Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 612 Come back soon

The situation in the empire is changing and the undercurrent is turbulent, but Changshan County has been singing and dancing all the time, as if it can't read the air.

Even the high-level officials of Changshan County, who are aware of the situation, are not particularly nervous. They follow the steps and do what they should do, without delay or in a hurry.

Even the members of the Huang faction just gather around Li Linyue, and occasionally visit Li Longxing who is lying on the golden toilet. They are content with the status quo. They have already integrated into Changshan County. Apart from remembering revenge, they are not much different from the local officials of Changshan County.

As for all of this, Lin Wen, the God of Dinghai, has been soaking in the production line of exoskeleton armor during this period of time.

This newly built production line has many problems and areas for improvement.

Logically speaking, such a high-tech production line needs at least three to five years of adjustment from its initial establishment to its maturity.

But Lin Wen couldn't accept this. An exoskeleton armor agreed to be 5 million yuan. If you set a 50% yield rate, the cost would become 10 million yuan.

In addition to various losses on the way, the price has already gone to 15 million.

This is simply unbearable and will greatly slow down his reincarnation plan.

Therefore, Lin Wen worked with tens of thousands of engineers every day to improve the production line and correct all its defects.

During this process, [Morning Star of Destiny] played a huge role. Lin Wen often used it to enhance [Immortal Guidance] or [Ask the Sky].

The production line is built with countless engineering details. Without long-term observation, careful thinking, keen thinking, and extraordinary experience, it is difficult to find out whether a position is a defect or not.

And Lin Wen made perfect use of the sweat of the engineers. He fully listened to their reports, summed up their experience, reduced the consumption of spells, and then found areas for improvement.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Wen alone found more flaws than all of them combined.

Hai Damo, the chief engineer in charge of production, directly called Lin Wen an "engineering genius".

This title has been unanimously recognized by tens of thousands of engineers, so that whenever Lin Wen appears in the factory, someone will come to ask the "engineering genius" for engineering experience.

To this, Lin Wen only replied lightly.

"Trust the science."

Then, in the eyes of everyone adoring, he instantly found various small problems that could not be found in a few years.

Hai Damo was speechless: "This is so fucking scientific, I didn't even know science looked like this."

Even so, there is no other explanation, it can only be attributed to Sheriff Lin's natural scientific intuition.

You can't believe the more ridiculous rumors like "Sheriff Lin is a fairy".

And it's not popular in Changshan County anymore.

After roughly straightening out the exoskeleton armor production line, Lin Wen gradually came less frequently and focused more on the Mecha Academy.

The college is now very large, with all kinds of facilities (all built by Lin Wenjian), the number of students has expanded to more than 20,000, there are more than 500 instructors, and there are more than 100 teachers and experts.

Qin Luoshuang, who is also the dean, is very busy. She knows that this is the future core force of Changshan County, so she is very concerned about it. For this reason, she has handed over a large number of affairs of the secret service department to Yun Zhixing, and devoted all her energy to the Mecha Academy.

Lin Wen made a special trip to assist her in teaching the instructors and students of the college, compiling teaching materials and precautions.

For ordinary students, manipulating exoskeleton armor is actually a very difficult thing.

It is far from being able to manipulate freely like the enhanced version of its own body. Stronger strength, faster speed, and greater center of gravity are completely different from manipulating one's own body.

Injuries and disabilities due to improper operation are not uncommon, so Lin Wen simply built a trauma hospital next to the Mecha Academy.

In the event of an accident, rescue immediately.

The precautions for exoskeleton armor are getting thicker and thicker, even thicker than the textbook.

But no one flinched. There is no man in the empire who doesn't like mechas. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The selection of the Mecha Academy is very strict. They are the elites in the army who have obtained the qualifications for students.

Whenever they saw the beautiful headmaster dancing with the armor, the envy, admiration, and longing were unstoppable, and they hoped that one day they would be able to manipulate the armor flexibly.

And when the fairy-like Sheriff Lin came over, it was a sensation in the whole school, and everyone was excited, but at this time the students did not have much learning attitude, and the instructor would deliberately beat the students so that they would not imitate Sheriff Lin.

That is a technology exclusively used by gods, and it is forbidden for mortals to use it.

However, there is one thing that is generally accepted. Although Sheriff Lin is skilled, he puts dumplings in a teapot and cannot pour them out.

Whenever someone asks him for advice, he just says it's instinct, I don't know how, maybe it's genius, or something like that.

The questioner was soured to death.

It can only be analyzed by many instructors and experts, from which the limit of the mecha can be excavated and a new standard can be set.

Most of the time, Sheriff Lin exists as a BOSS, allowing the instructors to siege and increase their actual combat experience.

These actual combat experiences are the knowledge that the instructors will teach the students in the future.

Lin Wen would occasionally practice duels with the strongest Dean Qin. Whenever this time was the most sensational time in the whole school, all the students would rush to tell each other, and they would watch one or two games anyway. This was the most rare eye-opening moment.

And Lin Wen finally opened up a little bit, he will no longer knock Qin Luoshuang down mercilessly, but give way a little bit to make the competition more exciting.

Of course, he still had to win in the end, but after the fierce hand-to-hand combat, at least Qin Luoshuang had to feel that she was getting stronger.

Daughter, of course she wants to be coaxed.

Otherwise, if she ran away, the reincarnation of the three deaths would be ruined.

In this way, Changshan County ushered in a short period of peaceful and peaceful development.

The empire is now open to trade routes, and its economy is booming.

And the more prosperous the empire, the greater the impetus to Changshan County.

Commodities such as clothes, shoes, purses, hats, various light industrial products, food, instant noodles, etc. from the intensive-scale industries in Jangsan County are not only sold well in the empire, but even sold all over the world through the Grand Canal and sea transportation.

The chemical products of Changshan County are also very popular, especially Jinkela.

Although it can't really absorb nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium below three meters, the effect is generally better than other chemical fertilizers, and the price is also cheaper.

And the high-tech products and network products in Changshan County are making a lot of money.

Changshan County's chips have already crushed the imperial market, and even crushed the world market. Now in the market, Changxin-10001 is the first echelon product, and no one dares to surpass the price of 450 yuan, otherwise no one will care.

The computer accessories company in Changshan County was also established, and as soon as Lin Wen calculated the cost, he knew how black-hearted businessmen outside were.

"Hehe, a hundred yuan item costs five hundred yuan. If I don't blow up your plates, I won't be called Lin Wen."

Direct fracture price for sale.

The imperial computer vendors suddenly wailed, some rolled all over the floor, some yelled loudly, some slandered the monopoly, and some even sued Changshan County for dumping to disrupt the market.

But it is a pity that the Supreme Council ignored it, and the Great Elder ignored it. The reply from the Imperial Trade and Commerce Department was:

"Changshan County has the power to freely price its own products, and the empire does not interfere with normal business practices."

The Great Elder's attitude is very clear, that is to use Changshan County to weaken the major forces of the empire. Changshan County has the weakest absolute strength and can be tolerated.

The computer dealers had no choice but to use all kinds of tricks. They shyly went to Changshan County and said that everyone would share the money they earned. County Chief Lin took the top spot, but was also ruthlessly rejected.

The money given away goes into the sea like mud cows, and the beauties given away never return.

After inquiring, all of them went to Changshan County Rehabilitation Center for three-view correction.

After the computer dealers beat up the person who suggested "giving money to women", they reluctantly chose to cut prices.

As a result, various computer accessories have also started a big dive.

A home computer costs less than a third of its original price.

In other words, a computer that used to cost 10,000 yuan can now be bought for just over 3,000 yuan.

As a result, the number of Internet users in the empire has grown faster. Many regions and large cities in the empire have Internet foundations, only one computer that can access the Internet is missing.

The surge in users has also led to a surge in the income of Changshan County's network products.

At present, Changshan County has accounted for 80% of the game share of the entire empire with several high-quality games such as "Legend of the Blue Moon", "Sword", "World of Sword", "Legend of Stone", "The Card of Wisdom", "Anti-Sperm Element" and "The Dream of 300 Million Primary School Students".

With products such as "Soumao" and "Wandu", it quickly occupied the search engine market, and with products such as "Scarf" and "Cape", it quickly occupied the community platform.

It not only crushed all the projects invested by Lin Yabo Group on the Internet, but also made him a complete failure in the computer industry.

Lin Yabo exhausted all methods, but failed to restore the decline. Funds quickly ran out, and the production of worms had already encountered serious problems.

But the Supreme Council has always been indifferent to this, which made Lin Yabo and all those who lost their interests very dissatisfied.


Springfield House.

"The great elders didn't realize that Changshan County is their worst enemy."

Luo Nuo said dissatisfiedly that all his investments were lost due to the attack of Changshan County.

"Let it go like this, once Li Longxing recovers from his injury, Changshan County will pull them down sooner or later, and they will regret it."

Zhao Chong, the commander of the Southern District who has officially joined the Lin Yabo Group, also said indignantly: "That's right, the Great Elder is too stupid. They are raising tigers to cause trouble. We are just plotting against ourselves. Changshan County is going to kill the whole family."

Lin Yabo's face was gloomy. The recent situation is very unfavorable. The insect army has not yet completed preparations. It is very terrible to cut off the economy at this time.

The Great Elder's intention to drive away wolves and tigers is very clear, and he stands on the high platform of natural justice. On the contrary, the major forces appear to be very superficial and selfish.

None of them want to be interfered by the empire, but they all want the empire to interfere with others. Most of them have not yet understood that the Supreme Council is no longer the previous Supreme Council.


Lin Yabo stopped them from criticizing the stupid and short-sighted behavior of the Great Elder, and said.

"I intend to agree to His Majesty's request."

Everyone fell silent for a while, Luo Nuo's lips moved, and he hesitated to speak, but he didn't speak in the end.

Silence is actually another kind of default.



Elder's compound.

The chief financial officer of the empire reported the recent economic trend of the empire to the elder with a happy face, as if the development of the empire was all due to him.

Subsequently, the chief steward of the Federal Reserve Bank reported more detailed currency flows to the real owner. From this, the real situation in each region can be seen more clearly and accurately.

"Great Elder."

The butler said in the final summary.

"The development of Changshan County is beyond imagination. They are almost plundering the development results of the empire's network. Moreover, according to their large-scale purchase of various special steel raw materials and advanced equipment, they are also rapidly strengthening their military power. The emperor's faction headed by Li Linyue has collected the anti-thieves and remnants all over the empire to gather strength. I am afraid that the plan is not small. Do we need to suppress it?"

"No need."

"However, they developed too fast..."

Great Elder Ping Yuan said flatly: "It doesn't matter how fast they develop."

Grand Elder Xingling said: "The foundation of Changshan County is too weak. Don't just look at the current development, but also look at the accumulation in the past. If you average the history of the past 40 to 50 years, the data of Changshan County is very low."

"A chess piece is a chess piece after all, it cannot jump out of the chessboard."

"Yes, I understand." The butler bowed his head deeply.

"Go back and continue collecting information."

The butler bowed and stepped back.

Great Elder Ping Yuan glanced at the report and said flatly, "Lin Yabo seems to be unable to hold on anymore."


A new piece fell on the chessboard.

"It seems that our plan can be launched ahead of schedule."


The crazy development of Changshan County not only squeezed the living space of Lin Yabo Group, but also caused varying degrees of losses to other forces.

After they yelled and struggled for a while, they found that they were unable to change the situation.

If there is no oil and salt in Changshan County, no one can restrict it.

The county chief of Changshan County openly violated the rules, only collecting money but not doing anything, and no one can punish him.

Now, they have begun to regret participating in the conspiracy to overthrow Li Yongxing.

If His Majesty the former emperor was still there, Li Longxing would have to take the influence into account to some extent, and the Supreme Council would also take some care of their demands.

It's all right now, Li Longxing is down, the imperial faction is disabled, the Great Elder is in power personally, Changshan County has broken free from the last shackles, that kid developed unscrupulously, beat them all until they vomited blood, and the referee who can fight no longer exists.

Not only did the great elder not stop him, he even hid in the back and pushed Chang Shanjun's butt to beat people everywhere.

How can this be tolerated?

Your Majesty, we were wrong, can you come back?

It's a void in the minds of many chiefs.

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