Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 529 Great Immortal

Lin Wen went back by plane honestly this time.

After all, the war is about to start, so it is better to save some Yuanshen.

Lin Wen didn't set off immediately for Bai Liuxi, governor of Qianxi Yanzhou. He had to make some preparations before he could complete his grand performance.

He still needs to restore some soul, and now he can recover 25-45% of soul every day, which is several times more than before.

The eighth supernatural power [Sage's Qi] has many unexpected functions. It is far more than what it seems on the surface, and it needs Lin Wen to discover it.

And the most important thing is, wait two more days, and the monthly good relationship will be settled.

One month's good fortune is too much. After the settlement, Lin Wen's combat power will skyrocket, so he plans to imprint Bai Liuxi on the world in an unprecedented way in two days.

It's good to prepare in advance.

You can also improve the work in Changshan County, and strive to settle more good karma.

At this time, the affairs of Changshan County have accumulated a lot, and the construction progress of the east-west road has slowed down, just waiting for him to hammer the mountain.

The medical industry started to operate again. Lin Wen's purge did not bring any negative effects, but removed some obstacles. Those "veterans" pretended to be heroes, put on airs, and played tricks of shopkeepers to deceive customers, but they harmed many people.

After the newcomer was replaced, the sales went smoothly again, and even the cost was reduced a lot.

Due to the new technology put into production at the Anmosi Biochemical Base, this time it is not selling drugs at a loss, but new troubles have arisen. Some smugglers bought large quantities of drugs and smuggled them outside the empire to make high profits. Coupled with the lack of Mr. Yu’s free contribution, the market share in the empire has decreased and the gap has widened.

This problem also urgently needs to be solved by Lin Wen.

Many communication base stations have been built, and mobile phones can finally be used in Changshan County, but the communication services are basically zero, and even brick phones are not affordable for most people.

With the root server settled in Huai Town, Changshan County is no longer afraid of being pinched, and the speed of the network has also improved.

The nuclear power plant is also preparing to connect to the grid. This news is still top secret. Qin Luoshuang thinks it is inappropriate to announce that Changshan County has controlled nuclear energy at this time, but now the issue of nuclear fuel is on the agenda again. At present, all the nuclear fuel in Changshan County comes from the friendly gift of Qin Luoshuang's second father. There are only more than 200 kilograms of enriched uranium in total, and about two tons of low-enriched uranium.

Enriched uranium has been sealed up, and it is too wasteful to use it as nuclear fuel. Nuclear fuel rods are uranium dioxide ceramic pellets sintered from uranium mixture powder.

Although neither Lin Wen nor Mr. Fei planned to manufacture nuclear weapons, they did not want to waste the weapon-grade enriched uranium they had finally purified.

Mr. Fei also planned to find other uses for uranium, but Lin Wen knew very well that the only function of uranium-235 is to make nuclear fuel.

In short, the final nuclear fuel rods produced are only about five tons, which is only enough for the Jangsan County Nuclear Power Plant for two months.

What to do after two months is a big problem, uranium cannot be bought in the empire.

The Changshan County Subway is under intense construction. The longest tunnel digging project has ended, and the following projects are much faster, and it is expected to be completed in half a year.

The large-scale expansion of the new town is coming to an end. Now as long as you go to any of the main roads in Changshan County, you can see the tall buildings rising from the center of Changshan County. No one would have thought that it was just a small town a few months ago, and it was just a piece of wasteland and a few small dilapidated villages and towns covered in loess more than a year ago.

Lin Wen still remembers how desolate the loess and mud were when he first came to Changle Town. Now Changle Town has been completely covered, and the townspeople have already lived in temporary resettlement houses. The environment there is much better than before.

But Lin Wen's hut is still a deadlock. Of course, it's not that Lin Wen used his power for personal gain, nor did the demolition stop just in front of his house. Lin Wen's hut is far away, by the river outside the town, and the plan didn't go there.

Zhao Minggong once considered moving the plan a bit, but Lin Wen resolutely rejected it. At that time, the officials were very moved, thinking that Sheriff Lin set an example and would not use his power for personal gain.

After many days, Lin Wen finally returned to the familiar environment.

This earthen house is full of holes, and it is the residence of the Immortal King during his slumber. Sleeping here, the primordial spirit can recover 0.1% more.

Much better than those empty, luxurious and lifeless palaces.

Lin Wen fell asleep soundly.

the next day.

When the morning sun shone on Lin Wen's face through the hole in the wall, he woke up.

open one's eyes.

In the dim hut, the sunlight is clear, fine floating dust is flying in the air, and the spring breeze gently brushes over his face, like the cool hands of a little junior sister.

This is the atmosphere that a cultivator should have, not a big coffin made of steel and concrete without any atmosphere of cultivating immortals.

Lin Wen let out a great emperor's sigh, stretched out a long waist, and glanced at his primordial spirit.


Not bad, 42% recovered overnight.

And as the upper limit of my primordial spirit increases, its recovery speed will also accelerate.

If this continues, I can fully maintain my daily consumption with normal rest.

This is simply great!

Lin Wen got up and finished washing quickly. The settlement will be settled tomorrow. He planned to seize the last time to make more good fortune.

Sharpen your guns before the battle, and you will be unhappy for a long time.

The problem of Changshan County's squeeze will be dealt with after he beats the governor of Xiyan Prefecture, Bai Liuxi.

Lin Wen arrived in Huai Town by bus.

The car was overcrowded. In addition to white-collar workers, there were also many mothers-in-law and aunts, who were discussing today's vegetable prices enthusiastically, the girl from that family was juicy, the young man from that family was capable, and the daily routines of countless parents.

Jangsan-gun is becoming more and more like a busy city.

The county government office is still extremely busy, the new town project is about to be completed, and things are complicated, Zhao Minggong is even busier.

But what is even more worrisome is the industrial transformation of 4.3 million workers. Recently, Qin Luoshuang, Yang Shaohu, Huang Mingxiao, Lei Tiantong, Xiao Xiao, and a large number of related officials gathered for meetings every day to formulate plans, plan industries, and build new factories.

So when Lin Wen ran over to talk about democracy again, Qin Luoshuang slapped him on the table for the first time.

"Lin Wen! Come up with some plans for me now, and I'll deal with it as you like!"

Lin Wenxi said, "Really?"

As soon as the words fell, Yang Shaohu jumped up and shouted: "I can't hold it anymore, go to the bathroom!"

Huang Mingxiao then came to his senses: "I want to go to the bathroom too!"

Everyone at the scene came to shit and pee one after another, and they left clean after a while.

Qin Luoshuang suddenly realized the ambiguity in her language, and Lin Wen agreed so happily, uncharacteristically.


You're not thinking of something bad, are you?

A blush welled up on her cheeks, but Qin Luoshuang refused to let go, and argued forcefully, "Tell me what plan you have! It can't be worse than mine."

Lin Wen directly asked the [Immortal Guidance] question.

[What are the long-term demanded commodities in the empire that are suitable for large-scale artificial production? 】

Consumption: 100% Yuanshen.

OK, acceptable.

In fact, Lin Wen felt that the consumption was much smaller than expected.


[Cheap clothes, shoes, daily necessities, cheap home appliances, tools, transportation...]

As soon as the answer came out, Lin Wen knew why the consumption was so low.


Isn't this the experience of success?

Although it also has a bitter side, it is at least a way of living.

The big deal is that the factory doesn't make any money, and all the profits are distributed to the employees, and the maintenance and expansion costs of the factory are paid by the county government.

Lin Wen was very excited.

Isn't this perfectly in line with the spirit of Jangsan-gun? Workers work for themselves, are they afraid that they will not have motivation?

Relying on the power of the masses is the most powerful force and the most good karma.

Whoa, I'm a genius!

As for finances, don't worry about it at all.

Changshan County was not the flower family who had no skills and was so poor that he wanted to spend a penny in half.

As long as Lin Wen's big plan comes out, are you afraid of financial problems?

Lin Wen still owes more than 100 billion in loans to the Supreme Council, and the Great Elder is willing to let him down?

If you owe one dollar, you are your grandson; if you owe one hundred billion, you are your ancestor.

The worst is the worst, he sells himself, at least it is worth tens of billions, so why worry about financial problems?

Qin Luoshuang saw Lin Wen laughing more and more viciously, couldn't help feeling a little guilty, and whispered, "Don't go too far..."

Lin Wenchang laughed, pointed at Qin Luoshuang and said loudly.

"Listen well, let's immediately set up a large clothing factory, specializing in the production of cheap and durable clothes. The brands will be posted according to the famous brands, and the price will be the lowest. Thirty yuan a piece? No, no, fifteen yuan..."

Lin Wen said a long list, all of which were the successful experiences of the three pigs.

This has successfully fed countless people in the past. Although life is hard, there is hope at least. As long as you don't be lazy, you can make ends meet.

But Lin Wen went a step further and returned the part that the boss took away to the employees. In this way, not only can they make ends meet, but they can also be said to have a small income.

Moreover, Lin Wen intends to let the Changshan County Imperial Capital Office be responsible for the development and research of all these factories. The development of the factories will be directly included in the assessment of officials. Those who go bankrupt due to serious losses due to wrong decision-making will be sent to jail.

Halfway through Lin Wen's presentation of the plan, Yang Shaohu, Huang Mingxiao, Lei Tiantong, Xiao Xiao and others came in from behind the door, by the wall, and under the window, and enthusiastically joined the discussion.

Just talking about it all morning, Yang Shaohu kept three notebooks of notes, and everyone praised and marveled.

Yang Shaohu was so excited that his face was redder than his ass: "This is simply a fairy plan, County Chief Lin, do you really know how to use magic? They all say that you are a great fairy who came down from the supreme fairy world."

Lin Wen was very upset when he heard this: "Who leaked this... Where did the rumor come from? From now on, the County Council strictly prohibits discussing this topic! I am a representative of science, and I respect science the most. If you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Fei!"

Granite Lei Tiantong also made a rare joke: "Mr. Fei thinks you are not scientific at all. How can anyone dare to jump directly into a nuclear reactor?"

Xiao Xiao also deeply agreed: "That's right, I also don't think Sheriff Lin is like a human being. There is no one in the world who understands economic laws and commodity values ​​better than me. Only immortals can be better than me."

Everyone talked about all kinds of incredible things about Lin Wen one after another, and the more they discussed Lin Wen's fairy status, the more they became more convinced.

This made Lin Wen feel a sense of crisis. If Changshan County cannot be brought back on track quickly, then after he leaves, Changshan County will inevitably fall into the abyss of metaphysics.

"We must quickly establish a correct scientific outlook in Changshan County." Lin Wen thought to himself.

After discussing for a while, everyone bid farewell collectively.

"Then, Miss Qin, please leave me to you!" Huang Mingxiao said something extra, but was knocked on the head by Yang Shaohu.

Qin Luoshuang looked at him coldly, looking like a Frost Fairy who is extremely cold, you don't want to touch me.

Lin Wen didn't care either, he dragged Qin Luoshuang to talk all afternoon about the principle of the minority obeying the majority, which made Qin Luoshuang half dead.


Lin Wen rushed to find Qi Mu at the last moment, and asked him to work overtime to make a video website, and told him the relevant requirements.

After Qi Mu listened to it, his face was dull. Apart from these strange additional settings and requirements, it would be too difficult to build a video website in one day.

Lin Wen looked at Qi Mu with a look of "I can't do it", and changed the request, just make a webpage first.

Only then did Qi Mu reluctantly agree, and called back all the programmers who had just left work, and told these programmers who were either hairless or in their late teens.

"Work overtime all night tonight!"


After a whole night of tossing, Lin Wen finally returned to his hut, full of expectations for tomorrow, and fell into a sleep full of infinite good fortune.

so far.

The progress of Lin Wen's long-prepared big plan is still at zero percent.

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