Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 521 Hand Rubbing Reactor

Mr. Fei turned pale with shock, and shouted, "Quick, get Sheriff Lin up!"

But there was no one around, and he wanted to go into the water himself as soon as he took off his clothes in a hurry, Yang Shaohu grabbed him: "Don't go!"

"Your Sheriff Lin has fallen!"

Yang Shaohu smiled and said: "Don't make a fuss, County Chief Lin never does anything that is not sure."

Mr. Fei said anxiously: "Although the nuclear reactor has not started working yet, we don't know if the outer insulating layer of the nuclear fuel is damaged. There may be strong radiation underwater. Let him come up!"

Yang Shaohu tilted his ears slightly, as if he was listening to something, but Mr. Fei clearly saw that his ears were empty and there was no headset at all.

"Well, well, I see."

As if hanging up the air phone, Yang Shaohu turned his head and said with a smile: "Mr. Fei, don't worry. Sheriff Lin said he is fine. The underwater nuclear fuel has not leaked and the packaging is in good condition. He is repairing the grid of the core grid."

Mr. Fei and his assistant froze in place like idiots, and it took a long while before they came back to their senses.

"This... Deputy County Chief Yang, why did County Chief Lin talk to you?"

Yang Shaohu smiled and said, "It's a quantum wave communicator, unique to Sheriff Lin. It's a high-tech product that can realize real-time communication without a receiver."


Mr. Fei bit these two words emphatically.

"Quantum theory is a hypothesis with no evidence at all. You actually made a communicator based on this theory?"

The assistant shouted: "This is impossible. You must be lying. The quantum theory was proposed by the teacher. It has many loopholes and contradictions, and it is not perfect at all."

Yang Shaohu shrugged: "Sorry, I don't know science very well, but Sheriff Lin does. We have used this thing many times."

The two stopped talking, Mr. Fei's eyes were shining brightly, and he was determined to dig out his secrets when Sheriff Lin came up.


Under the blessing of [Fish and Water], Lin Wen quickly swam to the bottom of the pool.

The dense needle pricks on the skin were telling Lin Wen that there was nuclear radiation here.

But it doesn't matter, nuclear radiation is classified as a kind of curse in the classification of cultivating immortals. Lin Wen opened a [Rejuvenation Technique], and there was no problem at all.

After a while, Lin Wen saw the damaged core grid, and the nuclear fuel donated by the Qin Group was scattered on the bottom of the pool.

The insulating outer layer of some nuclear fuel has been broken, so there is nuclear radiation.

After careful observation, Lin Wen thought that the core grid should be repaired first.

The nuclear reactor core is an annular chamber made of ceramic components. The upper part is three charging pipes for filling new nuclear fuel, and the lower part is three unloading pipes for unloading spent nuclear fuel.

The master who hoisted the core was obviously a novice. There were obvious collision marks and cracks in many parts of the core, and a part of the lower part collapsed.

However, the core should still not be damaged when it is installed.

Then Mr. Fei started to fill the nuclear fuel from the loading tube, which was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Nuclear fuel crushed the already battered core grid and scattered to the bottom of the pool of light water.

Mr. Fei found that the discharge pipe could not discharge the material, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

However, who would dare to go down a malfunctioning nuclear reactor?

Lin Wen dare.

"Haha, this kind of question couldn't be easier for me."

Lin Wen swam down against the nuclear radiation, and the warm water wrapped him up, feeling like soaking in a hot spring, very comfortable.

"Wow... It feels like the primordial spirit has recovered a bit, and it would be great if I can swim again when I have time."

Lin Wen picked up the pieces at the bottom of the pool and reassembled them on the core, just like a jigsaw puzzle.

This process is very interesting, and Lin Wen never tires of it.

But the happiness is always short-lived. In just a moment, the core is spliced ​​together, but at present it only recovers its shape.

Lin Wen pressed the core with one hand, and activated [Turn Soil into Stone]. The grid is made of ceramics, which is suitable for this spell.

All earthenware is amenable to this spell, especially pottery made from earth.

The material specification of the core is relatively high, and one spell cannot complete all enhancements. It took Lin Wen two spells to restore the core to its original state.

Later, Lin Wen manually filled the nuclear fuel into the grids of the core grid one by one, and found the control rods that fell to the bottom of the pool and broke.

These are neutron-absorbing rods made of boron and boron carbide that are used to control the rate of nuclear reactions.

Lin Wen opened a [Air-Forbidden Divine Power], twisted the broken sticks, and inserted them into the core.

In this way, a complete light water nuclear reactor is ready for operation.

Lin Wen used [Thousand-mile Voice Transmission] to say to Yang Shaohu: "The core has been repaired, it's just a small problem, I'll fix it as soon as I touch it."

[The Art of Heavenly Ears] Yang Shaohu replied: "That's great."

Mr. Fei shouted from the side: "Let Sheriff Lin come up quickly."

Yang Shaohu: "Sheriff Lin, come up quickly."

Lin Wen asked, "Are there any other questions?"

Yang Shaohu: "Major Lin asked if there are any other questions?"

Mr. Fei said: "The sealing ring of the reactor is unqualified, but this cannot be solved now."

The reaction furnace is a light pool. Lin Wen pressed his hand on the wall of the pool, and [Turned Soil into Stone] went over to reinforce all the cracks.

Lin Wen: "Passed."

Yang Shaohu: "Passed."

Mr. Fei was puzzled and said, "What is qualified?"

Lin Wen: "The sealing ring of the reactor is qualified, and now we can start trial operation."

Yang Shaohu repeated Lin Wen's words.

Mr. Fei exclaimed: "Trial operation? No way! How can this work? Let County Chief Lin come up!"

But Lin Wen had manually torn off the insulating layer of the nuclear fuel. This was originally done by a machine, but after the nuclear fuel fell to the bottom, the machine could no longer do this.

After tearing off all the insulating layers of the nuclear fuel, the nuclear radiation instantly became many times stronger, and light water may not be able to completely block the radiation.

Lin Wen shouted: "Withdraw from the protective circle, the nuclear radiation has begun!"

Yang Shaohu repeated the reading.

Mr. Fei couldn't believe his ears, and shouted frantically, "What's going on? What is Sheriff Lin doing?"

Lin Wendao: "Drag Mr. Fei out and let him operate the reactor and observe the data."

Mr. Fei shouted wildly: "No, no! This is science? This is Sheriff Lin of science? This is nonsense! The control rods don't know where to go, and the reactor was ignited rashly without being reset. The nuclear reaction is out of control, and the reactor core is about to melt down!"

Mr. Fei's assistant also shouted: "The melted core will sink into the ground and become a super pollution source. Once there is an underground river, the entire water system will be ruined!"

But Lin Wen had manually activated the neutron source and ignited the reactor. The powerful nuclear radiation and the rapidly rising water temperature made Lin Wen feel very comfortable, and the feeling of soaking in hot springs returned.

【Air-Forbidden Divine Power】It has super heat protection ability.

[Rejuvenation] is a powerful curse remover.

For Lin Wen, there is no difference between a nuclear reactor and a hot spring.

You can also manually operate the reactor yourself.

"Hmm... the reaction speed is a little too fast, the control rod should move two centimeters to the left."

"No, no, the reaction is faster, it should move half a centimeter to the right."

"Uh, one centimeter more."

Lin Wen swung the control rod of the nuclear reactor repeatedly like a child adjusting mud, until it was placed in a correct position, and told Fermi the parameters of this position.

Fermi, who was already in the main control room, strongly suspected that something was wrong with the world, and quickly recorded various data.

The personnel in the main control room were running wildly, and Fermi's assistants all came, nervously carrying out various operations.

"Quick, water cycle!"

"The light water is going to boil!"

"Hot swap, hot swap!"

"No, it must be capped! The light water that boils will bring nuclear pollution outside the reactor."

"Press up, press up!"

"The pressure test is normal, no side leakage!"

"The generator set is not safe yet! What about the steam generated by heat exchange?"

"Vent to the sky through the pressure relief valve!"

Yang Shaohu looked at them nervously busy, and was not worried at all, because the voice of Sheriff Lin was always heavy and powerful, as if talking with his mouth closed.

After a while.

"everything is normal!"

"The nuclear reactor is running!"

"We made it!"


The whole control room cheered!

Fermi suddenly came back to his senses and grabbed Yang Shaohu: "Where is Sheriff Lin?"

The assistant also came back to his senses: "Not good! We have capped! Sheriff Lin is still inside!"

"That's ultra-high-temperature water under ultra-high pressure!"

While panicking, Lin Wen walked in from the outside. He changed into dry clothes, his hair was wet, and his face was rosy, as if he had just soaked in a hot spring.

"You are looking for me? Has the nuclear reactor succeeded?"

Fermi and their assistants seemed to have seen a ghost. Fermi trembled and said, "Lin, Sheriff Lin? How did you get out?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Aren't you the pioneer of quantum theory? After I read your theory, I created a set of wall-penetrating techniques that use the principle of quantum tunneling...uh, a machine."

Fermi's assistant exclaimed: "This is are not scientific at all..."

Lin Wen said very unhappy: "Why is it unscientific?"

Open your hands as if embracing the world.

"Everything in this world is a quantum probability cloud, everything is a probability, everything is possible... Isn't this what your teacher said? Isn't it normal for me to become a quantum cloud, go out of the nuclear reactor, and then assemble into a human?"

The assistant was stunned: "Is this normal?"

Fermi asked in surprise, "Did I say that?"

Lin Wen nodded: "You said so."

Fermi asked blankly, "Have you heard my lecture, or which speech?" He gave speeches so many times that he couldn't remember them clearly.

Lin Wen replied firmly: "Well, I remember it very clearly."

"Oh..." Fermi scratched his head, as if I did say it.

The assistant suddenly exclaimed: "You don't have nuclear radiation on your body, do you?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have specially dealt with it, and used iodine preparations to disinfect it, and there is no residue at all."

Only then did everyone feel relieved.

Fermi exclaimed: "It's unbelievable that the reactor can be repaired after such a major accident... Not only that, after the repair, we expect to have to debug the reactor for half a year to a year, and we didn't expect it to be successfully debugged in an hour."

"Jangsan County is really a place full of wonders. I feel like my science will make a big breakthrough here."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Then congratulations to Mr. Fei in advance."

The assistant said: "Mr. Fei, there is still one last step left, we haven't stopped the pile yet."

Fermi woke up and said, "That's right, there is still shutdown."

The shutdown of a nuclear reactor is to insert a safety rod to substantially isolate the neutron source, causing the nuclear reaction to gradually stop.

There is nothing wrong with this step.

Under Fermi's operation, the safety rod was successfully inserted into the center of the core.

The nuclear reaction rate drops rapidly, the water temperature drops rapidly, and very soon, there is no steam in the heat exchange container.

An even greater jubilation erupted in the main control room.

This proves that the main project of the nuclear power plant has been completed.

The rest is a mature power plant system. As long as the pipeline is connected and the generator set is installed, the world's first nuclear power plant can be officially operated.

Mr. Fei was overjoyed. He didn't expect to have such a big breakthrough as soon as he came to Changshan County, which made him feel a heavy sense of guilt for betraying the Qin Group.

But when I think that the second head of Changshan County is the eldest lady of the Qin Group, as long as Lin Junchang and Miss Qin become one, Changshan County is strictly a branch of the Qin Group, and this sense of guilt disappears.

Even more motivated.

This long-lost joy made Mr. Fei's long-silent inspiration constantly surge up, and he felt full of vitality all over his body, as if he was about to break through.

For a while, even Sheriff Lin didn't pay much attention, and Mr. Fei rushed into his laboratory to continue his theoretical research, wanting to keep all his inspirations.

The assistants are busy sorting out the harvest, analyzing the data, and consolidating the experience gained.

In the end, it was Yang Shaohu who sent Lin Wen out.

Yang Shaohu felt a little embarrassed, "Sheriff Lin, don't mind, they are all workaholics, and scientists are like that."

Lin Wen didn't mind at all, but was very happy that Changshan County finally had some real scientists.

When he establishes the Science Research Institute in Changshan County, no one will say that he is unscientific, and the rumors that Sheriff Lin used immortal methods to create miracles will soon disappear.

Chang Shanjun will be able to truly walk on the path of science, and he will be able to achieve sustainable development after he leaves in the future.

Ha ha.

Another solid step has been taken on my road to immortality.

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