Half of the candlestick was sunk deep into the boy's chest, and no blood flowed from the bone-deep wound.

The female face on the boy's chest was gone, gone without a trace.


Just when Annan was about to say something, a foul-smelling flame suddenly burst out of the boy's chest.

The stench of fire, more like mud than fire, instantly surrounded the boy's body.

The boy wrapped in this strange flame was like a doll made of clay, his body turning into dust and disappearing bit by bit.

Seeing this situation, Annan naturally did not dare to approach at will.

"Be careful...be careful of the Abyss Cult...they are in this city..."

The boy's whispering voice came intermittently from the center of the filthy flames.

"The Abyss Order?"

Annan didn't know what the boy was talking about, but he was sure it wasn't anything good.

It's a pity that even if he wanted to ask the boy for details, he couldn't.

After the boy finished speaking his last words, his body was completely engulfed by the foul-smelling flames, and he disappeared from this world forever.

This was different from the previous situation. The boy was not taken to the other world. He really died in this strange flame.

After the boy died, the foul-smelling flames dissipated in the blink of an eye, as if they had never existed.

All that was left in place were gray-black embers.

"What are these..."

Roderick, who witnessed the whole process, couldn't think straight for a moment.

It was all too incomprehensible to him, and the experience was like a nightmare, a fantasy that had no sense of reality at all.

At this time, Annan very boldly approached the ashes that fell on the ground, and then stretched out his hand to touch it.

"Wait, you..."

When Roderick noticed Annan's movements, it was already too late to stop him.

The next second, Roderick saw his temporary companion swaying and falling down.

"Don't touch anything that may be dangerous, you!"

Roderick stepped forward and caught the weak Annan.

Annan's eyes were blank at this time, his eyes were completely unfocused, a little blood flowed from his nostrils, and his body was shaking unnaturally.

Roderick didn't know what to do for a moment. He could only take Annan, who was in a semi-conscious state, away from the pile of ashes on the ground, and then placed the person on the floor of the church, worrying about how to clean up the ashes here. A huge mess.

"Damn it! I just planned to check out the situation today, but why are so many inexplicable things happening!"

While Roderick was thinking with his head aching, Annan, who was lying on the ground, suddenly regained consciousness and stood up like a carp.

Annan gently shook his swollen head, then covered his bleeding nose with his hands to try to stop the bleeding.

"Hey, I didn't expect it to be so intense. Is this what it feels like when the demonic sound penetrates your ears? I'm still dizzy now."

The reason why Annan was so reckless to touch the ashes on the ground just now was because he felt that the sound of black magic could be heard in the ashes.

He didn't hear it directly, but he felt it, so he tried it.

Then, just as he felt, he did hear the sound of black magic in the ashes, but he did not expect that the sound would be so strong and intense.

Different from the two sounds of black magic he heard before, the sounds of black magic this time were like a surround-sound symphony with no dead ends, and they all poured into his ears without stopping in an instant, reaching directly into his body. in the brain.

Annan understood the new black magic in an instant. In other words, he was forced to accept an extremely large amount of black magic knowledge in a very short period of time.

The large amount of knowledge about black magic had a great impact on his head, and even made him almost pass out.

Fortunately, Annan adapted and recovered quickly. He was completely awake in less than a minute.

"Are you okay?"

Seeing Annan standing up again in high spirits, Roderick became even more worried about him.

One second he was still in a state of absent-mindedness, but the next moment he was completely improved. It was unusual no matter how you looked at it. Instead, it looked more like what people usually call a reflection of light.

"It's okay, I just received a little stimulation, my head is still a little dizzy, and my ears hurt a little, but I'm fine now, there's no problem at all."

Annan, who was still suffering from nosebleeds, showed a bloody smile to Roderick.

He didn't know when his nosebleed would stop.

"Don't worry about me. Now, let's work hard to figure out how to deal with things here."

Annan looked around. The condition inside the church was basically complete, but it was not easy to explain the blackened bodies of the children lying down and the bullet holes in their heads.

Even if it was the tentacle nun and the little boy who really caused the problems here, Annan, the two implicated people, would not be able to escape in just one or two sentences, and it is even very likely that two people would be investigated. Abnormalities in people.

It seemed that things here could only be handled privately. If the police or the White Knight were attracted, it would only be a bummer for him and Roderick.

Annan, who quickly stopped the nosebleed, once again came to the ashes left by the boy, and then boldly extended his hand to the ashes on the ground again.

"You won't fall down again, will you?"

"It's okay, it's okay."

Roderick, whose head ached a little, tried to stop him, but Annan responded casually while moving non-stop to touch the ashes again.

Annan looked at the ashes on his fingertips and shook his head gently.

"I can no longer hear the sound. Did I already hear all the sounds in the ashes at the moment of contact? No wonder the demonic sound that hit my ears just now was so strong."

Annan clapped his hands and stood up.

These ashes have no value to him anymore.

He has no plans to collect the ashes, which he suspects may be problematic.

"Rodrick, let's go take a look inside the church. I feel like there's something there."

Annan felt that he could not think of a way to continue standing here. It would be better to thoroughly understand the situation of this church first.

This small church is not large, so the two of them should be able to figure it out quickly if they investigate together.

"Is there any danger inside? There might be a trap."

Roderick cautiously reloaded his semi-automatic pistol.

Annan's revolver ran out of bullets, so he asked Roderick to borrow six bullets. Fortunately, the size of the bullets matched his revolver, so they should be usable.

"Even if there are traps and dangers, we can only go and have a look. Who said we can't figure out how to deal with the trouble here? Let's go and check out the situation first..."

Annan stopped halfway.

Because he saw raging flames suddenly coming out of the passage leading to the back of the church!

"I'm going! The church is on fire!"

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