Under the huge golden light, there are even bigger numbers.

Live and work in peace +55325

Thrive +28161

Fair people +11195


Happy +23151


Science and technology civilization +46550

Total: 174892


【Good Karma: 1060880】【Bad Karma: 0】【Original Spirit: 540.18%】

[Tao if there is love] 176692/10000

Surviving star: 2163/2500

Death Star: 340597/960000

Before Lin Wen was happy for a second, he saw the extremely eye-catching -1.

There is still a negative for Shanyuan settlement?

Lin Wen couldn't believe his eyes.

He has settled hundreds of times, and it was the first time he saw that there was a negative one.

Originally, the skyrocketing good fortune was a great happy event, but his total good fortune breaking through one million is an even bigger and more commemorative happy event.

But now, it's like a piece of dog shit in the middle of a delicious meal.

The better the meal, the more disgusting it is.

Lin Wen's whole body is not well.

What the hell is wrong with this?

I have already reached this level. I respect the opinions of the majority at all times. I vote on everything with a show of hands. All power is divided. I have done nothing but hammer down the ground every day to build roads and guide the construction of science and civilization.

Zero is fine, it’s traditional, I’m used to it.

What does minus one mean?

Does it mean infinite?

Could it be that I was too strong and exceeded the upper limit, so I was sentenced to infinity?

It's too annoying for Nima.

Originally, he wanted to save Yuanshen, but Lin Wen was so angry that he had to figure it out, so he asked the [Immortal Guidance] directly.

[Why is this item negative? 】

Consumption: 50%

I wipe, so expensive?

But as soon as Lin Wen gritted his teeth, he still used it.

Yuanshen is only 30% left.

What the hell, the road can't be repaired today.

If you don't give me an explanation, I will ask your wife for an explanation every day when I go to the world of cultivating immortals.


[Using the imperial object technique to pull the sleeves many times has greatly undermined the principle of fairness and accumulated negative good fortune. 】

I slot!

After reading the answer, Lin Wen was outraged.

Pulling the sleeves counts?

Is there something wrong with you?

Isn't it a good thing to kindly help the majority to follow a path that is more beneficial to the majority?

Isn't this the most accurate and perfect expression of the principle of the minority obeying the majority?

This should be the biggest plus item, how can it be a minus item?

Damn, the system must be poisoned.

Lin Wen decided to ignore this matter so as not to affect his good mood.

On the whole, the prosperity and technological civilization have made great progress this time, which proves that Changshan County has come a long way on the road of prosperity and advanced high technology.

And when the intensive scale industry and high-tech industry develop further.

When the nuclear power plant was connected to the grid, when Changshan County Film Company began to operate.

These two items will also experience explosive growth.

As for the shit-like free people, forget it, labor and capital will never pretend anymore, it's a waste of emotion.

The death star reached 40% in a flash. If this continues, he will usher in the second death calamity in a short time.

Therefore, he only needs to make good fortune with peace of mind.

Lin Wen was a little worried, what if he turned around?

Ushering in the third, fourth, or fifth death calamity in the world of cultivating immortals is not fun.

But this worry disappeared in a flash. Lin Wen in the physical world is like Ronaldo Messi playing masturbation, Ke Jie and Li Shishi playing boxing, Ali Tyson playing StarCraft, smashing the keyboard, and the soldiers on the screen will not move.

It is a cross-border behavior that cannot give full play to its strengths.

In this way, the death calamity in the physical world can be easily resolved by him.

When he arrived in the world of cultivating immortals, didn't they deliver food for him?

As long as he has accumulated enough good fortune, he will be given a wave of enhancements, and monsters like Moxili from the world of immortality will be delivered to his door.

You know, in the world of cultivating immortals, you can touch corpses. If you blow up a monster like Moxili, it's not like in the world of physics, you can only touch a few biochemical materials.

Doesn't the devil's magic weapon, pill and cheat book belong to him?

Aren't the devil's heart, brain, eyeballs, kidneys, liver and lungs all made of high-quality materials?

Wouldn't the harvest be more than the explosion here?


The death star is God.

Lin Wen's mood suddenly brightened.

He seemed to have seen his heroic appearance when he was in the nine heavens and ten worlds.

Of course, to realize these dreams, we still rely on good karma.

He wants to create an infinite number of good karma.

It's so much that it can't fit in nine days and ten places!


Lin Wen jumped up, and rushed towards the construction site in the spring sunshine.

work to earn a living!

I want to work!

If you don't work part-time, where can you get good luck? Where did this brilliance come from? Where did this supernatural power come from?

Where did the power to blow up all old and stale things come from?

I am the king of part-time workers in Changshan County!



The beginning of all good things, the season of all things flourishing.

Nature began to grow, the grass poked its head out, and the flowers all over the mountains and plains opened their eyes.

The trees pulled out their green stripes, and the river flowed with twinkling in the bright sunlight.

The fish jumped out of the water happily, and was sent into the pot by the fisherman, and boiled into a pot of thick and delicious fish soup, which made everyone who drank the soup smile.

When Lin Wen passed by the vicinity of Shangxi Town, what he saw was such a scene where heroes smoked from their kitchens.

Just right.

It's been a while since I came to pay attention to this big granary in Changshan County.

Lin Wen turned around and came to Shangxi Town.

The formerly desolate and decaying town has become extremely prosperous now, with newly built houses everywhere, newly built roads and public facilities everywhere.

On the outskirts of the town, there are houses under construction all the way to the foot of the Taixu Mountains.

There are more than 900,000 residents living here.

Looking further into the distance, the 600,000 hectares of farmland stretch as far as the eye can see, and the ridges are as neat as a chessboard.

The straight water canal, like a knife carved with an axe, sends the rushing water to every field.

The cadres of the Democratic Party are busy with the farmers harvesting winter wheat and sowing spring seeds at the same time.

Chen Xingtai, the butcher and others were transporting the harvested wheat to the trailer, their faces were flushed, talking and laughing.

Yun Qingshui and Nightingale and other female cadres are refueling and checking the vehicles.

When they saw Lin Wen coming, they all showed pleasant smiles, dropped their work and surrounded him.

Lin Wen greeted them with a smile, and asked about the current situation of Shangxi Town and how much was harvested this time.

Chen Xingtai happily told Lin Wen: "The harvest of winter wheat is huge! We have planted more than 400,000 hectares of wheat, and we can harvest at least three million tons of grain. There are also many other harvests in the field. Calculated, the income of each farmer last year reached 20,000."

Everyone showed silly smiles.

This is a figure they would never dare to imagine. When they were in Shizhou, farmers' income was one-tenth of this, which was not bad.

Lin Wen was also very happy and said, "We still have to work harder. In the future, we will need to mechanize farming, harvesters, seeders, and dryers. 600,000 hectares of land is not enough to plant, so we will plant 1 million hectares, 10 million hectares."

Everyone sighed. They couldn't believe such words before, but now they have to believe that Sheriff Lin has created too many miracles for them. The super development of Shangxi Town is a miracle.

For the future, everyone has unlimited expectations.

The butcher scratched his head and said, "Sheriff Lin, when will you marry Sister Yun?"

After saying this, everyone pricked up their ears, but Yun Qingshui blushed and clenched his fists.

If Lin Wen wasn't here, she would have fought.

Lin Wen scratched his head: "Why do you think so? I remember that I performed for a while...Let's say it, Sister Yun is too good to like me."

"No way."

The butcher was instantly disappointed.

"Sister Yun doesn't even like you, so how can she like me?"

The red fox raised eyebrows when he heard this: "What do you mean?"

The old man smiled sharply and said, "Old Zhang, Sister Yun just fell in love with Sheriff Lin, so she has nothing to do with you?"

"No no no."

The butcher snapped his fingers and said:

"You're not smart. Listen to me. Sister Yun is nostalgic after all. Sheriff Lin is kind to us, so she has to marry, but she is too small to be able to keep Sister Yun down. Isn't it lonely for her to stay alone? At this time, my burly old Zhang will appear on stage..."

Amidst the roar of laughter, Yun Qingshui was so angry that he grabbed the butcher and beat him violently.

While laughing, Lin Wen thought of something again. He concentrated his attention and saw that the little girl-like Nightingale in the crowd really had a thick line with him, with two words written on it.


This is another bad relationship, let's understand it here today.

Lin Wen specially went over to talk to her: "Little Nightingale, how are you doing recently?"

Everyone's eyes moved over calmly, even Yun Qingshui and the butcher, who were fighting in the distance, had no strength, and listened to the words here.

Nightingale's little face was flushed, and there seemed to be ripples in Shui Lingling's big eyes. She said timidly, "Lin... Sheriff Lin, I, I'm fine..."

As he spoke, it seemed as if tears were about to fall.

Lin Wen said with a smile: "Little girl, youth is short. You should take advantage of this time to have a vigorous love affair. Find someone who can play with you, laugh with you, and cry with you. Say goodbye to being single. Find someone you love the most, who you love deeply, who loves each other, dear, who will scar you... love."

"Those who can't play with you, laugh with you, or cry with you, just keep it in your heart. It's just a dream, even if it's beautiful, it's untouchable."

Even the tip of Yeying's ears was steaming. She looked at Lin Wen fixedly, obviously not being persuaded.

Lin Wen smiled and said the best answer he just got from the spell:

"If you want the most beautiful dream not to fade, you must hide it in your heart and cover it with a colorful life. In this way, even if you take it out thirty or fifty years later, it will still be as fresh as before."

"Also, let me tell you some good news. The first princess may be marrying me. This is top secret. Don't tell anyone."

Everyone burst into a shocked voice for a moment: "What?"

"This is real?"

"Sheriff Lin is invincible!"

"Who the hell is going to spread the nasty joke about the first princess again, I'll break his leg!"

But no one noticed that at this moment, Nightingale's tears finally flowed out.

On her petite face, there was a look of both joy and melancholy.

She seemed to be smiling in the rainstorm, but her eyes were like a nightingale piercing the dark clouds.


Yuanshen +5%.

On the line of karma, "husband" became "pink dream".

The font changed from gold to pink.

It shone with a strange light, like the color of a girl.

Lin Wen smiled happily, and another bad relationship ended.

[Half Fate Cultivation] It's really strong, it would be great if it can be strengthened again.

May these days last forever.

he thinks.

Turn around and say goodbye to everyone.

Although he has no soul, he is still going to work on the construction site.

use the flesh.



Li Longxing held the highest meeting.

He was about to prepare for the most critical blow.

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