Lin Wen quickly realized that the eighth magical power must have played a role.

[Sage's Qi] has such a name, maybe it has some extra effect.

Lin Wen opened its detailed description and read it carefully.

This description is quite thick, and it is the thickest among all Lin Wen's spell descriptions.

Lin Wen read it for a long time, only to realize that the problem lies in this sentence.

"Every point of Taoism, you will get a point of ability."

The "Taoism" here includes all his attributes. Although Lin Wen has no cultivation base, no aura, no spiritual consciousness, nothing.

However, he has Yuanshen, and it is as high as 449%, which is equivalent to a cultivator in the foundation period.

Therefore, he gained the ability of "recovering primordial spirit faster".

[Every time you get enough rest, at least half of your soul will be recovered. 】


At this moment, Lin Wen only felt that his life was finally complete, that he was no longer a cripple, no longer an empty blue bottle.

Although it is not that useful, the feeling of making up for the shortcomings is incomparable.

Ha ha!

Going to bed on time is indeed the most cost-effective behavior in the universe.


Today, the work of the Serious Case Tribunal has ended, and Li Linyue specially transferred Lin Wen back to assist her in liquidating the council.

This part of the work is Li Longxing's top priority. The legal system of the empire is the foundation of all his reforms. Everything left by Yu Zhongxian must be completely eradicated, and his residual poison must be completely cleaned up.

A new council will bring new life to the empire.

However, there are too many crimes involved in the council, with branches and vines, entanglement and collusion, involving a lot.

If it was just that, Li Linyue was not afraid. Almost all the elites of the princess faction gathered here, and more than half of the key members of the emperor's faction came. Three divisions of the Royal Guards directly accepted their orders.

With so many people cleared up layer by layer, no matter how complicated things were, they were clarified.

But the problem is that Li Longxing requires them to strictly follow the procedures, and the criminal evidence must be sufficient and the facts of the crime clear before they can be convicted according to law.

And the evidence must be verified to be true before it can be used as the basis for a verdict.

It is also necessary to abide by the principle of "emphasizing evidence and the logical chain formed by evidence, and not trusting oral confessions".

If there is only a confession and no other evidence, the suspect cannot be found guilty.

This gave Li Linyue and others great shackles. Even though they knew that these people were unforgivable crimes, they still had to collect evidence to punish them.

People from the imperial faction gave Li Longxing their opinions many times, thinking that this reduced efficiency and slowed down the pace of reform.

But Li Longxing was unmoved, he said:

"Our ultimate goal is to establish a new order, a fair order."

"You used to hate them deeply, isn't it because they sentenced people arbitrarily, framed them maliciously, and disregarded the law?"

"Now that we have won, and our buttocks are seated as judges, we don't want to be restricted? Then what's the difference between us and them?"

"But." A cadre shouted, "We are righteous."

Another person shouted: "Everyone knows what they have done. We are eliminating harm. Why do we have to tie our hands and feet?"

Li Yongsheng, the emperor's cousin and pillar of the Three Kingdoms, scolded viciously: "Idiot, if you say this, can I think that you hated them before, not because you hated them doing whatever they wanted, but because you didn't have power?"

As soon as these words came out, all the opponents fell silent.

Li Yongsheng pointed to their noses and said word by word:

"In the new empire, the law will no longer be shaken by power."

"Remember, we are not engaging in factional warfare, we are not fighting for power, we are trying to establish a new order."

Many cadres fell silent.

Suddenly a person asked: "But those people can take the opportunity to get rid of the crime? Many evidences have been annihilated..."

Li Longxing smiled and said, "Aren't we the famous detective Lin Wen?"

Just like that, Lin Wen was transferred by Li Linyue.

He was originally planning to go back to Changshan County.

Lin Wen was a little anxious. His big plan had been put on hold for a while. It was originally scheduled to be carried out as soon as Yu Zhongxian died, but it was delayed by one thing after another until today.

But he also knew that if these tasks were not completed, his plan would not be easy to implement.

We just have to get this thing over here quickly.

Lin Wen asked, "What difficulties did you encounter?"

Li Linyue opened a stack of files and said: "The main reason is that there is no key evidence. The facts are already clear, and there are supporting evidence. However, according to the strict standard of conviction, there is a lack of key evidence in the chain of evidence."

The blond man Philip pouted and said, "I really don't understand what your majesty thinks, what kind of legal system are you talking about with these heinous people, just kill them and it's over."

Lin Wen shook his head: "Xu Feili, if you don't teach, you call it abuse. Such a huge empire needs to be managed by a system. The chaos in the past is all because the system is no longer a system."

"Just like me, I never kill people indiscriminately."

Ling refused to accept: "When they punish us, they don't show any morals."

Lin Wen laughed and said, "The dog bit you, you should beat it to death with a stick instead of turning around and killing the dog."

Ling was furious: "How dare you call me a bitch? Your Highness! I'll just call him rude, vile, shameless, thin and fast..."

Li Linyue reprimanded: "Ling! If you want to talk nonsense again, I will marry you off, Philip, do you want it?"

The blond man Fei Li was overjoyed: "Yes, of course, she still has the aura of His Highness..."

After saying this, not only Li Linyue regretted it, but Ling was even more furious, chasing the blond man and beating him violently: "Golden turtle, you are looking for death! Don't even try to touch the hem of His Highness's clothes. I will follow the princess for the rest of my life, and I will not go anywhere!"

Lin Wen didn't bother to talk to them, and stretched out his hand.

"Where's the dossier?"

Liu You moved a large pile and placed it in front of Lin Wen.

"This is the file of the chairman of the council. Among the total of eight chairmen, only one is innocent. He was an old man during the first restructuring of the council and was isolated by Yu Zhongxian's gang. Of the remaining seven, two have been punished. These are the remaining five."

"This is the reviewer's dossier that has been sorted out, a total of 613, all of which lack key evidence. Mr. Lin, I think we need to start from here..."


Lin Wen directly interrupted him, picked up all the files and left.

Liu You was stunned: "Sheriff Lin, don't you need our help?"


Li Linyue asked with concern: "Lin, can you do it?"

"It works."

Even though Ling was on the way to beat the blond man, she didn't forget to turn her head and shout: "What a fart!"

The blond man ran away with his head in his arms, and shouted, "Brother Lin, I have read those files. Most of the evidence has been annihilated by them, and there is no way to find it."

"I have."

"What means do you have?"

"Scientific means."

Scientific means?

Everyone was puzzled, but Li Linyue recalled how he managed logistics during the war.

Sure enough, at night, Lin Wen brought over hundreds of video tapes, all of which were the key evidence they lacked.

The blond man only watched part of it, and found that these video materials could just fill up the most critical link in their chain of evidence, not even a second longer, as if they were born for the purpose of convicting.

Li Linyue looked more and more surprised.

"Lin, where are you from?"

Liu You also asked: "Mr. Lin, some of these scenes are from five or six years ago. How did you get the video? Isn't it reasonable?"

Lin Wen said with a smile: "Haven't you heard of quantum theory? Everything you do will leave traces in the world. I can see through the fog of history and see the clouds of the past. The truth will not pass away with time. This is my last resort."


Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Ling suddenly thought of something, and shouted: "Pervert! Then you can peep at will? Your Highness takes a bath, sleeps and changes clothes, and can see everything?"

Li Linyue's face turned red to the base of her neck, and she said sharply, "Ling, shut up!"

But out of the corner of his eye, he looked at Lin Wen, obviously very suspicious.

The blond man's eyes were shining, and he stared fixedly at Lin Wen, as if blaming Lin Wen for not sharing such a good thing with his brothers.

Lin Wen scratched the back of his head. He didn't expect that it could be used like this. He only thought about how to use this thing to spy on the powerful cultivation and find out the legendary ancient secrets. He didn't realize that it could be used to watch beautiful women take a bath.

But isn't that a waste of spell time?

He used a white giant star to strengthen [Luan Zhaoshui], and he only got three hours of retrospective time, and he could only see the picture eight years ago at most.

"It's not necessary," Lin Wen said casually, "If I want to see it, I can just go and see it. This machine is very expensive to use."

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent, and everyone looked at Lin Wen.

Ling's unbelievable gaze was filled with fury.

Fili looked like a fairy.

Liu You coughed, already thinking about what to do about the wedding.

Li Linyue's face was flushed, but she surprisingly didn't refute.

Lin Wen scratched his head, as if he had been misunderstood, but when he was about to explain, Li Linyue changed the subject.

"I believe in Lin's character, but we'd better not publicize its existence on a large scale, which is very taboo."

"Especially the Great Elder."

As soon as these three words came out, everyone's faces darkened.

Lin Wen took a picture of this future with [Luan Zhaoshui], and the screen showed a very dangerous blood red, which flickered slightly, like a warning.

It's a bit powerful, I don't know if the fox fairy can handle it?

Lin Wen fell into deep thought.

Philip asked: "Your Highness, if it cannot be made public, how can we explain where these evidences come from?"

There was an inexplicable cold light in Li Linyue's eyes.

"This is our layout for many years, and it is part of the big game we have played."

"The Princess faction has never been a loose faction, never a coalition of speculators or dogs. We have faith. We have strength."

These words made Fei Li and the others feel excited. The Princess faction has always been ridiculed outside. In the eyes of the upper class and powerful, the first princess is just a vase. As long as Li Longxing falls, she will be reduced from a vase to a plaything. The Princess faction is even more vulnerable.

But in fact, Li Linyue does not only rely on herself to attract people. The ultimate goal of the princess faction is to supervise the country and become a supervisor above the great imperial power.

This is the greatest cohesion of the Princess faction, but unfortunately, it was considered wishful thinking by most people in the past. The imperial power is in jeopardy, and the satellites have not even been in the sky. You want to travel the universe?

But now, it has the basis for implementation.

A strong and turbulent feeling suddenly rose from Li Linyue's heart.

This is a dreamlike day.

Love and dreams are rushing towards her.

There has never been such a moment.

She felt so happy.


The Princess faction completed the liquidation of the Council at an astonishing speed.

What is even more astonishing is that they strictly abide by the laws of the empire, and strictly abide by the principles of law-abiding proposed by His Majesty the Emperor.

When dealing with such an abominable enemy, they can strictly abide by the principles, which makes everyone believe that the era of serious law and discipline proposed by the emperor of the empire is coming.

In this wave of the new era, the princess faction perfectly demonstrated their amazing power.

Such a scheming and scheming, grass snake gray line, and thousands of miles of layout, made many people look at the first princess with admiration.

All of a sudden, Li Linyue's name resounded throughout the upper echelons of the empire, and for the first time, the dress of the first princess really covered the domain of the real power group.

Only Li Longxing didn't believe that his naive daughter was able to make arrangements so many years in advance, probably because of Lin Wen's tricks.

But Li Linyue's way of handling it is correct. This can demonstrate the power and ability of the imperial faction, without arousing the fear of the top large groups.

Most importantly, it will not arouse the vigilance of the Great Elder.

Li Longxing's reforms have already aroused fierce opposition from the elders' group. If the first elder leaves, then he will have to make a last-ditch effort in advance.

This is the worst.

"This girl has grown up after all."

A slight smile appeared on Li Longxing's face.

"Get married early."


For the rest, Lin Wen was not needed. He refused Li Linyue's persuasion, and flew back to Changshan County overnight.

Fei Li sighed: "Brother Lin is really a noble character. He rushed to do hard work, but when it came time to pick peaches, he escaped faster than anyone else."

Ling poohed: "I think he has another new love. He must have raised hundreds of goblins in Changshan County. He is lucky every night. He can't bear it after holding it with us for so long..."

Li Linyue said angrily: "Ling! If you want to talk nonsense again, get out!"

Ling pursed her mouth and stopped talking.

However, Fei Li's eyes lit up, and he thought to himself that he would go to Changshan County to play in the future. I will give it to him, His Highness, so it is not too much to give me two goblins, right?

After the trial of the old crimes was completed, a new Supreme Council began to be formed.

According to Li Longxing's opinion, the new council is only responsible for supervising the trial work.

The work of prosecuting crimes was handed over to the Imperial Supervisory Council, and the work of reconnaissance and arrest was handed over to the Imperial Inspectorate.

The prosecution, arrest, and armed departments of the Supreme Council are all abolished, and they are only responsible for reviewing and supervising whether the trial process of the case is fair.

In this way, the power of the council has been greatly reduced, and there will never be such a thing as "who in the hall sues this official?"

At this point, the legal system of the empire is completely clarified.

The Imperial Political Supervisory Council, which supervises the officials, will no longer have any constraints. It will become a sharp sword hanging over the heads of the imperial bureaucrats, and it will take a solid step to completely purify the entire empire.

Li Yongsheng, the pillar of the Three Kingdoms, became the interim chief of the new council.

Under his leadership, the first thing the new council did was to reopen the backlog of cases.

At the same time, the Imperial Supervisory Council began to track down all past wrongdoings.


Elder's compound.

Lin Yabo, the elder of the empire, and Bai Liuxi, the governor of Xiyan Prefecture, passed the inspection of the imperial guardian envoy and entered the compound.

The four great elders sat under the tree, quietly waiting for them to speak.

Lin Yabo bowed and said, "Your Excellencies, good day."

The Great Elder nodded slightly, but did not speak.

Lin Yabo knew that the Great Elder didn't like wasting time, so he immediately said, "Your Excellency, Your Majesty's actions have exceeded the bottom line of the empire and seriously disrupted the long-standing unwritten order of the empire."

"Now they dare to investigate the judges. We really can't imagine what they will dare to investigate in the future."

"Li Linyue's behavior is inhumane. He only focuses on the shortcomings of others and does not talk about their contributions. It is a typical public revenge."

"Lin Wen, the governor of Changshan County, left his post without permission and helped evil and abuse. If things go on like this, the empire will surely collapse."

The governor of Xiyan Prefecture, Bai Liuxi, opened his mouth and howled, "The imperial faction is trying to build a country under surveillance. If officials don't have privacy, how can they be officials?"

"Fortunately, after 30 years of hard work, I finally became an official. They just went on like this. What will they do? Will anyone be an official in the future?"

Behind the long table, the Great Elder remained silent, like a statue.

Lin Yabo bowed deeply.

"And all of this is due to the unscrupulous expansion of the imperial faction. They are self-reliant, but they defeated a weak Papal State, but it is like saving the empire."

"Your Excellencies, once the great emperor reappears, all the hard work of the empire in the past 180 years will be destroyed."

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