Zhang Tian couldn't see through so many layers of political implications.

He thought that if he promised to "take it slow", he wouldn't bother the people.

But he didn't know that although Prime Minister Cai was restrained, he was not so restrained.

He used imperial edicts or his own power channels to search the world for ore for Zhang Tian.

I don't know how many people complained and how many literati and scholars scolded the court.

"Immortals" entering the court are indeed a disaster for the country and the people, and the history books are not deceiving me.

Now they have begun to waste people's money and money to find rare mines in the world to make elixirs.

I'm afraid that the emperor will follow the old path of Emperor Taizong of Tang Li Shimin.


In the court.

Zhang Tian saw that today's work was over and the uranium mine he was looking for had begun to work.

He left the soft stool and wanted to say goodbye.

Emperor Anyou winked at Prime Minister Cai, who immediately understood and said anxiously: "Please stay, Mr. Zhang."

"What else? I will not participate in your ordinary political affairs."

Prime Minister Cai asked: "Mr. Zhang, we debated with the envoy of Tianjin Kingdom a few days ago. You said to send someone to check the Emperor Star. How is it now?"

As soon as this was said, all the officials in the court stretched their necks, wanting to hear the secret of the Emperor Star that was related to the fate of the two countries.

Zhang Tian hesitated for a moment and said: "I have learned what the Emperor Star is."


The emperor and the officials exclaimed.

Sure enough, with the help of immortals, it is easy to see a star in the sky.

The whole Chongzheng Hall was full of eager eyes, waiting for Zhang Tian to reveal the secret.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Tian said: "But, I can't tell you."

"Oh......" The officials were annoyed.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they would be forced to ask: Are you kidding? You can't tell us, so you say you know?

However, now in the court, Zhang Tian and the emperor are the only two people that the officials cannot interrogate.

"Master, Master..." Xu Wen, who was mixed in with the officials, shouted from afar, "But is it related to the Heavenly Court?"

Zhang Tian glanced at Xu Wen unhappily.

This guy was bandaged like a pig's head, but he still refused to calm down.

"It can be considered as a matter of course."

Prime Minister Cai was old and shrewd. He quickly realized that Zhang Tian's words had a second meaning and asked, "Mr. Zhang, since it is inconvenient to disclose the secret of the Heavenly Court."

"Then I have the audacity to ask, can the imperial star deviate from its trajectory and move back to the sky above the Nan'an Dynasty?"

Zhang Tian said, "Not for the time being. I am also thinking of a way."

"However, I can make it temporarily hidden and invisible from the ground."


The officials were noisy.

This news was of great significance to them.

The most perfect plan is to return to the sky above Nan'an Dynasty and shine on Lin'an Prefecture, which will surely boost the morale of the people.

Now that the Emperor Star cannot be moved, it would be good to make it disappear, which would also deal a major blow to Tianjin Kingdom.

Although Zhang Tian said "temporarily hide, and cannot be seen from the ground", it is enough for mortals.

No one is shining under the Emperor Star, and no one is nobler than anyone else.

In the future, whether it is politics, military, or civil exchanges, Nan'an Dynasty will never have this feeling of inferiority.

Emperor Anyou said anxiously: "Please ask Mr. Zhang to cast a spell to make the Emperor Star hide and stop shining on Tianjin Kingdom."

Zhang Tian said: "Are you sure, Emperor? Hiding at this time will not cause enough impact, right?"

After saying this, all the officials present reacted immediately.

How can such a killer move be used casually?

Of course, it must be chosen at a critical point to destroy the morale of Tianjin Kingdom in one fell swoop.

Or simply don't use it, and use it as a strategic deterrent, like a fist that has not been thrown, which makes people dare not act rashly.

Shi Shangshu said: "Your Majesty, it is indeed not appropriate to act too hastily. We can slowly plan such a heaven-defying method and strive for the greatest benefit."

Another official said: "I second the proposal. Your Majesty, if the plan is well planned, Master Zhang's use of this method is no less than winning a national war."

Emperor Anyou was refuted, but he was not angry. Instead, he said with a red face: "I am reckless."

"Master Zhang, can the emperor star be hidden at any time?"

Zhang Tian nodded: "Anytime, anywhere."


The officials in the court were excited.

An emperor star has suppressed the Nan'an Dynasty for many years.

Now there is an immortal standing on the side of the Nan'an Dynasty, and the emperor star can be hidden with a wave of his hand.

When the time comes, public opinion will be well manipulated, and the morale of Tianjin Kingdom will be absolutely devastating.

If it was during a war, this move alone would probably cause the Tianjin army to collapse.

Emperor Anyou stepped down from the dragon throne, took Zhang Tian's hand, and said, "Mr. Zhang, the Nan'an Dynasty owes you a lot, and I can't repay you. I feel uneasy."

Zhang Tian smiled and said, "You govern the country well and continue the Chinese civilization, which is the greatest contribution to the world."Return."

While saying this, he secretly glanced at Emperor Anyou's hand.

In later generations, men are no longer used to holding hands.

Fortunately, Zhang Tian knew that in this era, in order to express intimacy, men still have the habit of holding hands, and even sleep with their feet touching.

Otherwise, he would have pulled it back in disgust.

If the other party was an ordinary person, he would have pulled it back, at most it would be a misunderstanding.

But pulling away the emperor's hand in front of all the officials would have a great political implication.

Zhang Tian had to give Emperor Anyou some face, and just hoped that he would let go quickly.

Unexpectedly, the emperor refused to let go, and said: "I will definitely work hard to repay the grace of God."

Zhang Tian had no choice but to say: "Well, work hard. I'll leave first. "

As he said this, he pulled his hand away calmly and took the pig-headed Xu Wen home.


The officials in the court watched Zhang Tian leave for a long time without saying a word.

The two dynasties regarded the emperor star as the national destiny, but in the hands of the "immortal", he could let it shine or hide whenever he wanted.

It only appeared for a few decades, but it had a profound impact on the fate of the two dynasties.

It simply treated the mortals of the world as nothing.

Suddenly, an official read out: "Heaven and earth are not kind, and treat all things as straw dogs..."

Everyone sighed.

If you don't become an immortal, you will eventually be depressed in the cycle of reincarnation and will not be able to be free.

I wonder how happy it would be to become an immortal, to be able to fly with air, to catch stars and moons?

The Nan'an Dynasty was sighing and planning.

The Tianjin Kingdom also received the news soon.

This news was no less than the Nan'an Dynasty's army approaching the city, and the shock and deterrence it caused were unprecedented.

Tianjin Kingdom, Zhongdu.

Emperor Tianhui summoned the core ministers and also called the high priest to the court to discuss matters.

"Everyone, what do you think?"

Han civil official Zhang Jue wanted to shrink until he was invisible. Every time he encountered such a difficult problem, Emperor Tianhui always started with him.

Fortunately, it was not the case this time.

Emperor Tianhui began to call out names: "High priest, you are responsible for communicating with the gods, divination, and whether there is any divine will about the emperor star? "

The high priest had a thousand horses galloping through his heart.

Except for the ritual of offering sacrifices to the heavens, which was his real ability, everything else was fake.

If it was in the past, he would just say some ambiguous words to fool around.

However, the Han immortal in the south said that he could extinguish the Emperor Star at any time, which was simply putting him on the fire.

If he pretended that he could fight against the Han immortal, if the Emperor Star was really extinguished, he would be dead immediately.

If he honestly said that he had no ability, what was the point of the emperor keeping him?

In the end, he had no choice but to say: "There is no will from heaven."

"Humph! Are we going to let the Han immortal destroy the foundation of our Tianjin Kingdom? We have the Emperor Star in the sky, can't we invite an immortal?"

The high priest said hesitantly: "Your Majesty, this sky... this sky, maybe it's the same sky. "


Everyone was startled and nodded slightly, which was considered to be an approval of the high priest's words.

Zhang Jue took the initiative to say: "Your Majesty, there is an old saying: Heaven has no relatives, no selfishness, and no ruthlessness."

"In the eyes of heaven, mortals like us may be just mortals from different places."

"I wonder how the plan to give gifts to Zhang Tian Shangxian that was previously drawn up is going?"

"Did the immortal respond?"

Walibu, who was in charge of this plan, stood up and said with a guilty look on his face: "I prepared several large carts of heavy gifts and originally wanted to give them to Zhang Tian Shangxian."

"However, on the first day of Zhang Tian's court session, he gave the Emperor of Nan'an Dynasty a Dragon Pearl, 20 million silver and 100,000 taels of gold."

"I can't give away the heavy gifts I prepared anyway."

"Now I am looking for the world's wonders to see if there is anything suitable to give to the immortal. "

Emperor Tianhui did not blame him and said: "Speed ​​up and contact Zhang Tianxian to see what his attitude is?"

"As long as the Emperor Star is not destroyed, no matter what the cost is."

The ministers bowed and saluted: "Yes! !"

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