Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 597 Sheriff Lin's Enduring Power

When Hai Damo saw Lin Wen's battery, he frowned deeply.

This is completely different from the imagined high-tech battery. It looks like the Beifu battery sold at the roadside stalls, with a steel case, a fat belly, and a red positive cap. There is nothing special about it.

Hai Dame picked it up and looked at it for a while, then turned to his assistant and asked, "You didn't make a mistake?"

The assistant hurriedly replied: "No, County Chief Lin gave it to me."

"But, that's not right. Why is it so small? And what's the situation with this electrode cap? How can a single-stage magnetic battery use an electrode cap?"

The only answer to proven science is practice.

Although the energy tank prepared by the power armor is not the type of household battery, it is very easy to modify, just add a spring to the negative pole and a copper cap to the positive pole, and you are done.

"Tear off the cable." Hai Damer ordered.

The assistant stepped forward to remove the external power supply and installed the battery. The non-commissioned officer Xu Lin who was recruited for the test stepped forward again and put it into the exoskeleton power armor.

From the outside, it looks like a high-tech full-body knight armor. The light black metal reflects silvery light like a mirror. The armor without any gaps or welding marks is as smooth as fluid, full of high-tech modernity.

Haidamer has manufactured a total of five experimental exoskeleton power armors, but due to chip problems, only one can be used.

The staff manually opened the outer shell of the power armor, revealing the soft and thick lining inside.

Xu Lin stretched his limbs and lay upright inside the armor in a standard posture.

The staff closed the armor one by one, so that every inch of steel was tightly connected with the body.

This is also the biggest shortcoming of exoskeleton power armor at present-it must be worn by professional staff, and it cannot be worn by one person.

Fully automatic power armor exceeded Hai Damer's limit.

After adjusting all the poses and armor settings, the staff gave a thumbs up.


There was a soft sound.

The head of the armor lighted up. It was the shimmering light of the circuit work that was transmitted through the alloy. It was the absorption and re-emission of light by the atoms, not the gaps between the metals.

The power armor is activated!

Everyone was overjoyed.

Sheriff Lin's battery works.

The power armor slowly raised his right hand and gave a thumbs up.

The staff immediately waved, and the operator on the other side loosened the restraint straps on the mecha bed, and the power armor slowly came down.

Xu Lin's voice was broadcast on the radio channel.

"Everything is normal, the energy is 100%, and Damo-1 is on standby."


Hai Damer's fat face was smiling like a chrysanthemum.

"Sheriff Lin's technology is really unfathomable! It has exceeded my expectations. The battery can be compressed to such a small size, and I have more space to put in more auxiliary operation modules, hahaha! I want to try Sheriff Lin's endurance!"

A female assistant whispered, "It's the staying power of Sheriff Lin's battery!"

"That's not important!" Hai Damer waved his hand, "Da Mo No. 1, run at full power! I hope that the durability of Sheriff Lin is high enough, and some of my super plans are relatively energy-intensive!"


Non-commissioned officer Xu Lin rushed out of the laboratory, came to the school field, and quickly began to run at an accelerated speed, his movements were a bit weird, like a dull puppet.

——This is also the difference between power armor and humans. Its outer shell is metal after all, not as flexible as human muscles. When running at full strength, it cannot release force in segments like human feet.

A specialized power armor stance is required to fully utilize its strength and speed.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Hai Dame nodded in satisfaction.

"The acceleration from 100 meters takes eight seconds, which is one second faster than when the external power supply is connected. Sheriff Lin's impact is very satisfying."

The lights on the school field were bright, and the power armor ran faster and faster, and soon reached 120 yards.

The assistant said: "It's still 120 yards, it seems to be the limit of the power armor."

"No, this is the limit of this non-commissioned officer named Xu Lin."

Hai Dame smiled.

"If it goes any faster, he won't be able to keep his balance and will fall over."

Fermi, who was invited to come here, agreed: "The quality of the operator determines the upper limit of the power armor. Lao Hai, you are going to open a power armor training class."

Hai Dame laughed loudly and said, "Yes, you still know me. I want to start classes, start A Academy, and have an entrance exam graded into four grades, A, B, C, and D. Grade A students are scrambling to get them, and D grades are waste materials. Above Grade A, there will be a heavenly grade."

Fermi laughed: "Then the D-grade waste material is actually a hidden Tian-grade?"

Hai Damo laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth: "There must also be a red-haired Class A talented beauty who is qualified for mechas, and despises Class D waste materials."

"Hmm... another college exam, a group arena?"

"That's right, the D-level waste material was despised, and he wore the most broken power armor, fought all the way to the finals, and finally defeated the red-haired beauty who despised him."

"A lover will eventually get married, or is it your favorite explosive clothes?"

"Of course it's explosive clothes!"

"Haha, you are still the same, Lao Hai."

"Aren't you too? The classic TV series from 30 years ago, my youth, I didn't expect it to appear in my hands."

The two laughed together.

And the assistants and staff also looked envious and yearning.

——The future era must be an era full of passion, dreams and glory.

In the school field, the power armor manipulated by Xu Lin began to maneuver more complicatedly. He kept making jumps, dodges, and rolls while running, and climbed the cliff beside him with his bare hands, using the power armor special weapons to attack and test its defensive performance.

This is not only a test, but also a training.

Future power armor manipulation tutorials will all appear from him.

After passing a series of tests, the power armor once again showed good performance. Its flexible mobility is its biggest advantage. It can fly over walls and climb complex terrain like special warfare bodies and special forces, and can also use bunkers to resist attacks like ordinary soldiers.

And tanks with more armor and firepower than it can't do this.

In front of an excellent operator, the tank is a living target.

Its defense ability is also very good. Ordinary bullets cannot penetrate the special alloy, and the shells cannot cause damage even if they are not directly hit.

Even if it is hit directly, the armor will only be damaged, not destroyed, but the people inside may not be able to withstand the huge impact, resulting in fainting or even death.

There is currently no particularly good solution to this.

However, Hai Damer also prepared some plans - such as holding a special shield.

This is also the most powerful point of power armor. Its weapon modules are plug-in and can be replaced at any time.

In addition to this, there is another threat of power armor.

That is the depleted uranium bomb.

However, there is no depleted uranium material in Changshan County, so it cannot be tested.

At the end of the test, Hai Damo asked beamingly: "Xu Lin, how much battery is left? Sheriff Lin is so young, the stamina should not be too bad, at least it should be above 50%."

The power armor was silent for a while.

Hai Damo's expression became more restrained: "There's no 50%? Is Sheriff Lin too much? Is there always 30%?"

The female assistant said angrily, "Teacher, be serious!"

Hai Dam smiled and said: "Seriously, I think you just want to sleep in someone else's bed. Let me tell you, don't dream. The beauties around Sheriff Lin are all as beautiful as angels. They don't even want you to push their ass."


The female assistant smashed the shorthand board on the teacher's head and ran away in tears.

Noticing Xu Lin's silence, Fermi asked, "Xu Lin, how much more, tell me."

Hai Damer's face also darkened. If it is only 10%, then it is obviously unqualified, and the energy core may need to be spliced ​​together with multiple batteries.

But in that case, there is no more space.


Xu Lin's words came from the radio channel, and he sounded hesitant.

"It seems that the display is broken, but the energy is still 100%."

"What?" The two great scientists exclaimed in shock.

"This is impossible! An hour of ultra-high-intensity testing, it is impossible not to use electricity."

"That means the display is broken, maybe there's something wrong with the contacts."

Hai Damer scratched his head a little. Logically speaking, it is impossible for him to make such a mistake, and he has personally checked every point.

"What should I do, should I take it down?"

Fermi said: "Continue to test until the power is exhausted, then we can estimate the approximate power of Sheriff Lin's battery."

Then, this test lasted until the next day.

Everyone was exhausted, and Xu Lin lay directly on the ground.

"Still 100%, I can't stand it, it's been seven hours, get me out, I'm going to shit."

Hai Damer's expression seemed to be frozen, and he couldn't even move.

It was Fermi who asked the staff to quickly drag Xu Lin out, and then turned on the auxiliary system himself.

Several warning signs appeared on the display screen inside the helmet, indicating that the power armor was deployed and it was not suitable for any operations.

Fermi saw the display of the battery remaining in the far right corner.

A yellow-orange number clearly says: remaining power 100%, output voltage 1100 volts.

There should be nothing wrong.

Fermi thought.

It seems that this battery is Sheriff Lin's biggest secret.

He suddenly remembered the stone robot that had appeared on the battlefield and the cyan robot made of thundercloud compressed air.

At that time, both he and Hai Damer judged that they were essentially a dense energy core.

It appears that this dense energy core is made of this battery.

Fermi shared his thoughts with Hai Damer, and Hai Damer was immediately released from the frozen state.

"You're right! It must be so!"

Fermi asked, "What did Sheriff Lin say when he gave you the battery?"

Hai Damo recalled: "Sheriff Lin said at the time that the battery is still an experimental technology, and mass production depends on me."

His eyes gradually widened.

"I can produce this with energy? I can't believe its energy density. If it is produced with energy, then we are not invincible? Gasoline, coal, and all chemical energy can go away, and electric energy will rule the world!"

Fermi thought for a while and said, "Old Hai, I feel that Sheriff Lin may want you to copy some of the functions... This kind of battery is like a reproductive device, it is a lost technology, and it is impossible to reproduce it completely."

Hai Dame patted his thigh: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's take it out quickly! Let's start researching now."


This study, the two were so shocked that they could not speak.

This No. 2 battery looks no different from the 1500 mAh Beifu battery on the roadside, but it is actually estimated that it has a power of about 900,000 amps, and its energy density has reached an astonishing 9.1 million watt-hours per kilogram.

What is this concept?

It is 90,000 times the energy density of current state-of-the-art lithium batteries.

Even compressed nitro explosives are not as powerful as it, only the energy density of nuclear fuel can compare with it.

After knowing this result, the two of them never came within a hundred meters of it again.

After testing with various instruments, the two believed that it was not quite like the legendary nuclear battery, but should be a rechargeable battery.

"I can not believe it……"

Hai Damer lost several kilograms of fat.

"It's completely beyond my imagination. I'm still blowing a monopolar magnetic battery in front of Sheriff Lin...Damn it, he must be laughing at me!"

Fermi disagreed: "I think it is possible that the energy of the battery is actually the number of free electrons that can be accommodated. As we all know, electrons are much smaller than atoms, but in our batteries, atoms account for the majority."

"Assuming that there is an atomic nucleus of a special material that can accommodate and confine countless free electrons, such as the infinitely enhanced version of your hypothetical unipolar magnetic material, it can achieve the effect we see."

Hai Damer's expression was stunned: "Is this okay? The electron orbital can be increased theoretically, but the energy level is too large, and even the slightest disturbance will cause the electrons to escape."

Fermi laughed and said, "This is the key point of technology. For example, a super nucleus with hundreds of protons can be used to prevent it from decaying..."

Hai Damo had a clue: "That is to say, it's a material problem?"

Fermi smiled and said, "Very likely."

Hai Damo thought about it, and soon, the wrinkles on his brow opened, and a smile appeared on his face again.

"That's right, as expected, Lao Fei deserves to be you, the inspiration is the crystallization of our love!"

"Let's get married!"


Lin Wen visited the chip factory for a while, and countless people from all over the world were installing the equipment.

They traveled day and night to work for Changshan County, just to get a share of this feast.

The technical threshold of a 360-nanometer precision lithography machine is actually very low. At this stage, the difficulty is actually the chip manufacturing process.

Changxin-10001 broke through their imagination, and the research and development capabilities represented by such a high-quality structure are rare in the world.

Not just chips.

Production factories for hard disks, memory, motherboards, basebands, graphics cards and other electronic equipment are also under construction, and they are still the kind of construction that directly moves the factories here.

Changshan Electronic Manufacturing Company will soon enter the entire computer industry.

The reason why the major power groups are so willing to spend money, people, and technology is not only because of chips, but also because they invest in Mr. Fei.

Fermi was originally a world-renowned great scientist, who has made outstanding contributions to all microscopic fields such as nuclear energy, particles, electrons, electromagnetism, and quantum.

Although he was silent for a long time, once the results he made came out, everyone believed in them.

And he actually abandoned the Qin Group and came to Changshan County, which was beyond everyone's expectation.

Although Mr. Fei has repeatedly claimed that he was not alone, he only made a small contribution.

But everyone thought he was just being modest, and they were very optimistic about his next long chip-10002 chip.

The age of information has come. If you can get on the big ship of Mr. Fei as soon as possible, you will be able to stand on the cusp of the times earlier.

This is the magic of science.

Changshan County must be a scientific Changshan County.

Rather than fairy magic.

However, since the equipment has not been installed yet, Lin Wen can only use the fairy method to rebuild a few.

In order to prevent a chip from being moved around, the supply exceeds the demand.

Now Lin Wen has mastered a new method, directly pasting a piece of talisman paper on the wafer, allowing it to accelerate oxidation by itself, helping him to divide the circuit faster.

It is no longer just engraving one chip, which is too inefficient.

With a movement of the wrist, a swipe of the nano-knife, the tip of the knife touches the water like lightning, and the line strokes of a hundred chips are ready.

The wafers in Changshan County are 300 mm, and 300-400 chips can be cut out of one piece. In order to improve efficiency, Lin Wen only used a square area, about 200 chips.

Lin Wen opened another [Luck Guidance] and [Shenshen Art] that can concentrate and sharpen the thinking response, plus the accelerated oxidation and auxiliary effects of wafer essence.

It only took 14 hours, and more than 200 freshly baked chips were cut out.

You don't need to look at it to know that the good product rate is 100%.

With a chip of 450 yuan, Lin Wen earned more than 90,000 yuan in 14 hours.

From the point of view of value alone, blood loss.

But these two hundred chips cannot be measured only by how much they sell, they can be used in various aspects, which proves that Changshan County does have the ability to manufacture them, and Haidamer finally does not need to move a single chip around.

At this moment, Lin Wen received a call from Hai Damer.

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