Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 605: The Great Emperor

The collapse in computer prices essentially drove the networking of the empire.

The virtual world once again ushered in a skyrocketing growth rate, and the Cheng Group's recent main online game "Eternal Journey" revenue also began to skyrocket, making up for Cheng Wei's injured heart.

"Fortunately, I have a deep layout."

Cheng Wei looked at all the data of his Internet industry's skyrocketing, and felt a little lucky in his heart.

"The income made up for my loss in Aspen, and the production of bugmen cannot be affected by half, otherwise it will affect my revenge plan."

Cheng Wei glanced in the direction of Changshan County, and thought: "When my army of insects crushes the empire, it will be your end. I will use your heart and soul to pay homage to my dead son."

Hatred surged in his heart, but Cheng Wei suppressed it and continued to devote himself to human trafficking.

Every strong slave is a future bugman.

"Hmph, this world is ours after all."

However, before he was happy for a long time, Changshan County Tonglibaba Company released the second work of Xianjian IP "The World of Xianjian".

Although it wasn't Xianjian 2 that disappointed the players, but soon, this strange existence that was completely different from all games at this stage attracted countless people.

It is not a stand-alone game, nor is it a mainstream online game, but a game between the two. Players can either travel alone in the open world or invite friends to play together.

It is not a character in the game. Since its creation, it has fallen into a cycle of infinitely becoming stronger, leveling up, building equipment, upgrading, and building equipment.

You can collect countless characters, upgrade them all, equip them, upgrade them, equip them, and repeat endlessly.

Who can resist the infinite superposition of happiness?

For "Sword" players, feelings are not only in the background of the game, but also in the props scattered around, and there are characters who are suspected to be reincarnated characters from the previous game.

The vast continent and the extension of the entire world view make up for all the gaps in the previous work, jumping out of the shackles of a fixed plot, and having the possibility of infinite extension.

Nothing makes them happier than this.

For non-players of "Sword and Sword", there is no obstacle to the integration of "World of Sword and Sword". The perfect novice teaching allows dogs to learn how to operate, and the beautiful painting style and graphics are even more amazing.

The most important thing is that each character is very cute and exquisite from every angle. They have complete background stories, exclusive dubbing and lines, as well as corresponding character relationships and character plots, which make people feel immersive.

—he seemed to be real.

No matter the male character or the female character, they all exist like lovers in dreams, not just one lover, but countless different lovers.

Who can resist the invitation of countless dream lovers?

In order to achieve this, Qi Mu set up a special XP Research Institute, specially collected the XP characteristics of all men and women in the empire, and created the characters after repeated discussions and modifications with Sophon.

For this reason, Lin Wen used up all the paper figurines and talismans, and all the souls were exhausted. There are a total of 26 projects under development. The "World of Sword and Sword" accounted for 80% of the resources, and the other 25 projects accounted for 20% of the resources.

But it is precisely because of this that "World of Sword and Sword" can be launched so quickly.

As expected of an experienced otaku, Qi Mu quickly figured out the correct way to use sophons.

——When using ordinary mainframes, they desperately deal with all the details and repeatedly figure out the planning and modification plan.

When it was time for Sophon, they didn't waste a second, squeezed out every bit of Sophon's potential in all directions, and maximized the use of this unprecedented supercomputer with strong artificial intelligence.

The final result lived up to expectations. "World of Sword and Sword" was completed half a month ahead of schedule, and the quality fully met Lin Wen's standard.

The day it went online, the entire empire exploded.

Countless paper people have become the perfect husbands/wives in the eyes of netizens in the empire.

However, although it has achieved great success, the profit has not been as Lin Wen expected.

Empire players are very enthusiastic about free games, and are not very interested in the system of spending money to draw cards. They prefer to use liver to solve the money problem.

Lin Wen has never really seen so many people who like liver.

He had expected that the players in the empire were generally relatively poor, so he put a lot of props and characters in his liver, but the liver speed was scary.

But these players are not happy with it. They call friends on the channel, rack their brains, use the most shabby characters, spend the longest time, and get items that are only worth ten yuan.

And props of one hundred yuan and one thousand yuan have to go through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, and this did not stop their enthusiasm, but became a kind of fun for them, which was completely beyond Lin Wen's expectation.

However, the liver exploders of the empire are real livers, and the local tyrants of the empire are also real tyrants. Millions are not uncommon, and tens of millions are not rare. One hand with hundreds of millions can be counted endlessly.

Lin Wen also couldn't understand, what is the mentality of a person who spends so much money after the draw pool is at most a few million?

If you can't understand, you don't understand.

The huge income from "World of Sword and Sword" gave Lin Wen a shot in the arm. The exoskeleton armor production line was too expensive. Even if Lin Wen went to the stage in person, rubbed the equipment with his hands, and installed it manually, the money saved was like a drop in the bucket.

Lin Wen moved money everywhere, and it was finally built. As soon as the production line, which covers an area of ​​more than 7,000 mu, started, Lin Wen's heart was almost dry.

The speed of spending money is simply faster than the incinerator.

The exoskeleton power armor is mainly composed of four major parts, energy, power, shell and frame, and auxiliary electronic control system.

Energy and chips are manufactured separately and assembled directly.

All other parts are completed on the production line. The four special steels it needs are extremely expensive. The Feijian workshop does not produce knives now, and the materials are used to produce robots.

For this reason, some protests have been triggered. Those power groups believe that Changshan County has bad intentions and is deliberately restricting sales to weaken their strength.

The Great Elder ended up personally warning Lin Wen that if he failed to restore the normal supply of Feijian knives, they would issue a huge fine to Changshan County.

Lin Wen was super upset, and originally wanted to forcefully refuse, but was served by Qin Luoshuang, Xia Xiaoxiang, and Yang Shaohu in turn. Even Li Linyue, who had always been Lin Wen's little fan, gently advised him not to openly confront the Supreme Council at this time.

Lin Wen hesitated for a while, and agreed for the first time.

Anyway, here in the future we still have to rely on them, let them make the decisions.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Wen felt a little heartbroken seeing that Zimin was still a loser when all the good fortune projects had tens of thousands.

If this item can reach tens of thousands, then can he achieve reincarnation earlier?

It was based on this idea that Lin Wen didn't use the voting method, turned around and expanded the Feijian workshop, and barely restored the supply of knives.

"I have achieved this level. With my natural aptitude as a king of the people, this settlement can give me at least 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, right?"

Lin Wen thought happily.

This item has been very low before. The reason is that I accidentally stepped on a few pits.

It turned out that the vote by pulling up the sleeves was not Minyu. I really didn't expect it.


I won't pull my sleeves again in the future, I use [Qianli Voice Transmission] to transmit "agree" to their throats.

Ha ha.

I am really a genius, please call me the Great Emperor of the People.

Lin Wen waited for this month's settlement with full expectation.

Days of super-intensive work not only drained his soul, but also drained his luck.

Now he urgently needs the nourishment of good fortune and the compensation of luck.

Better hurry up and get the tenth out, let me see what it's like.

The ninth supernatural power [Unscattered Red Dust] played a great role during this period, allowing Lin Wen to freely choose one of the previous supernatural powers every week according to his needs, such as [Body of the Sun] [Only Ruo Chuxian] [Light of Spiritual Wisdom] and so on.

They all played a very important role, helping Lin Wen save a lot of Yuanshen.

The ninth supernatural power is so strong, will the tenth supernatural power be stronger?

This is what Lin Wen desperately wants to know.

However, the tenth supernatural power needs to accumulate 2.56 million good fortune, and he has less than 1.7 million now.

In the end, everything still fell on good luck.

And the biggest good relationship project that can be developed is the free people.

I beg you!

get up!

Great Emperor, you are the most popular king!

With infinite expectations for tomorrow, Lin Wen fell into a deep sleep.



Springfield Manor.

Cheng Wei was on the verge of going crazy, and even Lin Yabo and Luo Nuo couldn't dissuade him.

Their collaborator, Zhao Chong, commander of the Southern District, even shrank in a corner without saying a word.

The reason for all this is "World of Sword and Sword".

Its launch directly crushed Cheng's Group's "Eternal Journey".

This costly game is now in a state of huge losses, and players are rapidly losing, no matter how they recover, it is useless.

After Cheng's Group was hit by Aspen's chips, it was hit by the virtual world's network, and its capital income was cut in half.

The funding chain of their bugman project was broken at once. Although Lin Yabo urgently made up for it, the losses caused were irreparable.

The Blackfoot organization of the Western Federation was extremely displeased with Lin Yabo's failure to fulfill the contract, and sent a ship full of 16,000 high-quality slaves back to Zhujiuyi, where they were buried alive, and announced that they would never do business with Lin Yabo Group again.

Bug army formation slowed again.

And all of this is due to the sudden drop in Cheng's Group's income.

Cheng Wei was already extremely angry, but an investigation about "The World of Sword and Sword" pushed him to the brink of madness.

——The underlying logic code of "World of Sword and Sword" is exactly the same as that of "Eternal Journey".

The continent of "World of Sword and Sword" is similar to "Eternal Journey" in many details.

Although the game engine has been greatly changed, it can still glimpse the original appearance.

Although there is no conclusive evidence and the two are completely different, Cheng Wei is still sure at a glance that Changshan County is a copy!

The cyber attack half a month ago must have been caused by Changshan County.

To beat me with my stuff?

Cheng Wei's cerebral blood vessels burst, and he could no longer listen to any advice. This was Lin Wen's intentional humiliation of him.

From the point of view of perfection, this is unnecessary behavior at all.

There is no other explanation than intentional.

You killed my son and come to destroy my career?

Cheng Wei's sanity has completely disappeared.

"I'm going to use the killer."

Cheng Wei gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"I'm going to destroy Changshan County, I'm going to kill that beast."

Lin Yabo tried his best to persuade: "Chengwei, you are committing suicide. The killer is unstable, and the plan will have great changes. It is not in our interest to use this ultimate weapon to attack Changshan County at this time."

Cheng Wei sneered and said, "My hatred will stabilize the Killer. As long as that beast dies, it is in our best interest."

Luo Nuo also persuaded: "Elder Chang, a weapon of this level will immediately alert the First Elder, which is very harmful to our plan."

Cheng Wei laughed grimly and said, "As long as that little animal dies, we won't be the ones the Great Elder will be wary of first."

Knowing that there was no other way, Lin Yabo could only say: "In this case, then make a plan to attack Changshan County, and I will send another special force to assist your operation."

"As long as Changshan County can be destroyed, this risk is not impossible."

"Don't worry." Cheng Wei's voice was filled with insoluble hatred, "This time, that little beast is doomed."

Cheng Wei stood up and stepped out of the mansion, ready to use this hole card that was originally used to deal with the elder.

Lin Yabo, Luo Nuo, and Zhao Chong glanced at each other with deep sadness in their eyes.

The dark clouds over the empire are getting thicker.

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