Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 613: Clouds of War

After Lin Wen's unremitting efforts, everything in Changshan County is on the right track.

The huge income from the Internet industry supports all the military expansion expenses of Changshan County.

The production line of exoskeleton power armor has finally stabilized at a relatively high level. It can successfully produce armor that does not exceed 10% of the theoretical cost. The daily output has reached 1,200 sets, and the good product rate is as high as 98%.

The output will be even higher in the future.

The Mecha Academy has finally finished compiling the main body of the teaching materials, perfected the teaching system, and started enrolling students on a large scale.

There is no need to worry about the size of the college parish. Sheriff Lin waved his hand, and the Java engineering team can double the size of the college within three days.

The number of students skyrocketed, and soon expanded to 80,000.

Many old students who have graduated have turned back to join the college and become instructors.

The armored corps in Changshan County has already begun to form.

The large-scale combat system of soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor is under study.

The future idea may be in the form of a squad, with a captain leading three soldiers as a combat unit.

Hundreds of combat units form a combat regiment, and hundreds of combat regiments form a combat group, which is unified under the command of the headquarters.

Such a structure is more reasonable, and the command is more flexible.

The individual combat capabilities of soldiers wearing power armor are very strong, and they can completely apply the combat mode of quasi-special warfare.

However, a large-scale battle of hundreds of thousands of special forces has never appeared in the empire, and all theories and systems can only be re-established.

For this reason, Changshan County is performing actual combat performances almost every day, experimenting with the rationality of various tactics, and improving the combat system.

More weapons and equipment suitable for power armor are also being developed.

After all, power armor is not used for melee combat, and long-range attack with powerful weapons is their main combat method.

In this regard, Lin Wen's summary won the approval of everyone.

"Like a tank with legs."

Hearing this sentence, Fang Dashan climaxed on the spot.

"That's right! It has heavy artillery and a vehicle-mounted heavy machine gun. The armor is thinner, but it is more flexible and faster. It can walk on all terrains and find cover to hide. Isn't this a tank with legs? We can use the armored group's combat plan!"

The officers who were troubled by what kind of combat system this unprecedented army adopted suddenly woke up.

"That's right, the armored group's combat plan is ready-made, we can definitely refer to it."

"Combined with our characteristics, isn't it our combat plan?"

"Hahaha, that's right, a tank that can climb mountains and mountains, a tank that can pass through forests and rivers and lakes..."

"Can still fly."

Hai Damo, who was developing special weapons for power armor, interjected.

Everyone laughed.

"Yes, you can still fly."

Established excitedly: "We can do what the Armored Group can do, and we can do what the Armored Group can't."

Qin Luoshuang thought a little more deeply: "We can also achieve maneuvering and interspersing, and large-scale movement operations."

As soon as this was mentioned, Fang Dashan, Wang Zhengwu and He Shangsheng all became excited.

In the past, infantry was interspersed with combat, which was particularly limited by marching speed and supplies, and also lacked heavy firepower.

Now using mechas to intersperse combat, the average speed can reach 70-80 yards per hour, it can carry a lot of supplies, and it has heavy firepower itself.

The three of them looked at each other, as if they had opened up a new world for a moment.

Everyone discussed fiercely, and the prototype of a new combat system soon appeared.

Lin Wen looked at all this with a smile.

This is what he dreamed of. He only needs to provide an idea, and many Crouching Dragon, Phoenix, and Five Tiger Generals will solve the problem by themselves.

He doesn't need to use his brains, and he doesn't need to go deep into these complicated worldly affairs.

Qin Luoshuang also had some tendency to transform in this direction.

As a spare tire, she is more qualified.

As expected of my daughter, Lin Wen smiled and patted her head.

Qin Luoshuang gave him a dissatisfied look, and said in a low voice, "Don't make trouble! It's a meeting."

"Okay, okay."

Lin Wen hastily put down his hands.

This good girl who was finally obtained must not be messed up again. This is the last period, and it is only a matter of this finishing touch, and it will be done, and the raw rice will be cooked.

At this time, if the success falls short, Lin Wen will definitely hack himself to death.

Many generals looked at their noses, noses, noses and hearts, turning a blind eye.

Only the blond man Fili is not happy, you have a princess, and you are here to grab the chief of staff, are you human?

Seeing that Qin Luoshuang's face was slightly flushed, Lin Wen hurriedly brought up a new topic to attract attention.

"Everyone, I think that no matter what this system looks like in the end, it must be a modern system. The biggest advantage of power armor is that it can be plugged with many different modules, and it is very convenient to upgrade and expand."

Now it was Hai Damer's turn to get excited.

He jumped up against the case and said loudly: "That's right, you're right, County Chief Lin hit the nail on the head with one word!"

"The power armor itself is very difficult to improve, but it can carry many advanced equipment to make up for the functions it does not have, such as auxiliary positioning modules, independent fire control systems, large-scale long-wave communications, and so on."

"I can also develop many weapons specially adapted to their use, such as 95mm armor-piercing smoothbore guns, 70mm Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, and 30mm combo sniper rifles. The conventional load of power armor is three tons, which can carry enough weapons and equipment."

"You can even choose corresponding weapons and supplies according to different tasks."

Hai Damer's words once again inspired everyone's thinking storm. In this way, the responsibilities of armored soldiers can be subdivided. For example, one team is responsible for anti-tank, one team is responsible for air defense, and one team is responsible for carrying supplies and auxiliary work.

The tactics that come with it are ever-changing.

Not only the gates of this new world have been opened, but also the steel gates have been opened.

The discussion was unprecedentedly heated, and all the generals gave full play to their imagination, equipped the mechs with various weapons, and performed various tasks.

The heavy burden of producing these equipment and weapons was handed over to Hai Damer, a great scientist and former chief weapons expert of the Empire.

At present, the power armor production line has basically been improved, and the rest are long-term problems, and he doesn't need to keep an eye on them all the time.

Amidst the heated discussion, Lin Wen walked out of the conference room silently.

The headquarters of Changshan County was built on a big mountain. Lin Wen climbed the mountain, watching the fiery red sunset sinking into the magnificent sunset, thousands of golden lights shot down through countless mountain peaks, like countless roads leading to heaven.

This is the Tyndall effect, which gives shape to light.

Looking at this beautiful scene, Lin Wen saw construction workers working in the path of light.

That is the city of mountains, which has been built to such a remote place.

An unprecedented tranquility and beauty surged into his heart, and Lin Wen stretched out his hand to Guang, as if wanting to hold it in his hand.

Light passed through the fingers.

But our future.

Can be expected.


Jangsan County ushered in the longest period of peace ever recorded.

Various industries in Jangsan-gun are flourishing like grass facing the morning sun.

The commercial circle centered on Xinzhen was formally established. This city called Zhenzi accommodated more than 12 million people and was still developing rapidly.

The convenient transportation in Changshan County has brought the dividends of development to every place. After unloading the burden of population, Huai Town has embarked on a high road and gradually become the new commercial and financial center of Changshan County.

Shangxi Town has become a standard agricultural and forestry center in Changshan County. Under the leadership of Chen Xingtai and Yun Qingshui, it has reclaimed more than 700,000 hectares of farmland, established more than 100 logging camps, and has also begun to implement protective logging.

They divided twenty areas, felled one area every year, and planted trees after felling.

In this way, twenty years later, the trees in the first area also grew up.

Hunting behavior is strictly controlled. The hunters' guilds formed by hunters do not allow poaching. Hunters are only allowed to hunt when experts have surveyed and certain prey (such as wild boars, rabbits, etc.) are flooded.

This once uninhabited ghost town has also embarked on a path of continuous development and prosperity.

The remaining small towns and villages were either merged into new towns or re-planned based on industries.

In the deep mountains, the mountain villages and towns that have not seen the sun for many years are all dealt with in a unified manner. Yang Shaohu has established a corresponding organization to help them integrate into the new Changshan County.

The cities on the mountains were built very quickly, and the first residents were moved in by them.

The functional buildings on both sides of the east-west passage have been completed and are spreading into the mountains. These towns along the road have spawned a lot of industries, almost all of which are related to travel, maintenance, and accommodation.

All drivers who take this route do not have to worry about getting lost, running out of gas, finding food, finding accommodation, etc.

There are parking lots, hotels, restaurants, gas stations, supermarkets everywhere under the highway.

And the law and order is good, the folk customs are simple and hospitable (true).

Therefore, the road in Changshan County has also become the first choice for drivers and passengers.

The tourism economy of Jangsan County has also flourished.

This can be seen from the fact that the queue at the photo spot of Tianmokeng exceeds one kilometer every day.

The phrase "Fifty photos taken" written by Lin Wen has also become a classic.

And the large-scale industry in Changshan County has also reached a very large level.

More than 12% of the empire's light industrial products are produced here.

The chemical industry has also climbed more than half of the industrial chain. Jinkela accounted for 50% of the chemical fertilizer market, forcing the entire chemical fertilizer market in the empire to cut prices.

Changshan County has become a price smasher. If it gets involved in that industry, the price of that industry will collapse.

Among them, the computer market is the worst.

And the hottest Internet industry in the empire was wiped out by Painful Baba Company.

One blockbuster industry was launched one after another, one super game was launched one after another, and almost all game types were occupied by him.

And if Lin Wen didn't limit the time for the people in the network technology department to use "Sophon", they could still be faster.

Qi Mu has now fully developed all the postures for using Sophon, and can squeeze out every drop of Sophon's juice very skillfully, but Lin Wen has ruthlessly shortened Sophon's pick-up time to one hour a week.

Qi Mu, who had already tasted the essence, rolled wildly in front of Lin Wen, and almost hugged his thigh and called Dad, and Lin Wen only gave him an extra minute.

Qi Mu was so angry that he was half dead.

Of course, it's not that Lin Wen is too stingy, but that his primordial spirit is not enough.

Sophon has too many paper figurines to consume, and the inventory has been used up. It is impossible for Lin Wen to only do this one thing.

If it wasn't for strengthening the [Paper Man Puppet Art] with [Morning Star of Destiny], I wouldn't be able to spare an hour a week.

Qi Mu quarreled for a few days to no avail, so he could only resign himself to his fate, and planned frantically within a week, sorted out all the essence, poured them all into this hour, and overloaded Sophon's every second of receiving time.

This made Tomoko complain, and complained to Lin Wen that if she didn't stick two paper figurine talismans to her every time, she would go on strike and quit.

For this reason, Lin Wen was really troubled.

He also plans to accumulate a little more good luck, and at critical moments, he will have a few super luck, which will shock the entire empire.

Of course, this cannot be affected. If we fall into a crisis in the future, we will rely on it to turn things around.

Lin Wen could only move here and there, try to save every cent of soul, and try to avoid all unnecessary consumption, so that all the crouching dragons and phoenixes in Changshan County can exert more energy.

Time passed like this for several months.

The crazy development of Changshan County has squeezed the profit space of all forces and caused great hatred.

The voices of bad-mouthing Changshan County came one after another, and various articles exposing the "truth" were flying all over the sky. Demonizing Lin Wen's behavior is even more commonplace.

However, Lin Wen's good fortune of rising every month shows that the development of Changshan County is very effective.

The roar of the enemy's voice proved the success of Changshan County.

Few people in the empire believed these lies.

This can be seen from the continued skyrocketing population in Changshan County.

In the past few months, the population of Changshan County has skyrocketed to 30 million, double that of half a year ago, and twenty times that of two years ago.

No matter how slandered the outside world is, the people still chose Changshan County with their feet.

After all, in the entire empire, only Changshan County still maintains that carefree atmosphere, maintains a stable and good order, and maintains a fair and open distribution of benefits.

Outside of Changshan County, with the intensification of conflicts between the parties, the benefits for civilians are gradually shrinking, and the major forces are trying to squeeze out more profits so that more funds can be invested in armaments.

Their long-disguised faces are gradually revealed.

Lin Yabo Group directly tore away the camouflage. They greatly extended working hours, lowered wages, and promulgated a bill that those who lose factories or projects due to resignation shall be responsible for compensation.

This bill is known as the Lim Act.

Its implementation is very random, the compensation depends on the boss's words, and the compensation amount is filled out by hand, involving a very wide range.

Some employees were even claimed for sudden death due to overtime work. The family of the deceased did not receive any compensation and faced huge claims.

After Zhao Chong, the commander of the Southern District, officially joined, the sphere of influence covered by Lin Yabo Group reached eight states. The people in these eight states lost rapidly in a short period of time, but there were still a large number of people who were forced to stay where they were because of their livelihoods.

Countless people reported to the empire that Lin Yabo had violated imperial laws.

In the eyes of most people, the Supreme Council will still uphold fairness and justice.

In the past, they have indeed fulfilled this duty.

However, this time, the Great Elder did not move for a long time, and the relevant institutions of the empire did not respond.




The secret base of the town king envoy.

After listening to the report of the imperial guardian envoy, the Great Elder said something calmly.

"The war is about to begin."

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