After the completion of the new town, Zhao Minggong was finally freed from the heavy urban construction work.

His return greatly relieved the pressure on the county government office, and Yang Shaohu was relieved, and he had the energy to handle more things carefully.

The center of Changshan County is also moving to the new town. The Changshan County Government Office took the lead in moving to the new town, and many institutions moved there one after another. The overwhelmed Huai Town finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The huge new town soon officially became the capital of Changshan County, and its roads extending in all directions can reach any place in Changshan County.

If you take the east-west route and take a long-distance train, you can go to any place in the empire.

In the distant future, stories of separation will also be staged here. The joys and sorrows of the world will always appear in prosperous places, just like the parting of youth, like the powerlessness of love.

The sentimentality of young people will all have a background as prosperous as the sea of ​​stars, and they will all have the regret of not being able to choose the future.

A poor place will not make them regretful, nor will it make them sentimental.

And Changshan County will soon have this qualification.

The prosperity of the new town has greatly promoted the economy of Changshan County, and the costly "urban project on the top of the mountain" can finally be fully launched.

After studying the planning map provided by Lin Wen, Xiao Xiao immediately made a plan for the mountainous area of ​​more than 30,000 kilometers in Changshan County.

Along the lifeline of the east-west passage, he first built small buildings and facilities on both sides of the road. They will provide various functions for people traveling long distances***, such as meals, accommodation, car repair, refueling and so on.

Then, gradually extend to the mountain.

Finally, the city on the hill as shown in the drawings provided by Lin Wen was built.

This is an unprecedented city of more than 30,000 square kilometers. Lin Wen's ambition is very big.

Of course, this is just a mortal's perspective. Lin Wen's real ambition is that even gods are afraid of it.

And the ladder to realize it is good karma.

Every item of the development of Changshan County has finally been fed back to the good destiny.

Live and work in peace +66323

Prosperity +51246

Fair people +22196


Happy +51113


Science and technology civilization +45521

Total: 259912

Yuanshen +39.68%

【Good fate: 1682735】【Bad fate: 0】【Primary spirit: 640.10%】

【Tao if there is love】261088/10000

Survivor: 2312/2500

Death Star: 954522/960000

The surge across the board fully proved that Lin Wen's choice was correct. The influx of people not only brought a lot of good fortune, but also brought a lot of souls.

Twenty-six fortunes are the most ever obtained by Lin Wen.

This time, Lin Wenxue was smart. He could only pull out a miracle, and then he would die suddenly. He has already proved this with his own experience.

He's never going to finish it all at once.

Only one luck channel is opened a day.

Sure enough, things got a lot better this time around.

On the first day, I got 【The Voice of Fengming】

The next day I got [Fairy Flower] again

The third day [Beautiful Dragon Fruit]

They are all good things to restore the primordial spirit.

Once again, Lin Wen, who was in full condition, continued to build a factory in the mountainous area.

After the ammonia synthesis was completed, Lin Wen started to build the upstream and downstream industrial chains of ammonia such as urea plants, fertilizer plants, and inorganic salt plants such as nitric acid.

Changshan County is now fully funded, and all construction projects have been completed. Hospitals, clinics, kindergartens, nurseries, and low-level colleges are all under construction. The cities on the mountains have also broken ground, and large-scale industries are also expanding rapidly.

Isn't such a good time just to start up industry and manufacturing?

In the eyes of those who don't understand the situation, Changshan County is probably crazy, buying so much equipment in one go, it may take several years to build a factory now, is it such a waste of funds?

If you want to eat fat, you are not afraid of indigestion.

However, what they didn't expect was that Chang Shanjun not only didn't suffer from indigestion, but also felt very hungry.

Lin Wen is already building a factory with all his strength, but it still can't match the fiery enthusiasm of everyone in the county government hall. This is an era of burning passion. Everyone is moved by the vigorous development of Changshan County, even the people of the Huangpai.

If there is no change, this day will continue until Lin Wen completes all industrial categories and completes all plans, until Changshan County has enough power, and he will be reincarnated.

However, when Lin Wen was working hard, Hai Damer, who had been developing the exoskeleton power armor, sent him good news and bad news.

For this classic problem, Lin Wen always chooses the good news first.

"Sheriff Lin, the good news is that the basic research on the exoskeleton power armor has been successful, and most of the performance and indicators can meet your standards."

"So fast?"

Lin Wen couldn't believe his ears. This problem now requires more than 900,000 primordial spirits, so you have successfully developed it?

Hai Damo said calmly: "That's right, our R\u0026D strength is very strong. The actual technical difficulty of the exoskeleton power armor is not particularly high. We have already solved the material problem. We use copper-titanium alloy as the outer armor, Inconel alloy as the bone structure, tungsten-cobalt aluminum alloy as the memory, and your flying sword material as the key nodes. The performance, weight, and strength of such an exoskeleton power armor can fully meet your requirements."

Lin Wen scratched his head and saw that the cost of the problem dropped by 10,000 points.

The money was not wasted.

"What else?" Lin Wen asked.

The material problem is only one of the problems, and the exoskeleton power armor has five major problems.

Hai Damo continued: "We have also solved the structural problem. The bionic force arm structure is adopted, which perfectly fits ergonomics. People in the armor only act as traction for movements, and all forces are borne by the force arm. The force arm will transmit the pressure to the waist end plate through the rotating shaft, and then share it to the ground by the support frame. The power is also given by the end plate, which is the core of the entire exoskeleton power armor."

Lin Wen frowned and said, "What else?"

Hai Damo said: "That's bad news."

Lin Wen looked at the problem that the consumption was still as high as 800,000, and sighed: "I knew it, tell me, are there any obstacles that cannot be overcome?"

Hai Damer said: "Sheriff Lin, you should be able to imagine that the exoskeleton power armor must need a powerful enough auxiliary system to assist the armor to adapt to the human body. For example, if you lift your leg, the sensor located inside the mecha will capture your movement and transmit power to the arm so that you can lift your leg."

Lin Wen nodded. The power armor is very heavy, at least one to two tons. It is impossible for humans to lift it.

"This creates two problems. The action of the power armor must be exactly the same as yours. You can't lift your foot to the left, it can move to the right, you can't lift it 30 degrees, it can move 31 degrees, any small error will affect the operator's actions, it must completely obey the operator's will, otherwise it loses its meaning of existence—flexibility."

"Not only that, but it also has to be able to resist external forces. You should be able to imagine that an adult will not be pushed down by a baby, because an adult is much stronger than a baby. The exoskeleton power armor has a strength of three tons and should be able to withstand the pushing of an external force of less than three tons. If it cannot do this, it will be like an adult with only the strength of a baby."

"So, we need a microchip built in as its control center, but the problem is, the processor chip that meets the requirements is military-grade, and we can't buy it."

Lin Wen frowned: "Isn't it possible to use an ordinary processor chip?"

Hai Damer replied briefly: "There are not enough seats."

This is a bit of a hassle.

Changshan County is still in the process of industrial accumulation, and it is impossible to make chips by itself.

It is also very troublesome to steal. Now they are very strict, even the sewer pipes and boxes are guarded, and they don't know who they are guarding.

Really boring.


If that's the case, don't blame me.

This is what you asked for. If you block me regardless of the morals of the world, then don't blame me for breaking through technology and smashing the plate.


Lin Wen replied.

"I'll figure it out."

Although Lin Wen did not specialize in the study of chips in his previous life, chips are the culmination of technology, a tower of sand made of countless logics, and are not particularly closely related to the origin of the world, so they are not within the scope of Lin Wen's involvement.

However, Lin Wen knew its basic principle.

Before he crossed over, the latest laboratory-level chip had a calculation speed of hundreds of billions per chip, thousands of times faster than the current chips of the empire.

If these materials can be obtained, it will form a crushing dimensionality reduction blow to the empire.

But unfortunately, because Lin Wen knew too little relevant information, the consumption of obtaining it was still an astronomical figure.

Lin Wen can only settle for the next best thing, and just get the most advanced chips.

But the consumption is still astronomical.

Lin Wen frowned. It seemed that he was missing a lot of information, so he had to study it carefully.

For Lin Wen now, success is only a matter of time.

However, Lin Wen was acutely aware that the most critical issue, Hai Damo, had not been mentioned.

"What about the energy issue?" Lin Wen asked.

Hai Damo replied: "Sheriff Lin, don't you have this technology? The high-intensity energy core used in your big robot can fully meet the power armor standard..."

He suddenly came back to his senses.

"Sheriff Lin, if you ask this question, it's not because you don't have it?"

There was surprise in his tone.

"All my designs are based on the energy core you can provide. According to your standards, if the power armor is to be able to fight continuously for 24 hours and run at full power for 12 hours, then its energy density must exceed 160 times that of a lithium battery. With the technology I currently have, it is impossible to manufacture this thing. If you don't have it, then this project can be shut down, because it will never be completed."

Lin Wen patted his forehead, knowing it was not good, but at this moment, he could only agree first, and then slowly find a solution.

"Mr. Hai, of course I have, I just asked how do you use it?"

Hai Dame smiled and said: "County Chief Lin, you underestimate me too. According to my inference, your power core is nothing more than two types, a micro-nuclear reactor or a single-stage magnetic battery. Based on your request and description, I can infer its size. A micro-nuclear reactor is impossible unless you have mastered the controllable nuclear fusion technology, so it must be a single-stage magnetic battery, right?"

Lin Wen: "Yes, you are right."

Hai Dame proudly said: "Of course, don't look at who I am, the number one scientist in the empire, Lao Fei has to give me a step."

For a long time to come, it was Hai Damer who complacently deduced the various data and principles of this [single-stage magnetic battery].

Lin Wen was surprised to find out, 【How to make a suitable energy core? ] The consumption of this problem is rapidly decreasing.

That's okay too?

Is Hai Damer a genius?

So, Lin Wen kept replying: "Wow, Mr. Hai, you are so smart."

"That's right, your guess is really accurate. This is the result of my hundreds of years of research. Maybe you can research it yourself."

"Well, well, you're right. I really didn't expect you to be able to guess the structure of the 'magnetic sheet electron polar cluster'. I feel that you can go a little deeper."

"Not too much, you are already close to the truth, just a little bit."

In this way, the two started a brainstorm on the phone.

All of Hai Damer's nerve cells were excited. Under Lin Wen's guidance, he gradually restored the main body analysis of Sheriff Lin's deepest secret [single-stage magnetic battery].

Many places that I couldn't figure out before suddenly became clear at this moment, and inspiration was erupting like a fountain.

At this moment, he felt that he was a god.

Sure enough, the collision between genius and genius can inspire inspiration.

Hai Damo is full of passion and feels that his life has reached a climax.

For a top scientist like him, inspiration is more important than anything else.

If inspiration dried up, his life would be over.

Lin Wen didn't end the call until he drained the last drop of Hai Damer's juice.

Hai Damo reluctantly made an agreement with Lin Wen that he would definitely give him another passionate trip next time.

But after hanging up the phone, Lin Wen's face darkened.

Chips and energy cores are his top priority now.

The main body of the exoskeleton power armor has been basically completed, as long as he can solve these two problems, he can start production.

Needless to say about the chip, there are many difficulties to overcome.

Lin Wen had to take apart the problems bit by bit and overcome them one by one.

As for the energy core, after a series of conjectures by Hai Damer, the consumption of the problem has been reduced to a level that can be looked up to.


Lin Wen's highest casting limit is nine times Yuanshen.

The current limit is 640%, after nine times it will be 5860%, that is to say, there is still a gap of 2240%.

How to reduce the 2240% gap is what Lin Wen has to think about now.



Lin's building.

In the luxurious meeting room on the top floor.

Lin Yabo, Luo Nuo, and Cheng Wei are celebrating the group's achievements.


The tall glasses clinked together, the red wine was rippling, and the three of them drank it down in one gulp.

Lin Yabo said with a smile: "The army of insects has exceeded 300,000, the number of third-order insects has exceeded 10,000, and the number of complete bodies has reached ten. Our progress is beyond imagination."

Luo Nuo smiled gracefully and said, "It's all due to Lord Lin's foresight. Cooperating with the Hughes Crassus Empire is our most correct decision."

Every beard on Cheng Wei's face was raised, showing his complacency.

"His Majesty the God Emperor Augustig is really a good man. He is much stronger than the demon Li Longxing. He has provided us with so many hard workers and untouchables. We have a steady stream of materials. Give us another half a year, and our army will exceed one million. Soon, I will be able to dismember that little beast in Changshan County."

Luo Nuo said with a smile: "Those steel wastes will know what true power is."

Lin Yabo raised his glass again.

"Respect our God Emperor!"

The two toasted together and said with a smile, "Respect to Your Majesty the Emperor!"


The three tall glasses collided again.

Lin Yabo drank the dry red wine in one gulp, his face already had the color of spring breeze on his gloomy face.

"Luonuo, Chengwei, how is our industry? Is there enough funds? The next big production will cost a lot of money."

Luo Nuo said with a smile: "Don't worry, my investment bank has already made a lot of money. The Imperial Aspen chip factory has made breakthroughs in new photolithography technology. The new generation of Dilong-2 chips are selling very well. I already own 46% of the shares. The daily profit is enough to make a thousand untouchables get out of lowly status and be upgraded to insect warriors."

Cheng Wei also said: "My Cheng's Group has already occupied half of the virtual world. Large-scale Internet online games, websites, and media are all my cash cows. The faster Elder Luo's chips are sold, the bigger the empire's Internet industry, and the more profits I have."

"That's great."

Lin Yabo smiled coldly.

"It seems that we will be able to rule this empire in a short time. His Majesty the Emperor Augustig has promised me that as long as we overthrow the Supreme Council and donate 50 million imperial people to them as slaves, all the territories north of the Maxlark line will belong to us."

Luo Nuo's eyes widened for a moment, and he couldn't believe his ears.

"This condition...isn't it too good? Is this the only request? Does His Majesty the Emperor have any other requests? For example, want another 100 million imperial women?"

Cheng Wei also looked at Lin Yabo with piercing eyes: "Yabo, is what you said true? Just hand over tens of millions of untouchables? Don't ask us to be ministers? Pay tribute or pay compensation?"

Lin Yabo smiled and said: "No, His Majesty the Emperor is very generous. He is willing to form an alliance with the New Empire, retain our strength, and let us assist him in conquering the world."

Chengwei and Luo Nuo's breathing became heavy for a moment, their faces were flushed, and their eyes were full of desire.

Luo Nuo took out a bottle of red wine, smashed the mouth of the bottle, and poured the whole bottle of red wine into three glasses.

A splash of liquid spilled over the table, but no one cared.

He raised his wine glass high and said loudly: "I wish His Majesty the Emperor a long life."

The three raised their glasses together.

"I wish His Majesty the Emperor a long life without bounds!"


Supreme will.

The elders stared at the chessboard in thought.

The Imperial Guardian is reporting the strength of the new Imperial Army.

"There are 12,000 heavy tanks, 800,000 artillery pieces, 1,100 first-class air superiority fighters, and 1.9 million soldiers. It is estimated that this number will increase by 30% by the end of the year, but there is still a big gap from the heyday of the Royal Guards before the separation..."


Southwest District.

Looking at the latest telegram from the west, Qin Gang muttered to himself:

"Is the request of the Saintess of the Western Federation too much? I can give you the market and benefits, but I want extrajudicial rights..."

"Then I won't be a slave country?"


North District.

Wu Yao from the west area and Luo Yuan from the north area are talking: "So weak, so weak, so weak, we are so weak..."


Northern League.

The capital Andreich.

Ren Zhengqing, the elder of the empire, sat in the luxurious alliance headquarters.

A soldier tied up the Alliance Chief.


The eighty-year-old was pushed to the ground.

He kept trembling, and shouted: "Your Excellency, Your Excellency, we surrender, we surrender, we accept any conditions you have..."

Ren Zhengqing, whose face was full of wrinkles like knives, didn't even look at him, and said flatly: "You, as the chief, send an order to gather everyone in the center of the city."

Four hours later.

The soldier reported: "Your Excellency, the untouchables have assembled."

The chief of the alliance shouted: "Your Excellency, we can negotiate terms..."


The chief fell to the ground, blood squirming out.

Ren Zhengqing said flatly: "Order, deal with all low-level people."


The soldiers waved their hands in salute and took orders to leave.

Ren Zhengqing said: "Is the Eleventh Army in place?"

A chubby snub-nosed person said, "We have reached the border of the alliance."

Ren Zhengqing said indifferently: "Then execute the plan."


Flat nose led away.

Ren Zhengqing showed a warm smile.

"Non-imperial people must die."

At this time, the door was pushed open, and a young general broke in, shouting: "Your Excellency, this is too cruel, there are many children inside, I cannot carry out the order. Sir, I think you are too extreme, we don't want to..."


The corpse of the young general fell to the ground, blood gurgling out, flowing on the floor, merging with the blood of the already dead chief.

The smile on Ren Zhengqing's face remained unchanged.

"Those who oppose me must die."

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