Zhang Tian had anticipated that it might escape, and shouted in a low voice: "Tighten up!"

The signal was sent from the smart bracelet and transmitted to the yo-yo via wireless, and the mechanical structure inside slowly started.

Although it was not fast, it was shrinking unwaveringly.

As soon as the water monster rushed into the water, before it swam far, it felt its neck getting tighter and tighter.

It felt exactly the same as when Zhang Tian strangled it just now, and even better.

I wanted to escape by force, but my neck was getting tighter and tighter, and I couldn't breathe air, and the blood circulation in my head began to stagnate.

In the end, I had to float to the surface like a white fish.

Zhang Tian's voice came from afar: "Evil beast, come back!"

The water monster looked at Zhang Tian, ​​as if he was struggling inside. After a while, he finally gave up resistance and swam back to the river delta.

It crawled to Zhang Tian's side, with its mouth wide open, as if it wanted to breathe, but also seemed to beg.

Zhang Tian put his thumb and ring finger on his right hand together and said, "Since you can understand what I said, if you dare to run away again, I will definitely strangle your head."

Zhang Tian made this handprint not to play tricks, but to show it to the water monster.

Although the water monster can guess some simple meanings of humans, it is not intuitive enough to just talk.

So some gestures are needed to let the water monster know what he means, just like training animals in a zoo, sound alone is not enough, and gestures must be assisted.

Zhang Tian connected this handprint with the space rope to let the water monster know that this is a gesture of punishment.

This handprint is the thumb and ring finger stacked together. Ordinary people rarely make this gesture in daily life, which can also avoid misjudgment.

Sure enough, when the water monster saw Zhang Tian raised this handprint, his neck became tight, and when he put it down, his neck loosened to a normal range.

Soon he understood what Zhang Tian meant.

Xu Wen asked behind him: "Master, what is the connection between this seal and the nine-grade seal of Buddhism?"

Zhang Tian looked back and saw Xu Wen, Zhuo Ping, Tie Nan, Yu Jiangzhou and others, all learning this hand seal.

From time to time, they waved it at the water monster.

Zhang Tian's mind moved, and he simply recorded this hand seal into the program.

As long as the camera detects someone performing this hand seal on the water monster, the space rope on the neck will tighten slightly, indicating that the water monster will leave.

If the water monster does not leave, it will tighten until it strangles.

Zhang Tian said: "It has nothing to do with Buddhism, it is just a hand seal used to subdue this evil beast."

"If this evil beast dares to get close in the future, you can use this hand seal to drive it away, don't be careless."

Zhuo Ping exclaimed: "I understand, Immortal! Is this the legendary demon-subduing seal? Is the demon-binding rope on the dragon's neck?"

"Oh..." Xu Wen suddenly felt very disappointed, as if his lines were taken away by someone else.

Zhang Tian did not comment, and said: "This handprint is only useful for this evil beast, you should not use it on other beasts."

"Otherwise, after you die, don't complain to King Yama about me."

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Everyone said.

Especially Zhuo Ping, Tienan, Xu Wen and others, who saw with their own eyes that "King Yama" was like a waiter when the Su couple was buried, and was called and waved away by Zhang Tian like a waiter. Who dared to complain? !

Xu Wen said: "Master, can I try this handprint?"

Zhang Tian thought that it would be good to let the water monster get used to this handprint, so he said: "Try it. Don't be too far away from me to prevent this beast from attacking and hurting people."

Xu Wen was overjoyed, and first used the handprint behind Zhang Tian to face the water monster from time to time.

The water monster saw that when the handprint was close, the neck was tightened a little, and when the handprint was far away, the rope was slightly loosened.

Instinctively, he retreated when he saw the handprint approaching, and he retreated until he was outside the safe range set by Zhang Tian, ​​so that the handprint would not take effect.

Seeing that the handprint was effective, Xu Wen became more and more bold.

He walked from behind Zhang Tian to the front, constantly teasing the water monster.

The water monster became more and more afraid, thinking that it was a fierce man like the one who surrendered to him, so he had to keep retreating.

But without Zhang Tian's order, it did not dare to retreat into the water, fearing that it would be strangled again, so it had to circle around in the delta.

Later, Zhuo Ping, Tie Nan, and Yu Jiangzhou also joined the experiment.

The water monster saw it and thought, damn, it's super double, it can't afford to provoke it, so it had to flee frantically along the edge of the delta.

At this moment, a speedboat came up from downstream and shouted: "General, General, we have salvaged the tail of the dragon."

Then everyone stopped bullying the water monster and ran to the shore.

There were several bodies of soldiers on the speedboat, as well as a fish tail more than one meter long, which was the part that was cut off when the water monster attacked Zhang Tian.

Yu Jiangzhou half-knelt down and clasped his fists and said, "My lord, since you won't kill this dragon, can you let me take the tail back and offer sacrifices to those who suffered to comfort their souls in heaven?"

"After the worship, put it in a big pot and cook it, let everyone share it and eat it, to vent the hatred of the head!"

Zhuo Ping and Xu Wen were reluctant to part with it. This dragon's tail is rare in a hundred years, and it may be very nutritious.

But this dragon has caused countless sufferings to the locals, and it is really unreasonable not to let Yu Jiangzhou take something back to report.

Zhang Tian said: "It's okay to take it back. However, you must test the poison before eating it, and you can share it after confirming that it is safe."

Yu Jiangzhou shouted: "Thank you for your concern!"

Xu Wen said: "General Yu, after cooking, give me a bowl."

Zhang Tian said coldly: "You are not allowed to eat it."

"Master, why is this?"

Zhang Tian said: "This evil beast has eaten people and cannot be eaten. The people of Jiangzhou eat it for revenge, not for the desire of food. "

"Oh..." Xu Wen was a little disappointed.

Zhang Tian asked Yu Jiangzhou to pick up the piece he had just cut off.

Seeing the body of the soldier on the speedboat, he had an idea.

"General Yu, I have an unwelcome request. I want to borrow the body of the soldier."

"Why?" Yu Jiangzhou did not dare to agree immediately.

In this era, the dead are the most important, and even the corpse cannot be messed with casually.

Zhang Tian explained: "It is used to test the evil beast."

Yu Jiangzhou clasped his fists: "I have no choice!"

So, he asked the speedboat to go to the shore to buy a few large pieces of meat.

The bodies of the soldiers, mutton, and chicken were spread on the ground.

Zhang Tian waved to the water monster: "Come here."

The water monster saw that no one was making hand seals again, so he ran over carefully on his four short legs.

Zhang Tian pointed to the ground and said: "People can't eat, but meat can. Eat it. "

Said, staring at the water monster closely.

As long as it dared to bite human corpses again, Zhang Tian would not hesitate to teach it a lesson until it was afraid of people, no matter dead or alive.

Fortunately, the water monster was very intelligent and knew that it could not touch the fierce people who had subdued it, so it only picked up sheep, chickens and other meat on the ground to eat.

At the end of the meal, it sniffed the two corpses, looked back at Zhang Tian, ​​and retreated a few meters away in an orderly manner.

Zhuo Ping and Xu Wen were more nervous than Zhang Tian, ​​and secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

If this water monster could not communicate and ate people when it saw people, they believed that Zhang Tian would not be polite, and might kill it on the spot and take only the corpse to Lin'an.

It would be a pity if such a "dragon" that was rare in a thousand years died like this.

All things are done , Yu Jiangzhou took the two broken tails and went to report the good news to his fellow villagers.

When the people on the shore saw Yu Jiangzhou approaching the shore, they shouted "good" loudly, resounding across both banks!

Then, countless cries were heard, and countless people embraced Yu Jiangzhou and his party, gradually moving farther and farther away.

And Zhang Tian's handprint gradually spread with this incident.

Although everyone knows that this handprint has no effect on other beasts, when they are afraid and in the dark, they always make this handprint involuntarily to increase their courage.

Just like people in later generations, after watching ghost movies, they always can't help but recite a few words of Amitabha, Jade Emperor, Taoist Priest Lin Zhengying, etc. to ward off evil spirits.

Another aunt quarreled, and they didn't dare to fight, so they made a handprint with each other and shouted to each other: "Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"

It depends on who has a longer breath and who can't hold on first.

Seeing that the matter was over, Zhang Tian said: "Everyone get on the boat. "

At this moment, a rustling sound suddenly came from behind.

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