Please listen to the voice of black magic

Chapter 33 Each other’s stories

Annan brought Roderick soon.

"Hello you two."

Rodrick looked nervously at the two strange men sitting in the living room.

When coming over, Annan briefly explained who he would see later, but even so, Roderick was still a little uneasy.


With a smile on his face, Duran said hello to Rodrick and briefly introduced himself.

Detective Antonio next to him also introduced himself afterwards.

Annan took Roderick, who couldn't let go, to the living room and sat down.

"Rodrick, if you don't mind, could you please explain yourself? That way I can give you some advice."

Duran did not let the atmosphere become awkward. He dominated the conversation in a good-natured manner.


Roderick nodded stiffly, and then, under the eyes of the three people around him, he started talking about himself from the beginning.

Of course, what he was talking about was not about his gangster family, but about the time before and after he inexplicably turned into a vampire two years ago.

Before setting off, he had been mentally prepared to reveal the secret that he had never told anyone in the past two years.

His tone was still a little stiff in the first few words, but it became smoother and more natural later on.

"I graduated from high school two years ago. I originally planned to continue studying in college. However, during the summer vacation, I gradually discovered that my body seemed to be acting strangely..."

Roderick didn't suddenly turn into a vampire after sleeping.

According to his physical sensation, it took him almost half a year to transform from an ordinary person into a blood-hungry vampire.

"I'm not afraid of the sun like the vampire in the story, but I have indeed become fond of the dark. My physical abilities are gradually improving even without exercise. My recovery ability has become much stronger. If I concentrate, I can By controlling the power of the vampire in the body, ordinary wounds can even recover as before in a very short time..."

Roderick really felt the changes in his body. He became able to see in the dark, and his five senses became sharper.

In fact, all these changes were good for him. He became stronger without doing anything. However, the thirst for blood that appeared at some point made him, who was originally a little excited, become extremely excited. Fear.

After realizing that he might have become a vampire, he did not dare to contact anyone for a while. In order to conceal the changes in his body, he even chose to leave the family he had always attached great importance to and live alone outside.

"I found that my hunger for blood was intolerable. The longer I endured it, the more uncomfortable I became, and in the end it seemed that I would lose control. So, I tried my best to get some blood..."

Roderick made many attempts after becoming a vampire. For example, he tested whether animal blood could satisfy his own hunger and thirst - the answer was that it had no effect at all.

Thirsting for the blood of an animal will make him thirstier and want to suck blood even more.

Before he really almost lost control, Roderick got some blood bags in a private hospital, and then successfully solved his hunger and thirst problem with these blood.

"My thirst for blood occurs about once a month. As long as I drink a little blood appropriately, I can get rid of this feeling. The blood I need to drink each time is not much, about fifty milliliters is enough. , and since then, I’ve been using the same method to solve my thirst problem.”

Rodrick kept hiding his vampire secret for two years peacefully.

Then one day, Roderick discovers a problem with the landlord and what the departed family might be doing.

Unable to let go of these problems, Roderick finally decided to set out to investigate.

Then Roderick met Annan.

"Well, Professor Marquez, do you know of any way to restore me to a normal human being?"

After Roderick explained his story as briefly and clearly as possible, he couldn't help but ask the only magic expert present this question that he had never let go of.

"Dulan, I have the same question. Is it possible for me to get rid of my werewolf identity and return to normal?"

Antonio interjected at this point.

He had wanted to ask this question for a long time, but in order to investigate the possible traces left by the golden witch as soon as possible, he endured it, and now it was just time to ask together.

"Both of you, I must tell you with great regret that as far as I know, no one who mutated into a dark creature has ever been able to truly return to being an ordinary human being."

Duran gave the answer very directly, without making any unnecessary verbal modifications.

He knew very well that what the two people in front of him needed were facts, not unnecessary comfort, and they also needed to realize this as soon as possible.

Continuing to hold on to non-existent hope will only make it more painful.


Roderick smiled bitterly and sighed.

It wasn't that he couldn't accept the fact. After all, he had been turned into a vampire for two years. In fact, he had looked away from it to a certain extent, but he couldn't completely give up the possibility of turning back into a human.

"I understand. If you can't recover, you can't recover. So, Dulan, do you know anything about werewolves?"

Antonio didn't have any scruples just because there was another person he had just met. Anyway, the four people sitting here had actually just known each other for a short time.

Since we want to continue to cooperate with each other in the future, these key points cannot be needlessly secretive. This will only increase mutual distrust and is not good for everyone.

"Let me tell you my story too, about how I became a werewolf."

Antonio did not wait for the magic professor to answer his question. He started to tell his own story first.

"It didn't take long for me to become a werewolf, only half a year."

Half a year ago, Antonio was still living in the capital, doing the same detective work in the capital.

One day, after solving a small case of finding a missing pet, Antonio entered a strange place without warning on his way home.

At that time, Antonio didn't know what was going on. He didn't know why he was in the bustling street one second, and then appeared in the deserted black forest the next second.

Now he knows that he was very unfortunate to come into contact with the shadow of the real world, which is called the other world or the foreign land.

Antonio wandered for a long time in the dead black forest without any life. At that time, he was thirsty, hungry and tired, and he was mentally prepared for the worst. However, things took a turn for the worse immediately.

In the blink of an eye, Antonio is back to reality, back to the familiar streets of the capital.

"This is my story. It's completely inexplicable. In short, after leaving the so-called other world, I gradually found that my body had changed. I found that I had turned into a werewolf."

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