Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 546 The Death Omen Comes

Since the conclusion of the trade contract with the Six Nations Group, Lin Wen has entered the countdown to his reincarnation. He tried his best to complete his legacy, prepared for Qin Luoshuang's ascension to the throne, and worked hard for his king at the last moment.

I just hope that it is no longer zero eggs before I leave.

Finally, on the last day, Lin Wen basically completed the main tasks. Even if there were unfinished parts in the posthumous work, he also wrote the outline.

Later generations follow the outline and will not go astray.

The seeds were also successfully planted in Yun Qingshui's body. If the reform fails, the world will be reborn in the fire.

Under Lin Wen's coercion, Qin Luoshuang officially became the backup county chief of Changshan County.

All officials now know she will be the next sheriff.

Everyone's understanding of this was that Sheriff Lin might be about to be promoted. After all, the emperor of the empire favored him so much that a blind person could see it, and Lin Wen also acquiesced.

Only Qin Luoshuang felt uneasy. She realized that things might not be that simple. Every time Lin Wen was so happy, the sense of alienation in him became more and more obvious, as if he was about to leave at any time.

Lin Wen had already had this tendency several times, especially when the crisis came, but this time, Qin Luoshuang's feeling was particularly obvious.

But Changshan County did not encounter a crisis.

She didn't understand, and couldn't help worrying, so she ran to ask several times, but every time this guy opened his mouth and closed his mouth about his daughter, she was so angry that she forgot all the questions she wanted to ask.

Once talking with this guy, he is particularly prone to dementia, and Qin Luoshuang doesn't know why, it has been like this since the first time he saw him.

Tonight, Qin Luoshuang made up her mind to ask no matter what, but as soon as she entered the room, this guy opened his mouth and said, "Isn't this my little lover in my previous life? Come, let me check if there is any air leakage in my little padded jacket."

Qin Luoshuang's sanity disappeared on the spot, and all problems were left to the Java Kingdom. There was a big fight in his room, and the guy was driven away.

Qin Luoshuang stood alone in Lin Wen's hut, her anger still hadn't subsided, but she didn't have the habit of venting her anger with things, she just sat down sullenly, flipping through Lin Wen's things.

Lin Wen's room is very simple, a bed, a cabinet, a table, and two stools are all he has.

There were thick manuscripts piled up on the top of the cabinet, Qin Luoshuang picked up one casually, and the title that looked up was "How to Ensure Qin Luoshuang's Absolute Safety".

The second one is "A Series of Measures to Ensure Qin Luoshuang's Smooth Succession".

The third one is "Enhancing the Emperor's Recognition of Qin Luoshuang".

There are so many things, more than a dozen of them are like this.

Before she knew it, Qin Luoshuang's anger disappeared, and her expression softened until she saw the last picture.

"How can I make Qin Luoshuang become my daughter sincerely?" "


In a rage, Qin Luoshuang tore the piece of paper into pieces, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it out through the hole in the wall.

"What's wrong with this guy?"

Qin Luoshuang thought angrily.

"I haven't seen him have any perverted hobbies, why does he want me to..."

She paused to keep the word from coming to mind.

But her eyes stopped on his cabinet.

"Maybe, his secret is hidden in the cabinet."

Qin Luoshuang thought to herself.

Although I know that it is immoral to spy on other people's privacy, I still can't stop my curiosity.

"I'll just watch a little bit."

Qin Luoshuang explained to himself in his heart, and opened the first drawer, which contained some daily necessities, cups for washing, towels and so on.

She rummaged through it for a while, but she didn't find the taboo things that Xia had introduced to her before.

Pull off the second layer.

It was Lin Wen's personal clothes, except for the county magistrate's uniform, they were all ordinary clothes.

Qin Luoshuang picked them up one by one, and smelled them closely for a long time.

"Bah, it's all that guy's stench."

Carefully folded it for him and put it back.

Pull off the third layer.

It was empty, save for a photo album.

"Huh? Is it a photo of Lin Wen when he was a child? I haven't seen his parents before."

Picking it up and opening it, it turned out to be a little girl carved in jade.

She is bright and lovely, with a sweet smile, chasing butterflies among the flowers.

"Is this his sister? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Looking back, it was all this little girl. She was running or jumping, or laughing or making noises. The background was at home or in the wild. She wore an expensive and complicated long dress, and some simple home clothes.

She quickly turned to the last one, and on it was the eighteen-year-old first princess.

Li Linyue.

At her coming-of-age ceremony, she arrogantly accepted the cheers and worship from the crowd.

A strong chill poured into Qin Luoshuang's heart.

This guy……

Is he really a follower of the first princess? Wasn't he joking before?

He has such private photo albums... How far is their relationship?

He handed over Changshan County to me, is he going to marry the princess?

For a moment, Qin Luoshuang seemed to have lost all heat.

This idiot...I don't want to talk to him anymore, tell me about this kind of thing...Maybe Xia can help him.

she thought blankly.

Forget it, let him go if he wants to, Xia and I will take good care of Changshan County in the future, let this place become the country of our dreams, and we will live here happily.



In the middle of the night, Lin Wen returned to his hut after finishing his last civil affairs.

"Huh? Who opened my drawer?"

"Whose photo album is this? It's all wet."

"Is the little girl in the photo Qin Luoshuang? She left the photo album with me? Send it back to her when you have time."

Lin Wen casually threw the photo album into the drawer and lay down on the bed.

Tomorrow is the settlement day.

Lin Wen suppressed his excitement and fell into a sweet sleep with endless expectations.

the next day.

When the morning sun shone on Lin Wen's forehead on time, he woke up.

At seven o'clock sharp, Shan Yuan arrived on time.

The golden sea submerged Lin Wen.

Live and work in peace +52325

Prosperity +15161

Fair people +10195


Happy +21150

Free people+0

Science and technology civilization +38550

Total: 147692

Yuanshen +29.48%

【Good fate: 885987】【Bad fate: 0】【Primary spirit: 530.00%】

[Tao if there is love] 151692/10000

Survivor: 1663/2500

Death Star: 265704/160000



Facing this infinitely huge number, Lin Wen laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

Seriously, with so much going on every month, he doesn't want to leave.

However, mixing in the physical world has no future.

No matter how high his primordial spirit is, how powerful spells he can use, and how many supernatural powers he has, none of them can conceal one fact——

He doesn't have any cultivation base, in fact, he has no entry at all, and he relies entirely on himself to use the system to cast spells, and he can't become a fairy at all.

There is also that mentally retarded democracy, no matter how you do it, it will be zero. It must be that the system is broken, and it has been poisoned by some poisonous elements.


Lin Wen shifted his gaze to the interface of the evil fate supernatural power.

On the second evil fate supernatural power.

The death star has turned into complete black, and the black magic light shrouds the entire interface, as if a magic star has come into the world.

A line of huge blood-red text appeared in the black light.

【Death is coming】

【You will die ten times without life】

The black and red light stung Lin Wen's eyes, and the terrifying aura spread upwards, crushing the heaven and earth. In the background of incomprehensible horror, countless creatures were wailing and screaming, as if they were remorse for the good deeds of the born devil, but Lin Wen laughed. The laughter was very discordant in the background full of fear, as if Guo Degang was telling a joke with the old corpse in the mountain village.

Finally, finally, the moment has come.

Lin Wen really couldn't help it, even though he knew that at this time he should be facing a big enemy and try his best to think about the way to survive.

But still can't help it.

What the hell, after failing so many times, this time, I will definitely be able to reincarnate perfectly.

Lin Wen immediately shifted his gaze to the death method that he had prepared for a long time.

Among them, [Responsible Person] and [Savior] are necessary, they represent the highest luck and opportunity, and there are a lot of attributes.

[Guarding the children] Lin Wen has always been very greedy for this way of dying.

But it's a pity that asking him to have a child here has already broken his bottom line and is absolutely impossible.

The only possible way is to find someone who he sincerely considers to be his child, and the other party sincerely considers him to be his father.

However, it is bad because of the word "sincerity".

First of all, Lin Wen has to be sincere. He can't just find someone to call him dad. Then the other party has to be sincere, not just give two money, just call daddy.

Under these two "true hearts", things are countless times more difficult.

The most difficult thing was that Qin Luoshuang was the only child Lin Wen could "sincerely" accept.

But Qin Luoshuang refused to accept him as his father, which made Lin Wen very puzzled.

He tried his best but failed. Instead, he made Qin Luoshuang angry many times.

Therefore, this method of death can only be regrettably given up in the end.

Then there is [Die for Love]

The attributes of this method of death are also very high, with 3 points of chance, 1 point of luck, and 9 points of comprehension to break through the sky.

But still the question, it has to be "true love".

This is a fucking nightmare!

In this physical world, there is no one who can fly with a sword. Where can I find "true love"?

Theoretically speaking, the most perfect way to die is to combine the four deaths into one.

But that's just too unrealistic.

Almost, it is three deaths in one.

And the two deaths of [Responsible Person] and [Savior] are the bottom line. If these two causes of death cannot be achieved at the same time, then he will fail in reincarnation.

This is absolutely impossible to accept, he would rather not die and stay in the physical world, than fail to reincarnate perfectly and go to the world of cultivating immortals, and be snatched away by Huang Mao.

In order to prevent this situation, Lin Wen specially reserved three golden stars of destiny, just to strengthen [Luan Zhaoshui] and escort his reincarnation.

And the biggest obstacle to his reincarnation is [Death by Suicide]. Once he is judged to have committed suicide, his luck and chance will all be reduced by three, which is absolutely untouchable.

Therefore, from now on, he must act like a normal person, facing the crisis of life and death, and must not die for reincarnation.

Any act of not doing his best and intentionally sending him to death will turn his cause of death into [death by suicide].

Lin Wen immediately restrained his thinking and began to deal with the crisis. He first pointed out the fifteen luck paths.

"Red Cloud Cover"

"Red Cloud Cover"

"Red Cloud Cover"


I said.

These fifteen "Red Cloud Gaiding" almost saw through Lin Wen's Dao heart.

"What the hell... that's great, with these twenty-eight "Red Cloud Gaiding", I will definitely be able to tide over this difficulty."

Lin Wen said happily that the stone was almost broken by his tense teeth.

In addition, he also has a "Forgetfulness Water" that is about to turn gray, but this thing should be useless.

Lin Wen's eyes continued to move down.

Yuanshen has 310% left.

Enough... No, not enough, too little, but unfortunately there is no way, I didn't get the luck to restore the primordial spirit, it's really great... It's a pity.

Then there's Destiny Stars.

He now has two first-magnitude stars and three second-magnitude stars—this is Lin Wen's name for distinguishing their strengths based on their apparent magnitudes.

The first-magnitude star is the brightest, the sixth-magnitude star is the dimmest, and above the first-magnitude star there are even brighter super-magnitude stars and extra-super-magnitude stars.

The latter two are very rare, and Lin Wen only touched the infinite thread of fate when he indirectly saved the world and harvested the infinite thread of fate.

Among the five stars, three second-class stars are golden, which are used to strengthen [Luan Zhaoshui], and two first-class stars are white, which can strengthen any magical power.

But for Lin Wen, there are only two choices.

[Body without colorful phoenix] and [Spirit of the Five Elements] can be strengthened at a critical moment.

In the end, Lin Wen still had thousands of paper puppets and sixteen spirit puppets on his body.

This is all slowly accumulated in the past.

Coupled with a series of spells in stock, it is Lin Wen's full power.


All preparations have been done, and all worries have been swept away.

Everything is ready, only this east wind is owed.

Lin Wen's heart was full of excitement, and he was ready to walk out of the gate to welcome him on the road to the great emperor.

At this moment, Li Longxing called.


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