Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 606 Grandma wants to add drama

When the morning sun shines on Lin Wen's eyes again, good fortune comes as promised.

The sea-like golden tide rushed towards his face, submerging him, and countless huge numbers of good fortune flashed across his eyes.

This is the happiest moment for Lin Wen, and it is also the only reason for him to stay here.

Live and work in peace +69123

Thrive +53192

Fair people +29485


Happy +53227


Science and technology civilization +55511

Total: 288972

Yuanshen +35.68%

【Good fate: 1973718】【Bad fate: 0】【Primary spirit: 675.78%】

[Tao if there is love] 290913/10000

Survivor: 2392/2500

Death Star: 1245495/960000


This month's overall steady growth, although there is no special outbreak, it is still rising at a high level, which proves that the development of Changshan County is effective and continuous.

What made Lin Wen most happy was that Zimin was finally minus one instead of minus one hundred, which was a full increase of one hundred times under rounding, which proved that the Minwang experience that Lin Wen had just comprehended was effective.

As long as he doesn't pull up his sleeves, his minwang will heat up quickly.

Yuanshen has reached 675%. This is a height that was unimaginable before, and now it has come true.

There is still a new spell to 700%, which is worth looking forward to.

[Tao Ruoyouqing] There are 29 more luck paths that can be opened, Lin Wen decided to open them slowly, and the effect of single draw last month was better.

It's a pity that the "this shore" level of luck that can save Li Longxing has not yet been drawn.

Maybe it's bad luck, maybe it's the magical powers that need to be upgraded.

Lin Wen could only wait slowly, anyway, Li Longxing couldn't die in the golden toilet.

Good fate has already approached 2 million, and the tenth supernatural power may not be too long.

Most importantly, Death Star is overflowing for the second time.

It shone above the second evil destiny supernatural power, and the black air rolled down, exuding a more terrifying aura than last time.

[Body without a colorful phoenix] has already called the police forcefully.

Obviously, its power is stronger.

Lin Wen hesitated for a moment. Now is not the time to reincarnate. The exoskeleton armor has just started mass production and has not yet formed. The first batch of students of the Mech Academy has not yet graduated. The teaching materials are still changing three times a day, and the standards are also very confusing.

The current total strength of Changshan County has just reached 500,000, and many of them are recruits. The heavy firepower is pitifully small. The biggest defensive force in the entire Changshan County is the bunker.

Qin Luoshuang is not fully ready yet, and needs Lin Wen's personal guidance for a while. It would be great if everyone in the Huang faction could recognize her.

Thinking of this, Lin Wen felt it was a pity, if Qin Luoshuang could marry Li Linyue, then the obstacles would be much smaller.

But it's a pity that according to Lin Wen's observation, although the two women have a good relationship, they haven't reached the point of flirting.

Moreover, the folk customs of the empire are simple, and Lala is not recognized as a stable relationship.

Therefore, Qin Luoshuang had to work harder.

Of course, the main reason why Lin Wen didn't choose to reincarnate immediately was that the Survivor Star was his hole card, and if he deliberately didn't use the hole card, he must have committed suicide.


Lin Wen sighed, Surviving Star is still 108 points away from bad luck, so he can only use his hidden backup method.

I hope that the cost of Death Star will not rise too high next time, and the cost of Surviving Star will not rise too slowly.

Anyway, the third evil destiny supernatural power is out of the question, and I don't plan to have it either.

He has a lot of thoughts, and the more he thinks about it, the more melancholy he feels. He always feels that there are many pitfalls waiting for him in the future. Qin Luoshuang is also unwilling to recognize his daughter, and the perfect reincarnation is somewhat meaningless.

Forget it, as long as there are [Responsible Person] and [Savior], it will be fine.

I have been reincarnated with millions of good karma, so what am I afraid of?

Lin Wen strengthened his confidence, jumped up from the bed, and strode out.

The moment he opened the door, the scorching sun instantly overwhelmed him. Although it was morning, the temperature was already a little scorching.

Before you know it, midsummer has arrived.

Lin Wen was also dressed in his favorite short-sleeved drag kid. Walking on the street, he looked like a young man studying, without the slightest hint of a sheriff.

The crowd on the street also began to cool down. The handsome boys were elegant and handsome, while the beautiful girls wore colorful thin dresses, revealing smooth jade arms and snow-white thighs, stirring up a youthful atmosphere.

If you are fashionable, you also know how to wear black silk and short skirts, showing the perfect absolute field, which is even more eye-catching.

There are also a large number of student parties on the street, which did not exist in Changshan County before.

During this period of time, with the increase in population, kindergartens, primary schools, and middle schools in Changshan County have also been established one after another, and the number of teachers has become a very important issue.

Teaching and educating people is not something ordinary people can do.

Moreover, for Lin Wen, it involves almost all good fortune projects, especially the civilization one.

If the school messes up, 100% have bad karma.

In fact, Lin Wen now has a certain number of bad karma every month, although not many, but it has sounded the alarm, always warning Lin Wen not to relax his vigilance.

Therefore, no matter Zhao Minggong, Yang Shaohu, or Huang Mingxiao, Lei Tiantong was very concerned about the teacher's question, but none of them thought that Lin Wen cared more than them.

He personally guards this level, and all those who want to be teachers must pass his test, and those who are not pure white are not allowed to enter the school, and they have truly met the requirements of virtue and art.

Therefore, teachers in Changshan County are paid very high salaries. The salary is personally certified by Lin Wen. Whether it is benefits, security, teaching years, and rewards, they are all set up very well, and the assessment is also very humane. Academics, mental health, and morality are all within the scope.

This area is managed by special officials of the County Hall.

Lin Wen's idea is actually very simple, let everything return to its original colors, the purer a thing itself is, the better, education should be well educated, if money and power are mixed in, it will change the taste.

A lot of nonsense happened from this.

The solution is of course not to have no money or power, but to live without worry. The famous psychiatrist Lin Luoyiwen said that people have five major needs, namely survival needs, safety needs, spiritual needs, personality needs, and dream needs.

As long as the first four items are met, the rest is purely teaching and educating people.

Lin Wen believes that the most important thing in school is to educate children to be sensible, followed by their studies. The most important thing for teachers is to save those children who could have been saved.

Therefore, a school is a school, and it treats everyone equally. There must be famous teachers, strong teachers, serious management, and a healthy atmosphere. The conditions for achieving this are to allocate enough money, build enough schools, recruit enough good teachers, solve all the worries in life for them, and let the teachers have the energy to manage every child.

Lin Wen made a good start by selecting real teachers. These like-minded people will form a good atmosphere together.

And a good atmosphere is corrective, it has inertia, as long as no one maliciously destroys it, it can last for a long, long time.

For this reason, Lin Wen specifically prohibited all contracting in the school, and all projects were in charge of the county government office. If something happened, he would directly go against human beings and go to jail, so that all bad things would stay away from the school.

At the same time, Lin Wen also waived all tuition and miscellaneous fees, which is a benefit that only Changshan County can have.

Moreover, Lin Wen is also very open-minded. The physical education class will no longer be taught by the math teacher, and the computer class can play games with peace of mind.

In the future, after the establishment of higher education institutions in Changshan County, the entire system will also include e-sports. Lin Wen can generously give 30 points to balance the boring learning, and he can also get rid of certain addictions. If you learn a certain skill systematically and professionally, in most cases, the fun of it will soon disappear.

Lin Wen is very clear that as long as the education system gradually becomes more formal, his good fortune will increase.

But now, the establishment of the college of higher learning is still in preparation, and Xia Xiaoxiang is in charge of this matter.

Lin Wen first wanted to do something that made many people in the empire feel very distressed.

This incident will bring him the last 108 bad karma of Surviving Star.


Huai Town.

Changshan County Film and Television Company Building.

Lin Wen found Fang Weiwei who was preparing for today's live broadcast.

This Yumaohu's first sister is now worth a lot. She has an assistant, a makeup artist, a manager, and even an assistant's assistant.

When Lin Wen found her, she was putting on makeup in the dressing room. The assistant's assistant stopped Lin Wen from going in, and even scolded him as an ordinary fan.

But the assistant quickly ran out and kicked the assistant's assistant into the trash can.

——As the chief assistant of the first sister in the anchor world of the empire, if she doesn't even know the big shots standing at the top of Changshan County, then she doesn't have to mess around.

The chief assistant is also a beautiful woman. It is said that she is a senior assistant outside. She has a flattering smile on her face and bows repeatedly to apologize:

"Sheriff Lin, that's a new temporary worker, I'll fire him right away, I hope you don't mind."

She quietly squeezed out two tears, trying to make herself look more pitiful, and secretly lowered the collar on her chest so that more light could be exposed.

But it's a pity that Lin Wen didn't even bother to give her the corner of his eye, ignoring her obstruction, and directly broke into the dressing room.

Fang Weiwei was sitting in front of the big makeup mirror, wearing only black underwear, and the makeup artist was carefully applying eyeshadow for her. When Lin Wen broke in, everyone turned their heads, and the assistant stood awkwardly at the door with a helpless expression.

Lin Wendao: "Everyone go out."

The assistant said anxiously: "Well, County Chief Lin, Miss Fang will have an important live broadcast soon. Today is inconvenient. How about another time?"

Lin Wen was annoyed to death by these people, and said angrily, "Get out! Otherwise, I will get angry."

There was no sound in the dressing room, Fang Weiwei came back to her senses, and said with a smile: "Go out, Sheriff Lin has something to tell me."

The assistant had no choice but to take off Doufeng and put it on for her, saying: "Miss Fang, there will be high-ranking officials from the empire visiting later, so don't waste time."

Fang Weiwei pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Okay, Xiaoqing, it's okay, Sheriff Lin is a good person."

Even so, no one believed it.

Frightened by the situation, everyone was forced to go out.

The assistant known as Xiaoqing even looked back at every step, as if something unexpected happened to Fang Weiwei.

Lin Wen said dissatisfied: "Fang Weiwei, who did you invite? It's like mental illness."

Fang Weiwei smiled softly and said, "Sheriff Lin, Xiaoqing is a good person. She was just persecuted outside and she was a little nervous. As long as you are familiar with her, she will know that Sheriff Lin is actually a good person."

"OK OK."

Lin Wen interrupted her impatiently.

"I'm here because I have something to tell you. For tonight's live broadcast, you should follow my instructions and ask Qi Mu for the technical part."

After Fang Weiwei listened to Lin Wen's request, her face turned pale.

"This... this is too much, my reputation will be ruined."

Lin Wen said: "You said in advance that you are preparing for a festival, and you can tell everyone that it is a prank the next day."

Fang Weiwei said aggrievedly: "But, this is too much."

Lin Wen said viciously, "Do you still want to play grandma?"

Fang Weiwei blinked her big eyes, and said crisply: "I want to..."

"Then you have to do it for me, just treat it as an unspoken rule."

Before Fang Weiwei could reply, the door was knocked open with a bang. Xiaoqing rushed in with a pair of scissors, poked at Lin Wen with her eyes closed, and shouted, "Beast! Take your unspoken rules to death!"

Lin Wen was very upset, reached out and knocked off her scissors, tripped her foot, and she landed on the ground with a slap.

"I am leaving."

Lin Wen's face was gloomy.

"You must do what I say tonight. This is an exchange of unspoken rules. At worst, I will film a special interview for you and clarify it for you."

Fang Weiwei looked a little unhappy, but she still agreed: "Okay, but I have to appoint someone for the male lead of "A Chinese Ghost Story", and I have to play the role of grandma."


Lin Wen agreed without thinking, turned and left.

Xiaoqing, who didn't notice, was sitting on the ground with tears rolling down her cheeks, sobbing, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooery

Fang Weiwei was stunned for a while before explaining to her with a suppressed smile that this was not the case.


seven o'clock in the evening.

The cool wind on a midsummer night brought a breath of comfort, and the internet youths of the empire sat in front of their computers with great anticipation, waiting for the special festival promoted by Fang Weiwei, the number one female anchor of the empire.

Fang Weiwei dressed up and sat in front of the camera.

Numerous professional equipment faced her, and her well-dressed appearance looked so beautiful and unreal under the lighting of a professional lighting engineer.

Xiaoqing pursed her mouth and kept complaining: "Sheriff Lin is really not a human being, to have such an excessive request, if you are not careful, it will ruin Weiwei's artistic career."

No one paid attention to her, and the staff was busy, making the best preparations for the launch of the first female anchor in the empire.


Changshan County.

The deepest part of Taixu Mountains in the south.

A huge helicopter landed, and the huge airflow made the leaves crackle wildly, and the sound of branches breaking continued.

Cheng Wei got off the helicopter with a cold light in his eyes.

"Little beast, your time of death has arrived."


Southwest District.

Supreme Commander's Office.

Qin Gang obtained Lin Wen's exact location through a secret informant, and ordered the order he had been waiting for for a long time:

"Black Swan-3, loaded with nuclear bombs, ready to go."

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