Lin Yabo knew very well that this was the last chance.

The income of the entire group has fallen sharply, and it has suffered a big loss in the emerging Internet industry. All aspects have been targeted by the elders, and many areas belonging to themselves have been penetrated by the tentacles of the Supreme Council.

If this continues, the entire group will be annexed silently by the Great Elder.

Under such extreme pressure, Lin Yabo had no choice but to agree to the conditions of the Emperor Augustig, and signed the "Lin Ao Friendly Business Agreement" with the Hughes Crassus Empire in exchange for greater support.

In order to create more bugmen as soon as possible, Lin Yabo desperately squeezed the civilians in the territory frantically.

Time is running out, and the development speed of the main forces in the empire has surpassed itself, not to mention the Great Elder, the biggest beneficiary of the development of the empire. The expansion speed of the imperial army has exceeded imagination, and the empire's arsenal will not go out all night. If things go on like this, the empire will usher in an even more suffocating rule. The Great Elder will become the absolute ruler, and there is no room for resistance.

What's even more frightening is that the empire has already set off on the road to nuclear weapons.

If the research on this devastating weapon is successful, then his bug-human troops will be useless, and the Qin Group has already taken the lead by one position, the Great Elder is closely behind, and all major forces are also ready to move.

Therefore, Lin Yabo knew it was time when the worm army just broke through one million.

If it drags on, the gap will only get wider and wider, and the consumption of the bugman is also very high, and he can hardly afford it anymore.

Ever since the old lair Dunzhou was broken, Lin Yabo abandoned it and built a new lair in Fazhou. It faces the Qinhai Sea in the east and is convenient for transporting insects on the three major routes.

Lin Yabo built a large number of insect nests here. The insects like to sleep in dark and humid places, which can greatly reduce their nutrient intake. Therefore, the insect nests are all built underground near the coast.

Lin Yabo demolished a large area of ​​slums and fishermen's settlements to build insect nests. Anyone who resisted was thrown to feed the insects.

In his opinion, these trash pariahs have only this effect.

At the beginning, he was a little restrained, but later on, Lin Yabo became more unscrupulous.

He no longer needs to be restrained.

Rebellion is a matter of time, and everyone knows it well.

"It's nice not to be bound by Li Yongxing's stupid imperial law."

Lin Yabo watched another car of untouchables being dumped into the insect nest with howls, and the awakened insects screamed violently. The screams of human beings had never been so pleasant to his ears.

"It's almost as if the shackles have been released and I can breathe freely."

Luo Nuo smiled and nodded, "That's right, I feel extremely suffocated when I think that we have to compromise with these rubbish."

It hasn't been long since Zhao Chong, the commander of the Southern District, has officially joined the Lin Yabo Group, and he hasn't fully accepted the group's atmosphere. He still feels a little creepy when he hears the sound of cracking bones and the sound of insects eating.

He asked in a low voice: "Master Lin, are we going to start?"

Lin Yabo sneered, "Is there any way out?"

Sensing the unfriendly gazes around him, Zhao Chong swallowed his saliva and said, "Well, Master Lin, I'm afraid we are no match for the Great Elder. The number of the Imperial Army has exceeded 2.5 million, the number of tanks has exceeded 15,000, and the fighter jets have returned to the pre-war level. The Great Elder occupies all the elite areas in the eastern part of the empire. The logistics reserve is sufficient. We only have the power of eight states. The gap is too big. How about...waiting?"

Luo Nuo shook his head: "Wait any longer, the gap will only get bigger and bigger."

Lin Yabo said indifferently: "Old Zhao, you don't think we are joking, do you?"

Zhao Chong was startled, and felt a chill creep up his back. He immediately said, "No, of course not. I'm just a suggestion. I also want to overthrow the Great Elder and follow Master Lin to rule the empire."

Lin Yabo smiled and said, "That's good."

He patted Zhao Chong on the shoulder, and said comfortingly: "Don't be afraid, we have a million bug people army, and more than 100 thousand bug people join every month, and we still have 400 thousand regular troops. If we can plunder more resources, we will have more soldiers, more bug people, and it will only be a matter of time before we defeat the Supreme Council."

Zhao Chong heard the implication from Lin Yabo's words.

"Aren't we going to fight the Supreme Council directly?"

Lin Yabo smiled and said, "Of course not. There are so many wolves in the empire, who would rush to the front to chew on this tough bone?"

He made a fist movement: "Perimmons, of course pick the soft ones and pinch them."

Zhao Chong also showed a smile on his face, the power of the Great Elder still remained in his heart, not directly fighting the Supreme Council made him less afraid.

"Master Lin, which soft persimmons shall we pick first?"

"Naturally, they are scattered small forces."

Lin Yabo unfolded the map, and everyone gathered together, his finger pointing on the map.

"First Zezhou, then Zhongzhou, then East Qinzhou, and then flatten Changshan County. As long as we grasp this transportation hub, we can sit firmly on Diaoyutai."

Everyone's eyes moved with Lin Yabo's fingers, looking at the passing route, showing fascinated expressions, as if they had already occupied it.

Zhao Chong was also intoxicated for a while, but he soon had another question: "Will the Great Elder sit back and watch our actions?"

Lin Yabo laughed and said, "The Great Elders won't move. They fight us rashly, aren't they afraid of being taken advantage of by others? The empire is surrounded by wolves, and it is the most correct choice to try every means to instigate wolves to fight among themselves and reap the benefits of the fisherman themselves."

"That's right."

Rono showed a cold smile.

"What we have to do is to expand our power as soon as possible. As long as the empire begins to split, His Majesty the God Emperor and the countries of the world will not give up such a good opportunity. When they send troops to intervene, the water will be muddied. Whoever can have the last laugh will be up to their own ability."

Lin Yabo smiled darkly: "And we occupy a lot of territory and take over a lot of industries, especially factories and network companies in Changshan County, so we have the confidence to survive this storm."

Luo Nuo sneered and said, "That little bastard must never have imagined that all the hard work he did was to make wedding dresses for others."

"You brat, what do you know?"

As soon as this name was mentioned, Lin Yabo's face darkened. It was forced to come to this point. If Changshan County hadn't destroyed a large number of their industries, they could have carried out a more complete plan, and they didn't have to sign such a harsh treaty with the Emperor.

"I will teach him a good lesson. Wealth without power to guard is just a cloud."

Luo Nuo said with a smile: "This profound saying cannot be understood without 30 years of experience in brutal struggle. That kid is not even 30 years old. This is a truth that he will never understand in his whole life."

Lin Yabo said arrogantly: "Young people want to be in power, so wait another hundred years. He has created so much wealth for us. He is really a good dog. I will thank him very much."

Everyone laughed.

A confidant brings wine and glasses.

Lin Yabo poured the red wine himself and toasted.

"Cheers to our victory."

Ping, the three glasses collided together, making a crisp sound, and the bright red wine was rippling in the clear crystal, just like before.

"Cheers." Everyone replied in unison, and drank the red wine in one gulp.

Behind them, the insect nest gradually quieted down, and the insect people fell back into a deep sleep satisfied after eating the fresh ingredients.

The logistics officer was delighted that he was able to save some money on bugger supplies again.

The master will be happy, he can get some more.

"It seems that we need to find more untouchables to feed the bugs."

The logistics officer thought silently, and suddenly saw the refugee camp across the bay in the distance.

His eyes lit up immediately.


At the end of winter, on the same day that Li Yongxing led his army to defeat the Pope.

The Lin Yabo Group released the announcement "Ten Crimes Against the Great Elder of the Empire", publicly accusing the Great Elder of being the real murderer of the imperial emperor Li Longxing and the mastermind behind all the crimes.

However, Lin Yabo and others with a sense of justice, after enduring for a long time, could not survive the moral condemnation in their hearts, disclosed the truth, and vowed to seek justice for the admired emperor Li Longxing, so as to practice the justice of the empire, and hope that people with lofty ideals in the world can help them fight against it.

Immediately, the eight states controlled by the Lin Yabo Group declared their secession from the empire, and Zhao Chong, the commander of the southern region, rebelled.

The Imperial Civil War officially broke out.

Zhao Chong's troops were swift, and within three days they captured Zezhou, which had just experienced the Battle of the Papal States.

Zezhou changed hands three times within two years, an achievement that is unprecedented.

The soldiers of the 400,000 troops pointed directly at Zhongzhou.

At present, it is only a regular battle, and Lin Yabo's insectoid troops have not yet shown up.

The governor of Zhongzhou, Wang Bo'an, is one of the two extant governors-in-chief and retains military power. He immediately asked for help from all parties and defended with soldiers.

However, there was no movement from the Grand Elder. Since Lin Yabo's announcement was released, the Supreme Council has only published a few clarification articles, claiming that the Grand Elder is a close friend of the former emperor Li Longxing, and that the two parties have a very good personal relationship. Li Longxing often told them that the empire does not need an emperor, but only four Grand Elders.

They also produced a lot of evidence to prove that Lin Yabo was the murderer who assassinated Li Longxing. Lin Yabo was the biggest liar in the history of the empire. His rebellion was only for his own selfishness, and using Li Longxing as a banner was an insult to him.

The two sides began a war of words, but the voice that really represented Li Longxing was drowned out. The person lying in Changshan County was proved to be a ridiculous dummy.

Whether it is the Great Elder or Lin Yabo, they all agree that Li Longxing is dead, Li Longxing must die, and they are the ones who inherit Li Longxing's will of fire.

As for Changshan County and Lin Wen, it's cool to stay there.

first princess? Naturally, he was coerced by the evil dragon in Changshan County to say those words against his will.

So, warriors of the empire, go and save the princess.

Although Changshan County is not what it used to be, its voice is still not as loud as those old groups.

Moreover, during the war, there is no need to worry about the laws of the empire. All news newspapers are under control, and all manuscripts must be reviewed before they can be published. Even the Internet is no exception. If a physical disconnection occurs, no hacker of any kind can save it.

In this way, Changshan County's voice was blocked.

The Empire has officially entered a period of civil war.

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