Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 639: The Tears of the Satellite

As we all know, the first cosmic speed is the speed at which an object makes a circular motion around a planet.

Below this speed it will fall, above this speed it will fly out.

But if you just fly out of the planet, you don't need such a high speed, just work vertically against the gravitational force.

Ordinary rockets don't do this because they are too heavy, and it is the least effort to fly along the tangent of the planet's rotation.

But Lin Wen was different. He only weighed 70 kilograms, and the iron block under his feet only weighed 5 kilograms, making the total weight 75 kilograms.

[Imperial Art] Once opened, just go straight up.

It happened that there was also a "Boiled Dragon Fruit", which could halve the consumption of [Imperial Object Art], so Lin Wen didn't have any scruples, and went straight to heaven on the spot.

Soon, Lin Wen broke through the troposphere and came to the stratosphere.

The temperature dropped sharply, and the air became thinner and thinner. Lin Wen activated [Qi Ban Shen Li] [Spirit of the Civet Cat] and [Void Seeing Form].

Among them, [Void Seeing Form] is the most important. This spell can make him turn inward, without breathing, and protect him from cold and heat.

But after all, he was going to outer space. For the sake of safety, Lin Wen opened [Recruiting Clouds and Protecting the Moon], [Spiritual Nectar] and [Clairvoyant Eye].

With the decrease of air resistance, the effectiveness of [Imperial Object Technique] was greatly improved, and Lin Wen's speed increased steadily, and soon broke through the stratosphere and reached the middle layer.

Here, he can already overlook the entire empire.

Lin Wen continued to fly upwards, and it didn't take long for him to break through the middle layer and reach the outer layer.

The atmosphere here is extremely thin, less than one trillionth of that on the ground, and the air resistance is close to zero.

Elementary school students who have learned Newton's theorem know that in the absence of resistance, objects can only move at a constant speed or accelerate. What [Feiwushu] needs to fight against is only the gravitational force of the planets getting smaller and smaller.

About an hour later, Lin Wen broke through the outer layer and officially came to the cosmic space. [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] sounded a slight warning. The cosmic rays broke through the magic defense and caused slight damage to his body, but [Spiritual Nectar] repaired it in an instant.

As long as there is no sudden burst of high-energy gamma rays, there is no problem.

Lin Wen looked around, seeing no difference from the previous ones, and suddenly lost interest.

He asked [Ask Yu Tian] a question:

[Where are the satellites near me? 】

Consumption: 25%


[Explorer 1 satellite, orbital inclination 33.34, perigee 360 ​​kilometers, apogee 2531 kilometers, period 114 minutes...]

[Laikai satellite, orbital inclination 33.37...]

A series of data reports came out.

Lin Wen began to adjust his position according to the data. In an environment with no gravity and no resistance, the efficiency of [Imperial Art] is very high and the consumption is very low.

Soon, Lin Wen arrived on the predetermined track.

Suddenly, [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] began to call the police sternly, Lin Wen quickly recovered, and pulled himself down violently.


A black shadow rushed past the head at an unimaginable speed.

It is the satellites orbiting at the first cosmic velocity.

If this thing hits the body, it cannot be defended by ordinary spells.

It is not an easy thing to stop it.

How to do it?

Lin Wen thought about it for a moment, and decided to use the big move. He used the [Destiny Morning Star] to strengthen the [Small Incarnation], and then summoned the avatar and possessed him.

In this way, he has a temporary cultivation base, and can use some of his own spells without damage, without consuming the primordial spirit.

After strengthening, the avatar's possession state became stronger. Lin Wen felt the surge of mana all over his body. Under the operation of spiritual power, his thinking was clear, his perception was sharp, and everything was reflected in his heart like a mirror.

With a wave of his hand, thousands of magical auras flew out, forming a magic net in mid-air.

Lin Wen flew to another track, opened the French Open, and in an instant, a black shadow crashed into the French Open.

The spiritual light flashed, and the French Open stretched rapidly, rushing straight thousands of meters away.

But the inspiration continued, and the French Open was not broken.

In the end, the satellite ran out of energy and stopped slowly. The French Open retracted and sent the satellite to Lin Wen.

It has no damage, and the long solar lens wings are also intact. The main body is a large iron box three meters square, with only a signal transmitter at one end and a retractable lens.

It doesn't look particularly advanced either.

Lin Wen studied it for a while, but he didn't know what it was used for or how to operate it.

"Take it first."

A ray of spiritual light stretched out, bound the satellite, and dragged it behind.

Lin Wen quickly flew upwards, continuing to capture satellites in higher orbits.

At the same time, news of satellites losing contact appeared one after another on the ground. At first, they thought it was an accident, but as more and more satellites lost contact, the world's major powers and factions felt something was wrong.

Southwest District.

Frontline command post.

The fierce fighting that was going on has all subsided.

Qin Gang frowned and asked, "Most of the reconnaissance satellites, weather satellites, communication satellites, broadcast satellites, and navigation satellites have lost contact?"

The scientist at the satellite station replied: "Yes, commander, they all lost contact within a few hours."

Chief of Internal Affairs Lei Xiangwen frowned and said, "Did it go off track? Or was the communication code cracked?"

The scientist shook his head: "Impossible."

The generals all looked at each other in blank dismay. Satellite communication is a very important part of war. Without it, they can only use ground wired communication.

Not only is it cumbersome, but there is a risk of disruption.

A general suddenly asked, "Is it the Western Federation's fault?"

"That's right, the old witch helped us launch satellites at a very cheap price. There must be ghosts. She must have tampered with our satellites."

Qin Gang was silent for a while, and said: "Send a letter to question the Holy Maiden of the Federation, the attack plan remains unchanged, and the communication is switched to the ground backup link."

"Yes!" All the generals arrived in unison.

And this scene is being staged one after another in various places. Even the satellite communication agency of the Supreme Council is looking for their satellites.

But due to tense relations everywhere, the news did not spread.

All major forces tightly covered their covers, trying to pretend that the communication was normal and that they were not affected in any way.

But after excluding all possible factors, they all began to wonder in their hearts whether someone had developed the legendary satellite space-based weapon and knocked down their satellite.

No one knows that Lin Wen is in the outer orbit, like fishing, netting a large number of satellites, hanging behind his buttocks and floating.

[Small Incarnation] is indeed a very powerful spell. It used to shine on the battlefield of the Papal State.

It's just that because of its high consumption, Lin Wen rarely uses it.

After it was strengthened, its power went up to a higher level. Lin Wen soared freely in space, constantly using [Ask in the Sky] to locate and frantically capture satellites in orbit.

From low orbit to high orbit, if the avatar was not too expensive and the duration was too long, Lin Wen would like to surf the Internet here for a day and put all the satellites in his pocket.

But this is outer space after all, if the primordial spirit is used up and the spell is over, then he will become garbage floating in the abyss of space forever if he is not careful.

That's no fun at all.

So, with one hour left in the spell, Lin Wenzhi chose to return.

His primordial spirit is less than 100% left, and there is not much luck left.

Although there are still several satellites in orbit, it is now necessary to turn back.

Lin Wen sighed softly, turned around and flew towards the ground. There was a long string of auras hanging from his waist, and there were hundreds of satellites in full.

It is still a little difficult to return to the atmosphere with these hundreds of tons of satellites.

But it doesn’t work if you don’t return. These satellites need to be adjusted and modified before they can become satellites of Changshan County and be used by Changshan County.

Lin Wen couldn't do this in space.

Can only go back to the ground first.

Lin Wen tried to use the [Imperial Art] to hold up these hundreds of satellites, but obviously the hundreds of tons of things have exceeded its limit, and with the "Beautiful Dragon Fruit" halved, the primordial spirit also dropped rapidly.

Lin Wen had no choice but to use spiritual light to assist in slowing down, and the duration of the avatar decreased rapidly, so he could only grit his teeth and persist.

Under the dual effects of [Imperial Object Art] and incarnation, these hundreds of satellites finally landed safely, right on the wharf in Changshan County.

It was already late at night, and Lin Wen really didn't want to move, so he called Fermi to come and pick up the goods, and went back to sleep by himself.

Even if you want to send satellites into the sky, you can't do it if you don't have enough Yuanshen.

Fermi was woken up in the middle of the night and had to bring a lot of assistants to the pier. When he saw the satellites lying scattered on the pier like garbage, he thought he was hallucinating.

And when they confirmed that it was all genuine satellites.

All the jaws broke free from the shackles of the mandible.


In order for Fermi to work with peace of mind, Lin Wen had to make up a story about an expert who did not want to be named, and it was the satellite he donated.

As for why these satellites are all unfolded, and some are even still working, that is naturally a secret that cannot be disclosed.

Soon, with the efforts of all the staff of the No. 99 Science Research Institute, the system of these two hundred and thirty-one satellites was all reset, and a new key was added to become satellites of Changshan County.

Changshan County specially rebuilt a satellite station to communicate with these satellites.

Fermi re-planned their orbits, but the problem came again, what should we do if there is no rocket in Changshan County?

Qin Luoshuang contacted the only person who was able and willing to help them.

Saint Singh of the Western Federation.

However, due to Lin Wen's fooling last time, she retaliated by asking a sky-high price: "A satellite is 10 billion yuan, no counter-offering, pay first and then launch, and take no responsibility for the rocket leaving the ground."

The look of whether he wants to or not makes the people who go to negotiate very angry.

Everyone in Changshan County was sad because of this, but they didn't blame Lin Wen. After all, the wave of Changshan County benefited a lot and solved their urgent needs.

The dowry gift of the saint is indeed very generous. It is no wonder that she is so angry after being cheated of so much money.

But now the question is what to do?

Without satellite communication, the battlefield cannot be covered, and the ground link capability of Changshan County is very weak, and the mecha corps most need to maintain contact to exert tactical power.

Many of their communication mechanisms are based on satellite communications.

Qin Luoshuang asked: "Mr. Fei, Mr. Hai, if we build rockets ourselves, how long will it take?"

Mr. Fei shook his head slightly: "This is a systematic project. The development time of Changshan County is still short, and it will take a long time to accumulate."

Hai Damo said: "The only feasible way is that we can buy some rocket parts and assemble them into rockets, and maybe we can quickly send these satellites to the established orbits."

"It's difficult." Mr. Fei still shook his head: "None of us are rocket experts. Launching rockets is the real problem."

Everyone fell silent, and only Li Linyue seemed relaxed in the whole meeting place, smiling and saying, "I believe Dad...Lin Wen will have a solution."

Qin Luoshuang hesitated for a moment, but still shook Lin Wen over.

Lin Wen yawned and said with a look of lack of sleep: "What are you worried about? I said that the satellite will be sent into the sky in a while. You can prepare 3,000 tons of liquid hydrogen and oxygen for me, and then pack the satellite for me."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and when Fermi was about to ask again, Lin Wen had already left.

two days later.

Lin Wen finally saved another 10,000 good fortunes, and drew a bill.

This time I was very lucky and got the "Chang Hai Sang Tian".

"The vicissitudes of life": move the soul of the future to the present, the farther in the future, the more the soul will be consumed.

This is luck.

Lin Wen laughed for a moment, his Yuanshen had just recovered to 200, and he was worried that it was not enough.

With "Shanghai Changtian", then there is no problem.

Lin Wen directly filled up the Yuanshen, and then started rubbing the rocket with his hands.

Since the launch this time is to carry a satellite weighing hundreds of tons, it is no longer realistic to use [Imperial Art], and rockets must be used.

Lin Wen rubbed a shell imitating the Mercury 5, filled it with 3,000 tons of liquid hydrogen and oxygen, and then stuffed the packed satellites into it.

The whole rocket looks like a big fat man, too fat.

Lin Wen processed the shape a little bit so as not to be unscientific.

In this way, the "Mercury V" was officially completed.

This is an indescribably gigantic rocket. It is 100 meters high, 100 meters wide, and weighs 4,000 tons. There is no electrical equipment inside, only fuel, packed satellites, and some necessary mechanical structures. It is completely an empty shell.

In order to avoid falling apart, Lin Wen used [Qiankun Refining] to slightly strengthen some of the shells and key bearing points.

Afterwards, Lin Wen strengthened the [Paper Puppet] with the [Destiny Morning Star], and made more than 50,000 pieces of paper puppet talisman in one go, all of which were pasted inside the rocket.

Lin Wen asked, "Can you fly?"

Rocket waved a hatch on the fuselage and made a Dangdang sound, indicating that it was okay.

"Okay, then get ready to take off."

Lin Wen sat in the cockpit of the rocket, ready to start the first manned space flight in the human history of this world.

Before taking off, Lin Wen called Fermi and Hai Damer.

"Hey, Mr. Fei, Mr. Hai, I'm ready to launch the rocket."


Fermi and Haidama exclaimed in unison, they are still calculating the orbit and angle.

Hai Damo shouted wildly: "Sheriff Lin, we are not ready yet!"

Fermi knew Lin Wen better, and immediately asked, "When is it expected to take off?"


"Ten months later?" Hai Damo asked, "This is too fast, it's better to extend it a bit!"


"Nine months?" Haida said anxiously, "It's too short, we will definitely fail."


Fermi and Hai Damer glanced at each other, and asked tentatively, "Eight days?"


A bad thought came to Fermi's mind: "Seven hours?"

Hai Damer grabbed his hair violently: "Wait, wait, I haven't finished calculating the trajectory yet..."


Fermi's heart sank: "Six minutes?"


Hai Damo said angrily: "What time is it, tell me!"

"Four three two one."


A huge roar resounded throughout Changshan County, Fermi and Hai Damer rushed out of the laboratory, and everyone in the research institute came out, all looking up into the distance.

In the distance, a huge flame illuminated the sky, dragging the huge rocket like a column into the sky.

Fermi and Haidamer's jaws were almost broken. This is a super rocket carrying 3,000 tons of fuel and 231 satellites. How could it be launched suddenly in just a few days?

Moreover, looking at the steady jetting of flames and the stable flight of the rocket, at least at this moment, it is successful.

This also works?

Fermi and Haidamer felt that their three views were about to burst.

Are there really miracles in this world?

Everyone was on a pilgrimage, watching the rocket's long trail dissipate in the sky.

No problems until it was out of sight.

Later, the radio broadcast the news of the successful launch of the first rocket in Changshan County, "Mercury 5". The announcer said in an excited tone: "...this is an unprecedented rocket. It created many historical records, broke through the bottlenecks of countless fields, and realized the miracle of manned spaceflight for the first time..."

Fermi and Haidamer looked at each other, manned spaceflight?

Hai Dame asked tentatively, "Who is on the rocket?"

A bad premonition arose in Fermi's heart, and he immediately called Lin Wen, but he couldn't get through.

Hai Damo couldn't believe it: "Sheriff Lin went to the sky in person? Does he have a space suit? Does he have a return capsule?"

Fermi was even more anxious: "The orbit of the rocket seems wrong, it is not along the tangent line of rotation, maybe it has deviated from the course."

"No, Lao Fei, aren't you scaring me?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, use monitoring instruments to measure the rocket's trajectory, contact the people at the Mars Launch Center, there may be room for recovery."

However, they didn't expect that in the newly established rocket launch center, there are only a bunch of paper puppets, they will only reply thank you, you have received it, if you are satisfied, please press 1, if you are very satisfied, please press 2, if you are very satisfied, please press 3.


on the rocket.

Lin Wen asked, "Is the condition okay?"

Rocket patted a lid on the cockpit, saying it was okay.

"Is it hot?"

Rocket fanned the lid, indicating a point.

Lin Wen thought for a while, and used a [Frost and Cold Technique], and a burst of cold air spread from the cockpit to the shell of the rocket.

Rocket happily patted the lid, expressing his comfort.

"How much fuel is left?"

The rocket lifts the lid two-thirds of the way up, indicating that it still has two-thirds of fuel left.

"Well, in this case, it should be no problem to reach the upper orbit."

While the rocket was flying, Lin Wen kept using [Immortal Guidance] to determine the direction, and used [Imperial Art] to fine-tune the angle of the rocket.

About three hours later, the rocket reached the high-level orbit, and the paper puppet used up the last time to spit out the satellite from its stomach, ending its short but brilliant life.

After all, it is a big thing of several thousand tons, and the tens of thousands of reinforced paper figures are a bit reluctant, and the spell time is exhausted ahead of time.

It was much easier in a zero-gravity environment. Lin Wen flew to the predetermined orbit, took out the satellite from the package, turned on [Nine Bulls and Two Tigers' Power] [Qi Ban Divine Power] [Spirit of the Cat], shouted violently, threw the satellite with all his strength, and used [Imperial Art] to accelerate at full speed.

The satellite flew out along the predetermined angle, quickly reached the predetermined speed, and entered the predetermined orbit.


Lin Wen smiled and continued to launch satellites along the orbital altitude.

It didn't take long, from high to low, 231 satellites entered the predetermined orbit.

Lin Wen threw away the satellite package, laughed loudly, and dived directly to the ground.

This time there is no satellite to drag him, but he is not afraid of the heat.

【Qi forbidden divine power】 plus 【Nothing sees action】, it is enough to withstand the high temperature of thousands of degrees.

So, on a night when no one was paying attention, a meteor streaked across the sky and fell into Changshan County.

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