially announced the approval of the draft, and appointed a post-war committee to be stationed in the Papal State to deal with this matter.

The post-war committee was led by Imperial Marshal Shang Lianshan, executive staff officer Guo Feng, assisted by heroes of the Battle of Stan River, plus some imperial generals or pro-imperial personnel who came to gild.

Of course, Lin Wen didn't care about this matter, he just wanted to quickly kill the Council and return to Changshan County.

It has been more than a week since the end of the war, and he ate another 20,000 points of good luck. In the next time, he didn't want to eat another 20,000 points.

However, the post-war committee cared about him very much. That night, they specially invited Lin Wen to attend the royal internal dinner, and wanted to ask him for some advice.

Lin Wen was very annoyed by the endless interpersonal communication, but for Li Longxing's sake, he still came.

The dinner party was full of core members and important allies of the Huang faction, and Lin Wen was definitely the most dazzling one among them all, not even the first princess was as attractive as him at this moment.

Lin Wen disliked this kind of interpersonal communication and socializing the most. As soon as he sat down at the wine table, he opened his seven orifices and exquisite mind, and he devoted himself to researching the details of new spells and supernatural powers.

At the wine table, Li Longxing was both happy and worried.

What makes him happy is that his good son-in-law is exquisite in all aspects, long-sleeved and good at dancing, and takes care of people and things like a fish in water.

What is worrying is that there is an endless stream of people who want to propose marriage. Only a few people know about the engagement of Lin Wen and his precious daughter.

What made Li Longxing even more unhappy was that Lin Wen didn't forcefully refuse, and his flirtatious look seemed to have something to say.

Those old guys were all elated, thinking that they still had a chance to have a relationship with this outstanding young man.

Li Linyue sat at one of the top seats at the long table. Although the excitement around her was still unabated, her heart was empty, as if something was missing.

Li Qingyue stayed beside her sister empathetically, holding her slender hand, and whispered in her ear: "Sister, brother-in-law is too much, you have paid so much for him, yet he doesn't come to accompany you."

"Sister, do you think brother-in-law has taken a fancy to a girl from another family? You see, old man Xu has been talking about a good marriage, but brother-in-law has not refused."

"elder sister……"

Li Linyue's heart was extremely disturbed, and she was not good at attacking, and for a while, she had the idea of ​​breaking the engagement and not marrying for life.

At this time, the next table booed, asking Lin Wen to stand up and recite poems.

Poetry and songs are also the characteristics of the empire, but it has been in decline for a long time, and people don't care about these arty things when the situation is turbulent.

But at this time, the imperial faction is full of glory and a bright future is in sight. Everyone is in high spirits and insists on showing off Lin Wen's talent.

Hearing that someone was going to chant a poem, the table was quiet for a while, and he raised his neck in his heart to signal the master to move. Lin Wen took half a second to control his body and stand up.

I cleared my throat, and said in a voice far exceeding that of a national first-class announcer:

"The east wind blows flowers and thousands of trees at night, and blows them down, and the stars are like rain."

As soon as the words fell, everyone applauded in unison, and the applause was like thunder. This poem is very suitable for the current situation of the Huangpai, like flowers blooming brocade, like fire cooking oil.

Heart continues to recite:

"BMW carving cars are fragrant all over the road. The sound of the phoenix flute is moving, the light of the jade pot is turning, and the fish and dragon dance all night."

The applause became more enthusiastic, and the atmosphere gradually reached a climax.

Li Longxing, the big and small princesses, the little prince who didn't want to talk because of his death, and many big figures like Marshal Shang Lianshan all focused their attention.

The heart is not afraid, the voice turns quiet, the eyes turn, and there is a hint of affection.

"Moth snow willows are golden strands, and the laughter is full of dark fragrance."


Everyone made noises in unison, and many relatives were smiling, thinking that this promising boy was hinting at him.

Li Linyue's heart was sour, she couldn't help but shed tears, Lin Wen's eyes wandered around those young beauties, but he didn't give her any of it.

The voice of my heart suddenly became louder, and I recited the two most expressive lines of this poem.

"People look for him thousands of Baidu."

"Suddenly looking back, that person is there, in a dimly lit place."

The meeting was quiet for a second or two, and then the whole venue was flooded with applause and cheers.

There were whistles and cheers everywhere, and many people stood up and applauded for Lin Wen's wonderful poem.

But all these brilliant and noisy sounds are far away from Li Linyue, as if separated by a thick layer of glass, it is just the background of the hustle and bustle of the bustling city, her soul seems to be drawn out, and she enters a trance state.

in front of her.

Lin Wenzheng looked at her with a smile in his eyes.

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