Please, He is Really Super Strong!

Chapter 299 Despondent...

After this battle, information about You Mingzhe began to spread in this chaotic area, whether it was the human side or the monster side. Now a peerless master has appeared on the human side, and even the S-level powerhouses dare not attack him.

You Mingzhe lost much of the limelight at the moment.

And this is what You Mingzhe was looking forward to, and it was also a plan he had already thought up when he saw the egg.

It was the first time I came to the chaotic area, and the people here had never seen or known me, so there was no appeal at all.

Then how can they be summoned to form a combat force and establish a human defense line in the chaotic area?

And after that day's battle, his name was known in this area. At least the human side recognized his strength quite a bit. One person killed nearly a hundred A-level monsters, and forced back an S-level monster. No one would be shocked by this kind of record.

Moreover, some strong human beings who gradually went back and forth to replenish supplies in the three major areas also gradually passed on You Mingzhe's record there. The spiritual leader of mankind on the chaotic area.

It was also during this period of time that You Mingzhe suddenly experienced a surge, and the predatory ability that had just been promoted was pushed to the peak of A-level, which was evenly matched with the flame ability. And the cyan flame also began to change to a darker color, and its power became even more terrifying.

Li Junwei was a little skeptical about life on the side. He obviously didn't see You Mingzhe practicing, but every day he woke up and found that he was stronger than himself. This made him worry for several days, but fortunately, You Mingzhe's strength gradually stabilized later, and there was no such obvious surge.

However, the B-level Information Eye still failed to advance to the A-level, You Mingzhe just regretted it, and was not too sad. He knew that it was not that easy to advance from B-level to A-level, and the cyan flame was enough at this stage, so he was not in a hurry.

That is, after that battle, You Mingzhe asked Mi Shan and the others to contact the strong human beings in the chaotic area, and gathered them all together.

At the beginning, some strong human beings were still a little apprehensive, but after hearing that You Mingzhe had summoned them, they immediately set off and rushed over with their team.

In less than a few days, all the powerful human beings in this chaotic area gathered together, and after hearing the news, the monsters didn't dare to send troops to encircle and suppress them. Gather, within ten minutes, they will be surrounded by monsters several times their number.

But there is no way, You Mingzhe is still there now, no matter how many A-level monsters go there, it will not help, he can only give the other party a head.

Lines of defense were established one after another, and after they were established, You Mingzhe and Li Junwei would go to wipe out all the monsters in the line of defense, leaving none behind, so as to avoid the humans in the line of defense from being attacked from both sides in the future.

Under the leadership of You Mingzhe, every new area in front of him will soon be able to take down that area, and then the following strong human beings will station here to establish a new line of defense.

At the back, when the monsters in that area heard that You Mingzhe would come, they ran away without even resisting, and You Mingzhe was also happy and relaxed.

In less than a week, You Mingzhe led people to build defense lines for all the passages from monsters to the human world. Since then, there have been no monsters in the three major areas.

And some strong human beings who were originally in the city also began to rush to the new line of defense in the chaotic area. Before, they stayed there because they were afraid that monsters would attack the city. Now, after You Mingzhe established a new line of defense , They couldn't stay any longer, and rushed to the chaotic area, leaving only a part of the strong human beings to guard the three major areas to avoid emergencies.

During the whole process of You Mingzhe, the monster seemed to be dead, without any reaction at all, and You Mingzhe was allowed to mess around in the chaotic area at will.

After establishing a new line of defense, You Mingzhe didn't stay idle for a long time, and after asking Mi Shan for the location of the S-level strongman guarding the monster's lair, he left alone.


"You Mingzhe?" Ming Fei asked deeply.

"Yes, senior." You Mingzhe replied respectfully.

In the process of answering, You Mingzhe kept looking at the Ming Feishen in front of him who had only met once before. In the past, he was dressed in white clothes and held a long sword with a fairy air fluttering like a banished fairy in the world, but now, his eyes have become snakes. Humanoid vertical pupils, even the outer skin has become scaly, and the whole person looks very gloomy and unkind.

"I'm sorry, I said before that I would go back to pick you up, but I still couldn't fulfill my promise." Ming Feishen's tone was particularly cold, as if he didn't mean to apologize at all.

Just as You Mingzhe was about to answer, Ming Feishen added himself: "Don't mind, since I transplanted the blood of that snake demon, my temper has become this indifferent."

Feeling disappointed, You Mingzhe bowed deeply and said: "It's okay, it's too late for me to admire you for making such sacrifices for the sake of mankind, why would you mind?"

"Well, what's the reason why you came here? I've heard about you. I admire you very much. You can do things that we S-levels can't do. If you have any requests, feel free to ask them. It will definitely satisfy you."

The content of Ming Feishen's words is so sincere, but the tone is extremely cold, giving people a feeling of alienation, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Senior, do you have any news about some stronger A-level monsters on the monster side? I want to clean them up before leaving, so as not to affect the newly established defense lines."

"That's no problem. I'll contact the rest of the S-level powerhouses here, and I should be able to get a general idea of ​​the monsters here."

"Thank you, senior!"

"By the way, since you know the contents of the contract, do you know who signed the contract?" Ming Feichen asked.

You Mingzhe's expression didn't change much, he knew that after Li He told Jing Jing and Wei Zai the content of the contract, those two told the contract to the rest of the S-level powerhouses, lest they couldn't help but start killing Monsters lower than their own level will be punished by the contract. But neither of them revealed who signed the contract.

You Mingzhe shook his head lightly, "I don't know, I'm also what Senior Li He told me."

Ming Fei nodded thoughtfully, "En."

You Mingzhe scanned Ming Feishen's body again, and finally couldn't help but said: "Senior, your technique of transplanting blood is flawed, right?"

Fluctuations flashed in Ming Fei's eyes, and finally he nodded lightly, mocking himself: "As you can see, there are indeed some flaws. At first I thought I had discovered a new path, but I didn't expect it to be just a wrong one. ,, even an S-rank like me will be affected by it, and my heart will be distorted by it."

"Then why don't you stop? It shouldn't be difficult to restore it to its original state by your means, and if it continues like this, it will gradually integrate into your body, and it will be difficult to transfer it out later."

"It's not difficult, but this wrong path can really bring me a lot of growth, so..."

Speaking of this, Ming Feishen stopped, but You Mingzhe knew the following content.

You Mingzhe opened his mouth, but he still couldn't say anything. It wasn't just Ming Feishen. When he summoned those strong human beings, You Mingzhe also met many human beings who walked this way. The ones at the higher level are much stronger. Among them, those with appearances like Ming Feishen are already considered good. If some people do not perceive their breath, they would not be able to tell that they are human beings just from their appearance.

And this kind of change is not just about the appearance, just like what Ming Feishen said, the transplanted blood has already affected his character, he is still a strong S-level, let alone those A-level and B-level below , was more severely affected, and there were no longer a few people who lost their minds during the battle.

But... also like what Ming Feishen said, although this path is wrong, it is also a real gain in strength.

After You Mingzhe made a request to help restore the original state, few people accepted it.

It's a pity...and a little powerless. If the human beings are in an absolute advantage, they don't have to pay such a price in exchange for power to protect human beings.

Thanks to "Fenghuoduming" for a monthly pass! ! ! ! ! !

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