Tianjin Iron Cavalry, where have they seen such a magical interweaving tactic? !

In previous wars, they all rushed forward and used the advantage of the horses running to crush the opponent.

Even if they occasionally fought in battle formations, they were always going straight.

Where have they seen such a situation, where 500 people dared to rush into the army and were about to be blocked.

But at the critical moment, they always dodged with the slightest dodge.

The Hu army was confused, not knowing the head and the tail, and for a while they didn't know how to block.

In addition, the slaughter from the sky, although not much, was even more frightening.

As long as Zhang Tian flew over, the Iron Cavalry had already started to panic before he took action.

If it weren't for General Zhanhan's strong suppression, I'm afraid some people would have wanted to ride horses to escape north.

Zhanhan stared at Zhang Tian in the sky.

At this time, he concentrated nearly 10,000 Iron Cavalry and guarded in front of him, and no longer mobilized.

Even if he stood still, 500 warriors could not rush in front of him.

The only way out of the situation was Zhang Tian in the sky.

And General Zhanhan seemed to be waiting for Zhang Tian to come.

Sure enough, Zhang Tian flew closer, ready to disrupt the cavalry.

Suddenly, a few large pieces of cloth were pulled open among the cavalry, revealing three crossbow carts, pointing at the sky.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three huge crossbow arrows flew towards Zhang Tian in the shape of a finished product.

Zhang Tian was startled, and the power of the thrusters under his feet was turned to the maximum, suddenly rising a section.

Three crossbow arrows as thick as wrists whizzed past his feet and were inserted far under the wall of Xiangyang, with the tails still making a "buzzing" trembling sound.

The central control computer instantly gave the calculation results.

The arrowhead of the crossbow arrow is made of steel, with high hardness, heavy weight, and huge kinetic energy.

Even if it can't penetrate the space suit, the huge impact force will also injure the human body and may even damage the space suit.

If the flight system is damaged and the vehicle cannot fly, it will fall into the tens of thousands of cavalry and there will be no chance of survival.

Fortunately, Zhanhan only went to the valley to raid, not to attack the city, so he did not bring many.

If there were dozens or even hundreds of vehicles firing at the same time, Zhang Tian might not be able to escape.

No wonder Zhanhan still stayed calm in the center of the army when he saw Zhang Tian could fly, and he was not panicked.

It turned out that he had been prepared.

However, the two sides entered and exited at the wrong time.

Zhang Tian did not expect Zhanhan to bring a crossbow cart, and Zhanhan also underestimated Zhang Tian's flying maneuverability.

After missing the first shot, Zhang Tian did not give them any more chances.

He flew above the crossbow cart and fired randomly with lasers.

The three crossbow carts suddenly turned into a pile of broken wood.

At this moment, hundreds of horse ropes soared into the sky.

Like a net, it covered Zhang Tian from bottom to top.

Zhang Tian was startled.

If he was caught, he would probably be forcibly pulled down to the ground. Even if he had a space suit, he would be beaten to death.

He hurriedly adjusted the thrusters and spun like a gyroscope.

The laser gun drew a circle around him and cut off all the lasso ropes.

Then he raised his body and confronted him in the air.

At this point, Zhang Tian finally dared not underestimate Zhan Han.

Those who can become generals of powerful countries are indeed not easy to deal with.

Seeing that he could fly and kill the enemy with "divine light", he still did not panic and commanded calmly, which was brave.

He had a crossbow cart, but did not use it at the beginning. Instead, he hid it and waited for Zhang Tian to approach before suddenly attacking.

It would be best if he could hit Zhang Tian. Even if he could not hit him, he calculated that Zhang Tian would definitely come to destroy the crossbow cart.

So, he ordered his men to set up a lasso rope trap and try to forcibly pull Zhang Tian down from the sky.

It was linked together, which was a good plan.

With courage and strategy, and the support of the Hu people's cavalry, it's no wonder that General Guo didn't dare to fight him.

Even though Zhang Tian had equipment beyond this era, he was almost hit.

Sure enough, the wisdom of the ancients cannot be underestimated.

Seeing Zhang Tian afraid of the lasso, Zhanhan's rough face also showed a smile.

After fighting for so long, Zhanhan also observed that Zhang Tian's "divine light" sweeping distance cannot be too far.

As long as he is in the army, he can use the lasso to counter it and temporarily protect himself.

After destroying the 500 Han people, Zhanhan didn't believe that just relying on a "demon" in the sky could kill his 30,000 cavalry?

Zhanhan could naturally see that the 500 warriors were not here to kill people, but to capture him.

So he placed nearly 10,000 cavalry in front of him, standing still like a mountain, and responding to changes with constancy.

Behind the 500 warriors were more than 10,000 cavalry in chaos.

As long as Zhanhan can delay a little while, wait for the horses behind to stabilize and reorganize, the five hundred warriors will be surrounded.

Zhanhan shouted loudly: "Brothers, this Han monster is afraid of the lasso, pull him down for me!"


There was a Hu man who threw the lasso at Zhang Tian without paying attention to the height.

Although he couldn't reach it, Zhang TianBut he sensed a huge threat - morale!

Once the Hu people were no longer afraid of Zhang Tian, ​​even if Zhang Tian had the advantages of air control and laser guns, he could not suppress tens of thousands of cavalry by himself.

Zhang Tian had no problem escaping, but Niu Er and others on the ground would surely die.

Unfortunately, Zhanhan made an unexpected mistake.

His tens of thousands of cavalry were not far from the supply ship!

In order to tow away the supply ship, Zhanhan gathered a large number of people near the supply ship.

There has been no change.

This was also the result simulated before Zhang Tian attacked.

If Zhanhan adjusted his army and left the vicinity of the supply ship, the whole plan might fail.

At this time, the five hundred warriors were almost in front of Zhanhan's army.

Zhang Tian calculated the timing, suddenly raised his arm, and ordered the smart bracelet:



A high-temperature flame hundreds of meters long suddenly sprayed out from the tail of the supply ship.

The nearest cavalry, including the men and horses, were rushed into the air like paper dolls.

When they landed, they were already a charcoal.

They fell to the ground, torn into pieces, revealing some flesh and blood that had not been burned thoroughly.

The huge flames were like a knife of death that was hundreds of meters long.

Wherever they passed, men and horses died and turned into charcoal!

These flames, with extremely high-temperature airflow, swept around.

Thousands of cavalry nearby were overturned to the ground!

Although they were not directly burned by the flames of thousands of degrees, the heated air was enough to cause a devastating blow to the cavalry.

The rat-tail braids and fur clothes of countless Hu people caught fire instantly, as if they were turned into a sea of ​​fire.

But that's not all.

As the jet nozzle sprayed flames and provided power, the supply ship slowly rotated a circle under the control of the central control computer.

A hundred meters in radius, a charred black.

Within five hundred meters, people and horses fell.

Thousands of meters away, I still felt the scorching air waves, which burned me instantly.

However, the old problem of the engine reappeared.

Soon, a large amount of black smoke, mixed with blue and red flames, covered the entire battlefield.

"Hiss hiss hiss..."

"Ah... my hand..."

"Help... my face fell off..."

"I can't see my eyes, where am I..."

The warhorse screamed in fear!

The Hu soldiers wailed in despair!

Along with the countless bodies of people and horses thrown into the sky, they turned into black charcoal and fell like raindrops.

The entire battlefield was like hell.

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