After Antonio turned into a werewolf, his physical ability has been greatly improved. He found that he, who is now 27 years old, is a bit taller. He is much stronger, and his recovery power is even more terrifying. Normal wounds can be seen with the naked eye. Recover at visible speed.

As for shortcomings, of course there are, it should be said that there are many.

The most minor problem is that his hair grows several times faster than before. He may have to cut his hair several times a month. If the beard on his face is shaved in the morning, the stubble will grow back in less than an hour or two. , causing it to look a little sloppy.

These so-called shortcomings are just minor things, the real problems lie elsewhere.

Antonio sometimes becomes very irritable, he gets angry for no reason, he becomes very fond of eating half-cooked food with blood, and sometimes there is an uncontrollable violent emotion in his heart.

When walking on the road and seeing children or delicate women, he would inexplicably want to tear their bodies apart and break their necks.

Antonio is not a pervert, he is a normal person. He understands that he has been affected by becoming a werewolf. His animal nature has become so great that it sometimes overwhelms his humanity.

What's even worse is that once he fails to control this beastly nature, his body appearance will change accordingly, and he will turn into a humanoid beast. It is obvious at first glance that he is not a human monster.

He couldn't find any good way to secretly deal with this violent and violent animal nature. He could only try to endure it and carefully avoid exposing himself.

He knows that it is not difficult to vent this kind of animality. He only needs to secretly kill some small animals, such as stray cats and stray dogs.

But he did not choose this, because he also knew that once he did this, he would gradually enter the abyss of eternal destruction.

In the end, he may not be satisfied with killing small animals and actually do it to others.

Therefore, he can only endure and must endure.

Antonio has been looking for a way to become human again, or he hopes there is.

"I lived in the capital before, but there was the headquarters of the White Knight over there. In order to avoid any accidents, I moved out of the capital and came to Kedax City near the eastern coast."

Antonio actually knew that by staying in the most prosperous capital city, he might be able to learn about werewolves earlier, but he was cautious and didn't want to take a gamble, just in case he met the White Knight while walking casually on the road, and then was seen through by these black magic experts. If he knew he was a werewolf, he might never be able to turn around.

"I have long thought that I fell into that inexplicable place and was turned into a werewolf by some unknown influence. Now I finally got a positive answer... but it has nothing to do with me becoming normal. help."

Antonio is a detective, but he doesn't know much about magic. He only knows a little more than the average person.

What's more, after turning into a werewolf, in order to reduce the risk of being discovered, he intentionally or unintentionally avoided matters related to magic.

Therefore, until he met Duran and was implicated in the Golden Witch incident, he knew nothing about many things.

"Actually, the so-called werewolves should be more accurately said to be orcs."

Dulan thought about it for a while, and then began to explain things about werewolves.

"The most common type of dark creatures, or alien species, is orcs. The appearance of orcs is similar. Some have clear characteristics of certain animals, but most of them are deformed like monsters."

The reason why orcs are called orcs is not only because of their appearance, but also because they are mutated and full of animal nature. They are dark creatures that can easily lose control.

Orcs all have similar abilities. Orcs are very strong and have strong recovery capabilities. If they completely abandon their humanity and liberate their own animal nature, they will truly become a beast that only knows how to kill.

"Mr. Detective, the last time you fought the Golden Witch, you almost completely lost your humanity and turned into a beast that can never return to being human again."

"Then I should thank the golden witch for cutting off my head?"

Antonio rubbed his neck and laughed to himself.

"To be honest, I never thought that my body and head were separated, and I could still recover... Is this the so-called dark creature?"

"No, as far as I know, even an orc with strong recovery ability will still die if his head is cut off."

Duran shook his head and continued to explain.

"Mr. Detective, I guess the reason why you were able to save your life is because your recovery ability is stronger than that of ordinary orcs. In addition, your head and body connected in time..."

Antonio glanced at Annan at this time.

"The most important thing is because you were in the other world at the time."

"Because I'm in the other world? What's so special about that place?" Antonio frowned.

"In the other world, the abilities of all dark creatures will be greatly improved, and similarly, the power of magic will also be greatly increased."

Dulan spread his fingers and looked at his palm.

"The magic I used to attack the Golden Witch at that time was a golden curse taught to me by my mother. It was a signature magic of the Golden Witch. Most people couldn't use it, and I couldn't use it either. However, if In this other world, if I work hard, it will be possible to use this golden curse magic."

Antonio crossed his arms, digesting the information.

"If there is anything else we should pay attention to, Mr. Detective, how many times have you been to the other world?" Duran asked.

"Twice," Antonio raised two fingers. "The first time was the time I went there out of nowhere half a year ago. The second time was three months ago. I went there while I was asleep in bed. world, but within a few minutes I was back to reality.”

If you include the time when he was taken away by the golden witch, that would be three times.

"Mr. Detective, the first two times you went to the other world, was the moon in the sky also red?"


Antonio nodded, but then he was acutely aware of the absurd possibility.

"Wait a minute, can the moon over there still change color?"

"No, the red moon won't change color, and the moon over there won't change color. It's just that there is more than one moon in the other world."

The magic professor's answer made Antonio feel even more ridiculous.

"There's more than one moon..."

"There are many moons in the other world, but only one of them will appear at a time. So here's what you need to pay attention to."

Duran's fingers drew a circle on the table.

"The moons of different colors in the other world have different effects on dark creatures. Mr. Detective, if the next time you accidentally enter the other world and the moon in the sky is a silver moon, remember to immediately find something that can block the moonlight. place, otherwise your animal nature may be completely out of control and you will never be able to turn back into a rational human being."

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