Zhang Tian took Xu Wen home.

On the way, Xu Wen couldn't help but asked, "Master, what star is the Emperor Star?"

"If possible, I will record it in the book. Even if it is hidden in the future, it will let future generations know that there is such a magical star."

Zhang Tian smiled and said, "You call it the Emperor Star, but it is not a star."

"If I can go to the sky again in the future, maybe it will disappear with me."

"If I can't go to the sky, the Emperor Star can stay in the starry sky for hundreds or thousands of years."

"If necessary, I will pass on its existence to future generations."

"But not yet."

Xu Wen wanted to ask more, but Zhang Tian said no more.

At night.

A purple light fell from the sky and shone on the backyard of Zhang's house.

Zhang Tian dismissed everyone, not even Xu Wen, to come and watch.

He stood in the middle of the light spot and connected to two relay satellites through the smart bracelet.

"Maintenance engineer Zhang Tian, ​​calling Jiuchongtian..."

That's right, that "Emperor Star" is the Jiuchongtian Hotel!

At that time, Zhang Tian was just about to dock, and the distance between him and the Jiuchongtian Hotel space station was only ten meters, extremely close.

In theory, if a wormhole appears, the probability of only covering the supply ship but not the Jiuchongtian Hotel is very small.

Sure enough, after the relay satellite went north, it saw the "Emperor Star" and found that it was the Jiuchongtian Hotel.

As for why Jiuchongtian did not fall from the sky and appeared decades ago?

Zhang Tian did not have a clear answer.

It can only be speculated based on existing theories.

When docking, a wormhole appeared, pulling the supply ship and Jiuchongtian Hotel into the space-time tunnel.

The supply ship was light in weight and was forcibly pulled into space by the force of the wormhole.

The engine of the supply ship could not bear the load and was damaged in resisting this pulling force.

So, Zhang Tian landed in Xiangyang.

But the Jiuchongtian Hotel is different.

It is huge in size and much more massive than a supply ship.

Perhaps for this reason, the force of the wormhole did not pull it down into space.

Moreover, for some unknown reason, it was thrown back decades ago.

It is like two stones falling from the sky, each stone falling in a different position.

However, the wormhole contains not only space, but also time.

Jiuchongtian was thrown to a different time, arriving at this era decades in advance.

At the same time, the wormhole also affected its orbit.

The AI ​​controlling the spacecraft detected that the orbit was too low and there was a danger of falling into the atmosphere and burning, so it naturally started the engine in a hurry to correct the orbit and sprayed a lot of sparks.

If the sparks alone were not bright enough, at most the brightness would be between the moon and the stars.

There happened to be a solar sail with a diameter of hundreds of meters on the Jiuchongtian Hotel.

At that time, the orbit was low, and the angle at which the solar sail reflected the sunlight just happened to shine on Zhao Kuangyin's army.

As a result, the soldiers of the Zhao army were blind.

This light came from the sky, and everyone associated Zhao Kuangyin's rebellion with punishment from heaven, so morale plummeted!

In the end, he was killed by the Chai family and changed the country's name to An Dynasty.

Since then, the Jiuchongtian Hotel has been worshipped as the "Emperor Star" by the An Dynasty and worshipped day and night.

Unfortunately, they don't know the operating characteristics of the space hotel.

For such a drastic change in trajectory, the rocket engine is usually started to correct the trajectory.

The thrust is large, the speed is fast, and it can work immediately.

After the Jiuchongtian Hotel is out of danger of crashing, the "Hall thruster" will be activated to fine-tune the orbit.

The Hall thruster electric thruster generates thrust by utilizing the principle of ion acceleration.

The Hall thruster has a very small thrust, but it can work continuously for a very long time, which is the opposite of the thrust generated by the rocket.

The thrust generated by the rocket often ranges from millions to tens of millions of Newtons, but the working time is generally only tens of minutes or hours.

The speed provided is not fast on a cosmic scale.

The thrust of the Hall thruster is usually only a few Newtons to a few hundred Newtons, but it can work continuously for hundreds of days or even years or decades.

The thrust of one Newton is equivalent to the force of an apple pressing on the palm of your hand.

As you can imagine, it is extremely slow to use this amount of force to correct the orbit.

Generally, spacecraft are equipped with such thrusters, mainly to counteract the resistance of extremely thin gases in space.

Therefore, in the eyes of the people of "An Dynasty" on the ground, the "Emperor Star" took many years to slowly move north.

Finally, it stabilized near Zhongdu (Yanjing) in the north.

Because no orders were received from the ground control center, the solar sails of the Jiuchongtian Hotel were neither retracted nor adjusted.

Instead, they remained open, and the reflections kept shining on the ground.

The reflection angle of the solar sail is limited, so it is naturally impossible toIt can illuminate half of the earth.

After the orbit moved north, it was difficult for An Dynasty in the south to see it.

On the contrary, it was extremely bright in the area near Zhongdu in the north.

This strange celestial phenomenon naturally gave ancient people unlimited imagination.

The original historical trend was also changed because of it.

Two feudal dynasties declined and prospered because of it!

When Zhang Tian sent the balloon satellite north and found that it was the Jiuchongtian Space Hotel, he was also very excited.

He wanted to upgrade his authority and become a "store manager".

If there was one more space station in the sky to help him, then the success rate of finding the way back would be greatly improved.

Unfortunately, the Jiuchongtian Hotel immediately gave him a blow.

Except for maintaining communication, Zhang Tian was not given any authority.

This was the 18th time to contact Jiuchongtian.

This time, Zhang Tian decided not to hide in the room anymore, but to stand outside.

Jiuchongtian's AI saw Zhang Tian's image through the balloon satellite and responded: "Jiuchongtian received it."

"After testing, you have obtained the highest authority of the No. 001 supply ship and can call yourself the captain."

Zhang Tian nodded slightly: "Understood, Jiuchongtian."

"Captain Zhang Tian of the No. 001 supply ship applies for the manager authority of the Jiuchongtian Hotel. Please approve it."

Jiuchongtian's AI paused for a moment and finally said: "Verification failed."

"After testing, the No. 001 supply ship can already guarantee your safety. You are not in the hotel, so you cannot further increase your authority."

Zhang Tian took a deep breath. He had heard this answer more than a dozen times.

"Jiu Chong Tian, ​​please check the time. We have fallen into another time and space. I am the only surviving staff member. Please upgrade your authority immediately."

Jiu Chong Tian's AI voice came: "The time has been corrected. The request for upgrading authority was not approved."

Zhang Tian asked: "Why? As the only surviving staff member, can't I also get the highest authority?"

Jiu Chong Tian AI said: "The purpose of upgrading authority is to ensure the safety of the staff."

"After testing, it was found that Captain 001 was not in danger of life."

"Please make good use of the equipment on the supply ship until you return."

Zhang Tian thought for a while and asked: "If I fly back to Jiu Chong Tian, ​​can I get the authority of the store manager?"

Jiu Chong Tian's AI paused for a while and said: "Yes."

"According to the emergency avoidance regulations, the authority of the only crew member inside the space station can be upgraded without contacting the ground control center."

"Alas..." Zhang Tian sighed.

Sure enough, it's not that easy.

Jiu Chong Tian's security mechanism is extremely perfect. It is almost impossible to get its authority directly on the ground.

Even if the control center on the ground cannot be contacted, according to the laws of later generations, the second-order control entity is the government of the place where the space hotel is registered.

Basically, the authority will not be opened to any individual on the ground.

On the one hand, it is to protect the data of the space station, and on the other hand, it is to prevent terrorist attacks.

Otherwise, controlling such a behemoth to rush down is as powerful as an intercontinental missile.

At present, the most direct method is to fly into space and enter the interior of the space station.

In this way, the "Emergency Evasion Ordinance" can be triggered and promoted to "Store Manager".

Unfortunately, it is not easy to go to space at present.

Zhang Tian himself has to repair the fault of the supply ship and extract nuclear fuel by himself.

Before, Zhang Tian was not in a hurry because he knew that the chance of success was extremely slim.

Finally, Zhang Tian tried again: "Jiu Chongtian, please move the orbit above me to facilitate communication."

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