Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 592 The Heart and the Aorta

On the contrary, Xia Xiaoxiang's eyes lit up, and she discovered that Qin possessed an incomparable advantage. As long as she used it well, she could definitely defeat the princess completely.

But after listening to her suggestion, Qin beat her up and forbade her to mention any related topics, which made Xia Xiaoxiang very wronged.

However, as Qin Guoming's girlfriend, Xia Xiaoxiang did not give up no matter how much she suffered, and tried her best to plan for the happiness of Qin's lower body, planning her "send Qin" plan with all her strength.

On the contrary, Li Linyue seemed to have discovered the New World, and quietly sent her maid Ling out to inquire about it.

Although Ling is extremely unwilling, but the current situation is stronger than others, and she can only silently pray that His Majesty will wake up as soon as possible, and end the days of this hateful guy's brutal violence and domineering.

Of course, Lin Wen didn't know how she came up with the eight-character comment of "cruel violence, domineering", even if she knew, she wouldn't care.

Now, every cell in Changshan County is active, and every molecule is cheering. The four words "changing with each passing day" seem so charming at Lin Wen's height.

After the east-west passage was completed, the new town known as the "Heart of the Empire" was also completed.

This city, which cost 300 billion yuan, employed 1,500 engineering teams, was specially managed by Wolong Zhao Minggong, and about 4 to 5 million people worked for it, was finally completed.

Except for the foundation, this is a city built entirely by human power.

Although its efficiency is not conspicuous among the many miracle projects in Changshan County, Lin Wen knows that it is the most precious wealth in Changshan County.

Zhao Minggong's extraordinary ability, countless funds, and everyone's hard work have created its existence.

In the whole new town, the area of ​​the "urban area" alone is as high as 3,000 square kilometers. If the area of ​​the suburbs is included, it is as high as 5,000 square kilometers, which is one-thirteenth of the entire Changshan County.

Judging from the map, the huge circle representing the new town is poked east of the center of Changshan County, occupying one-fifth of the east plain of Changshan County, just like the left heart of the human chest.

The west side of the new town is directly in front of the mountain, and the huge east-west passage goes directly from the mountain into the new town, and then into the aorta of the heart.

It enters from the west, exits from the east, passes through Huai Town, leaves Changshan County, and arrives at the prosperous eastern world of the empire.

Since then, the empire has been connected from east to west.

Xinyang Prefecture, Yunzhou, Hezhou, Lingzhou, etc. in the west no longer need to go around thousands of kilometers. They can directly pass through Changshan County and reach East Qinzhou, Zhongzhou, Xiyanzhou, Mingzhou, Tianzhou, and Longzhou in the east.

The distance has been reduced by at least six hundred kilometers.

The road maintenance fee paid has been reduced by more than half, and the cost of logistics has been lowered.

Not only roads, but also railways. Transiting from Xinzhen Town, Changshan County, the freight can be saved by at least two-thirds.

A large amount of raw materials from the west of the empire can be shipped out by one route, and many special products that cannot be sold due to transportation costs can also be sold, and commodities from the east of the empire can also be imported in large quantities to the east, and the price is almost halved.

The empire's economy became more active in a predictable manner.

This is also one of the reasons why the Great Elder is willing to tolerate Changshan County all the time.

On the first day of the opening of the East-West Railway, all the lines were full, and the railway station in New Town was about to be overwhelmed.

Not only a large amount of goods, but also a large number of workers,

They can't afford the long journey to Changshan County. Only when the train line is opened, can they squeeze a green leather train at a cheap price, arrive at this legendary dream land, and start a new life.

And Changshan County's income has once again started to skyrocket.

Although it is not allowed to charge arbitrary fees, only the normal taxes and fees have reached a very considerable figure.

The huge flow of people and logistics also brings huge business opportunities to the new town.

At the moment when the new town was built, the refugees who had lived in shacks, containers, and mountain buildings in Changshan County for a long time finally got their long-awaited new house.

From the beginning of the war to the end of the war, and today, they have been stranded in Changshan County for nearly a year, and they have also worked for Changshan County for nearly a year.

They produced countless shells, which indirectly helped the empire win the war.

After the war, they shifted to the fields of clothing, food, and light industrial products in large numbers, creating countless incomes for Changshan County.

They were also handsomely rewarded.

And the new home in the new town will be the biggest part of it.

Housing prices in Jangsan-gun are relatively cheap.

If several people in a refugee family work, they can already buy a house of about 100 square meters with full money.

If only one or two people work, it may be necessary to borrow part of the money.

The Changshan County Governor's Federal Reserve established by Lin Wen specially provided this fund.

Since the price of the house is not high, the pressure of repayment is not very great.

Zhao Minggong strictly implemented Lin Wenfang's policy, carefully reviewed everyone's qualifications, prohibited a single person from buying multiple sets, and prohibited foreign funds from making rounds. People who work and live in Changshan County are given priority.

Too strict management even caused dissatisfaction among many people in many empires.

Unable to eat meat, they took this opportunity to jointly sue the Supreme Council, accusing Changshan County of violating imperial laws, abusing their power, and competing with the people for profit.

Naturally, this whimsical request was not passed.

The Great Elder also ignored their request of "begging for perfection" and "as long as Changshan County cancels the restrictions", and only issued a fine of 2 billion for Changshan County's violation of the imperial ban.

Contrary to the expectations of Zhao Minggong, Qin Luoshuang and others, Lin Wen, who has always loved money like his life, insisted on paying this exorbitant fine without making any changes.

Changshan County still went its own way, but the Great Elder got benefits and maintained the authority of the new law. On the surface, he did not favor any side, and everyone had nothing to say.

Soon, eight million refugees in Changshan County were living in their new houses.

After being away for so long, they finally have a new home.

With such a large amount of funds flowing back to Changshan County, coupled with the countless business opportunities brought by the East-West Channel, the report of Changshan County exploded in an instant, and Lao Xie no longer had to worry about the big mouths of all parties waiting to be fed. He looked at the report and giggled every day.

The major projects in Changshan County have received sufficient funds, and hospitals, colleges, kindergartens, and nurseries have also begun to be established in large quantities. Changshan County has openly recruited excellent teachers and doctors from all over the empire, and researchers from all over the country are welcome to join Changshan County.

It is worth mentioning that Fermi's No. 99 Institute already has more than 20,000 people, dozens of imperial-level scientists have joined, and dozens of projects including superconductivity and magnetic levitation are under research.

Mr. Li's No. 100 Research Institute has recruited countless outstanding speakers, performers, philanthropists, magicians and circus members.

He has carefully developed hundreds of magic tricks, almost perfectly reproduced the scientific and technological effects of Sheriff Lin, pointed out the scientific truth hidden behind the incredible appearance, strongly refuted the rumor that Sheriff Lin was a fairy descended from the world, and told people not to be superstitious about fairy magic, but to believe in science.

His columns such as "Believe in Science", "Into Science", and "Research Science" have achieved great success, perfectly arousing the interest of young and old women in Changshan County in boring science.

And his projects such as "Atomic Research" and "Nuclear and Electronics" have won the attention of a large number of scientists in the empire.

Some people dismiss it, some people are dubious, some people regard it as a standard, and thus there are many criticisms among schools of thought.

At present, Mr. Li's school is relatively weak, because Mr. Li does not have the glory and scientific evidence to show.

This is also his biggest weakness right now.

On this point, Mr. Fei has made great efforts.

He was afraid that Sheriff Lin would be deceived by this liar again, so he opposed Mr. Li's theory many times in public and exposed his loopholes.

He thinks that Mr. Li's way can't explain the science of Sheriff Lin at all, and must be explained in a more scientific way.

However, because he has not found a "more scientific" way for the time being, not many people believe him.

It was also impossible for Fermi to focus on fighting liars. He firmly believed that science should always speak for the facts. As long as he presented the facts, Sheriff Lin would believe him instead of the liar.

Of course, this is a matter between scientists, and Lin Wen didn't pay attention.

The only thing to pay attention to is Haidamer's robot base.

During this period of time, Xia Xiaoxiang recruited a large number of engineering experts and material experts for them, and Hai Damer also attracted many top scientists by virtue of his tonnage.

The various equipment conditions of the robot base are also improving rapidly, and the current progress of major projects is very fast. Haidamer has initially broken through their structural and material problems, but he also clearly understands that electronic control and energy power are the real difficulties.

Robotics projects still have a long way to go.

Research and development expenses are also rising steadily, but fortunately, Changshan County can bear it now.

After eight million refugees moved out of the refugee camps, mountain buildings and containers, Yang Shaohu concentrated on cleaning and reusing these areas.

The refugee camp was dismantled and new factories were built on the land.

The container was recycled and returned to its original purpose.

The mountain building has undergone intensive transformation and decoration, and Yang Shaohu transformed it into an unprecedented huge apartment with superb inspiration.

After refitting, it no longer looks like a rock from the outside. Exquisite red tiles cover the exterior walls, like a shining ruby ​​in the sun.

A large number of external elevators are installed in one piece, and the all-glass shell makes it look like a work of art. Passengers can see the magnificent mountain scenery through the glass.

The interior of the mountain building was transformed into a collective dormitory similar to that of the military, which was rented out to migrant workers who came to work in Changshan County at a very low price.

This is simply a stroke of genius.

Although the interior of the mountain building is crowded, it has complete facilities. The large room used as a dormitory has a honeycomb structure with an area of ​​1,200 square meters.

In order to accommodate more people, Yang Shaohu used to put 160 seven-story beds here, and 1,100 people lived in one room, and they were divided into two shifts day and night, so he forced 2,200 people in.

After Yang Shaohu cleaned it up, there were only 80 double beds left in the big room, and the number of occupants dropped from 2,200 to 160.

It's not too spacious, but it's tolerable.

The room has special ventilation, lighting, plumbing and heating equipment.

The conditions are naturally not good, but the monthly rent is only 40 yuan, and there are no additional water and electricity costs. In this regard, Yang Shaohu has set up a special person to manage and set a limit, but as long as there is no waste, it is basically enough.

If you can adapt to collective life, you can even call it comfortable.

There is also a huge patio square in the building, covering an area of ​​nearly 3,000 acres, with several parks built on it. It's the best place to relax here in your spare time and relieve the pressure brought by the cramped environment.

There are a large number of retail stalls in the square, where you can buy many cheap gadgets, or set up your own stalls, and you can also inquire about a lot of information about Changshan County.

Here is like a bustling night market, people come and go, rubbing shoulders.

There is also a huge parking lot under the square, all buses depart from here, and the subway is also being built here.

From here, you can easily reach any place in Changshan County by car.

For migrant workers, there is simply no better place than it.

As long as it can adapt to collective life, it can even be called heaven.

A worker's paradise.

The new mountain building soon became a landmark of Jangsan-gun.

Migrant workers who come to Changshan County don’t need to wander around Changshan County like headless chickens. As long as they get here, everything will be fine. There is everything you need for food, clothing, housing and transportation. You can consult here for any job information in Changshan County.

Many artists and architectural experts from all over the empire came here to pay their respects, and many down-and-out people also chose this place.

As if overnight, the new mountain building exploded.

It is known as the apartment that breeds the "miracle", and it is the starting point and turning point of life.

Yang Shaohu didn't stop, he continued to dig out the surrounding mountains to make the surrounding area of ​​the building wider.

In the future, he will add more functional facilities, such as the Building Management Bureau in charge of building affairs, a special security guard, and a relief center for migrant workers, etc.

Yang Shaohu made up his mind that he must build the mountain building into a real paradise for all migrant workers and wanderers, so that this mountain building with a total construction area of ​​4.5 million and once accommodated more than 4 million refugees can shelter more people.

And all these changes come from the establishment of a new town called "town" which is actually "city" in the heart of the empire.

Its completion has changed the fate of countless people and brought countless benefits to Changshan County.

The distorted development of Changshan County finally got on the right track.

Once this colossal force runs on smooth rails, its strong inertia makes it difficult to stop.

Changshan County has entered a new stage.

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