Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 559: Battle of the Gods of the Empire

Emperor Tower.

Large conference room.

The Royal Guards and Imperial Guards are spread throughout the meeting room.

It is a testament to the dramatic expansion of imperial power - the Royal Guards were rarely allowed into the Emperor's Tower.

In most people's eyes, Li Longxing was ready to become the great emperor.

One hundred and eighty years have passed since the era of the old empire, and the nightmare of the Great Emperor has gradually gone away from them.

The worry now is that the empire is in decline and will never be the same again.

Everyone can feel the decline of the empire's position in the world.

The major powers no longer respect the empire, and clowns dare to mock the empire.

The cowardly Sorb Kingdom dared to openly rob the empire of oil fields.

The Northern Alliance even cut off the Grand Canal, causing heavy damage to the empire.

Even the Papal State, who didn't know what to do, was able to push the empire to a desperate situation.

Although the Empire won the war, it exposed its weakness.

The temptations of the major powers have failed, but they are even more eye-catching on the empire - why does a weak and old empire occupy such a large territory and so many interests?

Although the Empire exhibited the latest technology, it did not scare them.

Wars are fought based on national strength, and unless the ultimate weapon is the legendary nuclear weapon, one or two decisive weapons cannot change the situation of the battle.

Since the Papal States War, the bureaucrats of the empire have felt this chill even more deeply.

—If the empire falls, they are worth nothing.

Under such circumstances, whether the Great Emperor will be restored is no longer their top concern.

As long as Li Longxing can lead the revival of the empire, so what if he wants to be the great emperor?

Of course, the damage to their own rights and interests cannot be tolerated.

However, if there is still a glimmer of life left.

If this is just a fair rule.

Then they can still retain a certain amount of fantasy and endure the pain of cutting flesh.

At present, the empire is indeed on the way to revival, and the people are also greatly supporting the innovation.

The new rules apply to everyone, and the Huangpai people are no exception.

Under the background of the coexistence of these three items, they were able to grit their teeth and support the emperor's innovation policy.

However, for the elders of the empire, this is intolerable.

Behind every elder is a powerful group.

The weakening of the power of the elders means the disintegration of the group and the backlash of the power.

More importantly, it also means that they will become wimpy bugs.

What they have imposed on others before, will be imposed back a thousandfold.

The same is true for group leaders who possess powerful powers akin to elders.

There are only two exceptions.

The elders of the empire Wang Wengong and Ye Nantian.

Being able to win their support surprised everyone in the Huang faction.

In the past, Wang Wengong was the biggest obstacle to the expansion of imperial power. He hindered them everywhere and made everyone gnash their teeth with hatred.

Ye Nantian and Xu Chengguo belonged to the neutral faction and were close allies. Xu Chengguo was very wary of the expansion of the imperial faction.

But Ye Nantian from the same camp opened his arms and hugged them.

Everyone didn't understand, only Li Longxing knew why.

These two people have experienced the heyday of the empire.

Thirty years ago, they were both counselors of the Imperial Foreign Affairs Bureau, and they clearly remembered the reaction of the world after the Empire beat the Pope.

The reaction of the world was in stark contrast to thirty years later when the Papal States declared war on the Empire.

——These countries that praised the imperial aggression 30 years ago, now facing the imperial aggression, not only publicly condemn the empire, accuse the empire, but also openly support the Papal State.

Also directly or indirectly participated in the war.

Until the war was won, they did not apologize at all, they just resumed the maritime trade with the empire.

— because they need it too.

However, not everyone can feel the decline of the empire so personally.

Even if they know this is a fact, they are not so sensitive in the big environment of the empire.

Everything seems to be the same as before.

For these people, self-interest is paramount.

The most people in the empire are also this kind of people. They are forced to be generous, but if there is a slight choice, they will not be like this.

But this is not the case for Wang Wengong and Ye Nantian. They desire such a powerful empire more than their own power.

When Li Longxing proved with facts that he could win battles and revive the empire, they began to fall to the Huang faction.

Even if this will weaken their power and isolate them among the elders.

As for the restoration of the great emperor, it is not a problem for them at all.

Ye Nantian saw that the empire was getting stronger, and Wang Wengong also saw that the people's livelihood in the empire was getting better.

If this is the price, then Wang Wengong is willing to pay.

If this proves that the Great Emperor is the correct system for the empire, then he is willing to change it.

This is hope.

He has been tossing in the empire for more than ten years, and he can't compare to Li Longxing's changes in one month after he came to power.


What no one expected was that Li Longxing's ultimate goal was to eliminate the emperor and the Supreme Council of Elders.

He is very clear that all the current achievements are temporary, as long as the elders of the empire still exist for a day, their achievements will be destroyed and plundered at any time.

The elders of the empire must be eliminated. After he completes the centralization of power, he can eliminate the emperor and complete the last piece of the puzzle of his innovation.

There are three core powers of the elders of the empire.

The first item is the right to appoint and remove officials. Supervisors, consuls, and judges must all be appointed and removed through the elders.

The second item is tax exemption. Elders can be exempted from taxes within a certain range, which gives the elders the possibility to form a group.

The third item is forgiveness. For a certain part of the crime, the elders can be directly exonerated, which will help them win people's hearts.

And these three items were originally the scope of imperial power. The expansion and contraction of its scope, the increase and decrease of its degree, all directly correspond to the imperial power.

Therefore, the elders and the emperor are irreconcilable sworn enemies.

Now, Li Longxing is ready to completely remove these three powers.

As long as these three powers are taken away, the elders will lose their core, leaving only an empty shell.

The elder's threat completely disappeared.


In the big meeting room, the atmosphere was very tense for a time, and the confrontation between the imperial faction and the elders and the leaders of various groups was very sharp.

The claims of the two sides are completely opposite to each other.

Rono demanded the abolition of social welfare and no minimum wage, because this is a brutal interference of the empire in the economy and will greatly affect future development.

Not only did Lin Yabo have such a request, but he also asked for the benefits that had been distributed before to be collected back.

Of course, the burden of expropriation was naturally handed over to him.

He is willing to undertake such complicated work selflessly and pay for Li Yongxing's mistakes.

Cheng Wei thinks that the citizenship rights of the empire are too great.

"The untouchables are making unreasonable troubles, what are the bosses going to do? Isn't the empire's economy about to collapse?"

Lin Yabo also said: "There are high and low in life, and the chaos of the empire is caused by some bugs who can't recognize themselves and want to overstep. If people were born with a good division of levels, orderly levels, and each doing its own thing, the empire would have taken off long ago."

While they were speaking, intense chaos erupted one after another across the empire.

This is caused by the private military power extended from the elders' three powers.

Not only that, except for Qin Gang, the commander of the southwest district, the commander of the north district, the commander of the east district, and the commander of the south district all have their own owners.

They are demonstrating.

However, the reason why the demonstration turned into chaos was because there were people who supported the imperial faction.

The commander's subordinates are each headed by their masters. There are elders Ye Nantian, elders Wang Wengong, Huangpai itself, and more young officers who are fans of the First Princess.

Li Linyue's live broadcast has a great influence among the young people of the empire, and many young military officers must watch every live broadcast.

Similarly, Li Linyue's concept of empire was poured into their brains like quicksilver.

Not only that, there are Sheng Huaixuan, Zhao Chaoyang, Wang Boan and others in the place.

They are also supporting the imperial faction. Among them, Sheng Huaixuan and Wang Bo'an are the "general" governors who have not been deprived of power.

So, this can only be called chaos.

In the large conference room, Wang Wengong also strongly refuted the absurd views of Lin Yabo and others.

He discussed in detail the changes in the empire over the past few months and listed various statistics.

"...To sum up, all of His Majesty's policies are supported by evidence, and they all have immediate changes."

"And you, apart from saying that the empire will become better after implementing your changes, what other proofs do you have?"

"I think that from now on, the empire should speak with facts, and those who speak with imagination, get out!"

Wang Wengong is also close to sixty years old this year. His temples are gray and wrinkled, and he looks like he is eighty years old.

But his eyes were burning with fire, like the spirit of a boy of twenty.

His voice was very loud, and the sonorous "get off" came out of his mouth, as if a stone had hit Lin Yabo and others in the face, causing a lot of applause.

Lin Yabo's face was ashen. He stood up and said coldly: "As we all know, governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. If an imperial strategy shows advantages in a short period of time, it must lose long-term benefits. Your Majesty's imperial strategy has overdrawn the empire's potential. If things go on like this, the empire will collapse in the not-too-distant future!"

"That's right."

Rono said sharply:

"The civilians of the empire are wailing and crying, rolling and moaning. All the current glory is based on their pain. As the highest consul of the empire, how can we turn a blind eye to the pain of the civilians?"

Cheng Weihan said: "If the empire falls apart because of this, everyone here will be the sinners of the empire."

Wang Wengong asked with a sneer, "I don't know who your so-called civilians of the empire are? The scene I saw seems to be different from what you saw."

Lin Yabo sneered and said, "Of course they are the people who form the cornerstone of the empire. Is a bastard like slag qualified to be on the stage?"

"The empire relies on those hard-working and talented people, not rubbish."

Wang Wengong didn't even sneer: "I don't think I have anything to say to you."

Ye Nantian was silent for a while, then expressed his opinion.

"I support Your Majesty. You have said too much these years, but the empire is still in decline. Your Majesty has changed the empire with strength. I believe what I see."

Xu Chengguo's face was gloomy, Ye Nantian's break with him made him very passive.

He said: "Although I agree with some of His Majesty's imperial policies, the system of elders was established by Emperor Shenwu himself 180 years ago. It is the fundamental policy of the empire. The ancestral system cannot be changed. I oppose the strategy of depriving the elders of their power, changing the structure of the Supreme Council, and improving the Imperial Congress."

The last one to express his opinion was Ren Zhengqing.

He is the person who directly or indirectly controls the largest number of troops among all the elders, and the last "overlord" governor, Ge Guanglin, is his man.

He is also the elder who has the support of the most imperial military leaders.

Elder Ren has a great influence, and even the First Elder would ask for his opinion during his reign.

He had a gloomy face, his long and narrow eyes flashed a cold light that no one could see through, and he said calmly.

"If His Majesty can lead the empire to victory, I support it."


The large conference room opened the voting of all members.

All officials eligible to participate were present in person or represented, and the final vote was fixed at 151:163.

Li Longxing's proposal was not adopted.

But he doesn't care.

Because he can re-initiate the topic anytime and anywhere.

Elder powers can also be stripped away gradually one by one.

The pressure exerted by the Huang faction is so great that most people tend to reconcile and balance. If he directly proposed to tear down the roof, most people would disagree.

But if he offered to open a window instead, they would probably agree.

But what Li Longxing didn't expect was that.

His request to demolish the roof even got 151 votes.

This is the vote of all the top officials of the empire, and it is the representative of all power.

It was unexpected for Li Longxing to get so many votes.

This also shows that if he proposes one item alone, it will most likely be passed.

As long as any one of the three powers of the elders has been reduced.

Is the rest still a problem?

Sooner or later, he will be able to strip the elders of their power.

Moreover, Li Longxing was able to strike at their exposed strength.

Knock off their iron rods and strip off the military leaders who support them.

The major groups of the empire will one day fall apart.

Li Longxing walked on the avenue outside the Emperor's Tower with his head held high, and groups of royal guards protected him.

The spring breeze is blowing head-on.

The spring of the empire is coming.



secret place.

The elders gathered together.


Lin Yabo said gloomyly.

"It's time to use the trump card."

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