Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 526 The Eighth Ability

During this time, Lin Wen smiled until his face was crooked.

This good fortune comes just like flying, at least there are more than a thousand points a day, and sometimes there are more than three thousand points.

I didn't expect that being a Fudiko bag would make such a good fortune.

If he had known earlier, he should have developed into the world of famous detectives.

However, Lin Wen is also very clear.

This should also have the bonus of demonstration and reform.

The Supreme Council is the highest legal institution in the empire, and its actions have an impact on all legal departments.

Lin Wen proved the correctness and necessity of the first princess' liquidation and reorganization of the council, and the support and expectations of the people for her rose.

The most obvious proof is that there are far fewer jokes about the first princess in various places.

In the past, the First Princess was not very powerful and had many enemies, so there were many fabricated jokes spread everywhere to ridicule and discredit her.

The Huang faction and the Princess faction hated this, but they killed it so badly that even Lin Wen was affected.

He pushed many unexplainable things to the head of the first princess, and often regarded himself as the first princess' secret lover and the first princess' husband.

What he didn't expect was that what he said casually came true.

Lin Wen was very depressed.

Damn, this insignificant little thing actually came true.

I have been perfectly reincarnated, how come the matter of climbing to the top of the world of cultivating immortals has not yet been accomplished?


But it's coming soon.

With the rapid growth of good karma, the death star is also growing rapidly. Maybe when the good fortune is settled this month, the death star will be lit up, and he can be perfectly reincarnated.

Full of expectations, Lin Wen worked hard every day, just to reincarnate as soon as possible.

But the blond man Fili only felt that Brother Lin was simply a god.

He enjoys the process of solving various mysteries every day, washing away the grievances of innocent people, finding the murderer who is at large, and returning justice to the victims. He just feels that these short few weeks are more meaningful than his past life.

Unknowingly, he recognized Lin Wen, decided to withdraw from the competition, and fully assisted Lin Wen in pursuing the first princess.

"I know my hopes are low, but if that person is you, I can accept it."

"This is the experience I have accumulated since I became the guardian of the princess for five years. It contains every bit of His Highness I have seen. It will definitely help you become a real princess guardian knight."

"Come on, Brother Lin."

When Fei Li said this, his unruly blond hair and affectionate expression on his face could make the youth feel the scars and move writers to make up a million words of grievances, love and hatred.

If it wasn't for the sake of not destroying the close cooperation between the four of them, Lin Wen really didn't want to talk to him.

I can only hold my nose and accept his dog licking diary for five years.

Not only that, Liu You in the group of four is the old housekeeper of the princess, who has watched the princess grow up since she was a child, and can be regarded as half of the princess's father.

In the past few days of working with Lin Wen, I also fully agree with him.

Thought he was qualified to be the princess's husband, with or without His Majesty's order.

And Chang Ling, the princess's personal maid, has also undergone some changes in her thinking.

Even though she told His Highness that he was very delicate and carefree whenever she was free, he would mess around with women everywhere, sleep with at least a hundred people a day, even men.

But he also accepted this fact in terms of perception, agreeing that he is qualified to be the husband of the first princess.

In short, the efficiency of the four-person group who agree with each other and work together has once again soared, sweeping away all the serious cases that were squeezed.

Empire TV took this incident as a typical case, and after making a short film and broadcasting it, it aroused strong repercussions in the empire.

A large number of related posts also appeared on the Imperial Network, detailing the experience of Lin Wen and others in handling the case.

For a time, applause spread all over the empire, and everyone's expectations for the new council after the reorganization were raised to the highest.

In addition, many people also have great expectations for the reform of the emperor of the empire——

I hope that their emperor, His Majesty, can bring them fairness, justice, and work to make ends meet.

And the dignity of being a citizen of the Empire.


Today, after the last sensational murder case was solved, all serious cases in the serious case court were completely emptied.

There will be no more cases here until the next round of escalation procedures begins.

So the quartet disbanded early.

The blond man invited Lin Wen to go to the nightclub for a drink, and he stopped by the girl to accumulate some experience, so that he could give the princess a perfect experience for the first time in the future.

But was rejected by Lin Wen.

Liu You invited Lin Wen to sit in the Taiming Palace, and he quietly told Lin Wen that the little princess had been sent back to the Royal School by him.

But was rejected by Lin Wen.

In order to prove Lin Wen's infidelity, Ling specially changed into a maid's black silk suit, with deep grooves, lace, miniskirt, long black silk, and ten centimeter high heels.

But was rejected by Lin Wen.

After the three of them left, the last few good fortunes that had been delayed to the account flew before their eyes.

In the next instant, the golden light in front of him skyrocketed.

Lin Wen became excited.

Shanyuan went through many hardships and finally reached 640,000.

The eighth supernatural power, come!

This time Jin Guang appeared bigger than ever before.

It was on for a few minutes, almost blinding his eyes, before finally the words came out.

【Aura of Saints】

Luck supernatural powers.

Where did the catastrophe come from? The battle of luck.

For every point of luck gained, one point of Taoism will be gained.

For every point of Taoism, one point of ability is gained.



Why only one?

Although it is indeed very powerful...but I don't have luck right now, good fate can only take effect after reincarnation.

Lin Wen felt very complicated, and he couldn't say he was disappointed, only that he didn't meet his expectations.

He lacks a very powerful combat magic power that does not consume the primordial spirit. Although he was invincible on the battlefield before, he was eating flowers and fruits while driving a robot.

In the end, a male fox was summoned to wipe out part of the enemy army.

It is far from meeting his needs of sweeping thousands of troops and destroying the world alone.

Moreover, he has nothing now, neither the male fox nor the younger sister, and there is not much soul left.

Lin Wen knew very well that during the process of annihilating the council, those giant bugs disappeared.

Not only that, but there are also powerful combat units hidden in Shenjing, so that any of his plans to make trouble here will eventually turn into suicide.

——This is also Lin Wen's most regrettable thing. If he hadn't known this in advance, he might have been perfectly reincarnated long ago.

In the past, Lin Wen would have stamped his feet and beat his chest.

But now, Lin Wen is calm and has seen a lot.

Anyway, as long as the death star is full, he can be reincarnated, and there is no need to worry about finding death.

It's good to brush up good fortune every day, don't worry about the reincarnation of Changshan County, unable to withstand the pressure and collapse, now the Huangpai is number one in the world, and Li Longxing is all-powerful.

Even if Yu Zhongxian's body was angry, he would not dare to trouble Changshan County.

The crown prince of Changshan County was also appointed, and Qin Luoshuang was dumbfounded, easy to deceive and easy to use, extremely moisturizing, 10,000 times stronger than the initial jerky.

Lin Wen was not worried about handing over Changshan County to her.

Therefore, now Lin Wen's life is really comfortable and happy like a fairy, he just walks step by step every day, and as soon as the case is settled, he will go back to make big plans.

Nothing to worry about.

The building in Changshan County has been completed, and everything is close to perfection. The only thing to do in the future is to add a few zeros after the decimal point.

The sky was clear, except for two dark clouds.

One flower is the worm that disappears.

One is this inexplicable Shenjing.

Just in case, Lin Wen wanted to develop a powerful combat supernatural power, but unfortunately, after so long, he never got what he wanted.


Do it later.

Maybe if you blow up the yellow hair, you will be able to drop a peerless cheat book, and after practicing, you will learn a super combat supernatural power.

Well, it must be like this. Combat supernatural powers are not self-contained, and can only be revealed by killing monsters.

Lin Wen laughed.


Huangmao, if you can't drop the best, I'll blow you up a hundred times.


Lin Wen withdrew his thoughts, watched the eighth supernatural power [Sage's Qi] fly into the interface, and settled down next to the seventh supernatural power [Luan Zhaoshui].

At this time, the top row of his supernatural power page was already full, and it looked like a dark door with a golden lintel on it.


Lin Wen felt cheerful again.

No matter what kind of supernatural power, as long as I have it, it is good.

A new number appears on the first grid in the second row of the Shentong interface.


This means that he, his next supernatural power, needs to reach 1.28 million good conditions before it can take effect.

This number is already a bit huge, but Lin Wen doesn't care.

Judging from his current income, it is completely acceptable.

Lin Wen checked his other attributes again.

The bad karma is already zero, and after strengthening [Empty of Karma], the bad karma is directly equivalent to -10 points of good karma.

The upper limit of Yuanshen has reached 449.5%, and it will be 450% soon, and there will be a new spell at that time.

[Tao Ruoyouqing] has accumulated more than 60,000 good karma, which means he has six luck paths.

Lin Wen planned to save up to ten before opening, maybe he could open "Fairy Clothes".

He has never forgotten the matter of double cultivation with the fairy.

The cooldown of the fourth supernatural power [Body of Destiny] is almost healed again.

Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, twenty-one days have passed again.

The strengthened [Body of Destiny] is very powerful, but the cooling time is a bit longer.

Lin Wen waited for a few minutes, watching the fourth supernatural power change from dim to golden.

Cooldown is over.

Lin Wen immediately entered meditation.

A few hours later, three very powerful white stars of destiny were successfully obtained.

White represents adaptation to all magical powers.

The stars are very large, which proves that the strengthening effect is very high.

This is a very rare high-level star, and I got three at a time.

Lin Wen was overjoyed. Sure enough, the original choice was correct.

It's a pity that it's not a permanently strengthened super star - that kind of special behavior that needs to save the people, Lin Wen has triggered it several times, but the real permanent strengthened star was only the one time after Yu Zhongxian died not long ago.

But that's good enough.

Lin Wen happily saved the three Destiny Stars for use at critical moments.

Glancing at his primordial spirit, he felt a little melancholy again.

Only 13% left.

During this period of time, the primordial spirit can't be saved, even after [Yu Zhikong] recovers.

His upper limit has reached 449% now, and he can still only recover 15-18% every day, which is only a little higher than the initial 8-12%.

This has always been Lin Wen's biggest weakness.

Back to blue is too slow.

At this speed, if he wants to refill, he must not use a spell and sleep for thirty days.


Lin Wen sighed slightly, probably because of his lack of cultivation.

It can only be resolved after reincarnation.


the next day.

When Lin Wen woke up in the morning and was about to investigate the case and return to Changshan County if he didn't, he suddenly caught sight of his soul.


Lin Wen almost thought that he had read it wrong, rubbed his eyes hard and looked again.

Still 40%.


27% recovered overnight?

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