The rest of the Hu soldiers and the generals on the city wall seemed to be frozen.

All they could see was the huge flames that were hundreds of meters long.

All they could hear were the hellish howlings and screams.

This blow was like a divine punishment!

Its power far exceeded the limits of everyone's imagination.

Only the legendary immortals could deliver such a world-destroying blow.

The huge roar, the hundred-meter-long flames, and the black smoke that filled the sky seemed as if the immortals were showing their anger to the world and punishing those mortals who blasphemed the immortal boat.

"Brothers, now!" Zhang Tian shouted in the sky.

The five hundred warriors were even more motivated, and their troops pointed directly at General Zhanhan.


The five hundred warriors faced the first tough battle since leaving the city, facing the Hu cavalry and killing their way out.

However, the unprecedented blow just now shocked the Hu people.

Although there were many Hu people in front of them, they did not have much resistance.

Occasionally, there were a few sober ones, but they were quickly drowned by the swords of Niu Er and others.

The biggest resistance was the crowded and running horses.

Fortunately, Zhanhan was not in the killing range of the flames and air waves of the supply ship.

But he was not much better than other Hu soldiers.

Faced with such a divine punishment, people were completely stunned.

Let the hot air flow pass by, like a sculpture, staring at the hell scene in front of them in a daze.

It was not until the shouts of the five hundred warriors came that they came back to their senses.

Instinctively gathered soldiers and tried to resist.

Zhang Tianxuan flew in the sky, shouting: "Zhanhan, the divine punishment from heaven, why don't you surrender?!"

"The divine punishment from heaven! Surrender!"

"The divine punishment from heaven! Surrender!"

"The divine punishment from heaven! Surrender!"

The five hundred warriors shouted together, like heavenly soldiers and generals!

All the Hu people who tried to resist were killed and fled howling, just wanting to stay away from this group of demons.

In the end, Zhanhan only had a few dozen cavalrymen left to protect him.

But all of them were dazed and at a loss, relying only on their years of combat instincts to protect the main general.

With this number, even 500 warriors could take it down.

However, Zhang Tian was not going to let them fight a war of attrition.

Stepping on the clouds, he flew directly over Zhanhan and landed quickly.

General Zhanhan was a famous general of Tianjin Kingdom, brave and good at fighting, with many achievements.

Since he became an adult and went to the battlefield, he had not lost a battle, but he had never been afraid.

Only a general who is not afraid on the battlefield can think and be wise.

But now, he is afraid!

This is the awe of the sky and the fear of unknown forces of mortals!

Before he saw it with his own eyes, he would never believe that someone could really fly.

He couldn't believe that 500 men dared to attack his tens of thousands of cavalry.

Even so, he still tried his best to fight.

He set up a double trap of crossbow carts and horse ropes in an attempt to capture and kill the "demon".

But now, this divine punishment-like blow completely destroyed his will.

His mind was completely occupied by the fear from the depths of his soul, and he couldn't think.

Seeing Zhang Tian above his head, Zhanhan instinctively jumped on a BMW, turned around and ran, heading north.

Only a few dozen personal soldiers were left to cover him.

However, a few dozen cavalry could slightly stop five hundred warriors, but they couldn't control the sky.

Zhang Tian drew an arc in the sky, flew in front of Zhanhan, and hovered one meter above the ground.

"Zhanhan, you plundered my Han territory and tried to move my flying boat. Why don't you get off your horse and die!"

Zhanhan's face was ferocious with fear. He picked up a long spear from the side of the horse and rushed towards Zhang Tian.

He kept shouting to give himself courage: "I am a general of Tianjin Kingdom, with the Emperor Star shining on me, I am not afraid of you, a monster..."

Zhang Tian did not dodge, raised the laser gun and waved it at Nianhan.

Nianhan's soul was scared!

Just now he saw clearly how powerful the divine light of this "monster" was.

As long as it was swept, the warhorse would be broken into two pieces.

He quickly turned sideways and jumped off the fast-running horse.

The horse was split from top to bottom by the red laser, neatly divided into two halves.

The two halves of the horse ran a few steps strangely, passed Zhang Tian, ​​and then fell to the ground with internal organs and horse blood splattered all over the ground.

Zhanhan fell to the ground and couldn't move. It was unknown whether it was because of the fall or because of fear.

Zhang Tian slid and came to Nianhan.

A flexible nano space rope stretched out from the space suit, as if it had life, and it snaked around Zhanhan's waist like a snake, tying him up.


Zhang Tian took Zhanhan up into the air, showed him to all the Hu people, and shouted: "Zhanhan has been captured, who dares to fight again?!"

Five hundred warriors killed the remaining Zhanhan soldiers, their bodies covered in blood, howling to the sky!

"Zhanhan was captured, who dares to fight again?!"

"Zhanhan was captured, who dares to fight again?!"

On the entire battlefield, only the roar of these five hundred warriors remained.

Ten thousand horses of the Tianjin Kingdom were silent, and dared not respond.

There were even Hu soldiers who were so scared that they knelt on the ground, muttering and asking for help from the gods in their hearts.

Over in Xiangyang City, a thunderous roar came from the city wall:

"The immortal is mighty!"

"The immortal is mighty!"

Then the city gate opened wide, and another group of people rushed out of the city gate and killed the Hu army.

There were not many people, less than a thousand.

But this scene was like a thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, and no one dared to go straight to their front.


The shouts of killing came one after another. The soldiers of Xiangyang City were only 1,500 people, but they felt like they were surrounded by 20,000 iron cavalry.

There are immortals in the sky, but they can kill people with divine light.

There are warriors on earth, and 500 dare to attack 30,000 cavalry.

God's punishment came from heaven, and the world shook with one blow.

The general was captured and hung in the sky at this time.

All these things, each one of them was beyond the cognition of the Hu people.

The Hu army finally collapsed completely!

Wherever Zhang Tian flew, the soldiers there fled in all directions.

It seemed that below Zhang Tian was the land of death, and they dared not stay for a moment.

20,000 Hu cavalry were chased and killed all the way by 1,500 people.

Horses stepped on people and people carried horses to escape, trampling on each other...

Blood and flesh covered the entire battlefield, leaving only a scarlet blood road heading north.


I don't know how long it took, but General Guo finally called back his troops.

Zhang Tian landed on the wall of Xiangyang with General Zhanhan.

"The Immortal is mighty!"

"The Immortal is mighty!"

The soldiers on the city wall waved their weapons, their eyes full of enthusiasm, and roared like a throat, resounding throughout the entire Xiangyang City.

Zhang Tian retracted his space suit and hid it behind his shoulders, waist and feet. At the same time, the space nano rope also retracted automatically.

He casually threw Zhanhan to the top of the city, and the soldiers who had been waiting for a long time quickly tied him up.

Zhanhan did not resist, like a walking corpse, letting the ropes be tied to his body.

Then, the 1,500 troops and horses who left the city drove thousands of war horses back to the city in a mighty manner.

Civilians flocked to the entrance of the city gate and lined the streets to welcome them.

For many years, they had been repeatedly oppressed by the Hu people in the north, and had long been looking forward to a great victory.

The eggs, fruits, mutton, etc. in their hands were desperately stuffed to the warriors entering the city.

Then, General Guo sent people out to clean up the battlefield.

The soldiers spread out like ants, covering the entire battlefield, loading large and small bags onto carts and pulling them back into the city.

Some scattered war horses were also pulled back one by one.

There were also officers dressed as scholars, holding hard pens and account books, recording something.

After the soldiers finished cleaning, civilians were allowed to come and clean up again.

Some soldiers did not want horse meat, rags, etc., and many people did not dislike them and picked them up.

Some people occasionally picked up the missed ones, looked around, and saw that no one was paying attention to them, so they quietly stuffed them into their arms.

However, after picking up the bodies, they had to help bury the bodies to avoid plague.

General Guo came over and asked, "Shangxian, does your fairy boat need to be cleaned? I can send someone to clean it."

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