Could it be that the King of Hell will decide the merits and demerits?

Or can you write what you want to be reborn into?

If you write too high, will it be invalid if you don’t have enough virtue?

If you write too low, won’t you lose?

Suddenly, several ministers felt annoyed as if they were filling out college entrance examination applications.

They left Zhang Tian’s house in confusion.

The officials queuing outside saw the prime minister, Shangshu and other big men go in happily and come out frowning. They didn’t know what happened and felt uneasy.

Zhang Tian’s side.

Seeing Xu Wen also frowning and thinking hard, he couldn’t help but scold: "What are you thinking about? Keep your heart."

"Yes, Immortal Master."

Zhang Tian was not interested in receiving the small fish and shrimps one by one.

He ordered Xu Wen and Xu Jingye to serve tea and just go through the motions.

After entertaining the officials.

Originally, Zhang Tian wanted to take Su'er, Xu Wen, Tie Dong and others to see the Spring Festival in Lin'an Prefecture in this era.

As a result, it was only afternoon on the New Year's Day.

When they arrived at Chaoyang Street, they found that they could no longer squeeze in.

Tie Dong said: "Shangxian, where do you want to go? Tie Dong will lead the way."

Xu Wen said: "Second uncle wrote to me and told me that there were not so many people in previous years. This year, it may be because the court celebrated the great victory."

This year, the court specially added many official activities to celebrate the great victory in Xiangyang City.

The rewards for guessing lantern riddles, releasing sky lanterns, and blind dates between men and women have all increased, resulting in a sharp increase in the number of people.

In the future, Zhang Tian has squeezed enough, but he didn't expect to have to squeeze again after returning to more than 1,000 years ago.

Looking at the grand occasion, Zhang Tian said: "Alas... forget it. When there are fewer people, I will bring you to play again."

"Okay." Everyone didn't want to squeeze around.

Fortunately, Xu Jingye is very competent.

Servants were arranged early to decorate Zhang's house.

Lanterns, couplets and other things were all there, and there was finally some atmosphere of the New Year.

Zhang Tian asked about it. Although there were prototypes of fireworks in this era, they were not mature and there were not many.

He was too lazy to copy a lot of inventions just to set off firecrackers.

If he really wanted to do it, black gunpowder would be much more useful in the military than making firecrackers.

Fortunately, the mansion was close to the core business district of Lin'an Prefecture.

Zhang Tian asked Tiedong to go to the spot regularly. When he saw that there were fewer people, he took everyone out shopping to avoid the peak flow of people.

It was like a guerrilla war to celebrate the New Year.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, the streets were no longer so crowded, and people were finally no longer so crazy.

The next peak is estimated to be the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

However, a eunuch came to the door on this day.

Everyone looked and saw that it was not the familiar Zhuo Ping.

Xu Wen asked, "Noble, what's the matter?"

The messenger eunuch said, "The emperor asked Immortal Zhang to come to the palace urgently, saying that there is something important to discuss. It is said that it involves the immortal's magic."

Zhang Tian was a little confused. Did he perform any "immortal magic" recently? It seems that there is nothing?

"What important matter?"

"I don't know, Immortal Zhang."

"Well, I'll go to the palace first and talk to the emperor."


Entered the palace.

The messenger eunuch led Zhang Tian directly to the harem, and then stopped Xu Wen who was accompanying him outside.

"Mr. Xu, the emperor only asked to invite Immortal Zhang to come in. Whether Mr. Xu can go in, I have to report to the emperor."

As a result, the scolding of Emperor An You came from inside: "Asshole, you have no vision. Xu Xiucai is Mr. Zhang's direct disciple. He will come with Mr. Zhang in the future, and there is no need to report it."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Zhang Tian and Xu Wen walked in.

The palace was empty. The maids and eunuchs were all gone, and the windows were tightly closed.

Emperor Anyou sat on the bed, and beside him sat Prime Minister Cai and Minister Shi.

In the middle of the living room, Zhuo Ping was kneeling.

His pants were taken off, and his clothes were hanging down, covering his private parts.

Zhang Tian's first reaction was that Zhuo Ping had made a big mistake and the emperor wanted to punish him.

After all, he was his registered disciple. If he wanted to punish him severely, the emperor had to give him some face and let him go to the palace to see it clearly.

Emperor Anyou, Prime Minister Cai and Minister Shi looked at Zhang Tian with complicated expressions.

They were both in awe and eager.

It was the first time that Zhang Tian saw this expression, and he asked, "Emperor, why did you urgently call me here? But what did Zhuo Ping do wrong?"

Emperor Anyou's face was full of disbelief, and he asked, "Master Zhang, did you cast a magic spell on little Zhuozi?"

"What magic spell?" Zhang Tian was confused.

Emperor Anyou said, "When little Zhuozi reported to me just now, he said that he wanted to explain it to you when he was paying New Year's greetings before the New Year."

"But Master Zhang, you called him 'noTalk about it when you have to, and tell it to those who have to listen.' "

"Little Zhuozi is a servant of the royal family. I guess what Master Zhang is talking about is me."

Zhang Tian was a little upset. What is it? You guys tell me. Have you learned "profound and unfathomable" from me?

Zhang Tian had no choice but to say: "Please tell me clearly, Your Majesty."

Emperor Anyou looked at Zhuo Ping and said: "Master Zhang is here. Lift up your clothes."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Zhuo Ping lifted up his clothes, revealing the castration area under the eunuch.

Originally, this place should have been cut cleanly, without any extra things.

However, a lump of tender red meat grew out of Zhuo Ping's place.

Although it has not really grown yet, the prototype can be vaguely seen.

Zhang Tian, ​​with a scientific attitude, endured the discomfort and walked closer to take a closer look.

"What's going on? Zhuo Ping. ”

Zhuo Ping said: "Master, since the first time you entered the palace, I have been under the divine light. Thank you for not abandoning me, and I have also had half of my body illuminated."

"Since that day, I have felt a slight itch in the area where my penis is."

"At first, I thought it was because I was not clean enough, so I took a bath more frequently."

"I didn't expect that the flesh in that area grew more and more, and gradually took shape."

"When I first met you, I wanted to ask you for advice, but you hinted that I should report to the emperor first."

"So, during the New Year holidays, when I saw that the emperor was free, I found an opportunity to tell the emperor everything. "

Zhang Tian was also a little confused.

No wonder Emperor An You repeatedly asked if this was his magic, and even Zhuo Ping thought he had known it for a long time.

The previous joke was taken as a verse by them.

This broken limb regenerated, and it was the fifth limb that was the most important for men. Even in the future, it can be called a medical miracle.

In some rare medical cases, there are indeed some patients whose broken limbs will grow.

However, it is just wild growth, with some extra pieces of meat. Zhang Tian has not seen any reports that can It truly grew back to its original shape.

But Zhang Tian had never heard of someone like Zhuo Ping, who grew a fifth limb of a man, and it looked like a real man, almost returning to his original appearance.

Could it be that the searchlight in the sky that day had some special effect?

But it shouldn't be.

If it was illuminated, it would grow a few inches longer, Zhang Tian himself couldn't have been unaware of it.

Moreover, Tiedong was also illuminated by the "divine light" at that time, and his broken arm didn't grow back.

Emperor Anyou asked anxiously, "Mr. Zhang, what do you think?"

Zhang Tian's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "Well, it's good as long as it grows."

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