On the twenty-eighth day of the lunar calendar.

The Nan'an court, from top to bottom, seemed to have made an appointment.

Officials of all sizes lined up in a long queue to come to Zhang Tian's house to pay their respects.

The first to come was Zhuo Ping, who came to "comfort" on behalf of the emperor and presented a generous gift.

Zhang Tian naturally had to give face to the highest ruler of the Nan'an court and invited Zhuo Ping in.

Zhuo Ping presented the gift and conveyed some congratulatory words from the emperor.

Zhang Tian also said some polite words and asked Zhuo Ping to take it back to the emperor.

After the ceremony was over, Zhuo Ping borrowed a room and changed into a set of civilian clothes.

As soon as he came out, he knelt in front of Zhang Tian, ​​presented the apprenticeship gift, and offered a cup of tea.

"Zhuo Ping, the registered disciple, greets the immortal master."

"Hmm." Zhang Tian drank a sip of tea.

Zhuo Ping took out another scroll from his sleeve, presented it with both hands, and said: "Master, I have a new work recently, please correct it."

Zhang Tian took it and unfolded it.

His sketching skills were limited to those art classes, and he was not as good as Zhuo Ping now, so he could only give some guidance on 3D stereoscopic sense.

He also encouraged a few words like "study hard and make progress every day".

In this way, the apprenticeship ceremony was completed and this nominal disciple was accepted.

"Thank you for your guidance, Master."

Zhuo Ping was full of joy and wanted to stay in Zhang's house and not go back.

Those officials, big and small, called him "Zhongguiren" when they met, but they always showed a trace of contempt from time to time.

As a eunuch, Zhuo Ping was most sensitive to this.

Those officials thought they had concealed it well, but they didn't expect to be seen by Zhuo Ping one by one.

When showing "The Immortal Catching the Dragon", the officials in the court were even more broken, and they didn't even pretend to laugh openly.

Zhuo Ping knew his duty, and so many officials could not hate him, so they could only hide it in their hearts.

However, Zhang Tian was an exception.

From beginning to end, Zhuo Ping did not feel a trace of discrimination from Zhang Tian.

In daily chats, he treated him as an ordinary person, or even an equal person.

This gave Zhuo Ping an unprecedented sense of self-esteem, and he was very grateful.

Recently, he received Zhang Tian's art, which made his painting skills advance by leaps and bounds.

If it were not for his special status, he would be called a master of the painting world now.

For all these, Zhuo Ping really wanted to serve Zhang Tian here forever, and did not want to return to the oppressive palace.

Unfortunately, he had a special status and had to leave.

Before leaving, Zhuo Ping hesitated for a long time and almost went in circles.

"Master, I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Zhang Tian smiled, little guy, you must think I will say "Just talk about no square" next, right?

Alas, I won't talk, I'm just playing.

Zhang Tian looked past Zhuo Ping and looked up at the sky, and said in an ethereal tone: "Speak when you have to, and speak to those who have to listen."

Zhuo Ping was stunned, thought for a while, bowed and said: "Thank you for your guidance, Master, I understand."

After that, he left with two eunuchs.

It made Zhang Tian feel a little itchy. What on earth did this guy want to say? How did he suddenly understand?

Unfortunately, due to his status, it was not easy to take back his words.

Next, it was Prime Minister Cai and Shi Shangshu and other first and second rank officials.

These people were representatives among the officials. Although Zhang Tian was not afraid of them, there was no need to give them a cold shoulder for no reason.

So, he also received them in person.

However, there was no time to receive them one by one.

Prime Minister Cai, Shi Shangshu, Tai Changshi Shaoqing and other senior officials came in together and said some polite words to each other.

After finishing the polite words, Prime Minister Cai sighed slightly and said, "Mr. Zhang, to be honest, in addition to wishing you a happy new year today, I have another favor to ask for."

When the Prime Minister asked for help in front of several ministers, Zhang Tian could not stop him, so he had to say, "Go ahead."

Prime Minister Cai said, "I am already seventy-two years old this year, and my family has already chosen a burial site for me in my hometown."

"I am afraid that I will not wake up one day, and I will be ashamed of the emperor's high hopes."

"So I am willing to work like a cow and a horse in my next life and continue to repay the emperor's great kindness."

"That... King Yama, I wonder if Mr. Zhang can say a few good words?"

Since ancient times, China has always looked at the issue of death in a very strange way.

On the one hand, it is very taboo, and many words cannot be said casually.

For example, "death" cannot be directly said as "death", but should be said as "riding a crane to the west".

But on the other hand, it is very calm.

Many elderly people will prepare their own funeral clothes, coffins, and even choose their favorite burial sites.

Facing death calmly.

Hence the term "coffin book".

Prime Minister Cai's words were very straightforward, he just wanted to be reborn into a good family.

He had prepared for everything in the world of the living, but no matter how powerful he was, he could not reach the underworld..

So, I can only ask Zhang Tian, ​​the so-called "immortal".

From "resurrection" and "longevity", to summoning King Yama like a waiter.

Everything hints at Zhang Tian's high status and his ability to communicate with yin and yang.

"Hmm..." Zhang Tian pondered.

When he created the holographic projection of King Yama to comfort Su'er, Zhang Tian expected that there would be a day when he would be asked for help.

But how should I deal with such requests?

It's definitely not okay to refuse everyone.

That would make me, the "immortal" and "King Yama", look too cheap.

It's not good to refuse all requests.

If you don't agree to many requests, it's equivalent to offending people.

I'm not afraid when I'm here, but in the long run, there's no need to cause this trouble.

If I can't go back, I have to consider my descendants and disciples when I get married and have children in this era.

Instead of doing this, it's better to use this illusion to do some favors.

In this way, he gained the benefits and favors of the living world, and those who asked for it got peace of mind and eliminated their fear of the afterlife.

Anyway, there is no way to verify what kind of reincarnation and what kind of world one will be in.

However, Zhang Tian knew about Prime Minister Cai in front of him, and his reputation was not good.

In the mouths of many upright people and ordinary people, he was a corrupt official and a treacherous minister.

Zhang Tian had the vision of the future and knew that this was the emperor's imperial method, and its roots were in the royal family.

Therefore, he was not as indignant as others.

However, the reputation of this era could not be ignored.

Seeing Zhang Tian pondering for a long time, several ministers were so angry that their hearts were in their throats.

Although they were younger than Prime Minister Cai, there would be such a day, and everyone wanted to see Zhang Tian's attitude.

Zhang Tian said: "Have you heard of Wu Zetian's inscriptionless stele?"

"Of course." Everyone nodded.

Shangshu Shi said: "Empress Wu was the eternal empress, and she left a blank stele, which means that her merits and demerits will be judged by future generations."

"That's good."

Zhang Tian asked Xu Jingye to take out an envelope, and in front of everyone, stuffed a blank piece of letter paper into it.

He did not seal it, and then wrote six words "Yan Wang read, Zhang Tian kept" on the outside of the envelope.

Then, let Xu Jingye pass the envelope to Prime Minister Cai.

"Prime Minister, this letter can be burned in front of your grave after a hundred years."

"As for the letter paper inside, you can write or not, write what you want, what you want to write or not, it's up to you."

"This..." Several ministers looked at each other.

They wanted to find the answer from their colleagues.

Unfortunately, this matter was inexplicable, and even Zhang Tian himself didn't know the answer, so how could they find the answer?

Zhang Tian just felt that it was so profound and unfathomable, so he did it naturally.

Judging from his own experience, Zhang Tian suspected that many charlatans could not understand what they said, and this was probably the reason.

If ordinary charlatans met people who did not believe in evil, they might be scolded and beaten out of the house.

But in front of Zhang Tian, ​​they did not dare to have any such thoughts.

Instead, they kept thinking, before Master Zhang sent the letter, he specifically mentioned the wordless stele of Emperor Wu, what did this mean?

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