Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 515 The Death of Yu Zhongxian

The chief judge stood up and began to read aloud the indictment submitted by the imperial envoy.

The complete dossier was more than 2,000 pages long, and the chief judge only read the main part, and then started questioning.

He sternly said: "Supreme Council, Supreme Council Chairman Yu Zhongxian, you know that you have violated the law and committed a heinous crime. The above-mentioned crimes are not conclusive. The facts are clear, the logic is established, and the relevant witnesses and material evidence are all available. Do you admit to the above crimes?"

Yu Zhongxian was sitting in a wheelchair, raising his eyes slightly, although he was looking up, it was like looking down.

"What does it matter if I plead guilty or not?"

He smiled indifferently, and his cold voice was transmitted to the audience through the loudspeaker.

"That's how the empire is, the weak prey on the strong, this is our law of survival."

He turned the wheelchair around, opened his hands, and faced everyone in the audience, especially the emperor.

"You say I'm heinous, but are you people who are standing on the shore majestic, really that clean?"

The chief judge slammed the gavel and shouted: "Answer my question! Yu Zhongxian, you are contempt of court!"

Yu Zhongxian ignored the voice behind him, pointed at everyone present, and said with a sneer, "It's just a bird of a feather! What right do you have to judge me?"

The atmosphere in the venue seemed to be suppressed, only Li Longxing looked at him standing still.

The chief judge said angrily: "Guard! Guard! Turn him around."

Li Longxing said indifferently: "Yu Zhongxian, don't resist, your new law party and your council are finished. I will completely rebuild the council, wash away all the filth, return it to its original appearance, and perform its due duties. Your jungle law is outdated, and I will establish a new rule."

Yu Zhongxian sneered: "Li Longxing, don't be too happy, don't think you won."

He ripped off his clothes with a jerk, exposing the lines that covered his bony chest.

"Do you know what this is?"

Li Longxing sensed something was wrong. The Emperor's Tower had strict security measures, and it was impossible to bring explosives in.

He cast his eyes on the captain of the Royal Guard not far away.

The Captain of the Royal Guard shook his head slightly, indicating that no explosives were detected.

Yu Zhongxian smiled triumphantly: "Don't bother, the meaning it represents exceeds the limit of your imagination, but before explaining what it is, I would like to invite you to watch a video."

Li Longxing tilted his head slightly, and the two guards standing behind Yu Zhongxian who were at a loss immediately rushed away as if they had been pardoned.

After a while, the large screen of the courtroom was connected to the signal channel provided by Yu Zhongxian.

The big screen lit up with a bang, showing the unique khaki color of the desert.

Judging from the picture, it should be a helicopter overhead shot. It is not very professional. The picture is shaking, the focus is obviously not accurate, many places are blurred, and the whine of the helicopter can be faintly heard in the background.

Soon, someone recognized it: "Isn't this the Klan Principality of the Northern Alliance?"

Li Huideng, the chief financial officer of the empire, shouted, "What are you doing, old dog Yu?"

Yu Zhongxian didn't even look at him, and said to Li Longxing: "Wait a moment, and soon you will see the most spectacular sight since the birth of human civilization tens of thousands of years ago."

There was some commotion in the venue, and the atmosphere was full of uneasiness and gloom.

No one spoke, and everyone looked at the camera anxiously.

It crossed the mountains and the Grand Canyon at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, and quickly flew towards the country in the desert.

Not long after, the camera stopped moving, trembled slightly and then lifted up.

The distant scene appeared.

Everyone gasped, and with a bang, they were startled by the terrifying scene on the screen and fell to the ground.

In the lens, the overwhelming yellow-brown color extends to the end of the horizon, like a viscous ocean polluted by chemical products, and like a moldy carpet covered with bacterial fluff.

It moves with ease, but its horror is fully revealed when the camera zooms in.

It was a large group of innumerable deformed and distorted objects. They had different shapes, but their basic shape was like a huge proliferating pustule, as if a tumor cut from a human body had grown countless times, rolling and moving on the ground.

The sea of ​​monsters pushed outwards at an extremely fast speed, and monsters from the rear were constantly being squeezed into the front row, and then pressed down again, and the thick water of mucus was scattered and splashed, and many people vomited it out on the spot.

The camera moves again, and there are scattered people in front of the monster ocean. They run wildly on the wasteland, and their panic can be felt across the screen.

But no matter how hard they tried, they were all sucked into the ocean in an instant, and even off-road vehicles couldn't escape.

The appearance of slowness is only a buffer of distance.

When the distance is close, its violent side is displayed.

"This little country is over."

Yu Zhongxian's proud voice echoed in the quiet hall.

"It took only two days to destroy a member country of the Northern Alliance, and achieved what you haven't done for decades."

"This is a biochemical nuclear weapon."

"This is Gorb Undead!"

Yu Zhongxian glanced in the southwest direction, but the representative of the Qin Group was not present.

During the whole incident, Qin Gang disappeared.

Yu Zhongxian felt a little pity that he couldn't see the horror of this enemy, and continued.

"Physical nuclear weapons have not been successful yet. Your theories have blown it up to the sky, saying that it is the ultimate destroyer of human beings, the ultimate decisive weapon, but in my opinion, it is just a big bomb. It takes a lot of effort to destroy several villages."

"You have refuted my biochemical route as worthless, but now, the waste of the highest military department, have you seen it? How powerful are the biochemical nuclear weapons? As long as I want, I can destroy the whole world at any time!"

The whole venue was in commotion, with reprimands and curses.

Especially those who believe in weapons, they think that this wave of monsters is vulnerable, it just looks terrifying, and they can be completely wiped out with only a few rounds of firepower.

Yu Zhongxian has become everyone's enemy at this time.

Chief Financial Officer Li Huideng yelled angrily: "Old Dog Yu, I already knew what you were. The anti-human monster you worked so hard to research has no effect other than to prove your insanity!"

Imperial Marshal Zhu Ke Wuhan said: "Yu Zhongxian, you are no longer a normal human being, you have become a monster."

Li Linyue's face was livid, and she said in a loud voice: "I suggest that we immediately assist the Klan Kingdom and use missiles, bombs and artillery to cover up and clean up this group of monsters that endanger mankind!"

Lin Wen: "zzzZZZ."

Yu Zhongxian sneered: "Extremely stupid. De Luo, change the channel."

Delo's answer came from the TV: "Yes, Mr. President!"

Li Huideng shouted violently: "Take off his communicator!"

But was stopped by Li Longxing, "It doesn't make sense."

Yu Zhongxian praised: "That's right, he is worthy of being the second most ambitious emperor in history and the ability to realize it."

Li Longxing ignored his praise and asked directly: "What do you want?"

There was a trace of approval in Yu Zhongxian's eyes.

"That's right. After my new empire is established, you can be the Right Protector. But, let you watch the screen first, otherwise there will always be people with illusions, thinking that a mere bomb can destroy this miraculous creation."

As soon as the screen turned, the time changed to late night. Judging from the date on the upper left corner, it was the video from last night.

The picture is from a fixed angle of view on a mountain top. Although it is late at night, the deflagration of fire dispels the darkness.

A general shouted: "It is the military base of the Northern Alliance stationed in the Klan Kingdom."

In the video, a frenzy of monsters rushed to the base, and countless explosions could not stop its advance, and the dark brown ocean quickly flooded the base.

There is less and less light in the picture, and everything returns to darkness.

The pure black picture is creepy, and I dare not imagine the scene below.

Yu Zhongxian smiled proudly: "Did you see it? This is God's creation. It is a cancer cell with infinite growth. It is the snake of the world that devours everything. It will eventually destroy the world!"

Marshal Zhu Kewu of the Empire denied it: "Impossible. The Klan Kingdom is just a small country, even a county is bigger than it, and their firepower is not enough. We can completely destroy it before it proliferates infinitely."

Yu Zhongxian smiled contemptuously: "Idiots like you have no value in existence. I will give you a question to test your IQ. The duckweed in a pond doubles in value every day. It will cover the pond in 30 days. How much will it cover in the 29th day?"

Li Huideng sneered and said, "Half time, Yu Laogou, let me tell you, my grandson can understand such a simple question..."

He suddenly realized something, and his face turned pale.

Everyone in the venue also understood, and a general said angrily: "Are you crazy? Yu Zhongxian, if you do this, the world will be over! You will die too!"

"Crazy, crazy! He is crazy!"

"I told you to kill him long ago! What kind of turmoil in the empire, now the world is gone!"

Yu Zhongxian said with a smile: "Now, do you believe that I can destroy the world? Isn't this a lie I made up?"

Li Huideng hurriedly said: "Master Yu, do you have a way to stop it?"

Yu Zhongxian smiled arrogantly, as if a god had descended here.


The screen switched again, and a large number of helicopters from the Northern Alliance were frantically attacking the wave of monsters, but the missiles flew into it, and even the explosion was a bit inferior, and they were submerged in an instant.

Yu Zhongxian snapped his fingers, and tens of seconds later, the entire tide of monsters changed drastically. The tide seemed to be boiling, and the tumor-like monsters melted in the tumbling madness.

In just a moment, the overwhelming monsters all melted into a pool of blood.

The helicopters of the Northern Alliance hovered in the sky in a daze, watching the spectacular blood spread to the surroundings.

Yu Zhongxian laughed mockingly: "Look, I saved the world. According to your standards, can I be a great hero?"

No one spoke, and Yu Zhongxian was slightly regretful.

"Unfortunately, I can't control it."

There was a deathly silence in the venue, and after a long time, a voice broke the silence.

A general asked, "Well, how did this happen?"

Yu Zhongxian said with a smile: "Of course this is the power of God!"

An official with a technical background calmly explained: "It may be some kind of self-destruction genetic program, just like the immune cells in the human body. When some relatively strong pathogens are hunted down, they will release a special protein called antigen differentiation cluster 271, which can induce immune cells to commit suicide."

"These monsters may also be implanted with a similar gene, and when they are stimulated by a certain signal, they will commit suicide."

Yu Zhongxian glanced at him: "very smart, but has no eyesight, and is only worthy of being a specimen in my new empire."

Li Huideng jumped up suddenly, and shouted violently: "Quick, take this opportunity to kill Old Dog Yu! All his monsters are dead!"

But Li Longxing didn't move, neither did the royal guards and imperial envoys.

Li Huideng said anxiously: "Kill him quickly! After killing him, immediately blow up his base, and destroy those monsters before they proliferate, and we will be safe!"

Yu Zhongxian sneered and said, "Denggou, your IQ is still so low. I can't think of any use for you other than being the nourishment of my creation."

Li Huideng said angrily: "Old Dog Yu, what an air you are..."


Li Longxing stopped the noise, stood up, and looked directly into Yu Zhongxian's eyes.

"what on earth do you want?"

Yu Zhongxian said with a smile: "Your Majesty is still smart, but I didn't finish what I said. There are so many stupid people, not everyone can understand."

He completely tore off his clothes, fully displaying the wiring and devices on his chest in front of everyone's eyes.

"This is a signal transmitter. It sends out a signal that is amplified through a certain link, and then transmitted to a certain place in Shenjing."

A general said contemptuously: "Signal detonator? I can easily block it."

"No no no."

Yu Zhongxian showed a smile like ice water.

"Don't do that. It's not a signal to detonate. On the contrary, it's a signal to stop the detonation."

"I call it the watchdog system. It works continuously according to my heartbeat. The signal pulse sent out is feeding the dog. Once interrupted, the dog knows that its owner has been killed and will go berserk."

The air froze instantly.

Li Huideng asked tremblingly: "Yu, Mr. Yu, the signal, what is the other end of the signal?"

Yu Zhongxian smiled, it was the smile of a magician who revealed the final mystery after going through a long series of foreplay.

"It's the biochemical nuclear weapons you saw just now. There are four of them in total. They are hidden somewhere in Shenjing, and they contain an undead infection that can destroy the entire Shenjing within half a day. The amount is very large, tens of thousands of times more than what I put in the Klan Kingdom."

There was a deathly silence in the venue, and everyone was stunned.

Li Longxing asked for the third time: "What do you want?"

Yu Zhongxian smiled and said: "I want Lingzhou, Longzhou, Tianzhou, Xiyanzhou, Songzhou and Longjing. The empire immediately withdraws all its armed forces, hand over all the finances of the five states and one capital, and let my troops occupy them, and compensate me for one year's financial income."

"This is impossible!" Wang Xingjun, the chancellor of the empire, exclaimed, "You have cut off half of the best part of the eastern part of the empire. You are wishful thinking!"

Liu Jing, the head of the Empire State Land Bureau, shouted angrily: "Don't even think about cutting off the empire's territory in your dreams, the empire will never surrender!"

"The conditions have changed, and the dog died."


Yu Zhongxian opened his arms, and the contempt in his smile was undisguised.

"Don't you understand? I am the master, and you are pigs and sheep! You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me!"

With a bang, dozens of cronies of the Council holding iron bars kicked open the door and rushed in.

One person grabbed Liu Jing's thin body and threw him off the stage, while another stepped on his neck and hit him on the head with a stick. Liu Jing was bleeding from his head on the spot and fainted.

But the beating didn't stop, and Liu Jing gradually lost his breath, and blood flowed all over the ground.

All the officials, imperial envoys, and royal guards in the audience were all motionless.

The venue was deathly quiet, only Yu Zhongxian's wild laughter.

"See? Whoever I want you to die will die!"

He slid his finger across the audience, and every time he pointed at a person, that person's face turned pale quickly.

When he pointed to Li Huideng, his legs softened and he knelt down on the ground, shouting: "President Yu, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I am from your side, I have said many good things to you... forgive me, forgive me..."

The sound of Yu Zhongxian laughing wildly echoed in the hall.

"Fear! Fear! Fuck you! Look at your faces, hahaha! You are a bunch of dogs..."

His laughter stopped suddenly, because he found that a guy was still asleep at this time.

Lin Wen: "zzzZZZ."

Yu Zhongxian was furious instantly.

"Bring that little bastard out for me, and I'll tear him to pieces with my own hands."

Li Linyue said anxiously: "Yu Zhongxian, how dare you!"

Yu Zhongxian glanced at her indifferently: "The first princess... right? I'll put on a good show in front of the whole empire in a while..."

Li Longxing's face was livid, and he said in a cold voice: "Yu Zhongxian, the final result of deterrence is just to die together. Moreover, since there is a back door for suspension, we can finally crack it."

Yu Zhongxian said proudly: "Your Majesty, it seems that your intelligence is only so much. I have not implanted a self-destruct gene for the final deterrent bomb. Once released, the whole world will not escape the fate of destruction. It is useless where you flee."


He tapped on the table.

"Stop your senseless instigation. Each of my subordinates has a metal capsule five times the size of a red blood cell. These small things flow in their blood. As long as they don't receive my reset order within five days, the metal capsule will burst and release the destruction cells."

He looked down at Li Longxing, letting go of the pleasure he had suppressed for a long time.

"Li Longxing, have you seen it? This is the ultimate control method. Once the metal capsule enters the blood circulation, it can never be taken out. There is no technology that can find it among the billions of red blood cells, even if it replaces the whole body's blood, because its special setting will make it stay in the capillaries."

"In this way, they will never betray me, because betrayal means death."

Li Longxing's face turned completely gray.

There was no sound at the scene.

Yu Zhongxian smiled triumphantly: "Li Longxing, I can reward you with one, so that you can live."

Li Huideng rushed up and shouted: "My lord, I can do it too. I am loyal, please reward me."

Yu Zhongxian slapped him away.

"Go away, you deserve such a rare thing? Quickly bring that little bastard over here! I want to tear his stinky face apart with my own hands!"

Halfway through Lin Wen's sweet dream, he was suddenly awakened by the siren of [Body Without a Colorful Phoenix].

He looked up suddenly, and an iron rod hit his desk.

A dark guy sneered and said, "Little bastard, your end is here."

Lin Wen said angrily: "The sweet dream of the emperor has been ruined by you, a dark and mentally handicapped person."

[The Power of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers] In an instant, he jumped up and punched the nigger's stinky face.

Yu Zhongxian was furious: "Little bastard, you still dare to resist?"

Lin Wen asked in surprise, "Old Dog Yu, are you still alive?"

Yu Zhongxian's sense of superiority fell into the cesspit in an instant, drowned in stool, and was at a loss.

He said furiously: "Kill him, kill him for me!"

The confidantes rushed up, and quickly slammed their heads into Lin Wen's fist, blooming bright flowers of blood.

Lin Wen stepped over dozens of criss-crossed corpses, and walked up with bloody fists.

Yu Zhongxian's face turned pale for a moment, but then turned red again, and he shouted: "Li Longxing, if you don't want to die together, control him."

Li Longxing sighed, "Xiao Lin, don't be impulsive."

Lin Wen glanced at the weird atmosphere at the scene, and asked strangely: "What's wrong with this?"

Li Longxing briefly explained the situation: "...In short, as soon as he dies, the biochemical bomb will detonate."

"Oh." Lin Wen said casually, "Then make his life worse than death."

Yu Zhongxian smiled.

"Little beast, there are countless hidden switches hidden all over my body. As long as I want, I can send a positive trigger signal at any time to actively trigger and detonate the biochemical bomb."

He felt that his majesty was a little bit lost, and he twitched the muscles on his face suddenly, only to hear a loud bang, and the emperor's tower unexpectedly vibrated slightly.

"Explosion!" Someone shouted immediately, "There was an explosion in the west building complex."

Yu Zhongxian sneered and said, "This is a conventional bomb. Next time, it will be more than this result."

A technical official shouted: "There was a shock signal just now, and it was sent from here."

Everyone's face darkened, Yu Zhongxian did not deceive them, he had already made all preparations.

The situation has no solution, Yu Zhongxian made double insurance of positive trigger and negative trigger, they can neither block the signal, nor control Yu Zhongxian himself.

However, it is very difficult for them to cede half of the elite eastern part of the empire.

The most important thing is, even if it is given, with Yu Zhongxian's killer weapon in hand, how can it be guaranteed that he will not make an inch of it?

Yu Zhongxian sneered and said, "Little bastard, kneel down and kowtow to me a hundred times now, and the benevolent God will spare your dog's life."

Li Huideng shouted: "Don't you kneel down and thank you?"


Lin Wen came up and slapped Yu Zhongxian's stinky face.

The whole audience turned pale with shock.

"what are you doing?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Pull him down!"

But Lin Wen ignored it, and pulled out a bloody metal object from Yu Zhongxian's cheek, and crushed it with two fingers.

"Is it this? Yu Laogou?"

Fury instantly occupied all of Yu Zhongxian's thoughts.

"You're courting death! You're courting death! Hahahaha, you all die! Die! This world is over!"

The venue was chaotic, with ghosts crying and howling wolves everywhere. Li Longxing was extremely anxious, and ordered the army one after another to see if he could stop the spread of monsters in advance.

Li Linyue rushed up and grabbed Lin Wen's hand, trying to drag him away from here, at worst they would float in the sky forever and not come down.

But after a while, the supervisory department did not find any abnormalities in Shenjing.

Technicians also found no strong shock pulses.

Lin Wen looked at Yu Zhongxian quietly.

"That's it?"

Yu Zhongxian's face changed drastically, and he suddenly frantically tossed, but the technician's detector was always a straight line.

"What's going on here? Why? Why... Little bastard, are you playing tricks? What are you doing?"

Lin Wen hit the bridge of his nose with a punch, knocking half of his nose, and blood spurted out, as if he opened a soy sauce shop, sour, salty, and spicy all rolled out.

A metal object flew out and was crushed by Lin Wen in mid-air.

"Four more."

Lin Wen laughed.

[Imperial Art] Really easy to use.

Although it cannot control the living, it can control the dead things hidden in the body of the living.

All the matter hidden in Yu Zhongxian's body was supported by the [Imperial Object Art].


The second punch was on Zhongxian's dog's mouth, smashing his mouth full of rotten teeth, and red, purple, and black teeth flew out all at once.

Yu Zhongxian spurted blood and shouted: "Why? Why is this? I am a god, I cannot fail! Impossible!"


The third punch pierced his shoulder blade.

The fourth punch broke his forearm.

"Okay." Lin Wen clapped his hands and laughed, "Old Dog Yu, what else can you do? Tell me quickly, so as not to waste my brain cells."

Yu Zhongxian's face was covered with blood, his skin was torn apart, and he looked like a ghost. His eyes were full of hatred. He opened his bloody mouth and said in a leaky voice, "Little beast, you are finished."

The roots of the back teeth touch.

However, the poison sac hidden there was gone.

He attempted suicide to detonate the bomb, but also failed.

Lin Wen raised his finger: "Is this it?"


Yu Zhongxian was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

Li Longxing shouted: "Hurry up, call the doctor quickly, don't let him die!"

The venue immediately became chaotic, with shouts and shouts everywhere, Yu Zhongxian collapsed on the chair, seeing more breath out and less breath in.

Li Linyue pulled Lin Wen down, "Don't stand there, what if he gets mad?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Li Huideng shouted loudly, "You don't understand the big picture! You almost ruined something!"

But it was too late, Yu Zhongxian's head drooped.

The most evil person in this empire just hiccupped like this.

Everyone in the audience panicked.

"Quick, CPR!"

"Doctor, doctor!"

"Technical department, technical department, come and renew the life of this device!"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Don't worry, his heart is still beating."

One person scolded angrily: "Fart!"

"I'm out of breath!"

"Come down, brat! If the empire is destroyed, it will be your fault."

"His heart can still beat, and my grandma can jump out of the grave."

Li Longxing also said anxiously: "Xiao Lin, stop making trouble, come here quickly."

However, as soon as the rushing doctor touched the corpse's chest, he shouted, "Really jump again!"

The audience suddenly fell silent.

The doctors gathered around.

"Oh my god, he's obviously not breathing! How strong is his heart still beating?"

"Miracle! Miracle!"

"My God, I even feel his heart hitting my hand! How can there be such a strong heartbeat?"

Officials also discovered abnormalities one after another, and the green light on the "watchdog" system remained the same as before.

Li Longxing was stunned: "Could this Yu Zhongxian still be able to cheat a corpse?"

"Did he transform himself?"

Lin Wen said with a smile: "Probably because you can't die with peace in your eyes."

Imperial Marshal Zhu Kewu said: "Your Majesty, we must quickly find the bomb hidden in Shenjing and get rid of all future troubles."

Li Longxing nodded, "Transport Yu Zhongxian to the special intensive care unit immediately, make sure not to let him die, and completely control him."

Lin Wendao: "No need, just throw it in the morgue."

Li Longxing reprimanded: "Xiao Lin, don't joke about the country's important affairs."

Li Linyue wanted to pull Lin Wen to her side all the time, the shock just now and the fear of losing everything made her feel very insecure.

But Lin Wen insisted on going with Yu Zhongxian's body.

Li Linyue said anxiously: "What are you going to do? There are professional doctors guarding you."

Lin Wendao: "If I don't go, the world will be destroyed."

He ruthlessly broke away from Li Linyue's hand, and walked away with Yu Zhongxian's body.

As he walked, he used [Imperial Art] to stir his heart, making it beat wildly.

[Imperial Object Technique] It is not possible to control living things, but when Yu Zhongxian is dead, he is a dead thing. He can not only move his heart, but also step on his corpse and fly with his sword if he wants.

Li Huideng snorted, "Young people will take credit, and his role just now is not as great as mine."

No one paid him any attention.

Li Longxing was directing the operation with all his strength, and the entire power of Shenjing was rioting. Millions of imperial troops were rushing towards Shenjing, preparing for a carpet search to find out the biochemical bombs and eliminate future troubles forever.

At the same time, a large number of royal guards and imperial guards were dispatched to search for Yu Zhongxian's cronies all over the world.

The metal capsules containing modified cells in their bodies can only be closed for five days at most. After five days, they will turn into monsters and poison the world. They must be found out and destroyed humanely before then.

Li Longxing thought about it: "What happened in the Emperor's Tower must be kept strictly confidential and must not be disclosed to the outside world. If you let them know that Yu Zhongxian has failed, there is no guarantee that they will not have some extreme ideas. If you deliberately hide it and don't let me find it, it will be troublesome."

"You can release false information, pretending that the Zhongxian coup has succeeded, so that you can paralyze them and even lure them to show up."

Li Longxing made up his mind, turned around and fell into endless work again.

Although once faced with an extremely dangerous situation, in the end the danger was saved.

Looking back now, the process was really fantastic and incomprehensible, and I must review it carefully in the future.

But now the main problem is the aftermath.

not only.

Li Longxing was also keenly aware of it.

This is a very good opportunity.

Uncontrolled biochemical research could be outright banned, this inhumane practice wiped from the Empire, and legislation barred from doing so.

Busy at work.

The afternoon sun shines on Li Longxing's face through the high skylight.

It was as if the clouds had lifted.

That's right.

he thought.

The Empire is crawling out of the dark quagmire, and it will soon be back on track.

maybe one day.

This country can really be like this sunshine.



With sleepy warmth, a peaceful and leisurely life.

What a wonderful thing that would be.

Li Longxing smiled and continued to work.

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