Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 556 Surprise the aliens

In this way, the "Seal" project was quickly completed under the hands of Qi Mu and a large number of newly recruited programmers.

Its technology is not very complicated. Its core competitiveness is its concept and its idea of ​​serving the public.

After the seal was completed, Lin Wen came to debug it himself, and brought up all the classic designs from the previous life, and at the same time deleted some overly utilitarian parts to make it look more concise and easier to use.

There are also some key functions that Lin Wen has temporarily hidden, planning to release them at critical moments.

Now, the first thing to do is to occupy the market as soon as possible.

Lin Wen immediately handed over the "Seal" project to Tongli Baba Company, and set up a special department to operate it.

This is also Painful Baba's second project after the Blue Moon project.

From top to bottom of the company, more than 50,000 people were almost moved to tears.

During this period of time, their Blue Moon was almost unable to hold on, and the competition with Chengwei Group resulted in losses for both sides.

Chengwei Group was completely defeated by Tongli Baba in the early days, and it tried to kill it at all costs. It published all source codes and imitated all the updates of Tongli Baba.

Under the pressure of huge competition, their revenue of Blue Moon has been less than one-third of the peak period. Although it is still very popular, it has gradually retreated from the top income of Changshan County and one of the two pillars to the corner of the stage where no one pays attention.

This is certainly because Changshan County has developed too fast, but it is also because of their huge plunge in income.

Painful Li Baba has been carrying it for so long, and has tried his best to make version iterations, but there is no more juice to be squeezed from this lemon of Lanyue.

From top to bottom, the whole company is looking forward to the new project, but "Sword" has been difficult to produce, which makes the company's product managers anxiously bald.

At this time, "Sword" did not come, but a new project "Seal" came out.

For a while, hundreds of managers and general managers gathered around, expecting this to be a huge project that would turn them around and become the top pillars of Changshan County again.

However, the demonstration results let them down.

Lin Wen turned on the computer, and the software's profile picture was a cute big seal.

Click on the seal and jump out of the login interface.

Lin Wen enters the account number 000000.

Password 111111.

An unremarkable rectangular frame popped out, and the main part was blank.

Lin Wen explained: "Here will be a list of friends, and their avatars will be used to display them. Those who are online will be bright, and those who are not online will be gray."

"Below is the function button, here is adding friends, here is search, here is setting, here is seal space, here is personalized dress, here is recharge, recharge still only accepts point cards. Some functions can only be used after recharge."

"Here is registration, registration is free, but only phone registration is not restricted, and only one IP is allowed to register."

"I'm done, that's all."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and a product manager boldly asked, "Sheriff Lin, what is the selling point of this thing?"

"Selling point?" Lin Wen thought for a while, "It's convenient and quick."

"Is this the only..."

Everyone was very disappointed.

Some people even started to find fault: "This is too simple, there is no big knife, you can't cut people, who will recharge, I suggest that after you go online, you have to cut five knives before you can talk to your friends."

"Yes, yes, just chatting is so boring. Your upgrade has no value, and users can't get feedback, so no one is willing to upgrade. I suggest that people with higher levels can ban people with lower levels at will."

"Also, what's the use of this equipment just looking good? It has to be practical. Do you understand Sheriff Lin? I think wearing a piece of equipment must at least have a function, such as breaking through the opponent's blacklist and forcibly adding him as a friend."

Everyone added various functions to the seal one after another, adding it into a new Lanyue private server.

"Shut up!"

Lin Wen didn't have time to talk nonsense with them. These people's thinking has become fixed, they can only hack and hack, and they can't understand other things.

Arguing with them is a waste of time.

"Just do what I say."

Everyone wailed in unison: "County Lin, you are a poisonous vegetable!"

Lin Wen was already ready to leave, but when he heard this, he stopped, thinking that he really can't poison vegetables, and now every item of good fortune is over ten thousand every month, if the people can do it, at least there will be ten thousand good fortune.

Ten thousand good fortune, this is not a small amount.

"Then vote."

Everyone immediately beamed with joy, and hastily agreed.

But the result of the vote made them doubt life.

None of the hundred or so people raised their hands.

Obviously they are not optimistic about this project.

That is why ah?

Lin Wen, who had achieved a major victory again, said with a smile: "It's called being honest with your mouth. Although you say no, your body is honest. They made the choice for you."

"Okay, just follow the plan I said, its potential is more powerful than chopping a big knife."

If it was before, everyone would scoff.

Even if it was what Sheriff Lin said.

But now, everyone is shaken, thinking: "Do we really think so in our hearts?"

There are also quite a few people here who have friends in the Changshan County army. They have heard similar things from the officers. Obviously, everyone is not optimistic about it, but when it comes to voting, they all support County Chief Lin without exception.

And every ending also shows that their support is correct.

There is a saying that it is their sixth sense or guardian spirits that guide them on the right path.

"Is that really the case?"

A manager suddenly said.

"Although our wisdom has not yet understood the essence of Sheriff Lin's plan, our sixth sense has sensed it in advance and assisted us in making the right choice."

"That's right, I feel as if something is pulling my hand. There must be some invisible spirit helping us."

"Fart, you're superstitious! It's obviously a sixth sense."

"You're just farting, don't you know that Sheriff Lin knows magic? He must have asked Heaven for the correct answer..."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The general manager shouted loudly:

"No matter what, Sheriff Lin is always right, and everyone agrees, we will follow the direction that Sheriff Lin gave us, and we will definitely be able to create another success in the new field!"

"The general manager is right! We have been in the field of massacring people for too long, and our thinking has become rigid. We cannot accept new things and new methods. If we continue like this, we will be eliminated."

"Yes, we must innovate! We must be enterprising!"

"Then let's get started." The general manager shouted: "Mr. Lin gave us a lot of start-up funds. We must do a good job in this project, so that our Painful Baba will become the mainstay of Changshan County again!"

"My dear friend, come on!"

Everyone responded in unison: "Come on!"


The next day, Lin Wen specifically contacted Li Longxing and told him his plan in full.

After Li Longxing finished listening, he felt both novel and excited.

He had watched the live broadcast. When Lin Wen smoked Bai Liuxi, he also specially brushed the Rockets.

But he only watched that scene, and he didn't watch any of the intimate young ladies, cute little sisters, vicious girls, and seowu chicks in the back, and he didn't send any rewards, and he didn't send bullet screens to tell them to hurry up.

Unexpectedly, Lin Wen invited him to live broadcast in person.

Isn't it possible to show my art in advance?

How about I show the audience a Tintin dance I just invented?

I am also a little worried, will it be too hot and cause my artistic career to be burdened?

Many geniuses are due to their high achievements when they debut, which leads to loss of confidence and unable to surpass their peak.

I can't fully devote myself to art now.

But what Lin Wen said next shattered his dream.

"You have to talk to the people of the empire in a very ordinary environment, in the way of an old acquaintance, an old friend."

"Attention, it is not to explain what they smear you, but to show your idea and the way to realize it, talk about what the people care about, and promise them what they need."

Li Longxing understood in an instant that this was a performance show with strong imperial connotations, a public speech that won him back his prestige.

He was disappointed and at the same time extremely excited. This is a new way of publicity. On such a platform, he can communicate face-to-face with the young people of the empire.

"As expected of you."

Li Longxing's excitement could be felt even through the phone.

"No no, you are indeed my son, I believe it now, you must be my illegitimate son..."

Click, Lin Wen hung up the phone.

This identity, he can neither deny nor admit it, just keep it in a suspicious way.

Li Longxing didn't realize this, he was immersed in excitement, and immediately told the news to many generals of the imperial faction.

Unexpectedly, it attracted opposition from everyone.

"Your Majesty, absolutely impossible."

A honorable member of the Senate wailed: "It doesn't sound like a serious platform, how can the majestic emperor of the empire be so disrespectful?"

"That's right, it's full of scantily clad women. It's totally indecent and unsightly. It wasn't opened by that brat. I shut it down eight hundred years ago."

"Yes, last time my friend saw a woman shaking fiercely on it, the nettle was too big, but after watching it for a while, the tube was closed, it was too boring... I mean, my friend thought it was too boring."

"How can His Majesty collude with such a dirty and unclean website? Isn't it polluting the sanctity of the empire?"

These elders and nobles talk about each other, and talk about the platform as if it is an extremely evil place or a dirty place.

Li Longxing slapped the table violently, and shouted angrily: "You all speak so eloquently, do you have any solution?"

"We can use live TV to reach a wider audience."

Li Longxing said with a sneer: "Lin Wen told me a long time ago that the live broadcast on the platform and the edited recording and broadcasting on TV not only take into account the intimacy, but also have a more formal nature. Only with double publicity can the effect be maximized."

The Great Pillar of the Senate stood up tremblingly, and shouted: "Your Majesty, the majesty of the empire cannot be damaged, and the power of the empire cannot be defiled. You are the representative of the empire and the example of all people. You must not speak in this place that is offensive, or the veteran will be killed here."

Li Longxing felt extremely tired. These members of the Senate were stubborn and old-fashioned. In the early days, they were indeed the emperor's greatest support, but now they have gradually become a hindrance.

It was Li Linyue who thought of a way, and she said softly, "Third Grandfather, my father has a certain reason. The youths of the empire are very fond of the Yumaohu platform. According to its data, the average online number of the platform is as high as 50 billion... Uh, 500 million. The youth of the empire are the sunrise and future of the empire. It is good for my father to communicate with them face to face."

"As for the issue of the platform, we can supervise it. If the house is dirty, it doesn't have to be burnt down. Cleaning is also fine."

Li Longxing said with a smile: "Well said, she is indeed my daughter. Lin Wen also mentioned that you can also live broadcast on the platform to promote our ideas."

Li Linyue smiled and said: "I will show it and let everyone know what the number one princess of the empire is."

The nobles of the Senate and the backbone of the Huangpai looked at each other, and after hearing Li Linyue's words, they both felt that it was not so difficult to accept.

Er Guozhu coughed and said: "We can agree, but we have to review it ourselves, ask that brat to give us the right to review, and let us form the long tube. If we don't clean up the platform thoroughly, we will not agree to the emperor and princess of the empire to give speeches on it."

Li Longxing frowned, and was about to refuse, these old antiques went up, afraid that some girl would be lost.

But Li Linyue agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, Second Grandpa, I will talk to brother... Lin Wen."

Daguozhu pointed at these nobles tremblingly and said, "You must clean it up thoroughly, and you must not damage the majesty of the emperor! Do you hear me?"

Everyone answered in unison: "Yes!"


Lin Wen never expected that he would lift a rock and shoot himself in the foot.

Ever since the members of the imperial faction and the Senate became long-term supervisors, the entire platform was full of grief and protests continued.

Lin Wen had no choice but to quickly ask them to make an announcement, explaining that the emperor and princess of the empire will be coming to the platform for live broadcast. The limelight is tight during this time, so please bear with it.

The announcement helped a little, but the situation was still dire.

The overly strict standards of the Huangpai not only made a large number of ordinary people suffer.

Even Fang Weiwei, the benchmark of the platform, who was never dared to be messed with by long pipes, was sealed by them. The condition for unblocking was that she must cover her overly hot body with a robe, and must sit upright, not allowed to twist, let alone dance.

Fang Weiwei, who had finally found her career goal in life, was so angry that she couldn't eat all day.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid Lin Wen's strategy will have the opposite effect.

Later, Lin Wen thought of a way to take advantage of the weakness of these guys who don't understand the Internet, and made a mirror website for them. All the previous 18X videos were broadcast on it. Whenever they banned one, a normal video would be refreshed.

What is banned is not hacked, but blocked, and the long tubes can still see it.

This method had an immediate effect, and the platform finally returned to normal.

And the background also showed that although these guys were fast sealed, they often lingered in the hacked live broadcast room.

"Hey, a bunch of dead hooligans."

Qi Mu scolded angrily.

"Hey, stop scolding Lao Qi, let's hurry up and prepare for the live broadcast of His Majesty the Emperor and His Royal Highness the Princess."

"Hey, this is really annoying. Every bullet screen has to be checked, and those who are insulting have to be blocked at the speed of light. I don't know if a hundred long pipes are enough."

"It's definitely not enough, it's better to have an automatic mechanism."


The preparations are a lot of work, everyone is very busy, and Lin Wen is not idle. Apart from occasionally repairing roads and doing scientific research, he is making plans for this live broadcast.

After all, Li Yongxing's speech is carefully thought out, full of confidence and passion, concise and meticulous, and it can also reflect the interaction with the audience and make them feel cordial.

Only then was it possible to achieve success and, after editing, broadcast to the Reich on television.

The same is true for Li Linyue, but her style should be closer to young people, like one of them.

At the same time, this live broadcast is also the most difficult. They have to let some people know, regardless of the consequences of talking nonsense on the occasion.

The advertisement for His Majesty's live broadcast has also been published. The Yumaohu platform has long been known to everyone on the empire's network. Although the daily online is not 50 billion, it is more than 10 million. As long as there are people who can access the Internet, there is no one who has not been to them.

The influence of "The Famous V" live-streaming the attack on Bai Liuxi, governor of Xiyan Prefecture, is too great. This man who never goes online and always has a black screen in the live-streaming room is the truly unshakable brother of the Yumaohu platform.

Seven days later, everything was finally ready.

seven o'clock in the evening.

Li Longxing came to him on the Yumaohu platform on time, setting a precedent for the emperor's live broadcast.

The number of people on the platform has exceeded one trillion unprecedentedly.

It can be seen that the popularity of this live broadcast has alarmed the aliens.

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