Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 516 Mr. Yu's Yu Ze

Millions of people searched for a day and a half before they found the four biochemical bombs hidden in Shenjing. They are all metal shells with a big belly and are surrounded by strengthened signal receivers. It seems that Yu Zhongxian is also very afraid of the bomb getting out of control and causing accidents.

Under the close surveillance of the imperial guards, the four bombs were transported into the scrap steel incinerator and completely melted into a puddle of molten steel.

Yu Zhongxian's cronies were also captured one by one. Fortunately, a large number of his wings were cut off before, and Lin Wen came to kill another wave, otherwise there would be no end of arrests.

The last two biochemical bases were also breached, all assets of the council were taken over, all dangerous goods were destroyed, and all personnel were detained pending trial.

Li Longxing set up a special working group, led by Li Linyue, to thoroughly investigate the council, uncover all the shady things, and vindicate all unjust cases.

At the same time, Li Yongxing quickly drafted the "Comprehensive Biological Weaponization Research Treaty", which completely put the biochemical route into death row.

The "Treaty" was unanimously approved by all the powers in the empire, and the Supreme Council of Elders ratified the "Treaty" at an unprecedented speed, and it was unanimously approved in the Imperial Diet.

Lin Wenchang breathed a sigh of relief, after so long, Yu Zhongxian was finally completely finished, and he could finally lead Changshan County to take off without any scruples.

As soon as it was confirmed that all dangers were eliminated, Lin Wen immediately ran away from the intensive care unit.

He stayed here for three days, beat old ghost Yu's heart for three days, and guarded his corpse for three days, and he was already tired of it.

Yuanshen is almost exhausted.

As soon as he left, Yu Laogui's heart stopped beating immediately, and the whole set of theories of "Why the Dead Still Have Heartbeats" just updated by the medical experts in the intensive care unit immediately became invalid.

Experts from all walks of life grabbed the last strand of hair on the top of their heads and concluded that "biological discharge gene extreme survival" failed as soon as it was put into practice.

The entire intensive care unit suddenly became chaotic, and experts from all walks of life frantically implemented their rescue measures, trying to rescue the body that had been dead for three days.

I wish you success.


Lin Wen couldn't take it anymore, he talked to Li Longxing and returned to Changshan County.

Although Li Longxing tried his best to persuade him to stay, Lin Wen had no reason to stay here any longer, and there were still many things waiting for him to deal with in Changshan County.

Li Longxing also had no way to force Lin Wen to stay in Shenjing. The situation is turbulent now, and the unprecedented great changes in the empire are approaching. He has a lot of affairs, and it would be a pity to miss every opportunity here.

Change the empire and realize your dreams now.

As the county chief of Changshan County, Lin Wen really couldn't leave Changshan County for too long.

The empire only lost one Yu Zhongxian, and many more powerful groups remained intact, such as the only surviving biochemical base—the Yunxiao Mountains base belonging to the Evolution Sect.

How to completely eliminate these cliques is something Li Longxing needs to think about now. The Great Elder just authorized him with a very ingenious method.

If Li Longxing couldn't control the situation, the Great Elder would only have to come back from his invisible state, and his power would be greatly limited.

After all, the Central Army is many times stronger than the Royal Guards.

After all, the power of the imperial guards exceeds that of the royal guards.

The Supreme Colonial Primarch is also in the hands of the Great Elder, and the four imperial envoys are also in the hands of the Great Elder. Although the envoys cannot leave Shenjing, if Li Longxing is driven out of Shenjing, he will be far away from the highest power center.

Unless the Primarch, who belongs to the Royal Guard, is able to work, the final decision-maker in Shenjing is the Grand Elder.

Li Longxing had to be careful.

Because of this, it is also a good thing for Lin Wen to go back and consolidate his territory.

This is to enhance the power of the imperial faction.

Moreover, when Lin Wen stabilized the internal affairs of the site, he could come to Shenjing to assist him in completing the great transformation of the empire.

There is no need to rush now.

Li Longxing and Lin Wen made an agreement that once the affairs of Changshan County were settled, they would return to Beijing.

Married to Li Linyue, he didn't say this sentence, but he understood everything.

Lin Wen, who didn't understand, agreed blankly. Assisting in the reform of the empire also had a lot of good karma, but the feedback was very slow, and he had to be careful not to get any bad karma.

After the affairs of Changshan County have been dealt with, it is indeed possible to harvest another wave.

Therefore, Li Longxing arranged a special plane for Lin Wen to take him back to Changshan County.

On the day of leaving, even though Li Linyue was very busy, she took the time to see him off.

Lin Wen drove two very fast cars to try to lower his favorability, but she turned red with a smile on her face, and even returned him a faster one.

This made Lin Wen very worried, but he didn't want to think about it anymore. The future great emperor is actually driving with a mortal woman.

In just two months, he just dragged it over.

Anyway, as soon as the death star comes out, he will be reincarnated, so it doesn't matter.

The plane is flying a new route, directly to the new airport in Changshan County.

When the special plane landed at the spacious, bright, and modernized airport in Changshan County, an unknown emotion welled up in my heart.

Changshan County.

I'm finally back.

When I got off the plane, it was midnight, but the airport was brightly lit, with huge beams of light shooting straight into the sky. It seemed to be a busy time. Passenger planes lit up with colored lights flew into the airport one after another. Crowds of people boarded or disembarked, shouting and shouting constantly, forming a bustling and bustling scene.

Lin Wen was relieved that he didn't inform anyone when he returned to the county, so no one came to pick him up, but he walked on this empty avenue, looking at the bustling and bustling scene, and felt the warmth of people.

After leaving the airport, Lin Wen's heart skipped a beat. The [Body of Destiny] with a cooldown of 21 days was healed.

The enhanced fourth supernatural power is very useful, and it cannot be delayed for a second.

Lin Wen immediately entered meditation.

This time, Lin Wen saw the huge thread of fate that pierced the sky and the earth again.

He knew that this thread could obtain super destiny stars that could permanently strengthen supernatural powers, which was equivalent to a weakened version of [Mad Demon Dao Ancestor's Dao Fruit].

This is a very rare opportunity, usually only after he has done enough to affect the event.

And this time the giant line surpassed every previous one.

It proves that this event is bigger than every previous one.

Lin Wen was ecstatic in his heart.

As expected of you, Mr. Yu, thank you so much, I have exhausted my soul and fought for your corpse for three days.

I am announcing that I forgive you, and if I meet you again next time, I will fight for your corpse for another three days.

Lin Wen immediately reached out to touch it.

The huge thread of destiny immediately disintegrated, turning into three unprecedentedly huge stars of destiny, and flew to Lin Wen's side.

The three-color stars revolved around him, like a revolving lantern.

Looking at the colors of the three stars, Lin Wen couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

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