Qin Luoshuang has been busy and busy recently. The defeat of Lin Yabo Group made Changshan County officially take a big step forward, and the situation that she could not have dreamed of before seems to be gradually approaching her.

Not only can she build a paradise that shelters a small number of people, but she can also change the tragic fate of more people.

The ideal is gradually approaching her, and the nightmare reality is gradually melting away. A large number of civilians have been rescued from Lin Yabo's sweatshops, and a large number of refugees have been rescued by rescuers. Countless people cheered for Lin Yabo's collapse because of their arrival.

Whenever she sees such a scene and sees the smiles on people's faces, she feels genuinely happy.

And when she drove the Strike Liberty through a city, all the people and staff stood up and waved to her.

Cheers like a tide resounded throughout the city, and countless people flocked to get closer to this miraculous creation that brought them the gospel like an angel. Qin Luoshuang had never felt so happy for a moment. All her ideals, dreams, and ambitions were perfectly realized at this moment.

Happiness and happiness are contagious, Qin Luoshuang has always believed in this.

Her current happiness is that these countless people have passed their happiness to her.

"Qin, come on."

Qin Luoshuang encouraged herself in her heart.

"You are no worse than Lin Wen."


This beautiful atmosphere was destroyed by Xia Xiaoxiang.

During this time, Xia Xiaoxiang called her every day, either to urge her to cook the raw rice quickly, or to scare her, saying that Lin Wen had cheated and other nonsense.

It annoyed Qin Luoshuang so much that she felt like the legendary older saint was urged to marry by her parents.

For the first time, she blocked her best friend so as not to disturb her work.

Xia's nonsense was totally out of tune, and Qin Luoshuang didn't believe it at all. Li Linyue had indeed been chatting with her a while ago, saying that Lin Wen was going to build her a mecha, and asked her how best to open Lin Wen's mecha.

Xiao Lin was considered to be a better girlfriend, so Qin Luoshuang didn't hold anything back, and told her basically what she knew, and even accidentally revealed Lin Wen's eccentricities while complaining.

Xiao Lin didn't speak at that time, but her eyes were shining brightly.

Qin Luoshuang didn't think too deeply, busy affairs took up most of her time.

Gathering the troops, inspecting the loot, chasing down the scattered insects, sweeping up the bandits, clearing up all kinds of secret agents and spies, and sending troops to garrison some checkpoint areas bordering the Supreme Council, etc., Qin Luoshuang was very busy.

When she finally returned to Changshan County, her assault Liberty had been strengthened, and Lin Wen fulfilled her promise ahead of time, giving Guangyi the ability to advance.

The second mecha was also built, Li Linyue's joy was so radiant, it was like a different person.

The Strike Princess is really beautiful, even Qin Luoshuang is a little bit envious.

Of course, she still prefers her freedom to strike in comparison.

Qin Luoshuang took the time to exchange experience, techniques and tactical essentials with her, and told her how to kill the enemy on the battlefield in order to deter the enemy to the greatest extent, protect the friendly army, and play the role of a big robot, and promised to fight side by side with her in the following battles and kill the enemy together.

The communication with Xiao Lin was very pleasant. The picture of two unprecedented big robots galloping on the battlefield makes people excited just thinking about it.

There was no doubt in Qin Luoshuang's heart anymore, and she forgot all Xia Xiaoxiang's words.

The empire has not been peaceful during this time, and under the changing situation, no one is sure what will happen in the next moment. The demise of the Lin Yabo Group was big news in the empire. The strong rise of the Changshan Group has attracted the attention of all parties, and their attitudes towards Changshan County have also changed.

The first is the sharp increase in the number of spies, especially intelligence spies targeting officials for bribery.

The security department in Changshan County was operating crazily, and a tit-for-tat struggle was launched in the special field. Li Linyue also began to play her role as the director of the county hall, issuing stern warnings within the system, declaring that espionage is an unforgivable act of betrayal, and conducting anti-espionage training for officials.

After that, the transactions between all parties and Changshan County were basically interrupted, and only the Supreme Council still maintained basic contacts.

However, the market in Changshan County is now big enough and has a certain ability to adjust. Xiao Xiao, the god of economics and winner in life, is frantically deploying production and trying to maintain a balance between supply and demand.

In the end, there are more people who want to cooperate with them on a deeper level.

Not only the official ones, but also those inside the empire, as well as those outside the empire, among the people. Countless people seemed to spring up like mushrooms overnight.

In order to deal with this wave of people, everyone worked overtime. All defectors from the people followed the normal procedures. Those inside the empire were all received by Qin Luoshuang, and those outside the empire were all received by Li Linyue.

Everyone has a clear division of labor, which can be regarded as well-organized.

However, this also made many people wonder why the legendary Sheriff Lin always disappeared?

Could it be that he was emptied? Or in captivity? Is the real speaker in Changshan County, Qin Luoshuang who represents the new Qin family, or the first princess who represents the royal family? Or is it Zhao Minggong? Yang Shaohu?

Even Fang Dashan and others were suspicious.

Gossip spreads everywhere, but it is not known whether it is true or not.

But in the eyes of everyone in Changshan County, these rumors are really worthless, and they don't even bother to respond. Sheriff Lin has always been indifferent, so how could he handle such a small matter personally?

In the minds of everyone, what Sheriff Lin is doing must be earth-shattering events. Whenever Sheriff Lin shows up suddenly, it proves that their careers will have substantial development again.

Of course, this is actually a misunderstanding. Most of the time Lin Wen does some very ordinary and common little things.

He only comes out to solve problems when big things happen, so it gives people such a wrong impression.

It's the same now, Lin Wen is making red horns for Xia Xiaoxiang, this thing is a standard stupid big and thick robot, with a thick one highlighted.

Although it doesn't look like a lady's car, the driver's surname is Xia, so it's a predestined relationship.

In order to build this robot, Lin Wen went to Fermi to reach an agreement, requiring Fermi to provide him with the required equipment on a regular basis.

Fermi was not going to agree, but Lin Wen handwritten a theory of relativity, and Fermi, whose soul was shocked, immediately agreed, and even changed the note on the warehouse to read: "Welcome Sheriff Lin to enter."

Once the material problem is solved, everything else is easy. Lin Wen has no scruples at all in the [Qiankun Refining] under "Mayfly One Dream", and uses it at will.

During the period before and after he killed Lin Yabo, as soon as Lin Wen closed his eyes, the rain of golden light in front of his eyes would not stop. The huge amount of good fortune gave him more luck.

With the support of fortune, what else could be the problem?

Therefore, based on the manufacturing experience of the first two robots, Lin Wen copied a third robot with a completely different appearance but the same interior design.

The only difference is that Lin Wen specially built an accelerator into it, so that it can explode at a triple speed at a critical moment.

After this set, Lin Wen is already very proficient, saving a lot of spells and luck.

Coupled with the newly acquired luck, Lin Wen decided to simply build Yun Qingshui's robot as well.

Choose Tie'ao as the model, as long as you can move it when the time comes.

After the really stupid and thick Tie'ao was built, Lin Wen's technology has also reached its peak, and his understanding of robots has reached an unprecedented height, and he can start to mass-produce metal robots.

The remaining colonizers in Changshan County can still make nine sets, and Lin Wen built nine sets in one go.

Seven of them correspond to the seven generals, and there are two more. Lin Wen erased the master mode of the Primarch, and it will recognize the first person who boarded it as the master.

In this way, they can serve as rewards for those who excel.

The specific allocation method is determined by the command itself.

It is also possible to change the owner of the original plant, but it is more cumbersome. Lin Wen also handed over this technology to Qin Luoshuang. If someone dies in battle in the future, the robot will not be useless.

In this way, the number of large robots in Changshan County suddenly increased to thirteen.

In the foreseeable future, they will write their own legends on the battlefield.

But at present, Lin Wen can't deliver the goods yet.

The production of Fermi's equipment is very slow, and Lin Wen's luck is not enough. Some functions have not been implemented yet, and there are still some details. Lin Wen thinks that it can be improved.

Currently, only the Strike Liberty and Strike Princess are actually delivered.

While Lin Wen was in full swing transforming the giant robot, the mecha army didn't stop expanding.

With the enhanced operation of the expanded production line and the full deployment and support of materials and equipment from various places, a large number of recruits were able to join the army, and the number of soldiers exceeded 350,000.

In order to enable new recruits to integrate into the team faster, the Mecha Corps started a large-scale exercise.

The initial exercise was relatively smooth, and the soldiers quickly mastered classic tactics such as running and fighting, roundabout interspersed, and reckless face-to-face.

Just when the command wanted to further deepen the training, it suddenly discovered a serious problem.

Their satellite signal is out of order.

After strict inspection, it was found that the corresponding satellite channel was no longer open to them.

Not only the military, but civilian signals have also stopped.

This has a big impact. All long-distance communications in Changshan County use satellite signals, and ground signals or digital signals cannot cover the battlefield.

Qin Luoshuang immediately found Lin Wen and told him about the problem.

"It must be the elder."

Qin Luoshuang said.

"They're starting to check and balance us."

Lin Wen's research is at a critical moment, slightly impatient: "Don't we have satellites?"

Qin Luoshuang looked at him like an alien: "Don't you know if we have satellites?"

Lin Wen said unhappily: "Don't the elder want money?"

Qin Luoshuang sighed: "Lin Wen, the interests of the groups are multi-faceted, and we also need the channel of the Supreme Council to sell products. The Great Elder has not moved any other cooperation projects, which means that they have more cards than us and can sanction us, but it is difficult for us to counter sanction them unless we completely tear ourselves apart."

Of course this is not acceptable.

The highest meeting is the largest buyer and largest sales channel of Changshan County's bulk commodities. Electronic products and network products in Changshan County are still popular in the highest meeting's site, and the profits have returned a lot.

The newly occupied seven states are not enough to support all the industries in Changshan County.

If it is interrupted, it will be very detrimental to the Mecha Corps, which is expanding at its best.

Lin Wen was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said directly: "Okay, I will solve it."

"Lin Wen." Qin Luoshuang's expression was slightly gloomy, "I have already prepared some deals, and I will give up some benefits to the First Elder. If the negotiations go well, our loss will not be too great..."

Lin Wen waved his hand: "Give me a fart, let's build satellites ourselves."

Qin Luoshuang asked in surprise: "Do we have satellites? Mr. Fei did say that the technical difficulty of satellites is not high, but it is very difficult to send satellites into the predetermined orbit."

Lin Wen said impatiently, "I shoot myself."

Qin Luoshuang was even more surprised: "Do we have rockets?"

Hearing this question, Lin Wen smiled.




Lin Wen kicked up a piece of scrap iron, jumped, and flew out of the warehouse standing on the scrap iron.

Only Qin Luoshuang was left standing alone in the huge warehouse, and the huge shadow of the unfinished red horned triple speed overwhelmed her.

Qin Luoshuang covered her face with helplessness.

"Here again, this guy is really unscientific..."

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