The fire in the church came very suddenly and was very violent.

Annan realized that the church was on fire, but within a few seconds, the raging flames spread throughout the church.

The fire spread at an unusually fast rate. No matter how dilapidated the church was, such an unreasonable situation would never happen.

"Is it a nun or a mechanism that will be triggered after the boy dies?"

Annan now has no choice even if he wants to go deeper into the church, unless he wants to be buried in the fire.

He secretly sighed a pity in his heart, and then quickly called to the stunned Roderick and ran towards the only exit of the burning church, which was the door of the church behind them.

The door of the closed church is not locked and can be pushed open with a gentle force. It is easier than imagined.

However, after seeing the scene of the slums outside, Annan did not feel happy because he was only one step away from escaping.

"The church caught fire and then two suspicious characters ran out. It seems to be related to the fire. It seems that the identity of the arson suspect cannot be escaped."

It was close to noon now, and there were many passers-by in the slums and on the streets nearby. It was impossible to completely hide yourself.

What's more, in this situation, Annan had no time to dress up, and he couldn't think of any good way to hide himself. He could only take off his coat, put it on his head randomly, and then strode out of the church.

If he didn't leave, it wouldn't take long for him to be ignited by the heat of the church fire.

Roderick also imitated Annan's actions, covered his face with his clothes, and ran out of the dangerous church quickly.

The church is located on the edge of the slums. It is not a large building. Normally no one would take a second look. But now this church is completely on fire and it will definitely attract the attention of people nearby.

Annan clearly heard the shouts and screams of the onlookers beside him when he and Roderick rushed out of the church door. Now the two of them were clearly seen by others.

"Go this way!"

Roderick shouted next to Annan and ran out of the slum at a faster pace.

At this time, the curious onlookers were standing far away. When they noticed that the church was on fire, they had already run away from the danger. Otherwise, they were shouting to put out the fire, and no one could do it in time. Pay attention to the two suspicious figures who rush out of the sea of ​​​​fire.

There was no one blocking the way of Annan and Roderick, so if they wanted to run away, they had to do it now.

Without stopping, Roderick ran several streets in one breath before more and more people gathered, away from the slum where the burning church was located.

Annan followed closely behind.

He was extremely tired now. His body lacked exercise and he was out of breath after running a few steps. However, he could only continue running until it was really safe. If he stopped now, he would definitely not have the energy to run.


Roderick, who had taken off the clothes on his face at some point, pushed out an ordinary motorcycle at the corner of the street ahead.

Annan had no doubt that he was there. He used his last strength to get on the motorcycle. He really couldn't run anymore.

The motorcycle started immediately, and Roderick stepped on the accelerator to start the motorcycle, heading into the distance without stopping.

Annan, who had taken off his coat, was still breathing.

"Go to where I live first. I have something to discuss with you. Is that okay?"

Roderick, who was clearly violating traffic laws by not wearing a helmet, suddenly asked.

"No problem, we really need to have a good talk."

Annan did not refuse or make other suggestions, and agreed immediately.

His head is a little dizzy now, not only because he was running for his life and exhausted too much physical strength, but also because the knowledge of black magic he had absorbed before was not completely digested.

Sitting on the high-speed motorcycle, Annan closed his eyes leisurely and slowly experienced the large amount of knowledge that suddenly appeared in his mind.

"The dark magic obtained from the little boy's ashes... um, 'soul refinement'?"

Soul refinement, soul magic.

The so-called soul magic is magic related to the soul.

"It can shape the nature and form of the soul, and it can also create souls through the consumption of magic power. This is not a magic used for fighting, but this magic has a lot of potential that can be explored."

Annan suddenly felt a little pain in his thigh.

He noticed that his left thigh seemed to be bleeding.

He thought of the bruises from the gunshot wound he had received on the day he traveled back in time. Indeed, he still hadn't healed yet.

The doctors at the hospital have treated his minor injury well. As long as he does not exercise strenuously, the wound under the bandage will slowly recover soon. However, he has been exercising strenuously in the past two days. It would be strange if the wound does not crack. .

"It hurts a little, but it's nothing serious. It won't hinder your activities. I'll change the bandage and apply some medicine and it should be fine."

Annan immediately put his injuries behind him and continued to understand the new black magic while riding the wind on his motorcycle.

The content of the black magic of soul refining is very complicated. It contains more than ten times more content than the two black magics he has mastered before combined, and it may be even more. It cannot be fully mastered in a short time.

However, even if he has not fully understood this black magic, he can still use Soul Refining smoothly now, because he has completely absorbed the knowledge of this black magic through his ability to listen to the sound of black magic. He wants to Can't forget it.

But this can only be regarded as the level of learning. It is far from being fully understood and completely mastered. This new black magic is too complicated. It is estimated that it will take several days for him to truly master it freely.

"By the way, it's time to give my ability to 'listen to the voice of black magic' a name. Otherwise, the name will be too long. What should I call it?"

Annan figured out what to call his ability within a few seconds.

"Just call him 'The Whisperer' and listen to the sound of black magic."

That's how it was settled.

"Here we are."

The high-speed motorcycle finally stopped after about twenty minutes.

Annan looked around at the streets around him. He didn't know where this place was. It was a strange place to him.

This street is very neat, with the houses on the left and right arranged neatly, giving it the feel of a high-end residential area.

"We are not being followed, at least not now, but I don't know if we will be visited in the future."

Rodrick got off the motorcycle with a tired look on his face.

"Annan, I rented the room in front. Come in and sit down, and then let's have a good talk and discuss what we should do next."

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