With Lin Wen's good news, Qin Luoshuang worked all night. Although she was in charge of security and intelligence, there were too many affairs in Changshan County, and she also participated in many decision-making tasks.

After the fall of the Council, the defense pressure of Changshan County has been greatly reduced, many obstacles in the past have disappeared, all business operations have become normal, and the whole person of Changshan County has recovered.

Qin Luoshuang also had more time to assist the county government office, which was short-staffed and had a heavy workload.

After receiving the artillery shell order from the Imperial Logistics Headquarters for the next two months, Changshan County will have a transition period of two to three months.

But it is not an easy task to build 500 large enterprises and factories with more than 10,000 employees within this period of time.

What these five hundred companies do alone is enough to make people think.

Lin Wen offered a suggestion that the cannonball factory could retain the most essential part and leave 700,000 workers in the main factory area.

Some of them produced cannonballs, and some used the original smelting equipment for resmelting scrap steel. Overall, the production of cannonballs was reduced to one-twentieth, and the new factory area could operate normally.

Needless to say, steel is the foundation of modern industry.

Some of the shells produced can be purchased by the Changshan County Army, and some can be retailed and sold inside and outside the empire.

And the 4.3 million workers who assemble shells in the open air can get better and more regular jobs.

This is equivalent to the optimization and upgrading of the industry, turning bad things into good things.

The number of enterprises has been reduced from 500 to 430, and the pressure has been greatly relieved.

But it still cannot be done by one person.

Tomorrow, Qin Luoshuang will bring the draft to discuss with everyone in the county government hall.

Lin Wen, on the other hand, dealt with other issues.

The next morning, Lin Wen, accompanied by Yang Shaohu, went to solve the "simplest" problem.

Construction of Jangsan nuclear power plant.

The site of the nuclear power plant is located in the most desolate mountain depression in the southwest, and the foundation was laid as early as when Lin Wen hammered the earth.

Therefore, the supporting facilities related to the nuclear power plant were built extremely quickly. The engineering team carried forward the spirit of light speed in Changshan County, and completed most of the plant construction in less than three months.

Of course, the main reason is that Changshan County has always paid enough money and never defaulted on it.

Anyone who has done projects knows that Party B's construction speed depends on Party A's payment speed. Changshan County is so bold, why can't they work hard?

The key issue now is the nuclear reactor.

The person in charge of the nuclear power plant project is Mr. Fei. He was originally the chief nuclear weapon expert of the Qin Group, but he was strongly squeezed out by Mr. Li and replaced as the chief expert.

When the third nuclear test explosion led by Mr. Li still did not achieve satisfactory results, he put all the blame on Mr. Fei.

In his report to the Supreme Command of the Southwest Region, he was alarmist, believing that the nuclear test project was maliciously sabotaged by spies or disgruntled people. They replaced the nuclear materials with substandard or non-enriched ones to interfere with the development of the Qin Group's nuclear weapons.

And Fermi, who was assigned to take charge of the centrifuge, became the main suspect.

Although no evidence was found, Fermi was still deprived of all his duties and placed under house arrest in his residence.

Wang Ya saw the opportunity, took the opportunity to infiltrate Qin Group, and got in touch with Fermi himself.

Fermi, who had completely failed in the scientific research struggle, was almost hopeless. He really couldn't understand how a scientist who was full of righteousness could occupy a high position.

Is this also science?

In desperation, Wang Ya found him and told him that Changshan County wanted to invite him to build a nuclear power plant.

This invitation shocked Fermi, and finally moved him, making Fermi, who would never have betrayed, betray the Qin Group.

Due to the great victory of the Huang faction, the water in Changshan County has risen, and the eldest lady's faction has gained a lot of weight, which gave Wang Ya the capital to rescue him.

In the end, Wang Ya tried his best to bring Fermi back to Changshan County.

This is a well-known great scientist. Although he has repeatedly claimed that he will never develop nuclear weapons for Changshan County, Wang Ya doesn't care. As long as he is on the territory of Changshan County, it is not Lin County Chief who has the final say on flattening and rounding?

When Fermi arrived, the basic engineering of the nuclear power plant had been completed, and Lin Wen left only a blueprint, and went to the front to participate in the battle.

After seeing the blueprint, Fermi was shocked, and then he believed that Changshan County hadn't lied to him, they were really a peace-loving group, and County Chief Lin was a humble gentleman who never hurt anyone.

Jangsan County is an area that really respects science.

However, this step is still too big.

What Lin Wen gave was the blueprint of the fourth-generation nuclear power plant. To him, the principle and design of this thing are not a secret, and the difficulty lies in the craftsmanship.

But it doesn't matter, Lin Wen used [Ask Yu Tian] for the parts that he couldn't remember clearly, and he got the answer very quickly.

For this world, this is a proper sci-fi creation. There is no Einstein in this world, and the degree of development of the branch of nuclear reaction is extremely low, and even a simple atomic bomb has not yet been produced.

Even with blueprints, even with super scientists like Fermi, the construction of nuclear reactors is full of difficulties.

Until today Lin Wen arrived.

The Jangsan County Nuclear Power Plant looks unremarkable on the outside, just a big cement coffin. The factory area has basically been completed, and the construction team is installing its internal steel components.

A steam turbine as big as a house is being transported to the factory area by a long flatbed truck under the command of the construction staff.

There is no essential difference between nuclear power plants and thermal power plants. Both boil water, use steam to drive steam turbines, and generate electricity by cutting magnetic fields.

The difference is that one heat source is a coal-fired boiler, and the other is a nuclear reactor core.

The efficiency of nuclear power plants is far higher than that of thermal power plants. The energy density of nuclear fuel is a million times higher than that of chemical fuels. A nuclear power plant with 10 million kilowatts only needs dozens of tons of nuclear fuel and can be used for a whole year.

The disadvantage is that it will generate nuclear waste, which must be disposed of properly. It may cause a nuclear accident and cause a huge safety hazard.

But for Lin Wen, these are not problems. The chance of an accident in a mature nuclear power plant is extremely small.

The area occupied by nuclear waste is also very small. As long as the nuclear waste is sealed in a cement coffin instead of being closed like the Japanese wood, there will be no problem.

The most important thing is that in addition to generating electricity, the nuclear power plant can greatly increase the civilization level of Changshan County, and can provide at least a few thousand points of good luck.

This is the fundamental purpose of Lin Wen to build it.

Yang Shaohu worked very hard during this period, and some gray hairs grew on his temples. He told Lin Wen:

"County Lin, our nuclear power plant has an installed capacity of 20 million kilowatts. After it is completed, it can greatly reduce our electricity consumption. There are 16 engineering teams here to build it. We have invested more than 8 billion yuan, which has caused certain difficulties for our capital operation. I hope it can be connected to the grid as soon as possible to reduce the burden on Changshan County."

Lin Wen nodded: "Don't worry, it will be able to generate electricity soon."

While talking, Mr. Fei, the general manager of the project, came. He was tall, thin, and dusty. He looked more like a technician on a construction site than a top scientist.

Mr. Fei stretched out his hand: "Hi, Sheriff Lin, it's the second meeting."

Lin Wen shook hands enthusiastically. He has always been very kind to such kind-hearted migrant workers. He smiled and said, "Mr. Fei, hello."

Mr. Fei's eyes were fixed on Lin Wen.

"Sheriff Lin, you should know from Wang Ya's mouth that I will not make nuclear weapons for you. No matter how much you force me, it will be useless. Now I have figured it out. It is better not to have such weapons."

Lin Wen said casually: "No, no, your nuclear weapons are made like shit, and you won't be able to blow them out in a lifetime. If I wanted to produce nuclear weapons, I would have already produced them."

Mr. Fei said indifferently: "Sheriff Lin, you don't have to bother trying to formulate words from me, I won't reveal half of the news."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Mr. Fei, let's focus on the construction of nuclear power plants. I'm not interested in your rubbish theories at all... Uranium can still be wrapped in three layers, like strawberry ice cream. The abundance is not enough, and the threshold cannot be surpassed."

Upon hearing Lin Wen's words, Mr. Fei's entire face flushed red, and the intense emotion rose from the bottom of his heart, so he couldn't help retorting:

"That's Li Sen's theory! I have always insisted that enough weapons-grade enriched uranium is needed to make nuclear materials! I have now figured out that as long as the split uranium is combined with a strong explosion, ignited with a strong neutron source, and a neutron reflective layer is added, a super weapon with a bomb power of more than tens of tons can be created..."

Mr. Fei's assistant stabbed his teacher violently, and Mr. Fei suddenly came to his senses, his face turned pale.

But Lin Wen only responded lightly: "Oh, how is the reactor doing now?"

Mr. Fei took a deep breath: "Okay, Sheriff Lin, you succeeded, you tricked me into telling me, but don't get too excited, you don't know the key technology of uranium separation."

Lin Wen said impatiently: "Isn't it the gas centrifugation method? UF6 gas is compressed, and U-238 gas is heavier than U-235 gas, and separated by a centrifuge. Do you want me to explain it in more detail? Mr. Fei?"

Mr. Fei's face was pale and his lips were trembling.

His assistant's eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost—this is the Qin Group's unique separation method, and it is the world's most advanced weapon-grade uranium enrichment separation method, and the empire didn't even know about it.

"No, that's not right." Mr. Fei suddenly shouted, "You sure don't know what a neutron source is for? Haha, without a neutron source, it's like cigarettes without a lighter, you..."

Lin Wen sighed, knowing that if he didn't speak clearly, this guy was always living in persecution paranoia.

"Use beryllium as the target nucleus, and use radioactive isotopes radium, polonium, or plutonium to emit alpha particles that interact with the beryllium target nucleus to generate neutrons. This kind of neutron source is small in size and long in life, but the price is too expensive. You can also use a better spontaneous fission neutron source..."

As he was talking, there was suddenly no sound around him. Lin Wen turned his head and saw that Mr. Fei and his assistant were standing there. Judging from their expressions, it seemed that the hydrocephalus had recurred.

"You, you, you...how, how did you know?" Mr. Fei took a lot of effort to get the words out.

Lin Wen curled his lips and said, "Elementary school students know all the bad things on the street."

Bad street?

Mr. Fei strongly suspected that he and Sheriff Lin were not in the same world. He was confident that this knowledge was only in his head, and no one else in the world knew it.

But the young man in front of him actually said it all without caring.

It is said that the science and technology in Changshan County is very advanced, and County Chief Lin himself is very good at using science to create miracles. Could it be that they have already developed it? That's why you dare to build such an advanced nuclear power plant?

Mr. Fei couldn't believe it.

"Sheriff Lin, who are you...?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "I am a representative of science."

Mr. Fei's assistant shouted: "I don't believe it, you are not scientific at all!"

Lin Wen's face turned dark all of a sudden, "Why am I unscientific?"

The assistant yelled: "We know what you said! Tell us something we don't know!"

"Oh?" Lin Wen thought for a while and said, "Then let's talk about the hydrogen bomb. The high temperature of the atomic bomb is used to ignite the fuel of light nuclei such as heavy hydrogen or super heavy hydrogen, and start the fusion reaction to release the power of the super bomb. The equivalent is generally more than a few hundred atomic bombs..."

Lin Wen only briefly talked about the principle, and used Big Ivan to briefly introduce its power, such as the mushroom cloud of tens of kilometers, the shock wave of hundreds of kilometers, the displacement of continental plates and so on.

Mr. Fei and his assistant were petrified.

Yang Shaohu said with admiration: "Mr. Lin really knows a lot. Is this the power of science?"

Lin Wen said with a smile: "That's right, this is the ultimate weapon created by human science. If we go forward, it will be an antimatter bomb..."

Mr. Fei seemed to think that he was going to explain the principle of the antimatter bomb, so he jumped up and shouted: "Stop talking!"

Lin Wen smiled and said: "Okay, let's stop talking, let's go build a nuclear reactor, I can't wait to rub the nuclear fuel rods with my hands."

Mr. Fei automatically ignored this sentence, and said anxiously: "Sheriff Lin, is this the research result of the empire?"

Lin Wen shook his head: "Of course not."



"Anyone else know?"

"The people present will know."

"so far so good……"

Mr. Fei breathed a sigh of relief, "Sheriff Lin, are you planning to use it to conquer the world? Was it your nuclear bomb that exploded on the battlefield of the Papal State some time ago?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "No, it's a bad fate. The explosion in the Pope's kingdom is obviously not a nuclear explosion. You should know."

Mr. Fei sighed: "I knew it wasn't. Its thermal radiation is too high, but its shock wave is very low, and its magnetic field is frighteningly large. The technology of the empire is really unfathomable. I thought I could represent the highest weapon technology of the empire. It seems that I am too arrogant."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "You can almost do it."

"No, I can't." Mr. Fei said fiercely: "I'm far behind. Scientists just want to seek truth from facts. You are much smarter than me!"

"You are indeed different from what the outside world has said. Wang Ya is right. You are a peace-loving person. Although you have developed the principle of this weapon, you have not put it into practice. I suggest you keep it a secret and don't let anyone know about it. Otherwise, countless people will die in this world."

Lin Wen nodded: "Yes, I will."

There was gratitude and admiration in Mr. Fei's expression.

"Sheriff Lin, I really regret that I didn't get to know you earlier. If we can discuss science together and use this destructive power for the benefit of mankind, what a wonderful thing it would be."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Aren't we going again?"

"That's right!"

Mr. Fei said emotionally, "Let's hurry up and build the nuclear reactor."

Along the way, the enthusiastic Mr. Fei introduced in detail the difficulties encountered in the construction of nuclear reactors.

The blueprint given by Lin Wen is a light-water nuclear reactor, which is to put low-concentration nuclear fuel in pure water, and use control rods to control the number of neutrons, so that the nuclear reactor only releases heat slowly instead of exploding.

The problem now is that the sealing ring of the light water nuclear reactor is completely unqualified, the core is difficult to place, and the control rods cannot be inserted.

"Look, that's our reactor. Now the grid of the core grid has collapsed for some reason, and the nuclear fuel is scattered on the bottom of the water. We have no way to repair it..."

Lin Wen crossed the protective line and looked down. The light water nuclear reactor was like a big swimming pool, surrounded by concrete steel bars and borax walls, and in the middle was light water that acts as a nuclear reaction coolant and moderator.

It's so deep that you can't see the bottom at a glance.

The bottom of the water is soaked with nuclear fuel.

"Sheriff Lin, don't stand here, it's dangerous... Let's discuss a scientific way to deal with this matter..."

Lin Wen smiled slightly.

"I have already thought of a scientific method."

Mr. Fei happily said, "What is it?"

Lin Wen jumped into the light water nuclear reactor.

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