From Hai Damer's nonsensical words, Lin Wen barely figured out that his No. 2 battery was full of legendary monopolar magnets.

The grid-shaped zinc-manganese material accommodates free electrons beyond imagination, and the artistic crystal lattice is full of unimaginable beauty.

At the end of the phone call, Hai Dame asked, "Sheriff Lin, where did your batteries come from?"

As soon as the voice fell, the panting sound beside the phone became a lot heavier, like a herd of wild beasts.

Obviously, there are still many people listening to the wall.

Lin Wen scratched his head and replied casually, "I picked it up."

"Where did you pick it up?"

"I picked it up from the ground."

Hai Damo choked, and Fermi answered the phone.

"Sheriff Lin, it is difficult for us to replicate this material. Although it looks like an ordinary zinc-manganese battery, its structure is also very similar to an ordinary zinc-manganese battery, and its operation method is also very similar to an ordinary zinc-manganese battery, but it is not an ordinary zinc-manganese battery."

Batteries refined by immortal methods are certainly not ordinary batteries.

Lin Wen thought to himself.

It seems that this battery is not a useless waste product, even the scientists were shocked.

Fermi continued: "Its performance is beyond imagination, and its physical and chemical states are very stable, just like ordinary zinc-manganese batteries, but its power storage is hundreds of thousands of times higher than ordinary zinc-manganese batteries. Its grid-like structure, which is completely different from ordinary zinc-manganese batteries, miraculously accommodates a large number of free electrons."

Lin Wen nodded.

This is very reasonable, the physical structure is different, the nature of the substance will have a big change.

The most typical example is carbon and diamond-a black soft substance that can leave marks on paper with only light force.

A crystal clear lens with the highest hardness found in nature.

And they are all carbon in nature.

I didn't expect [Qiankun Refining] to be really useful.

Lin Wen originally sent the battery over with the mentality of Sima being a horse doctor. It seems that he underestimated the role of [Qiankun Refining].

This is a magic skill.

Lin Wen pulled it from the bottom of the spell list to the top.

Well, if you're a genius, then I'm the villain who gets slapped in the face.

But it doesn't matter, the more such slaps come, the better.

I have a thick skin and can bear it.

Otherwise, how can you become a great emperor?


But after calming down, Lin Wen discovered a problem. When refining the battery, he used 146% Yuanshen.

Or the consumption of [Yuzhikong] is halved.

And he only has 640% Yuanshen in total, and Man Yuanshen can only refine four.

There will be hundreds of thousands of power armors in the future, so how many souls will he use?

Moreover, he has used all his Yuanshen to refine materials, how can Changshan County accelerate its development?

While Lin Wen was thinking, he listened to Fermi constantly explaining the details of this miracle battery.

High Damer also keeps chiming in on how it might be made.

Then, Lin Wen discovered in amazement, 【How to make an energy core suitable for exoskeleton power armor? ] The consumption of this problem has dropped linearly.

Is there a show?

Can it be used to imitate a similar or low-end version of the battery?

Lin Wen's mood suddenly cheered up, and he immediately joined the discussion.

Although his scientific quality is far lower than the two great scientists, his knowledge is much richer than the two. From time to time, he throws out the advanced technology and scientific research achievements of his previous life to achieve the result of attracting jade.

Under Lin Wen's deliberate promotion, the discussion among the three became more intense, and the consumption of the problem decreased faster, and soon fell below the warning line of 5,000.

In the fierce quarrel, it quickly dropped to four thousand.

Then three thousand.

Two thousand five hundred.

A few hours later, Lin Wen's throat was smoky, but Fermi and Hai Damer were still chattering.

It can be seen that scientists not only have a profound background, but also have a durable voice.

Lin Wen used [Yangzhi Ganlu] for himself and continued to join the discussion.

At the very end, the consumption of spells is fixed at 610%.

And his current upper limit is 641%, and he doesn't even need to cast good fortune spells.

This was a big surprise.

He is now in the state of "The Voice of the Dragon" and has been full of soul for seven consecutive days.

If there is no [Fate of Space] to reduce consumption, it will be a blood loss.

It is really too hurtful to cast good fate spells, it is best not to use them if you can.

There is nothing better than this.

Lin Wen glanced at Yuanshen.

It was already the evening of the second day, and Yuanshen had already fully recovered.

Lin Wen directly used the spell.

Then, "Mass Production Plan for Polycrystalline Lattice Polar Materials" came to mind.

At this moment, a huge heat surged from the bottom of his heart, and Lin Wen almost cried with joy.

The final piece of the exoskeleton power armor puzzle came together.

The main unit of Changshan County can finally be produced.

Half of my foot has stepped into the realm of cultivating immortals.

Great joy echoed in his heart, and Lin Wen was so excited that he immediately explained the whole plan in detail on the phone.


The phone on the other side seemed to be broken.

A few minutes later, Fermi and Hai Damo almost crashed into the lab-on-a-chip.

The way they looked at Lin Wen was like Grandet seeing Jinshan, like Tian Boguang seeing a girl from the East.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? Just speak well and don't tear your clothes!"

"Okay, okay, I'm not an alien, is it strange to be smart?"

"No, no, no one told me the answer, I just figured it out by my own efforts."

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and plan the mass production plan for the energy core, as well as the assembly line for the exoskeleton power armor. I'm going to storm the army!"

"Yes, there is also the Mecha Academy, hurry up and standardize the training courses, and standardize the requirements and precautions for driving power armor."

"Don't talk about A, B, C, D. It sounds old, vulgar and rustic. Listen to me. It is measured by matching degree. 100% is the highest and 0% is the lowest. The matching degree can be trained and tested once every semester."

"The one with the highest matching degree will be given the title of the first qualified person, and those who are at the bottom of the crane should not be fired. Give them love and care, so as not to be blackened in the future."

"Properly allocate everyone, don't discriminate internally, unite and love, and form brothers and sisters to erupt greater strength. You are too hostile, you have to love peace like me, never steal, rob, or cheat, and never kill when you disagree, in order to gain so much scientific inspiration."

"Okay, there are still many things to do, start working quickly, don't waste time."


The production workshop of the energy core was built in an instant as usual.

The rest is a matter of equipment.

The mass-produced energy core of the exoskeleton power armor was named Lin Wen-1, but this name was quickly rejected.

Many scientists involved in the project felt that this offended their beloved Sheriff Lin, who was full of scientific power. After heated discussions, Qin Luoshuang made the final decision and renamed it Wenwen No. 1.

Fortunately, this name was not heard by Lin Wen, so it survived.

The mass-produced Power Core is a replica of the Primarch.

Because the lattice structure of the grid crystal is relatively primitive, the arrangement is messy, and the crystalline dendrites grow in all directions. Its capacitance is only one percent of that of the original body, its volume is ten times that of the original body, and its energy density is only one thousandth of that.

If there is no original body battery, Fermi and Haidamer will think that this is the limit.

However, the perfect and neat array of the Primarch's grid crystals under the electron microscope was deeply engraved in their minds, and it also gave them infinite fighting spirit.

For all the scientists involved in this project, it is like a bright lighthouse in the wild, dark and boundless sea, guiding them in the direction of their efforts.

The research on the original body has become a top-secret project in Changshan County.

Qin Luoshuang formed a secret protection department to implement corresponding secrecy measures for these top-secret contents.

Of course, what is more important now is the mass production of "Wenwen No. 1".

The gate crystal structure material of "Wenwen No. 1" needs to be produced in a high temperature, high pressure and super electromagnetic pulse environment.

Although the raw material zinc and manganese are not expensive, the cost of processing is extremely high.

The solution given by Lin Wen is already the optimal solution, but the average cost of a "Wenwen No. 1" battery is more than 300,000 yuan.

Among them, the most consumed are various auxiliary sols and ruby ​​lasers used to form crystal lattices.

The structure of the special ruby ​​laser given by Lin Wen made the ruby ​​a consumable.

Although artificial rubies are not expensive, rubies that are pure, free of impurities, and contain platinum in proportion are more expensive.

All in all, one-third of the cost is on rubies.

This is just the battery. The budget table given by Fermi shows that the total manufacturing cost of an exoskeleton power armor is about 5 million.

If the cost of research and development had not been minimized, the price would have increased tenfold, or even a hundredfold.

Before the production line was completed and a mass-produced power armor hadn't started manufacturing, Lin Wen already felt tremendous pressure.

However, there was boundless joy in the headquarters, and all the generals were extremely excited.

They rushed to wear the only five experimental products, and even Qin Luoshuang went up to try them out of curiosity.

Then, she showed what the gap between people is.

With just one hour of adaptive training, she can beat all the "old men".

Even if the other four go up together, they are not her opponents.

Hai Dame sighed: "Her innate fighting instinct is really amazing. Now I really believe that some people are geniuses."

Fermi suddenly said, "Let Sheriff Lin try it?"

As soon as this proposal came out, it immediately gained everyone's support.

Qin Luoshuang even agreed with both hands, feeling that the time for her revenge had come.

Hmph, let you bully me for so long, with power armor, you will never be my opponent again.

Qin Luoshuang clenched his fists, and the power armor sensed the will of its master, and also clenched its metal fists, making a rattling sound.

She had never felt so strong in that moment.

I want to teach you a lesson.

Let you know that the Ice and Snow Fairy of the Qin family cannot be bullied!


Lin Wen: "Huh?"

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