As Li Longxing's momentum skyrocketed, the imperial faction also rapidly expanded. Those who seek refuge from all walks of life are like ants, and those who come rushing are connected to each other.

While the imperial faction is expanding rapidly, it is natural that there will be mud and sand, and there are not a few people who use this to do their best. Although the Imperial Political Supervisory Council and the new Supreme Council work hard, they cannot stop the torrent of this army of dragons and snakes.

Lin Yabo found an excellent entry point.

He called Peng Pei, the general manager of his news media group, and asked him to actively respond to Li Longxing's call to use the media to supervise the empire, to find black spots of imperial officials within the empire, and to report them in detail.

Peng Pei expressed confusion with his fat pig face.

"Master, why? As soon as we reported it, the Imperial Political Supervisory Council and the Supreme Council quickly arrested him."

Lin Yabo laughed and said, "Let them arrest, we will focus on reporting black spots, and not follow-up reports."

Peng Pei still couldn't understand: "Then don't we help him purify the faction?"

Lin Yabo shook his head slightly: "You don't understand, people in the world are especially harsh on good people. If a good person makes a mistake, they will be punished in every possible way. If a good person becomes a bad person, there will be no redemption. If you don't write off all the good things you did before, it may be a clear proof of a hypocrite."

"People in the world are forgetful. They only remember how many mistakes good people have made, but they don't remember how much good people have done to them, and they don't care whether good people have reformed themselves—that's what they should be."

"The world is greedy again. You give him one yuan a hundred days, but it's not worth the ten yuan I give him a day—even if I will take more from him."

"So, just report with confidence, those pariahs will soon forget that His Majesty the Emperor is a good man. This is the end of trying to use pigs and dogs to overthrow the elites—the empire belongs to the elites and nobles of high blood after all."

Peng Pei scratched his fat face. Although he didn't understand what Elder Lin said, he understood what to do.

"Yes, the servant will do it now."


Lin Yabo stood up, walked a few steps, and thought for a moment.

"Drive all the scum under us to the Huangpai, and then you will expose all the crimes on them - it will all belong to the Huangpai."

A cruel smile appeared on Peng Pei's fat pig face, and such a smile looked particularly terrifying on his white and fat face.

"Obey, my master."

After Peng Pei left, Lin Yabo glanced at the sky outside.

Under the clear sky, dark clouds are gathering.

The rainstorm is coming.

He whispered to himself: "Li Longxing, don't you want justice, integrity and fairness? I'll let the world see how just, upright and fair your imperial faction is."


Elder Luo Nuo's Beichen Group is the largest financial group in the empire.

Ever since the empire began to release a large number of hotlines, Luo Nuo was keenly aware of the opportunity to block the economic reform of the imperial faction.


Looking at today's capital line chart, Luo Nuo saw the countless criss-crossing curves in his eyes like the most beautiful strings, and he could always see its climax and low point.

It is by virtue of this ability that he stands in the top ranks of the empire.

This time, no exception.

"Li Longxing, you're going to be finished, I'm sure about this hot spot."

On the other hand, Cheng Wei was not to be outdone, he had already planted explosives at the key point of the Huang faction's transformation, and was waiting for the right time to detonate.

"We have the odds."

Cheng Wei smiled sullenly, proud of his scheme.


Li Longxing was very busy during this period. Since the weakening of part of the governor's power and the power of the elders, the Imperial Congress has been able to deal with some major issues relatively fairly, which has given great support to the Supreme Council and the Imperial Political Supervisory Council.

The political situation in various parts of the empire gradually became clearer.

The world finally has a little humanity.

But not enough.

Li Longxing made great efforts to eliminate the maladministration in the imperial officialdom, tried to make officials work normally, standardized procedures and imperial laws, tried his best to encourage business, and reduced taxes for civilians and small individual enterprises.

At the same time, we will do our best to maintain social order, fight against regional bullies, purify the environment, and improve the citizenship rights of the empire, so that their personal and property safety can be guaranteed.

This series of behaviors seems to have no effect.

But after they were implemented for a period of time, the empire's economy suddenly began to take off, and the citizens of the empire seemed to be enlightened, and they came out to work, invest in industries, and participate in consumption.

All indicators are improving.

At the same time, Li Longxing's act of manually boosting the real estate and financial industries united a large part of the forces so that his reforms could proceed smoothly.

The empire is improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the gloomy imperial palace became brighter. The scorching sun of spring unsparingly sprinkled its light on Li Longxing's back, making him feel unprecedented warmth, stability, and hope.


Li Longxing muttered.

"There's really no need to bleed."


South of Xiyan Prefecture.

Cloud Mountains.

Secret biochemical base.

Moxili came to the cage.

Those held in the cage are all his treasures, and they are all the high-quality materials he has collected with great painstaking efforts.

What they have in common is that they have taken Changshan County's secret medicine Xisui Dan.

Among them, the former human security forces in Changshan County have the most people.

"Xu Chaogong."

Moxie said in a thick nasal voice.

"I will give you one last chance. If I can get the marrow washing pill, I can let you and your brothers go."

Xu Chaogong, the former first head of the human security forces, sat on the ground sluggishly. His withered hair and sunken eyes made him look like another person.

He said in a hoarse voice: "My lord, I have said everything. I only hope that you will give me a chance and let me go out. I will definitely find a way to get you the formula."

Moxili sneered and said, "Do you think I'm a fool?"

Xu Chaogong laughed mockingly: "My lord, investment is risky. If you don't take a gamble, how do you know it won't work? You should be able to imagine that this drug is the core secret of Changshan County. Even though I am the first regiment leader, it is impossible for me to know the formula. If you let me out, I may have hope to approach County Chief Lin again."

Mosely was silent.

At present, he already has a lot of third-order worms, but there are still very few complete bodies. He needs more advanced materials, and a pill of washing marrow has such a good effect. If he eats a few more, can he mass-produce complete bodies?

The thought tormented him, and he decided to take a risk.


Moxili said with a smirk.

"Chai Nu, bring me the worm embryo."

A burly man silently brought over a glass vessel. The insect embryos soaked in the viscous solution seemed to have some adult forms, and the joints under the thin biofilm seemed to be trembling slightly.

Moxili said with a smile: "Drink it, and the worm embryos will parasitize in your intestines. Don't try to use surgery to solve it, you will die miserably. If you can get back the formula within a month, I will make the worms never wake up. Otherwise, this little cutie will eat up your internal organs and burst out of your intestines."

Xu Chaogong didn't say anything. He took the glass bottle and drank it all in one gulp. He could feel the coldness of the tiny worm embryos sliding down his throat.

At this moment, he completely changed.

"Okay, let's go."

Chai Nu opened the cage and let him out.

He didn't say anything and left in silence.

Moxili looked at his receding figure and said with a smile, "Maybe we can wait for good news."

After half a day.

Surrounded by dozens of captains of the imperial guards, the first princess Li Linyue shouted through a loudspeaker: "Mosili, you have seriously violated the "Imperial Biochemical Prohibition". After your Majesty took charge, you have committed crimes against the wind and committed heinous crimes. Now you come out and surrender, and you can be given a light sentence, otherwise we will attack!"

Moxili's face was extremely embarrassing, and he cursed: "This bitch, sooner or later, I will make her into a human flesh tool..."


A huge explosion sounded outside the mountain, and the royal guards began to bombard the base with arc cannons.

Explosions continued, the entire base was trembling, and ashes fell down, the housekeeper rushed over and shouted: "Master, master, we can't stand it anymore!"

Chai Nu held the important information and shouted: "Master, let's move it!"

Moxili's face was terribly gloomy, but he had no choice but to transfer from the emergency escape route under the base.

The royal guards came too fast, they didn't have time to bring many things, they could only take away the materials, a large number of insect larvae, and some devices, and the captives didn't have time to take them away.

At least one-fifth of the main bugger force was lost.

In the cold light rushing towards him, Xu Chaogong came up, and all the detainees became excited and shouted: "Regimental Commander!"


There was already a sound of crying when they shouted in unison.

Everyone knows that the head of the group is afraid that he will not survive.

Xu Chaogong calmed down and said: "Everyone narrowly escaped death, go back to Changshan County in the future, and don't go anywhere. There are many ghosts in this world, and they are very charming. I just escaped from Changshan County because I fell into the trap of ghosts. Everyone must remember this lesson."

Jiang Jin, who is also the head of the regiment, shouted: "Chao Gong, go to Chief Lin, he may have a solution."

Xu Chaogong shook his head slightly: "The doctors at the Royal Hospital have seen it, but they dare not move."

Another group leader, Jiang Sheng, shouted: "The Royal Hospital is nothing. Do they have marrow washing pills? Chaogong, listen to my brother's advice, go to Sheriff Lin, and he will save you! Don't be afraid of losing face, what's there to be ashamed of? Sheriff Lin called you a fool, that's your fault, but Sheriff Lin will look at you with admiration if you risk your life to save people!"

Xu Chaogong's expression moved slightly, and it took a long time before he gritted his teeth and agreed: "Okay!"

A royal guard came over, broke the cage, and said: "His Royal Highness orders you to be sent back to Changshan County, and you will be punished not to step out of Changshan County for the rest of your life."

Everyone cheered and said in unison: "I obey, Your Highness!"


In the deepest part of the Taixu Mountains, there is also a very secret backup base.

Mosely escaped, but with great loss.

The rage almost made him lose his mind, and he ignored Lin Yabo's persuasion.

"I must kill this stinky bitch!"

"Xiyan Prefecture is mine, and no one is allowed to touch it."

Lin Yabo sighed, knowing that there was no way to stop the contemporary leaders of the Evolution Sect from going berserk, and no one could stop them—they had some forbidden technologies, and even the Great Elder would not touch this sect when he was in power.

"Okay, Moxili, but at least do the technology of transforming humans in costumes first, so that there is at least one more hole card."

Moxili opened his mouth wide, his voice no longer resembled a human voice.

"Lin Yabo, I only wait for you for one day."

The voice on the phone seemed to come from the abyss, even Lin Yabo couldn't help but feel a little chill.

He realized that their final plans were coming soon.

"Okay, just one day at a time."


The royal party's accusation against Moxili was unsuccessful under the obstruction of Lin Yabo and others, and Li Longxing did not pursue it fiercely.

He knew that now was not the time to deal with the elders.

When the empire is advancing by leaps and bounds, it is not appropriate to stop.

And Xiyan Prefecture is the key to this rapid development. It is personally garrisoned by the two generals of the Senate and the First Princess to ensure that the demonstration of reform will not be destroyed.

However, with the start of a series of attacks against the imperial officials of Xiyan Prefecture, the situation in Xiyan Prefecture suddenly became tense.

Li Longxing felt uneasy. In the field of special warfare, the army is useless, and the special warfare must be dealt with by the special warfare.

He can't allocate too much power to Xiyan Prefecture, otherwise the balance of power in Shenjing will be out of balance.

At this time, Li Longxing thought of Lin Wen again.

This little guy's dragon group is a famous super special combat body.

Don't know where he got it from.

"It's okay, when he and Li Linyue get married, I will let Linyue blow the pillow wind, and he will tell me."

Li Longxing smiled and called Lin Wen.

In his opinion, Lin Wen should be very happy to do this - what could be happier than guarding the princess while guarding against theft?

But Lin Wen's reaction was not what he thought.

Lin Wen: "Huh?"

The afternoon update will be later

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