Please, He is Really Super Strong!

Chapter 298 Let's do it!

During the gap between the words, You Mingzhe's body was already close to the four-eyed beast king. If Keden wanted to attack him at this moment, with its S-level strength, You Mingzhe would definitely not be able to avoid its attack .

But Ke Da did not launch an attack on You Mingzhe, but instead allowed You Mingzhe to "do evil".

You Mingzhe laughed softly, and put his face on it, the distance between the two was only a few centimeters at the moment.

"Seriously, if the one you just killed is my son, no! He doesn't even need to be my son, as long as he has a good relationship with me, even if I am not your opponent, I dare to fight you Desperate."

Hearing You Mingzhe's provocative words, Kedan's chest kept rising and falling, and his expression was not as calm as he imagined.

He is humiliating me! This human being is humiliating me!

The chaotic and tyrannical negative emotions deep in Ke Deng's heart suddenly rushed to his head, and his eyes turned red at this moment, revealing a terrifying killing intent.

"Okay, very good!" You Mingzhe laughed loudly, and directly tore off the clothes on his upper body, exposing his chiseled chest, and shouted: "That's what we want! Do it! I'll stand on your side now In front of you, do you dare to do it?"

"I know I'm not your opponent, but come on! One life for another!" The more You Mingzhe said, the more excited he became, and his expression was extraordinarily excited.

But his fierce words pulled Ke Daji back from the brink of losing his mind, and said angrily: "The contract! It's all the damn contract! If it wasn't for the contract that bound me, I would definitely kill you of!"

"How is it? How does it feel that the contract that was originally intended to bind us now applies to you?"

"I will kill you! But not now! Your end will be miserable!" Ke Dan exhaled white air from the tip of his nose in anger!

You Mingzhe snorted coldly, "Oh, don't talk about the future, I'm standing in front of you right now, if you really have the courage to attack me, I promise I won't hide!"

Under You Mingzhe's provocations, the chaotic and tyrannical mood that Ke arrived at the beginning did not become more tyrannical, but disappeared.

And every time it wants to attack You Mingzhe, it can feel that there is a strange and supreme rule peeping at it. It can feel that if it does it by itself, its fate will definitely not be so good. This is also the main reason for bringing it back to sanity.

"Don't hesitate." You Mingzhe grabbed its wrist and aimed the sharp claws at his chest, "Look, I've helped you to this extent, now as long as you move forward gently With one push, you can kill me who just killed your two sons..."

Having said this, You Mingzhe suddenly showed a bright smile, "But do you dare?"

Ke Deng's heart trembled, he shook off You Mingzhe's hand, and his figure burst back.

"You crazy!"

"I'm not crazy." You Mingzhe looked at Kedan who was retreating back with indifferent eyes, and continued to mock: "I just concluded that you dare not do anything to me, as I expected, you really dare not Do it to me. And what happened just now, I actually did it on purpose, I just killed your son on purpose in front of you.

angry? Then do it, in fact, you also know that if you kill me, you may not die, it may only be a serious injury. And it's not that I'm not afraid of death, I just conclude that you dare not do anything to me..."

You Mingzhe's words slapped Kedan's face loudly like a slap, but even so, Kedan couldn't spontaneously become irrational again, even if he changed his life, he would replace You Mingzhe.

Ke Da's whole body was trembling, and his expression kept changing: It's not worth it, it's not worth killing the other party for revenge, I'm an S-level monster, the patriarch of the four-eyed royal family, and I exchanged my life for an A-level human Life is not worth it at all! I can't be provoked by the other party! There will definitely be a chance to kill him in the future...

Later, You Mingzhe tried to provoke him a few times, but Kedan still restrained his impulse, or he completely lost the irrational anger at the beginning...

"Forget it, after insulting you so much, you still don't dare to do it, it's so boring." You Mingzhe sighed.

Ke Da's eyelids twitched, but he restrained his fluctuating emotions.

"Let's go, why are you still standing here?" You Mingzhe pouted, "Could it be that you still want to do something?"

Ke Deng bit his lip, and began to regret, he should have turned his head and left in the first place, otherwise he wouldn't have been bullied by this kid here.

Before going out to tens of meters, Kedan's fist was still tightly clenched, and You Mingzhe spoke again.

"Hey, I let you go, not let those monsters go with me!"

You Mingzhe pointed at the dozens of A-level monsters that came with Keda, with a playful expression on his face.

"Don't bully people too much!" Kedan couldn't help shouting, he had already lost enough face, if these dozens of monsters were folded here again, the face of the four-eyed royal family would be embarrassing Lost all today!

"Can't you see it? I'm just deceiving you too much! I'm trying to provoke you on purpose! I want you to do something to me, and I want to see the consequences of breaking the contract." You Mingzhe said Incomparably bright smile.

Kedan took a deep breath, and finally turned his head and left.

It didn't even take revenge on its own son, let alone the A-level monsters that followed it. After they die, they just go to recruit other groups. S-level monsters are hard to find, and A-level monsters are not so much. hard to find.

Moreover, it has already lost enough face today, and it doesn't care about losing some more. It wants to leave here now, so as not to continue to be ashamed, and find a way to deal with You Mingzhe!

And after seeing Kedai leave, those A-level monsters here panicked instantly. They just came here to watch the fun, so how could they take their lives with their own guts!

"Master Beastmaster! Don't abandon us!"

"We are so loyal to you, Lord Beastmaster, please save us!"

Those monsters begged with all their might, but Kedan sped away without looking back. He didn't want to stay in this place for a moment!

You Mingzhe folded his hands together like a trumpet and yelled at the opponent's back: "I didn't mean you, you really are a waste!"

Kedan's figure froze, his fists creaked, but he still didn't look back, and turned into a rainbow light and left here.

"I swear! I will cut you into pieces!" Kedan said viciously, gritting his teeth in a voice that only he could hear.

But fortunately You Mingzhe didn't hear it, otherwise he would have to catch up with the other party and taunt him for a while.

After Ke arrived, You Mingzhe and Li Junwei joined forces to wipe out all the A-level monsters left here, not a single one remained.

These monsters failed to cause any harm to the two of them, and the whole process was like an adult beating a child.

After cleaning up, Li Junwei took a deep look at You Mingzhe, "You are very strong, it seems that you are even stronger than me."

You Mingzhe smiled modestly and did not refute.

Then Mi Shan and others came forward to ask the reason of the matter, they still don't know why Ke Da did not dare to attack You Mingzhe.

And You Mingzhe also briefly recounted the content of the contract, but downplayed Li He's existence. He didn't seem to like this kind of publicity very much.

Cheng Quan clapped his hands, and suddenly said: "I'll just say it! Why didn't we see the S-level monsters come to trouble us, so there is another reason for this!"

Lu Haoge rolled his eyes, "Even if we didn't have the contract, we can't mess with any S-level powerhouses with our strength."

Cheng Quan continued as if he hadn't heard this sentence: "Then, can I be as arrogant as you in front of S-rank monsters?"

Everyone was speechless... What are you thinking, every day, have you never been beaten by a monster?

Guo Ran said: "If you have the strength like Mingzhe and can be invincible at the level of A-level, then you can be arrogant in front of S-level monsters."

"Yes!" Mi Shan continued: "Do you think You Mingzhe is so arrogant at random? His strength is invincible at A-level. If it were you, even if those S-level monsters couldn't make a move, just send out an A-level monster at random." The monsters can beat you to the point of crying for your mother."

Cheng Quan pursed his lips, this result made him not very happy, he also wanted to be as arrogant as You Mingzhe.

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