Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 650 Falling Blossoms into Frost

With the expansion of the defensive area and the elongation of the supply line, the battle situation began to tilt towards the Qin Group.

The Qin Group soon found another vicious move. They discovered that the Changshan County army would protect the civilians, so they aimed their firepower at the civilians and planned attacks against the civilians in order to mobilize the Changshan County Iron and Steel Corps to create loopholes and achieve the purpose of attacking the situation.

The casualties in Changshan County began to increase, and the battle gradually sank into a quagmire. Even Lin Wen, who was fully fired, could not save him.

The advance was halted, and Changshan County was forced to switch to the defensive phase.

The Qin Group took the opportunity to make a big publicity, and its largest news newspaper even used a sensational headline to describe the war situation:

[Changshan County is about to collapse]

This news report received a good response, and the world's major supporting countries have regained their confidence in Qin Gang and increased their investment.

The Saintess of the Western Union even threw a thousand planes, saying: "Blow me up Changshan County! Capture Changshan County Sheriff alive! I want to see how noble he is!"

The Commander's Mansion was full of joy, everyone thought that Commander Qin would usher in another victory for him.

The main generals of the four major armies in Changshan County also found that the situation was unfavorable. After discussing together, they decided to propose to Lin Wen that the army should retreat and abandon the two states to the west in order to shorten the supply line and the defensive area.

But Lin Wen refused and asked them to stay for a few more days.

Based on their trust in Lin Wen, everyone agreed.

Qin Luoshuang and Guo Feng came up with a dynamic defense method and used the power of the big robot as much as possible to reduce losses.

As a result, twenty-two large robots were scattered on this large piece of land, actively responding to the enemy's attack.

This does reduce losses, but it also gives the enemy the opportunity to wipe out individually.

Qin Gang keenly sensed the opportunity of war, and planned to launch a raid against the giant robots. As long as these iconic creations could be destroyed, it would definitely deal a heavy blow to the morale of Changshan County.

the other side.

Lin Wen was also in a hurry.

With the destruction of the Qin Group, not only did his good karma decrease drastically, but even bad karma emerged.

Lin Wen is also planning to draw the fourth "Bitter Sea" class luck channel, and wants to see if there is a more economical way to build an aerospace carrier.

But not anymore.

Lin Wen glanced at the backup spirits that had accumulated more than 20,000 yuan, and decided to use this card.

Lin Wen left the headquarters and found Fermi and Hai Damer. There were dozens of scientists, thousands of engineers, mechanics experts, and structural experts in the huge circular conference room.

The scene was full of blueprints, and there were at least tens of thousands of them, large and small.

Everyone was busy. When Fermi saw Lin Wen, he didn't even have time to greet him, because he was surrounded by three or four experts in various fields, who were constantly explaining and answering their questions.

Lin Wen didn't care either, and cast a spell, raising his voice and saying, "Everyone."

The roar immediately resounded throughout the audience, and everyone raised their heads.

"I ask you to complete its blueprint within half a day!"

The content of the words is more powerful than the sound.

After tens of seconds of silence, Fermi's angry voice rang out.

"This is impossible! The design of this kind of creation is normal for several years or even decades."

His speech immediately aroused a wave of approval, all voices condemning Lin Wen's disrespect for science.

Lin Wen didn't care, and said with a smile: "Everyone, listen to me. You only need to complete its basic mechanical structure. Simply put, it's enough to draw the shell. No electrical equipment, power equipment, control equipment, weapon preparation, sensors, all are unnecessary. I only need a structure and a shell."

But the remark was still met with opposition.

Everyone here regards the construction of the Helicarrier as a sacred mission, a work of art that is enough to leave a strong mark on history, and they are not reconciled to not being absolutely perfect.

Lin Wen said: "Everyone, the battle situation is urgent now, our army needs supplies, and the space carrier must be completed as soon as possible..."

A scientist retorted loudly: "Sheriff Lin, this is impossible and unscientific! Science does not serve your politicians' wars! It is noble and sacred!"

Lin Wen's face darkened.

"What is unscientific? What is sublime? Science is science. It is cold logic, a rational way of thinking, a systematic induction of human beings' understanding of objective things, and a tool to pry open the unknown. It is never sacred or sublime. It is like a scalpel in a doctor's hand. It will not be sharper because of your worship. You have to learn how to hold it instead of how to worship it! When you say this, you are unscientific!"

The man blushed, but Lin Wen didn't look at him at all, but looked at everyone, and continued.

"The essence of people's use of science is to serve mankind and exist for the happy life of mankind. If the space carrier arrives one day late, more people will die in the flames of war, and more civilians will be killed by the enemy. I don't use power to interfere with science, but I want to use power to interfere with the results. Now, give me the answer within half a day, or I will do it myself, and you all get out of here!"

After the words fell, Lin Wen stopped talking and turned to leave.

half a day later.

Fermi and Haidamer found Lin Wen in an open space, and they also brought the structure diagram of the mothership.

The drawings are very large, there are six in total, and they perfectly explain the main structure of the mothership from all aspects.

They carefully eliminated all redundant and immature structures, leaving only certain and necessary structures, leaving enough room for future perfection and improvement.

The entire space carrier has a rectangular symmetrical structure, four kilometers long, three hundred meters wide, and a surface area of ​​1.2 square kilometers, while the surface area of ​​a general aircraft carrier is only 0.012 square kilometers, that is to say, its size is one hundred times that of an aircraft carrier.

The height is ninety meters, which is less than thirty floors.

The receptor of the quantum engine is placed in the very center of the mothership, nailed into the keel girder that runs through the entire mothership, and its force is evenly distributed to the entire aerospace carrier by 21,400 structures.

Lin Wen nodded after reading it, and deduced it with magic, only changing two small structures.

"Okay, I'll start building the mothership now."

Fermi said: "I have clearly written the standards for the materials of its various parts."

Lin Wen nodded: "I know."

Hai Damo wondered: "Mr. Lin, it will take a long time to build its outline..."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "I have special scientific methods."

Slap the ground with one hand.

The green light of the spell is like a precisely guided laser, quickly scurrying underground, and wherever it passes, the soil turns into muddy water one after another.

And this piece of land, Lin Wen had already hammered it firmly with a sledgehammer.

The paper puppet came over and invited out Fermi and Hai Damo who didn't know why.

Only Lin Wen was left kneeling on one knee and pressing the ground with one hand, as if using spiritism.

For a 4,000-meter-long space carrier, the space that needs to be hollowed out is about 50 million square meters, and the general [Turn Soil into Mud] can only melt less than 5,000 square meters.

In other words, 10,000 spells are required.

This is of course impossible.

Even if there is a "spiritual void bubble", it will not work.


Lin Wen still has a way.

He used [Morning Star of Destiny] to strengthen [Turn Earth into Clay], and then double strengthened it with "Seal of the Sky".

[Turn soil into mud] It was roasted red immediately, like a boiled crab.

The power of the spell has increased by about a hundred times, which is much larger than that of [Qiankun Refining].

This may be the reason for its low grade.

In this way, with only about a hundred spells, the silhouette of the Helicarrier can be created.

The enhanced spell of "Heaven's Seal" can only be used three times, but [Turn Soil into Mud] can be cast continuously, as long as the green light continues, it will always be counted as a spell.

Lin Wen concentrated his mind and tried his best to guide the green light, making sure that there would be no mistakes.

This was a very hard job, and Lin Wen didn't finish it until the middle of the month.

Due to the problem of the structure of the mothership, [Turn Soil into Mud] was forced to be broken twice. Lin Wen couldn't finish the painting in one stroke, and used up the number of times of strengthening spells.

Lin Wen sighed slightly, and after confirming that there was no mistake with the spell, he used the "Seal of the Sky" again to strengthen the [Water God Art].

[Destiny Star] has a cooling time, and cannot be constantly replaced for enhancement.

So this time the enhancement is a little less effective, but it doesn't matter.

【Water God Art】It is impossible to interrupt, at most it just costs a little more Yuanshen.

Lin Wen activated the [Water God Art], pumped out 50 million square meters of muddy water under his feet, and poured it into the Tianjiang River not far away.

If someone can look from a distance, they will see a thick muddy yellow water column, draw a winding arc from a clearing in the mountain, and fall into the Tianjiang River, as if an angry giant is urinating on the Tianjiang River.

Due to the large amount of water, the water level of the Tianjiang River has risen a little.

About an hour later, 50 million cubic meters of mud and water were pumped out, and the structure of the space carrier did not collapse. In addition to proving that the soil was compacted by Lin Wen, it also proved that the structure of the scientists was stable enough.

Lin Wen used spells again to determine the structure of the mothership. After filling in several defects, Lin Wen started the final step.

【Finger to steel】

The essence of this spell is to absorb atoms such as iron and carbon to replace soil molecules.

And Lin Wen had already buried 700,000 tons of special steel under the soil.

In this way, not only can the consumption of spells be greatly reduced, but the mothership can also be directly constructed of special steel with light weight and high strength at one time.

Lin Wen once again strengthened [Finger Earth into Steel] with the "Seal of the Sky".

Slap the ground with one hand, and the spell is activated.

The entire land quickly changed from a khaki color visible to the naked eye to a metallic blue-gray.

The night is quiet, the world is silent.

In this way, an unprecedented miracle in human history was completed silently.

Lin Wen finally lifted the receptor disc, and the clay figurines jumped into the mothership holding the neutrino equipment.

This is a huge and empty dark world.

Among countless metal structures, Lin Wen found the central load-bearing disc, which is on a huge metal keel at least 30 meters wide, and the keel hangs in the center of the mothership, like a beam.

There are also many vertical beams that are almost as thick as it and intersect vertically with it.

The central load-bearing disc is at the center point where the keel and vertical beams intersect, and the upper and lower sides are covered with huge load-bearing columns.

Lin Wen dug out the load-bearing column bit by bit with his bare hands, put the receptor disc into the central load-bearing disc, restored the load-bearing column, sealed the central load-bearing disc permanently, and used [Qian Kun Refining] again to strengthen all the nearby load-bearing structures.

It's a pity that he can't do it anyway to strengthen the entire giant ship.

Finally, install the neutrino device in the remaining space, connect the super battery, and align the direction with the central disk.

In this way, the entire space carrier is completed.

In all fairness, its armor is very thin. Except for the very solid load-bearing structure, other parts are as fragile as paper shells in Lin Wen's eyes.

"Looks like I'm the only one who opened it myself."

Lin Wen glanced at it, and found that there were only more than 700% of the primordial spirit left, but as long as the "spiritual void bubble" was present, the primordial spirit would accumulate quickly.

There is only one last chance to strengthen the "Seal of Heaven", and Lin Wen decided to use it at the critical moment.

The consumption of the space carrier is too high.

Fortunately, it finally worked.

Next is the test flight.

Lin Wen used telepathy to give the clay figurine in the control center of the mothership an activation command.

With the connection of the current, a super-strong magnetic field appeared, rotating and changing directions, and exerted a downward force on the quantum engine original body located in the center of the giant snake.

There is an upward force on the quantum motor receptor located at the core of the space carrier.

The ground is trembling, but the thrust is not enough. Although the space carrier has a thin skin and no redundant structure, its own weight exceeds 700,000 tons.

Lin Wen ordered to increase the thrust.

The roaring sound gradually sounded, the ground trembled terribly, and the sound of huge steel moaning rang out under the night sky, which was the sound of its internal stress releasing.

Suddenly, with a bang, the ground was clearly dislocated, and a huge bluish-gray metal object rose up.

It is so huge that Lin Wen standing on it feels as if the world is rising with him.

Explosions and roars continued one after another, and the space carrier slowly rose into the sky.

It was an unprecedented colossus, the cyan metal reflected the light of the moon, and the yellow smoke trailed behind it like a long tulle.

In this way, the first space carrier in human history flew into the sky, hovering quietly under the moonlight.

It has a long deck and a towering bridge, and its perfect symmetry makes its shape extremely pleasing to the eye.

As it moves soundlessly in the night sky, it is like a floating dream of human beings.

In this way, the trial flight of the Aerospace Carrier is completed, and its operation is very simple, even elementary school students can do it.

Its speed is very fast, it can reach several times the speed of sound, and its movements are also very flexible. Most importantly, it is very quiet without any roaring noise, showing the style of high technology.

It has a load of 300,000 tons, and if the effort of handling is excluded, it only takes a few hours to transport thousands of miles.

There is no doubt that this is a super logistics platform.

With its appearance, there will no longer be any problems with the supply of Changshan County.


The next day, the news of the successful trial flight of the space carrier shocked the entire Changshan County.

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes when a huge monster several kilometers long flew in the sky.

Although Fermi and Haidamer were shocked, they had been shocked many times before, and it was barely acceptable.

The new scientists and experts were almost insane, forcing Lin Wen to call Mr. Li to come to serve them in person and enlighten them spiritually. Only then did they believe that the existence of the quantum wave construction method could indeed create miracles, and thus strengthened their scientific attitude and spirit.

Subsequently, Lin Wen officially handed over the space carrier to the military (that is, himself).

The Chief of Logistics organized more than 100,000 people to move supplies into the mothership.

In order to ensure safety, only 200,000 tons of supplies were transported, all of which were placed on the bottom of the mothership.

There are many doors with mechanical structures on the ground floor, which is very convenient.

Along with the materials, there are 100,000 logistics personnel and many forklifts and handling tools, large and small.

In the metal belly of this huge thing, they looked up at the empty interior space and the criss-crossing giant steel pillars, marveling countless times.

Although the generals on the front line already knew the news of the success of the space carrier, when it appeared on the battlefield, everyone was still too shocked to speak.

Qin Luoshuang raised her fair neck, as if looking up at her dream.

Fang Dashan, Wang Zhengwu, He Shangsheng, Xu Feili, Yang Jiewei, Jiancheng, Guo Feng and others couldn't move their eyes, they could only sigh.

"My mother..."

"My God..."

"Am I dreaming?"

The huge mothership couldn't even find a place to land on the battlefield, so it had to hover in midair.

An absolutely flat ground is required for the mothership to land, otherwise the steel shell will be torn apart.

Thousands of mechanical doors at the bottom opened, and countless materials were thrown down from a height of about ten meters.

Fortunately, this situation was considered before, and the materials were all equipped with crash pads.

In addition to ammunition supplies, the most important material is batteries.

This time, they brought a full 10,000 tons of batteries, enough to last 500,000 mechs for three days, and took back a large number of batteries that needed to be recharged, and brought them back to the charging factory in Changshan County to charge them.

Guo Feng was very excited: "We don't have to worry about power shortage anymore! There is no problem with the supply, we can continue to push forward!"

Establishing a hammer on the box: "These dogs and beasts, I want them to die!"

Xu Feili and Yang Jiewei were even more eager to fight and prepared for an assault.

That night, Guo Feng's army and Yang Jiewei's army caught the enemy by surprise. They traveled 300 kilometers in a leapfrog extreme battle overnight and defeated four divisions in a row.

On the other side, Qin Luoshuang's army commander drove straight in, rushing towards his father's base camp, Xinyang Prefecture.

Qin Gang immediately noticed the strangeness. The Changshan County Army seemed to be free from the shackles of supplies, and the offensive began to be fierce again.

While mobilizing troops for defense, he investigated the reason for the supply.

Soon, the spy sent back the news.

"The air logistics platform in Changshan County has been established."

And when the photo of the Helicarrier appeared in the commander's office, everyone couldn't believe their eyes, and even suspected that the photo was fake.

But with more and more evidence, the facts are undeniable.

The generals were all pale, feeling as if they were fighting aliens, only Qin Gang remained unchanged.


he said lightly.

"Think about it carefully, why can such a powerful warship only be transported in logistics and not go to the front line?"

With just one sentence, the generals were awakened.

If this is really the legendary Star Destroyer, wouldn't it be over if they were blown up with one shot?

Why not even go to the battlefield?

"It must be a superficial thing!" Lei Xiangwen shouted.

"Yes, we can send the air force to shoot it down!"

"Victory is still ours!"

"Long live the Commander!"

Qin Gang looked at the general who had rekindled his fighting spirit, and smiled faintly.


The war entered its fiercest stage.

Countless cannons are roaring, countless tanks are roaring, gunpowder smoke and gunfire are all over the land, and the duel between machinery and steel is staged anywhere on this land.

The Mecha Legion in Changshan County has no worries about logistics and supplies, and they don't have to worry about power. They can travel 900 kilometers in a quick march, and then quickly go into battle.

No conventional army can match this kind of mobility.

What's more, they ignore the terrain and can attack from any direction.

This leads to a very bad result, they will always face the enemy outnumbered them, and if they overcrowd, the enemy will go around and attack their hinterland, cutting off their supplies and logistics.

Everyone pinned their hopes on the air force, hoping that the fighter jets could knock down the huge space carrier and cut off their unlimited supplies.

Finally, the opportunity came.

The air force commander of the Qin Group bought a spy named Mu Wen at a huge price, and he informed the detailed route of the Changshan County Aerospace Carrier in the near future.

What's more, the handsome, intelligent, unparalleled aptitude, invincible, sweeping all over the world, Sheriff Lin is on the mother ship.

The air force commander was extremely excited and gathered all the fighter planes he could gather, specially carrying a large number of Patriot missiles to target the Dongfeng-31 flame-seeking missiles in Changshan County.

This space carrier must be shot down, and it will be done in one battle.

Four thousand fighter planes flew through the sky in a dense manner, and with an indomitable momentum, they stopped the space carrier of Changshan County in the sky above Xuzhou.

Then, all battlefield observers witnessed an unprecedented and terrifying air battle.

Star-like fireballs covered the sky, countless Patriot missiles exploded in the air, and the vigorous air-conditioning couldn't match the blazing flames.

There are too many fireballs, overwhelming the sky and covering up all other colors.

The fighters tried their best to get rid of the fireball's pursuit.

Fighter planes trailing long black smoke kept falling from the sky, and one after another fireworks bloomed in midair.

Such a beautiful and cold scene, the witnesses will never see it in their lifetime.

In this battle, four thousand fighter planes of the Qin Group fought against the Aerospace Carrier, all of them were defeated, and no one survived.

After this battle, the Qin Group's demise has entered a countdown.

Lin Wen is not only satisfied with transporting materials, but also often transports Iron Warriors and mechs.

More than 50,000 soldiers can fight across thousands of kilometers in two hours.

This ability to project power is no longer within the scope of any conventional combat understanding.

The army of Changshan County was no longer blocked, and it was like a broken bamboo. Many armies of the Qin Group were either wiped out, defeated, captured, or surrendered.

The powerful army collapsed in an instant and fled in all directions. Only Qin Gang's main army was still stationed in the main city of Xinyang Prefecture, trying to resist.

But when Qin Luoshuang's army arrived, the last stubborn resistance was shattered.


The sun was setting.

The roar of artillery fire has faded.

The Supreme Commander's Mansion in the Southwest Region has been occupied, and the stubborn enemy troops either surrendered or were wiped out.

The Qin Group's largest news newspaper published a report titled "Welcome the supreme Majesty Lin Wen to his loyal Fengbai City" in terrifying fonts, announcing the complete victory of the Changshan Group.

Qin Luoshuang changed into her military uniform, jumped off the mecha, and glanced at the huge space carrier floating above the city.

Until now, she still has some sense of unreality and illusion, and she is not sure that this is something that belongs to them.

Soldiers have occupied the city, and the Qin Group has survived in name only.

This nightmare that once hovered in my heart was destroyed like this.

Qin Luoshuang glanced at the once-familiar everything, with complicated emotions, and remained silent.

On the way to the Commander's Palace, she met many acquaintances who shouted her name and begged her forgiveness.

But Qin Luoshuang turned a deaf ear to it.

Halfway there, I met Lin Wen who was smiling.

He still looked heartless, with a pure smile on his face, as if he were a big boy who hadn't left school yet.

However, Qin Luoshuang knew that this man's hands were covered with blood, and the number of souls who died under his hands was beyond count.

But now, holding the power of life and death for countless people, he has ascended to the highest throne of the empire and has become one of the most powerful rulers.

"Hey, Xiao Shuangshuang, how does it feel to revisit the old place? Do you have the feeling of Hexi in the past 30 years?"

He jumped over to say hello, still so unprincipled.

Qin Luoshuang smiled in his heart, but his face was frosty.

"What are you doing here? Is this how the commander-in-chief is?"

"Small the capital of the enemy country, of course I want to come and see."

"The Qin Group still has more than a million defeated soldiers scattered all over the place. We actually succeeded in beheading them. If the commander-in-chief runs away, we will have to fight for a long time. You must quickly encircle and recruit them to prevent someone from the Qin Group from raising their flags and standing up again."

"Well, I have already sent Fang Dashan and the others."

"There are still a few states that have not been occupied. Don't let the Supreme Council take advantage of it."



Qin Luoshuang talked a lot, but this guy became absent-minded again.

never mind.

This guy is always the same.

Qin Luoshuang sighed, and stopped talking, anyway, there are people who are worried about these things.

"Lin Wen, many people died in this battle."


"Not only our soldiers, but also the enemy's soldiers, as well as civilians. It is estimated that the number of casualties exceeds 900,000..."

Lin Wen's voice also became heavy, "I know..."

"Lin Wen, I don't want to see dead people anymore."


"I don't want to fight anymore either."


Qin Luoshuang said in her heart that I miss you by my side forever.

He replied in his heart: "Okay."

"Why don't you talk anymore?"

"'s nothing, I'm glad you're willing to coax me."

"Really? What if I say it's true?"

"Lin Wen,"

Qin Luoshuang was inexplicably a little angry, am I like an ignorant girl?

"The highest will be much stronger than my father, and our battle with them will be difficult, and it may be protracted..."

"Do not worry."

Qin Luoshuang stopped talking. Whenever Lin Wen said these words, she felt that all her words were superfluous.

When approaching the Commander's Mansion, a soldier ran over excitedly and shouted: "Chief Qin... Uh, Commander Lin, this, we have found the head of the Qin Group!"

Qin Luoshuang's heart skipped a beat, and he clenched his hands tightly.

The moment has finally arrived.

She was dizzy for a moment, but she persisted quickly, gritted her teeth and said, "Let's go there."

When they came to a collapsed bunker.

After three years, Qin Luoshuang saw her father.

He sat leaning against the wall, he was only half breathed, a big rock pressed half of his body, blood soaked his commander's uniform, meandering out from his legs, the corpses of soldiers in uniform scattered around, and the silver-white liquid was constantly gathering.

He hasn't changed much from before, he still looks serious and old-fashioned, but the hard lines on his face are covered with dust, and his eyes are dull and dull.


Qin Luoshuang thought.

He lost all power, and natural life was meaningless.

However, the next moment, my father raised his head and saw her.

At that moment, his eyes burst out with a bright brilliance, and the hard lines of his face seemed to soften.

"Xiao Xiao."

He couldn't breathe, so he could only call her name with his mouth.

At this moment, only his daughter was left in Qin Gang's eyes, that bright, dazzling, angelic daughter.

He showed a loving smile that he had never seen before, and said with all his strength.

"you win."

"I'm was my father who was wrong."

There was no sound, but Qin Luoshuang seemed to hear his father's voice.

It was the voice of that unsmiling but loving father from long ago.


Qin Luoshuang called out in a low voice, and the world became hazy, but he could still see his father's gratified expression.

And the strong light in the eyes, as if expecting her to say something.

Qin Luoshuang was at a loss, she didn't know what to say.

The light of hope gradually dimmed, and Qin Luoshuang actually felt an unbearable heartache.

At this moment, Lin Wen suddenly felt blessed, he stepped forward, bowed politely to Qin Luoshuang, and said in a cautious tone.

"Miss, we have already won, go back quickly, the generals are waiting for your next arrangement."


Qin Luoshuang didn't understand Lin Wen's words, and before he recovered, he saw his father's smile.

That kind of smile that frees everything, a smile that fulfills all wishes and has no regrets.

The moment he smiled, he had already stopped breathing.

In this world, her biological father had left forever.

Qin Luoshuang's nose was sour, and she couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She kept wiping away her tears, but she couldn't wipe them clean. The intense pain and loss welled up in her heart, making her almost unable to stand.

A warm figure hugged her, and the familiar embrace let all her emotions out. She buried her head in his arms, crying uncontrollably.

Lin Wen hugged her, stroked her back lightly, and said nothing.

The rays of the setting sun elongated their figures, forming a beautiful golden silhouette.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

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