Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 528 Branding the World

Coming out of the compound, Lin Yabo didn't get any meaningful reply.

The elder's attitude was always ambiguous.

Lin Yabo was not surprised either. If someone in a position like the Great Elder could easily express his opinion, they would not be the Great Elder anymore.

The governor of Xiyan Prefecture, Bai Liuxi, was very anxious. He was a close ally of Lin Yabo and Yu Zhongxian. Many of Yu Zhongxian's biochemical bases were on his territory, and many activities were done by him.

Without the cover of the council, what he, the governor, has done is enough to kill him a hundred times.

"Elder Lin, what should I do? I can't afford to wait."

Lin Yabo pondered for a moment.

Bai Liuxi is a very important force in their camp. The governor may not seem to have a high official position, but he is the cornerstone of the power of the elders.

If Bai Liuxi was eliminated, then a large part of his noble group would be missing.

"Governor Bai, after you go back, do your best to publicize Li Longxing's imperial policy. In particular, you must explain clearly what the new Supreme Council wants to do, what the Imperial Political Supervisory Council wants to do, and how the former officials died."

Bai Liuxi understood in an instant, and said with a smile: "After the investigation, who can escape the responsibility?"

Lin Yabo nodded: "You continue to stir up people from all over the place to make trouble, and send people to attack and kill the people sent by Li Longxing, especially the imperial political supervisor and the newly appointed judge."

Bai Liuxi clapped his hands: "Wonderful, the empire is in chaos, which is enough to prove Li Longxing's failure and shake the foundation of the country."

Lin Yabo continued: "We will send special forces to support you. Even the royal guards will be killed. I will send people to collect the original body."

Bai Liuxi carefully looked around and asked softly.

"Elder Lin, are we going to make a big deal?"

Lin Yabo replied briefly, "For future trouble."

Afterwards, Lin Yabo called the three elders, Moxili, Chengwei, and Luo Nuo respectively, and presented them with a detailed action plan.

All the elders agreed to his plan.

Luo Nuo said arrogantly: "Li Longxing offended most people, he didn't know that the power of the common people is the strongest."

"He will regret it."


As soon as Lin Wen just returned to Changshan County, Li Linyue called before his butt was hot.

"Lin, have you arrived? Is it safe along the way?"

"Here we are, safe."

"That's good."

Lin Wen frowned slightly and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Linyue's voice lowered.

"Elder Lin has already started a full-scale confrontation with us. They disrupted order and attacked our personnel. Now the mid-level or high-level councils in various places have basically been paralyzed. Our people have suffered heavy losses. Lin Wen, I..."

If Li Linyue knew Ge You, she would see Lin Wen paralyzed on the seat in Ge You's most classic paralyzed posture.

He covered his eyes, as if he had nothing to love.

Li Linyue said: "Father wants you to come..."

Lin Wen let out a long sigh.

"Needless to say. I'll be right there."

He directly used [Close to the End of the World] and returned to Shenjing, just outside the door of a large conference room.

Pushing open the door, Li Longxing and other core members of the Huangpai were inside.

Li Longxing said happily: "Xiao Lin, it's just in time."

Li Linyue, who had just returned to her seat, said in surprise, "Lin, you didn't leave?"

Lin Wen sighed, "What do you want me to do? Just say it."

Li Longxing smiled and said: "Don't worry, sit down and listen to me."

Lin Wen randomly found a seat and sat down.

There were more than 60 people at the scene, half of them were generals of the Royal Guards, and some were senior officials or veterans of various ministries in Shenjing.

Most of Lin Wen didn't know him, but everyone knew him, smiled and nodded at him.

Li Longxing paused and continued.

"...Everyone, let's not be intimidated by the difficulties in front of us. The crazier the enemy is, it proves that they are at the end of the road. If we want to implement the reform, we should not be afraid of all these difficulties."

"Yes, our loss of personnel is huge, aren't they huge? Isn't there a price for all they did?"

"You must know that all of this is seen by the commoners of the empire. What we have to do is to carry it out firmly and present our ideas and everything we have done to everyone completely and innocently. Let them know that those invincible figures will eventually be hunted down by hunters, just like that wolf, just like that bug!"

Enthusiastic applause flooded the meeting room.

"The Empire will stand on top of the world, as it did thirty years ago, as it did a hundred and fifty years ago, as it did most of the time."

Deafening applause sounded like thunder, and everyone in the meeting room stood up and shouted in a uniform voice.

"Long live the Empire!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"

Li Longxing shouted.

"Long live the Empire!"

"Long live the Imperials!"

Until everyone left, the roaring sound seemed to still reverberate in this space.

Only Lin Wen and Li Longxing were left in the room.

Lin Wen was a little surprised. He didn't expect the emperor's consciousness to be quite high.

Li Longxing poured a cup of tea, handed it to him, sat down beside him, took a sip of his own tea, and patted him on the shoulder, looking like a good brother.

"Xiao Lin, I have really worked hard on you during this time. You have helped us a lot. Without you, all this would be unimaginable."

Lin Wen was about to speak, but he continued: "But it's all worth it, I'm stepping towards my dream step by step, and you also have the chance to make a child with Linyue..."


Lin Wen spouted all the tea and looked at the old man in astonishment.

Is it okay for you to say that to your daughter?

Li Longxing laughed loudly, patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Just kidding, don't mind, anyway, I will leave Linyue to you. I believe that under your influence, her extreme thoughts will be corrected, and her life will eventually return to the right track."

Li Longxing sighed slightly in his tone.

"Rinyue is actually a good child. She is soft and kind. She likes sunshine, warmth and kindness. It's just that her past experience has distorted her character, and she is too obsessed with her father's strength, handsomeness, handsomeness, and omnipotence. That's why she firmly believes that imperial power is irreplaceable, and she has become like this..."

"OK OK."

Lin Wen didn't want to talk about this matter. Anyway, when the time came, he would run away with a bucket.

Before leaving at most, help him kill two more people.

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

Li Longxing said with a smile: "Don't worry, Xiao Lin, listen to me."

He stood up, looking much taller.

"Lin Wen, I discussed it with you before, and you know what an empire looks like."

"It is no exaggeration to say that this is a man-eating empire. As long as you leave the eastern region, civilians are like worthless people. They have no scruples about killing people. The laws of the empire are useless. You have seen it before, Gu Xuanli, the former governor of Shizhou. You know how many people died in Shizhou."

Lin Wen nodded. When he was fighting in Gannan District and Hu District of Shizhou, he marched everywhere, and there were bones everywhere.

It feels like Shizhou is not a state of the empire, but another country, a country that is not in this era, not in this world.

Li Longxing said seriously: "Even in the eastern region, the rich and powerful are rampant, but they have shifted the evil from the sun to the shadows, even worse than that."

"The reason is that the governor holds the military power in his hands and acts recklessly, the elders cover the sky with one hand, and the major groups control all aspects of the empire. Power is everything."

"In this case, even if we reorganize the council, it will not solve the fundamental problem."

Li Longxing turned his attention to Lin Wen.

"Everything I do now is to collect power."

"The governor's military power must be stripped away. All military power is only allowed to be in the hands of the highest military department in the empire. The governor can only command the armed forces through the highest military department. Not only that, the governor can no longer make promises. Personnel appointments and important administrative orders must be executed through the highest council."

"In this way, the laws of the empire can penetrate into every state, and the surveillance system of the empire can form a deterrent to all officials."

"Tragedies like Shizhou will not recur in the empire."

Lin Wen nodded.

Li Longxing continued: "And the biggest difficulty in this step lies in the military power. As long as the military power is recovered without damage, the situation where the governors are independent will be broken."

"Afterwards, I will reorganize the Senate, clean up the State Council, cut redundant officials, and streamline the structure."

"I will introduce the Tax Cuts Act, the Recovery and Growth Plan to ease the burden on the common people and revitalize the economy of the Empire."

"I will propose the "Imperial Citizenship Act," emphasizing citizens' personal rights to life and freedom, and no one can kill people at will."

He looked at Lin Wen, smiled and said, "Even if it's you."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "If that day comes, I won't kill anyone."

Li Longxing nodded to express his belief, and continued.

"I will expand social welfare, set wage-price guidelines, and prohibit the bottomless deprivation of the interests of civilians."

"I will promulgate the "Trade Pact" to strictly limit the use of power to gain benefits."

"I will eliminate regional barriers, eliminate geographical restrictions, promote the circulation of goods, and let the blood flow of the empire flow smoothly."

"I will issue the New Currency Act and restructure the imperial economy."


Li Longxing talked a lot, Lin Wen didn't sleep for the first time, and listened carefully to the content he never cared about before.

In the end, Li Longxing opened his hands with a smile on his face.

"If all the reforms are successful, I will point the finger at the Supreme Council, strip all the power of the Supreme Council, and distribute it to the Imperial Congress and the State Council, completely breaking up the situation where the major groups support themselves."

"In this way, a new empire, a country with basic fairness, relative freedom, and health, is built."

Li Longxing pointed at Lin Wen and said with a smile.

"At that time, I wish I could go to Changshan County and hold your and Linyue's child."

Lin Wen scratched his head.

"Do you hold me and other people's children?"

Li Longxing was furious: "I'll kill you!"

Lin Wen sighed, "Brother..."

"father in law!"

"...I think it's better not to take your last step. Even if I'm still here, I still think it's too dangerous. One carelessness is the rhythm of a full-scale civil war."

Li Longxing smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't act rashly before I hug you and Linyue's child... In fact, it's not bad to leave it to the elders like that. After they see the prosperity of the empire, they will definitely not let the empire go back to the old way. These old guys are not aggressive enough, but they are more conservative. It is not necessary to disband the Supreme Council."

Lin Wen sighed, feeling that he had been involved in the vortex that he didn't intend to be involved in at the beginning. He only planned to make a big plan to bring over the business empire from his previous life, and reincarnated after making a lot of good fortune.

As a result, things are getting a little out of control now.

These terrifying reforms may trigger very huge bad karma.

Lin Wen didn't know how many times he sighed, and asked, "After talking so much, what exactly do you want me to do?"

Li Longxing looked serious, and said: "The Great Elder's most important thing is the stability and economy of the empire, and this is the bottom line for them to entrust power to me."

"The stability and development of your Changshan County is also a part of the empire. Therefore, the first task I entrust to you is to do your best to develop the economy of Changshan County, open up the eastern and western routes of the empire as soon as possible, and drive the economic development of the empire as much as possible."

Lin Wen smiled: "Of course it's no problem."

Li Longxing continued: "Right now, the elders headed by Lin Yabo are trying their best to stop me. They are instigating rebellion everywhere, opposing my plan in an organized way, and attacking and killing my investigators."

He looked at Lin Wen seriously.

"I can't keep passively defending, and I can't let the situation expand infinitely. I need to knock down the arrogance of the opponents with a thunderbolt."

"But my people can't move, I can maintain order, but I can't destroy it, so I need you."

Lin Wen nodded, expressing his understanding.

Li Longxing continued.

"Governor of Xiyan Prefecture, Bai Liuxi, is the one who danced the most in this incident. I want you to send your dragon team members to kill him... If possible, try to make this matter as big as possible. Public execution is the best, but the army cannot be dispatched. This is the bottom line."

Lin Wen thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled.

"Do not worry."

"I will let his death be branded on this world."

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