Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 555: Commander Lin Sends Welfare

Lin Wen smiled for the first time after listening to Li Linyue's words.

Every previous request made Lin Wen feel particularly difficult, and he had to think about it and rack his brains to solve it.

Only this time, the boss hit his gun directly.

He doesn't have to move at all.

In Lin Wen's grand plan, there happened to be a project that could be easily solved.


Lin Wen directly agreed.

"I'll fix this."

There was some silence on the phone, and Li Linyue's soft voice came after a long while.

"...Brother, is it really your daughter in the photo album you gave me?"

A shocked voice came from the side: "What? Big brother has a daughter?"

"Don't make trouble!"

The phone was covered, but the voice was still barely distinguishable.

"Qingyue, be obedient and go out to play."

"No, I don't! How could big brother have a daughter? Was it born by you, why didn't I know?"

Even if she couldn't see her in person, she could still feel Li Linyue's embarrassment.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The girl in this photo album is obviously ten years old."

"That's what you were born ten years ago!"

Li Linyue was obviously angry: "Get out!"

"No, I want to have a daughter with my big brother!"

Bang, the phone cracked.

Only the sizzle noise remained.

The sound of a loudspeaker came from outside: "County Lin, work harder, and the road will be finished with three hammers! It will be open to traffic next month... The empire-level project took three months before and after, wow ha ha ha ha!"

Another loudspeaker: "Teacher, Sheriff Lin may be a little tired, don't rush him."

The loudspeaker in front scolded angrily: "Xiao He, shut up, the miracle is right in front of you, how can you rest? After this road is built, I will become a nightmare that you will never be able to surpass, wow ha ha ha!"

Xiao He's loudspeaker said calmly: "Teacher, as long as Sheriff Lin and his robot are still there, your record will be broken."

Mr. Yang's loudspeaker became even more angry:

"Dreaming! When I was alive, I did all the projects in Changshan County, pushed these two mountains, and told you to do nothing! I will be an eternal miracle in the history of engineering, hahaha!"

Xiao He said calmly: "This miracle was created by Sheriff Lin..."

"You fart, without me, he can't create it, wow..."

The master and apprentice started to quarrel while talking.

Now, the East-West Project in Changshan County has become a huge miracle. The mountain of more than 300 kilometers will collapse at any time, which is no longer something that humans dare to imagine.

However, their current research shows that this may be the result of a special shear wave geological stress release. Changshan County has no equipment that can control earthquakes. County Chief Lin is just bragging about the earthquake and putting money on his face. He is a big liar.

Although Mr. Yang and other engineers who built the road were skeptical about this, County Chief Lin's robot was definitely not fake.

With the help of robots and the Java engineering team, the road was repaired a hundred times faster.

It won't be long before this main artery connecting the east and west of the empire will be connected.

Its impact is immeasurable, and the structure of the empire may cause great changes. Several states adjacent to the east and west of Changshan County are actively connecting the roads of Changshan County, intending to join this change.

And the apprentices and grandchildren who left due to unfavorable early construction and Mr. Yang's insistence on not changing the plan, all returned with shame.

But Mr. Yang had already seen their faces clearly, scolded them all and ran away, leaving only Xiao He who was always by his side.

Mr. Yang has already decided to pass on the mantle to him. Although they often quarrel, it is more like a show of affection...

Well, let's show the master-student relationship.

Amidst the noise, Lin Wen had already dug the pit and hammered the ground, then parked the robot aside, and led the Java engineering team to call it a day.

Today's share is done, the rest is their business.

It has to be said that including robots in engineering planning is a groundbreaking experience.

Its efficiency is also increased by a hundred times, and all the difficult points are handed over to the robot, and the heavy work is completed by the construction team.

No road has ever been repaired so quickly.

This path is destined to be engraved in history.

Lin Wen settled the Java engineering team. Now the engineering team is only composed of one hundred giants and one hundred paper puppets. Changshan County has designated a large warehouse for them, and special agents are responsible for their safety and privacy.

Generally speaking, everyone is used to the existence of this engineering team now.

To be honest, Yu Zhongxian is really stupid. If he used giants to do projects, he might have made a fortune long ago, which is much more cost-effective than using giants to fight wars.

Lin Wen closed the door of the warehouse compound, shut down the operation of the paper puppet, and walked towards the county hall.

Qi Mu's network technology department is near the county hall.

During this period of time, the "Fishmaohu" company has been established, and the live broadcast platform has basically been set up. Only because the recharge system is too advanced, it still only supports recharge with "point card" and phone recharge.

As we all know, live broadcast rewards are impulsive consumption, and too much trouble to pay will dispel consumer psychology.

But Lin Wen didn't take it seriously, as long as this setting is very good, he doesn't plan to earn reward money, but plans to expand the platform and make a living by advertising and selling goods.

As for the contracted anchor, it will be based on the model of fixed salary plus share. Fang Weiwei became the first newcomer to sign the contract. On the first day of the broadcast, there were 700,000 views. The improved webpage finally has a barrage.

At that time, Fang Weiwei was covered by the screen full of "wife".

This novel way of entertainment has made everyone very excited, and there are countless people who are eager to try it.

Now there are more than 2,000 people who have signed contracts with "Fish Cat Tiger". Their popularity varies from high to low, but Fang Weiwei is still a proper "first sister".

The challengers are all smashed into the sand, in order to gain attention, the major female anchors also frequently use strange tricks, breaking the lower limit can be found everywhere, usually they will trigger the "long tube" and seal the live broadcast room when they come down.

But during the initial period, the "long-term management" were not professional, some should not be sealed, and some shouldn't be sealed.

There are also some "long tubes" that are so bad that he blocked the live broadcast room and watched it alone.

In short, although "Fish Cat Tiger" is hot, it is also chaotic.

Lin Wen's first way to help Li Longxing clarify public opinion is to place advertisements on "Fish Cat Tiger" to promote Li Longxing's positive image and expose the conspiracy of opponents.

The second way is to ask Fang Weiwei and other big anchors to stand for Li Longxing.

The third method is that Li Longxing broadcasts live in person, and everyone communicates face to face to explain doubts and misunderstandings.

The fourth way is for Li Linyue to go to the sea in person, enter the live broadcast platform, and win supporters with the beauty of the first princess.

Of course, this is just an ordinary punch.

The big move is still behind.

Lin Wen found Qi Mu in the network technology department.

At this time, he is still leading his little friends, and a total of more than 30,000 programmers, are working overtime to optimize the webpage.

The biggest problem with the current web platform is that it is too slow, especially when the barrage is too long, it will almost blow up the computer card made by the backward technology of the empire.


There are also special effects of rewards, blocking issues, silence issues, what activity, intimacy value, and countless other issues that need to be resolved.

Qi Mu and the others were already so busy that they were about to vomit blood. It was a bug when they opened their eyes all day long, and it was a bug when they closed their eyes. But when Lin Wen came, he thought he was joking and said hello.

"Hey, I'm writing a BUG again."

All the programmers raised their heads. If this person was not Sheriff Lin, they would definitely beat him up.

Lin Wen took a closer look: "Your stack has overflowed."

As soon as the programmer turned his head, he immediately frantically tapped on the keyboard.

Qi Mu said in shock: "Sheriff Lin, you still say you don't know how to program!"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "I only know a little bit."

"I think it's more than a little..."

Lin Wen interrupted him: "Don't talk about this, I want you to develop a new product now."

Qi Mu fell to the chair on the spot.

But unfortunately, even if he died on the spot, Lin Wen still had a way to pull him up and continue working.

"Sheriff Lin!"

Qi Mu, who was dragged to the sofa by Lin Wen, wailed.

"The web platform is almost exhausting us. The "Sword" project has not been moved for a long time, and I still want it to go online this year."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "You recruit more people, the more people you recruit, the better."

Qi Mu beeped softly: "I'm just a programmer..."

Lin Wen waved his hand: "Qi Mu, it's time for you to recognize yourself. Didn't you do a good job in Yaojing before? Now you recruit one-fifth of the Ministry of Labor and one-tenth of the County Hall. You still say you can't recruit people?"

"Also, you can still ask Xia Xiaoxiang."

Hearing this name, Qi Mu shrank his head, with a look of fear on his face.

"No, no, I dare not go to her."

"Why?" Lin Wen asked curiously.

Qi Mu muttered: "This...Miss Xia is too powerful...I, I dare not go."

Lin Wen was also not interested in paying attention to their private affairs, and continued: "I want you to develop a new project now... Let me ask first, what is the online instant messaging tool in the empire?"

Qi Mu blinked: "It's a little green flower."

"Let me use it."

Qi Mu turned on the office computer beside him and asked Lin Wen to use it.

This is a very crude program with an unfriendly interface and anti-human operation. Communication with each other is like sending emails, which is very inconvenient and lacks many convenient functions.

Just right.

Lin Wen smiled slightly: "Now I want you to develop a new instant messaging tool. Its name is Haibao, or OO for short."

Qi Mu was very confused: "Sheriff Lin, does this have any meaning?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Of course it makes sense, listen to me."

"The seal is different from the little green flower. It is simpler, faster, and more suitable for ordinary people to operate."

"There are also rich functions, such as changing the avatar, customizing the nickname, having a message box, having a beautiful character image, personal clothing, sending pictures and files, being able to see friends online and offline, searching and finding friends, and so on."

"The core point is to be close to the people. It must have what the people need. It must be rich in functions, but not complicated. Don't make things that only a very few people can use."

"It's positioned as a social tool, don't use anything else, do you understand?"

Qi Mu was stunned, as if he was stuck, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, and he said in surprise: "Sheriff Lin, can this thing make money?"

Lin Wen smiled and said: "Of course it can make a profit, not only that, it also has a greater role than making a profit."


"Of course, when did I lie to you?"

Qi Mu seemed to hold back something and didn't say it, but finally replied:

"Okay... ok, but my "Sword" will be postponed again."

Lin Wen said with a smile: "Good things take time, once it appears, it will definitely become a classic in this world."

Qi Mu didn't seem to have much confidence, Lin Wen had to give him a few boosters:

"If you're worried, you can add some restricted scenes, such as taking a shower or something."

Qi Mu immediately shook his head like a rattle.

Just kidding, the prototype models of the characters in it are not his girlfriend Tian Jiajia, the famous spy chief and security chief Qin Luoshuang, the cannibal witch Xia Xiaoxiang, and Yun Qingshui who can break a steel pipe with one punch and has hundreds of brothers, etc.

If he uses their models to do this kind of thing, he is guaranteed not to live the next day.

Lin Wen didn't say much, and left after explaining the matter.

After Qi Mu went back, he didn't sleep well all night.

Woke up the next day with a flash of inspiration.

He can't mess around with beautiful models, but doesn't he have Sheriff Lin's model?

Qin Luoshuang can't be allowed to take a bath, so can she also let Sheriff Lin take a bath?

Thinking of this, countless flashes of light burst out of his mind. In just a few seconds, he had already thought of countless poses and pictures.

Sheriff Lin personally distributes benefits, which will definitely be liked by many people.

Ok, deal.

"Legend of Sword" must be popular.


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