Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 557: The Complete Body of the Great Emperor

In a simple and natural room, Li Longxing was wearing clean and tidy clothes, sitting casually by the fire.

A whole professional team is facing him.

The ultra-clear signal is converted into digital, transmitted to the main server in Changshan County at the speed of light, and then transmitted to thousands of network users in the empire by the main server.

"Good evening, citizens of the Empire."

Li Longxing's words were official, but his tone was kind, with a slight smile on his face, as if an old friend was greeting him indecently.

"It's a pleasure meeting you here, and here, I'm going to talk about things that matter to you."

The live broadcast room is harmonious, not only maintained by thousands of long-term supervisors, but also professional personnel to guide the atmosphere.

But overall, management is relatively relaxed.

Li Longxing was also very well prepared. He had also been around among fish, cats and tigers, and he knew the atmosphere of the young people in the empire.

With a cordial and sincere tone and simple and practical sentences, he patiently explained his series of imperial policies, and made a relatively clear exposition of his ideas, directly pointing out the current shortcomings of the empire and his countermeasures, and did not avoid the problems that appeared in the imperial faction, and promised stricter supervision and changes.

He made full use of the atmosphere of the live broadcast, using body movements, environment and tone to guide emotions, and using public criticism of the empire to resonate with everyone.

Its effect is far beyond imagination, the number of people in the live broadcast room has broken through the sky, and the barrage is still like an explosion even after countless diversions.

In the second half of the live broadcast, Li Longxing began to interact with the audience.

He answered the barrage's most concerned questions, shared interesting stories about the emperor's family, and publicly displayed some photos of the life of the first princess.

——This made the heat of the live broadcast almost surpass the sun.

At the very end, he shares his philosophy.

"A man should be a man..."

"What to do."

"Just kidding, what I want to answer is, some people's question just now, they asked if there is justice in this world."

"This is a difficult question to answer. I can only express my answer. Yes, and there is no one. Those who kill and set fires are rich and powerful, and those who repair bridges and repair roads have no corpses. Such things cannot be said to exist. From this point of view, there is no such thing, but why do you say there is?"

"Everyone may wish to think about it, if it is true as some people say, selfishness is the truth, then where did our huge empire come from? How can you and I meet here? In this world, why don't everyone kill each other like poisonous insects? Why do we still have this picturesque country and this endless life?"

"That's why I said yes or no. Justice only lies in people's hearts. What we can seek is justice in our hearts, but what we can establish is justice in this world!"

"Thank you everyone. Today's live broadcast is over. I hope we will meet here again in the future. I hope that the empire will be better at that time. Thank you everyone."

Just like that, the live broadcast of the sensational empire ended.

It created a bigger sensation than hacking Bai Liuxi to death, resolved the doubts and dissatisfaction that the citizens had pent up in their hearts for a long time, and greatly changed Li Longxing's image.

It transformed him from an indifferent, shadowy man with power sitting high on the throne, into a friend and hope for the citizens of the empire.

Most importantly, it restored the confidence of the civilians in the empire.

After that, they will actively report to the Supreme Council and the Imperial Political Supervisory Council for any stains on the members of the imperial faction, without fear of retaliation or useless efforts.

Whether they are satisfied or not, they can at least get an answer.

The atmosphere of maintaining justice and axiom in the empire has never been warmer. The biggest change it brought about is that the imperial citizenship promoted by Li Longxing has been seriously implemented.

No one dares to kill people indiscriminately anymore, even in remote locations.

Shizhou's tragedy will never happen again.

The imperial policy implemented by the imperial faction has also resumed smoothly.

And Li Linyue's subsequent live broadcast achieved even more explosive results.

This is the first time that the first princess has officially appeared in front of the public. Even photos have never appeared in public before.

Although Li Linyue's live broadcast was a bit boring, and the talk was also a long section of imperial policy, but it couldn't stand the high status of Bel Canto, as long as it started broadcasting, it would be full in an instant.

This is also the most worry-free live broadcast room on the platform.

Because thousands of members of the princess faction, big and small, are all acting as housekeepers in the live broadcast room, the banning is called fast, and the licking is called fierce, so it also has some negative effects, such as more dog licking in the empire.

But the final fatal blow to Lin Yabo Group's smear plan was the great success of "Seal".

This super practical software has been extremely popular since its launch.

Everything about it is perfectly drilled into the hearts of users, and anyone can accept it quickly and quickly.

The application for the Seal once occupied the bulk of the telephone communication in Changshan County, so that ordinary people could not even make calls.

Unlike the imagination of the pain-loving managers, people are very concerned about the values ​​​​that have no attributes and cannot kill people. They recharge crazily, upgrade their levels, buy clothes, fashions and VIP numbers, decorate their personal space, and never get tired of it.

In less than a month, the number of Seals soared to eleven figures.

On average, the empire has almost one population per person in the area covered by the network.

With the popularity of the seals, Lin Wen also took out his trump card.

Pop-up ads.

Whenever you run Seal, a pop-up window will appear after a few seconds.

The pop-up window was full of advertisements about Li Longxing.

This is an almost crushing dimensionality reduction attack propaganda plan. In the current empire, there is no more advanced propaganda method than it.

After this propaganda field was occupied, the conspiracy of Lin Yabo Group has been declared bankrupt.

They didn't move any more, and temporarily crouched down.

The last boulder on Li Longxing's road was removed.

Since then, the transformation of the empire has entered the fast lane.

The first thing Li Longxing did was to gnaw down the most difficult bone.

In the empire, except for the three "general" governors, all the governors were relieved of their military power.

The Supreme Military Headquarters and the Command Offices of the major regions took over the governor's local army, and a large amount of power was collected into the Supreme Council of Elders.

The tentacles of the Supreme Council and the Imperial Political Supervisory Council can finally reach deep into the major states, and the governors have also begun to be installed in the major states.

More powers of the governor were allocated to the state hall.

The pattern of the emperor of the earth disappeared completely. Li Longxing quickly lifted the trade barriers, unified the laws and regulations of various regions, abolished the regional system, unified the use of imperial norms, and prohibited regions from raising taxes without permission.

Until now, the empire seemed like a whole.

Commodities from all over the country began to circulate without barriers, and the benefits that originally belonged to the governor were shared. With the implementation of Li Yongxing's "Prohibition Power Act", there were fewer and fewer things to use power to interfere with the economy.

The private economy has become more active than ever, and the citizens of the empire no longer have to worry about their hard-earned property being plundered, their hard-earned properties being forcibly occupied, and they don’t have to worry about suffering from unwarranted disasters and death.

Later, Li Longxing began to strictly manage the imperial bureaucracy system, clarified the principle of demotion and promotion, vigorously broke up nepotism, and further relaxed the threshold for imperial civilians to be admitted to imperial officials.

Changed the three-year Grand Duke Examination to twice a year, and updated the elimination mechanism.

This has broken the monopoly of some groups on imperial officials. The authority of the elders is far inferior to that of the past, but their power is still extremely high. It is just that many things that could be done in the open before can only be turned to the dark side.

Li Longxing's behavior of expanding social welfare and specifying the minimum wage has also seriously damaged the interests of the imperial aristocratic group. The "Economic Revitalization Plan" is only biased towards the people and does not help them in any way.

The imperial citizenship has even destroyed the interests of the major slave groups. The bosses who used to enjoy the food and drink are now wailing.

However, their opposition is opposed by the common people, and the voice of hundreds of millions of people is always louder than that of a small group of people.

Li Longxing took the opportunity to start reforming the Imperial Diet, requiring members of the Imperial Diet to have people.

This broke through their bottom line. Li Longxing encountered the most powerful opposition in history, and there were also a large number of opponents within the imperial faction. Even Li Linyue couldn't understand why his father did this for a while.

However, Li Yongxing's achievements so far have been very remarkable.

The empire's economy rebounded strongly across the board, with unprecedented activity in all fields. Most importantly, the strategy for the Papal State led by Li Longxing achieved great success.

Now, the people in the pope's country no longer regard the empire as an invader, but a king who came to justice.

The post-war headquarters headed by Shang Lianshan, Guo Feng, Jianli, and Yang Jiewei won a lot of popular support, thoroughly cleaned up the old upper echelon of the Papal State, and harvested a huge amount of wealth from it.

Ninety percent of this wealth was transported back to the country, and one percent remained in the Papal State and distributed to poor civilians.

At the same time, they abolished the caste system of the Papal State, overturned the untouchables, and distributed the "Holy Cake" made by Lin Wen on a large scale.

This food, which was perfectly adapted to the needs of the people, gained them a great deal of popularity.

Later, according to Li Longxing's strategy, they dumped a large amount of the empire's products in the form of debts, and the Papal State repaid them in the form of special products and labor.

This has truly achieved mutual benefit and win-win results. The reason for the abject poverty at the bottom of the Papal State is because of the endless plundering of the top.

The new management class, under the strict orders of the post-war headquarters, realized a more reasonable management. They encouraged civilians to reclaim wasteland, farm land, animal husbandry, breeding, and actively provided fertilizers, seeds, and fodder, and built water conservancy for them.

The impoverished untouchables gradually had industries and used light industrial products from the empire in advance.

Although carrying heavy debts, life is infinitely better than before.

The sale of goods has greatly activated the economy of the empire, and all major factories have begun to recruit people, and even Changshan County is not so attractive.

A fairer order has made the transaction extremely hot, and the empire has once again glowed with infinite vitality.

In the context of such brilliant results, everyone has nothing to say.

What's more, there are some traitors in the damaged elite group, such as Elder Wang Wengong and Elder Ye Nantian.

Regardless of the damage to their own interests, they openly supported Li Longxing.

This made the opposition of Lin Yabo and others in vain again.

Many people in the Huangpai did not understand this, but Li Longxing knew it very well.

Wang Wengong has always been an elder who supports reform, and the prosperity of the empire is his wish.

Li Yongxing did this better than him, how could he not support him?

Although Ye Nantian is a neutral faction, Yaojing's achievements have a lot to do with the imperial faction. Although he cherishes his own wings, he also hopes that the empire can stand on top of the world again.

So, their support is not surprising.

With the change of the Imperial Diet, most of Li Longxing's New Deal map has been completed, and the basic pattern of the empire has been formed.

The rest are the groups of Lin Yabo, Cheng Wei, Luo Nuo and others, as well as the superpowers headed by the Qin Group entrenched in various regions.

Li Longxing was gearing up for his final battle as the emperor of the empire.

—he couldn't wait to find his art.

The Yumaohu platform founded by Lin Wen has inspired him, and his live broadcast room has accumulated hundreds of millions of fans.

Isn't this a great place to start?

It's just wonderful.

What's even more wonderful is that Li Longxing also came to his senses during this period of time. He carefully recalled and sorted out the past, and confirmed that Lin Wen could not be his illegitimate child at all.

Unless Yunyun, Yanyan, Xuexue, and Cuicui are the same person.

This kid must not want to marry Linyue, so he deliberately pretended to be like this.

As for the reason, it must be that this playboy has empathized.

Li Longxing already knew that there were many beauties in Changshan County who were important officials.

Although Li Linyue has a noble status, she is completely princess tempered and doesn't know how to please men, so naturally she can't compete with those goblins.

"No, I must not let this cheap son-in-law run away. I will use the supreme power of the emperor to force them to marry in a while."

"Haha, don't run away until you give birth to ten white and fat boys."

Lin Wen has not realized that his crisis is coming, and he is preparing for the most important project in his grand plan during this period——

Changshan County Film Company.

This is an unprecedented killer.

Lin Wen thought about it when he first established Changshan County Industry.

But it is a pity that the imperial structure at that time did not support him to do so.

After finally making a movie, Yu Zhongxian directly banned you, wouldn't that be a heavy loss?

Even after Yu Zhongxian died, the governors of various states can directly prohibit the local theaters from arranging films for you.

If the movie can't be released, isn't that also the end?

Lin Wen's large-scale industrial plan almost died because of this, forcing him to open up international trade.

When Li Longxing changed the governor-general system and the laws and regulations of various regions were unified, at this time, as long as it passed the review, even the governor-general would no longer have the right to prohibit your film from being released.

Only in this fair environment can Lin Wen's plan be implemented, otherwise it will be a chicken-and-egg fight.

The first script "A Chinese Ghost Story" has been written, the crew has basically been formed, the producer is himself, the director has also been invited, and the producer, planner, etc. are all in place.

All that remains is that the cast has yet to be decided.

Only grandma has confirmed that Fang Weiwei will act.

She was so excited about this that she didn't sleep well for several days, and she shared the news with her husband and wife in her live broadcast room, telling them that her dream in life was about to take the first step.

As the popular pillar of Yumaohu, the huge traffic in the live broadcast room successfully omitted the warm-up expenses in the film.

Not only that, the "seals" that already occupy most of the empire's online world have also started to push this news.

He didn't have to spend more than one-third of the publicity expenses for a film.

This is the advantage of the business empire that Lin Wensuo is about to build.

At that time, culture and economy will fly together, and the civilization and good fortune of Changshan County will definitely explode.


This is the complete body of the Great Emperor!

Thinking of the future scene, Lin Wen laughed until his bones almost broke.

He can create millions of classic works.

In this world, no one understands art better than me.

And no one knows more about science than me.

With the assistance of Lin Wen, the scale of the Ninety-ninth Science Research Institute in Changshan County has expanded many times.

Its aboveground part occupies an area of ​​more than 2,000 mu of land.

And its underground part is the real top secret.

The research institute is hidden deep in the mountains, advanced and mysterious coexist, satisfying all people's fantasies about scientific madmen.

Due to Fermi's appeal, Lin Wen has attracted many scientific talents to settle in it.

Now, just waiting for a huge scientific and technological achievement to come out, Lin Wen can clear up his suspicion of being unscientific and bring Changshan County back on the right track.

not only.

During this period of time, Lin Wen focused on being in the army, focusing on improving their equipment, improving the scientific literacy of soldiers, and making them accustomed to using advanced equipment to fight.

Lin Wen specially established an arms research institute and a military factory.

Their first project is to study exoskeleton armor.

The second project is to study real robots.

As for what kind of space carrier, star destroyer and so on, they have also been included in the research projects.

Anyway, do theoretical research first, and when the time is right, Lin Wen will use spells exclusively to obtain results.

The theoretical research is carried out to reduce the consumption of his spells.

But as the settlement date approached, Lin Wen began to sharpen his guns again.

He enforced discipline everywhere every day, standardized behavior, and emphasized the principle of majority, which made Qin Luoshuang and others very annoying.

But Lin Wen had a premonition that this time, he would achieve an unprecedented breakthrough.


early morning.

When the first ray of sunlight hit Lin Wen's eyes, a wave of golden light flooded him again.

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