Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 651 Missy's Melancholy

Taking over the power of the huge Qin Group is a very cumbersome task.

However, Lin Wen didn't need to worry about these trivial matters, they were shared by others.

Zhao Minggong led a large number of elite backbone personnel to take over various administrative affairs. Qin Luoshuang and Guo Feng commanded the mecha corps to quickly occupy the main cities and transportation hubs of the major states. The regular troops quickly followed up and completed the control of the ten states.

In this way, the territory of Changshan Group more than doubled in an instant.

The ten states in the west are all large states, each state has a large territory and a large population, but at present, it has only completed control, and there is still a long way to go before real rule.

In order to wipe out the rout as soon as possible and incorporate the remnants of the Qin Group, Qin Luoshuang, as the eldest lady and former first heir of the Qin Group, raised the banner of the New Qin Group.

Wang Ya and other family elders ran around shouting, declaring the kindness and broad-mindedness of the eldest lady, claiming that as long as they abandon the dark and turn to the light, and return to the eldest lady, they can forget the past.

Of course, Qin Luoshuang himself would not admit the latter sentence.

Anyway, it will be Lin Wen who will settle the case at that time, not the talking Wang Ya.

As a usury group and a slave trade organization of human traffickers, the Qin Group's crimes cannot be washed away.

After completely taking over the ten western states, it is inevitable that these unforgivables will be fully tried.

So, it's just a strategy.

But it worked really well.

For these remnants and defeated generals, the familiar Qin Group is easier to accept than the unfamiliar Changshan Group.

The eldest lady who has a strong sense of incense is always easier to accept than Lin Wen who has nothing to do with her.

Moreover, it is said that Lin Wen, the leader of Changshan, kills without blood, and likes to eat the heart and soul of the enemy. If he kneels down and surrenders, it is tantamount to life and death in the hands of the people.

But if there is a young lady, County Chief Lin does not look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, so he has to show some face, right?

Seeing the light of hope again, many people secretly thought carefully and began to weigh the pros and cons.

First of all, if the Changshan Group received more power from the Qin Group, wouldn't their chances of winning the highest meeting and winning the final victory be much higher.

Doesn't that mean that the Changshan Group is about to unify the empire?

That kid... No, no, he's County Chief Lin, isn't he going to be enthroned as the emperor of the empire?

Even if they don't fight with the highest, Changshan County, which has so many mechas and space carriers, should have no problem keeping it.

With such a large territory in his hands, Emperor Lin has no problem ascending the throne.

And looking at the current posture, the eldest lady can be more or less a queen, right?

Miss Qin, as the first heir of the former Qin Group, has held power in the family. Many people are deeply impressed by Miss Qin's exquisite and ever-changing skills and clever strategies.

Obviously, this is an heir who has inherited the commanding ability.

Then, she will not be a vase queen, but a real power queen.

If a son is born, he must be able to inherit the great line in the future.

In this case, the eldest lady will definitely need their support.

They can form a rear party, unite closely with the eldest lady, charge forward for her, fight for power, clear the king's side, kill the seductive witch, replace the civet cat with the prince, kill the sons of other concubines, and ensure the unshakable position of the eldest lady's heirs.

After this set, it will definitely be relied on and reused by the eldest lady.

Then, the high-ranking official, the high salary, the glory and wealth, the person above the people, didn't they come back again?

After this calculation, everyone gave birth to hope again.

They see their value and think they are indispensable to Missy.

Birds do their best to hide their bows, but cunning rabbits are cooked to death, they understand this truth very well.

On the other hand, there are endless birds, good bows never hide, cunning rabbits never die, and lackeys never cook.

In this way, you will not be afraid of being killed to make an example to monkeys.

Moreover, when we were in Qin's Group in the past, we also supported the eldest lady, and we also worked under the eldest lady's subordinates, so we are somewhat passionate, right?

The eldest lady should read a little bit old, right?

If a person has no emotion, is he no different from a beast?

A benevolent person like Missy will definitely forgive us for our rudeness when we fought in battle before.

After thinking about this point, everyone was ecstatic, thinking they had found a way to make a comeback.

What surprised them even more was that after careful investigation, they soon discovered that the eldest lady seemed to have many rivals within the Lin Group.

The first princess, Li Linyue, is in the Lin Group, and holds a high position, holding such a large force of the old imperial faction.

If the young lady doesn't form a new Qin Group, won't she be oppressed?

Maybe even the queen's position can't be kept.

Not only that, but the one named Yun Qingshui didn't seem to be a friendly person, and she had a large number of brothers supporting her.

In addition, there are Fang Weiwei, Ye Lingyue, Nightingale, Ji Fuxiao, Xu Xiaonan, Lian Mei, Yang Shaohu, Dragon Group Zero, Mr. Fei and countless other powerful enemies.

Therefore, Missy must need us very much!

Regaining prosperity and wealth is just around the corner!

So, as soon as the news was confirmed, the defectors were like crucian carp crossing the river. All kinds of old people from the generals, senior officials and families of the former Qin Clan rushed over like ants, and the defectors who were going to the Commander's Mansion met one another.

This is the time when the power structure is reshuffled. Everyone knows that speed is the most important thing. Those who come first will have meat to eat, while those who come later can only eat soup, and those who come late are only worthy of smelling the fragrance outside the door.

The first step to occupy the position closest to the eldest lady will be the first step to get closer to the center of power, and take the lead in this round of shuffling.

In order to gain the upper hand, many people made small moves, donating money, people, objects, and even enemies. They captured the enemies who had offended the eldest lady before, and presented them to the eldest lady to show their loyalty.

Among them, the stepmother and the son-in-law were the most important. Lei Xiangwen, the former chief of internal affairs, caught them and delivered them to the eldest lady himself.

But to his surprise, the eldest lady was not very happy and just locked up the poor woman and the tearful brother who kept trying to come and kiss her shoes.

He took over his guard again, but left him no bodyguards, nor assigned him a post.

In the end, he was even transferred to the factory as a worker on the assembly line.

Lei Xiangwen was at a loss and began to doubt life, until he met Luo Yuan and Wu Yao, both assembly line workers.

After hearing his story, Wu Yao sneered and said, "Are you an idiot? Thanks to the fact that you were the Chief of Internal Affairs, you don't even understand the truth?"

Lei Xiangwen hurriedly said, "Please give me your advice!"

Luo Yuan smiled and said: "Miss Qin is the daughter of Commander Qin, that girl and that little boy are her stepmother and her younger brother no matter what, no matter how much she wants to kill, she can't show it, otherwise it will appear that Miss Qin killed her mother and brother, betraying human relations, ruthless and inhumane?"

Wu Yao went on to say: "You should kill them directly, and then report to the eldest lady that you have found their bodies, so that everything is clear, and the eldest lady knows your good intentions, so she will naturally reuse you."

Luo Yuan sighed: "Unfortunately, not only did you not do this, but you also sent them to the eldest lady. What do you want to do? Are you forcing the eldest lady to be unfilial?"

"That's right."

Wu Yao's voice was full of schadenfreude.

"Perhaps the eldest lady is planning to send someone to cut off the troubles secretly. If you do this, not only will her plan come to nothing, but she will be forced into an embarrassing situation where she can't be killed, and she can't be released. It would be considered as the best of humanity for the eldest lady not to chop you off on the spot."

Lei Xiangwen suddenly realized.

It turned out that it wasn't the young lady who turned back, but she was too stupid, so she hurriedly asked, "You two, what should we do now?"

Wu Yao shook his head: "It's hopeless! Do things with peace of mind, maybe after you invent a technology to improve the craft, you will be promoted."

Luo Yuan smiled and said: "I heard that if we can become skilled workers, we will be treated the same as normal people."

Wu Yao nodded: "That's right, it is said that there are six major benefits, and a monthly salary of 3,001! I really hope to turn over soon."

"Isn't it? We only have ten yuan pocket money now, and it has doubled three hundred and ten times."

Lei Xiangwen had a bitter face, and couldn't believe his ears. Are these two people stunned?

He is a big shot at the top, and he has to rely on being a skilled worker to stand up?

But with the arrival of more bigwigs from the Qin Group, his mentality has also changed.

If he could become the foreman of this workshop, wouldn't he be climbing over their heads again?

With the support of this belief, Lei Xiangwen worked and studied redoubled, striving to be an excellent worker.

And Luo Yuanwuyao also thinks so, three people with the same thinking will form an atmosphere.

When an atmosphere is formed, ideas are contagious.

It didn't take long for others to think the same way.

Soon, Hai Damer's chief assistant, who was in charge of the robot factory, was surprised to find that the workshop, which housed many war criminals of the Qin Group, was extremely efficient, and the yield rate exploded.

"There is such a thing? Is it different for officials? Workers can do better?"

The chief assistant couldn't accept it, and immediately mobilized the workers in other workshops to carry out big studies, big training, and big competitions, vowing to regain the honorary title of the first workshop.

And in the "New Qin Group".

They were seen as losers, idiots exiled to labor camps.

Those who stay are happy, and the losers leave, so they are naturally the winners.

This group of successful people desperately gathered the defeated soldiers, recruited the rebels, calmed down the place, rebuilt order, and tried their best to work according to the orders of the young lady.

In this way, with the efforts of Qin Luoshuang, Zhao Minggong and Yun Qingshui, the Qin Group's power was quickly taken over, and the Changshan Group rapidly expanded.

Lin Wen took a moment to appoint Zhao Chaoyang, the former governor of Yunzhou, and Li Changsheng and Xu Chengfeng, who were collectively known as the three friends of Yunzhou, as the acting governors of Yunzhou, Hezhou, and Xuzhou, and temporarily assisted Zhao Minggong in handling the affairs of the other seven states.

Subsequently, the ten western states officially joined the League of Nations.

In this way, the influence of the Changshan Group expanded to seventeen states.

From the map, the central, southern, and western parts of the empire consisted of a large area of ​​Changshan County, connected together, as if it surrounded the twelve states of the Supreme Council.

All countries in the world are silent, and the situation is changing so fast that no one can understand it.

Just when they thought that the empire would be three-pointed and the good days for them to profit from it were coming, the three-point turned into two poles.

The young Changshan Group overthrew the Qin Group in one go, taking over their inheritance.

It seems that it is not impossible to turn around and defeat the strongest Supreme Council.

Even if it fails, it will only mean that the Supreme Council will unify the empire again.

That mighty empire remains.

Their life will still not be easy, and the powerful empire will inevitably come to liquidate their interference in the empire's profit during the civil war.


All the major powers in the world put aside their prejudices and held a secret meeting.

At the meeting, they reached a secret alliance, planning to use the name of peace to promote the balance of the empire, maintain the division of the empire, and avoid the reappearance of a powerful empire.

But the Supreme Council still behaved indifferently and arrogantly, and ignored it.

The Changshan Group is still enthusiastic and insincere, and once again cheated them of a large sum of peace funds, which made the leaders of the countries crack their eggs.

Once again, the clouds of war gather over the Empire.

A large number of imperial troops entered the battle state, countless tanks galloped on the avenue, and countless planes plundered from the sky, but at this time, the Changshan Group no longer felt terrible, and all the generals believed that they had the strength to fight.

However, what confuses them is that Sheriff Lin did not give orders to pursue the victory, nor did he manage military affairs, expand the army, or use the quantum wave construction method to manufacture some miraculous weapons.

Instead, they went to the west to deal with some livelihood, rescue and management issues.

Obviously these things can be done by Mr. Zhao or Miss Qin.

Not only that, he didn't even call back the Mech Legion. A large number of battle groups were still active in the western land, destroying bandits and robbers, chasing down rebels who refused to surrender, suppressing the fleeing slave traders and usury merchants, rebuilding the economic order, and taking over the external areas occupied by the Qin Group.

It looks ambitious to expand outward, as if the tallest building in the east is paper.

Although the Supreme Council was on the verge of breaking out, it did not take advantage of this opportunity to attack. Instead, it reiterated the unbreakable covenant between the two sides, as if holding a knife to make peace.

Countries around the world and many military observers are despising the hypocrisy of the Great Elders, while laughing at their stupid arrogance.

If it weren't for the Supreme Council's laissez-faire, it would be impossible for Chang Shanjun and Lin Wen to get to where they are today.

In the past, Changshan County was extremely weak, and there was no money for money, and no one for people.

Now, with the Changshan County mecha army and the space carrier in hand, as well as the overwhelming Dongfeng-31 fireball missiles, and the indestructible giant robots, it would be like destroying Qin Gang's two million troops.

Can three million imperial troops guarantee victory?

Everyone believed that Changshan County would tear up the covenant immediately, show their miraculous mobility again, and transport countless steel warriors to the front line again to fight the Supreme Council.

But what is surprising is that Changshan County actually praised the elder for his honesty and trustworthiness, and he is a reliable and good man. The two parties are willing to go further and reach more cooperation intentions.

The Supreme Council immediately responded positively, and the two sides hit it off immediately and agreed to send a negotiating team to discuss comprehensive cooperation in Danyangdu.

Observers from all over the world are split, what are you making a fuss about?

The leaders of the countries are disgusting as if they have eaten shit. We suggest that you don’t want peace. You want peace yourself, right?

And Changshan County's internal reactions to this are also different. Most people think that they should take advantage of the victory to unify the empire.

But there are also people who think that peace is acceptable, and the highest power is much stronger than the Qin Group. After this battle, it is not certain whether they will win or lose. The casualties will definitely exceed several times that of fighting with the Qin Group.

Peace is hard-won, isn't it good to cherish it?

This is the main point of the doves.

The two sides quarreled in the County Hall and the National League Hall, but the main officials were silent.

Forcing them to publish it means that I support Sheriff Lin.

But Sheriff Lin was not there.

No one dared to bother him.

With the series of incredible victories of the Changshan Group, his power and status have inevitably skyrocketed, especially after most people know that half of the military command is done by him.

There is no doubt that whether the Changshan Group fights or not, Lin Wen is already the de facto absolute ruler. His exorbitant status has made his face and image unfamiliar, and his previous image of wanton killings and headshots has been brought up many times.

If the new supreme ruler does not take the initiative to make a public appearance and establish a new order, no one dares to contact him.

They can only negotiate with the Supreme Council according to Lin Wen's order, carry out peaceful propaganda, cooperate with each other friendly, and a series of matters.



Elder's compound.

Great Elder Ping Yuan took Qin Gang's chess piece off the chessboard and threw it into the trash can.

The four great elders looked at the chessboard that had become much empty.

Now, their plan is only one step away.

A new telegram arrives.

Great Elder Xingling finished reading and said calmly.

"we won."


Another chess piece fell.

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